Comic Con Panel




Reinvent the early game experience?

Sounds good to me.

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If they're serious about doing this I will kiss Positron on the mouth (no tongue).

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Based on your comment, I predict that Positron in Steel Canyon will soon put his helmet back on.



I can't believe that no one even commented on the other two videos.... isn't that a big deal to people?

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I posted them in another thread. They're up for a reason, everyone who's at the booth can use those terminals and see the results. I'm going back for Earth Assault (which I guess I mistook for armor, durr), and I guess the MA since I forgot they had new animations on those too.

I don't think there's anything on ANY of my directories that I don't want people to see. I'm not one of those people who posts illegal crap or very embarrassing things on the net. If I didn't want people to see it... I woulnd't post it

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



My only worry about Going Rogue is that NcSoft has unrealistic expectations about what it will do for sub. numbers.

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Then let me quell this right now: Ocho told me (no real numbers) that already the subscription and active player rate is way beyond what they even expected with I15+. The subscriber rates are up. UP. Like, UP. *eyebrow waggle and wide-eyes* UP.

For Clarification: We are happy with the way things are going. That is all the detail I will provide -Mod08

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Actually I want to say that while Clayton didn't allow himself to say so directly, the implication was when I was speaking to him after the panel, that they WERE going to be doing things to the older parts of the game. That may not be anytime soon and probably not for GR, but they know that our tired experiences are kind of getting old for us. Not necessarily on the table yet but certainly something they do understand. However, at this point it's easier for them to design whole new things (GR, new mastermind sets) to accomodate some of those ideas, than rework older stuff.

They have so many people working on the game now, and funding that is appropriate to a highly respected and time-tested game, that they CAN start working on these things. They do take time, but they're things that they know from not just customer reports but personal experience need some loving.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Curious, ZI. Do you have any film of the new SS animations?



Not yet, but that's on the agenda today.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I would love you forever if you got those and the new MA stuff on film, too.



Not yet, but that's on the agenda today.

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Thank you in advance! I look forward to seeing the footage.



Actually I want to say that while Clayton didn't allow himself to say so directly, the implication was when I was speaking to him after the panel, that they WERE going to be doing things to the older parts of the game.

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MA tools are tailor made for quick makeovers of the kinds of cookie-cutter "story arcs" we see at the lower levels.

Turn a couple of people loose on it and see what they come up with. It's a no lose proposition.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Actually I want to say that while Clayton didn't allow himself to say so directly, the implication was when I was speaking to him after the panel, that they WERE going to be doing things to the older parts of the game.

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MA tools are tailor made for quick makeovers of the kinds of cookie-cutter "story arcs" we see at the lower levels.

Turn a couple of people loose on it and see what they come up with. It's a no lose proposition.

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Well it's like they said, "we're using the Mission Architect like the Last Starfighter game..."

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Actually I want to say that while Clayton didn't allow himself to say so directly, the implication was when I was speaking to him after the panel, that they WERE going to be doing things to the older parts of the game.

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MA tools are tailor made for quick makeovers of the kinds of cookie-cutter "story arcs" we see at the lower levels.

Turn a couple of people loose on it and see what they come up with. It's a no lose proposition.

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I am so sick of being called Rescuer. The oldest content really is crying out for some attention.



My only worry about Going Rogue is that NcSoft has unrealistic expectations about what it will do for sub. numbers.

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Then let me quell this right now: Ocho told me (no real numbers) that already the subscription and active player rate is way beyond what they even expected with I15+. The subscriber rates are up. UP. Like, UP. *eyebrow waggle and wide-eyes* UP.

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Yeah. They have been very pleased with how things are going. The booth was packed, there were plenty of people who had either never seen COH or had wondered about it, passing by and lots of us in the halls with the AWESOME buttons blinking, so when people asked about it, there was another chance to spread the word.

They had stacks of the Bootleg edition - a 14 day trial with the original disk (lol) - at the booth for people to try out, and both live server demos and the I16 demo screens to see the game itself. And, the huge lovely screens connected to the live game, watching people, and you'd get people just standing there going !! that's cool!

At the same time too - there are people (in the game here, and... in the dev team...) that are on CO beta and still unimpressed enough to just laugh it off. COH is going strong, and getting even stronger even in the face of the imagined adversity of the competition.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



They had stacks of the Bootleg edition - a 14 day trial with the original disk (lol) - at the booth for people to try out

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I still have two of those. And no one to give them to.



I give mine out during Halloween. For a long time when I was working at a gas station and had time to just sit and browse the forums (or... play the game) on my laptop, people would see it and ask what it was, so I'd dig into my backpack and hand them a copy to try out

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I can't believe that no one even commented on the other two videos.... isn't that a big deal to people?

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I think that new Spines animation will show us more people rolling spines.

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Agreed. I've always liked the idea of a spines character, but just couldn't make myself play them because I hated the look.



I can't believe that no one even commented on the other two videos.... isn't that a big deal to people?

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I think that new Spines animation will show us more people rolling spines.

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Agreed. I've always liked the idea of a spines character, but just couldn't make myself play them because I hated the look.

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Agreed. I think I'm going to reroll a claws character I had, if I can have metal spines.



Ok, those new metallic spines look sweet! I will definately be playing a spines scrapper now. The current banana dork appearance of the powerset is seriously off-putting, I've only seen a handful of costumes it looked good with. But these metallic spines are sweet! If they roll out crystal or glass spines, I'll be even happier!

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



How much was your total Comic Con package? I am thinking of taking an extra paycheck ($800.00) and going down next summer...

ZI, do you know if those new accounts aren't from people buying a second account?

I have noticed that those numbers can be skewed by people purchasing separate licenses and I was just curious if the spike in the population growth was not extreme case of altaholism?

Also do you know if the devs mentioned how much of their current revenue came from the packs and other in game materials?

One last questions, what about the Mac edition? how much of the increase in revenue came from Mac users? did that have anything to do with the revenue spike?



I can't believe that no one even commented on the other two videos.... isn't that a big deal to people?

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I think that new Spines animation will show us more people rolling spines.

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Agreed. I've always liked the idea of a spines character, but just couldn't make myself play them because I hated the look.

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Ok where are these videos? Can someone link them? The video I saw in the OP just has people doing a Powerpoint presentation.



So was Melissa Bianco not at the Comic-Con? Awh...

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Post deleted by Moderator 08

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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... what?



Post deleted by Moderator 08

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best