Comic Con Panel




Cost of travel will very but we found round trip tickets from Seattle for around $200 each, car rental was about $200 for 7 days (but could have been cheaper with econo car for 4 days), and tickets (4 day) will be $100. That doesn't include hotel (stayed at relatives), gas, food, or stuff you might wanna buy (comics).

Hope that gives you an idea for cost.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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... what?

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Doubtful. I think someone's trying to start crazy internet rumors.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Does she know about this yet? Because her twitter doesn't give any sign.

Also, when did he say that. Wasn't said at the panel. Is this a joke?



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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... what?

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Doubtful. I think someone's trying to start crazy internet rumors.

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Yea Razoras is trying to be funny, just coming off stupid.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.

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Good to know! BOOYAH lay the SMACK down on that rumor! [/Randy Savage]



My birthday is in September any chance we will have Issue 16 by then???



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.

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*Hugs Castle*

*Smacks Razoras*



My birthday is in September any chance we will have Issue 16 by then???

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I say bring the Issue out in August.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



My birthday is in September any chance we will have Issue 16 by then???

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I say bring the Issue out in August.

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Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.

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That's one way to get a dev to post



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.

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That's one way to get a dev to post

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Good idea!

Did you hear the latest one? Turns out, JLove is actually DEAD! And has been for like a year now!



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Incorrect...unless something happened between Friday and now, which I seriously doubt.

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That's one way to get a dev to post

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Good idea!

Did you hear the latest one? Turns out, JLove is actually DEAD! And has been for like a year now!

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Actually there is no single JLove, it's like The Phantom (the ghost who walks), each time a JLove dies, another replaces them and takes on the mantle, merely giving the Illusion that there is a single, ever lasting JLove.

There have been many over the years, some have died in battle, some merely grow too old to continue their work, costume designers age very quickly, each year to us is fifty to them, an unfortunate curse of their bloodline but allows for quick replacements.

Sometimes a Jlove will go rogue and BaB has to step in to cut them down, mourning the loss of a designer before his relative takes the mantle.

There will always be a Jlove, love them, hate them or otherwise be indifferent to them, the legacy continues forever...



indeed, when one goes and dies, goes rogue or retires another Jlove is called in.

Jloves are like hamster, furious workers for their short lifespan, producing myriads of things before dying off, their little hearts just can't take the constant strain.

Though the JLoves are no relation to the server hamsters, who seem to die a lot more frequently than even the line of JLoves.

That's right, the JLoves are short lived, costume designing, intelligent's the truth and don't let anyone else tell you other wise...

Edit: To remain on topic, really glad that we'll have a third starting option for heroes/villains, somewhere between the 'go all over the place' of Heroside and the 'yes it's Mercy, again, for the 5th time in a row on your new alt, no nothing has changed, yes it's the same 4 starting storylines' of villainside.




Actually there is no single JLove, it's like The Phantom (the ghost who walks), each time a JLove dies, another replaces them and takes on the mantle, merely giving the Illusion that there is a single, ever lasting JLove.

There have been many over the years, some have died in battle, some merely grow too old to continue their work, costume designers age very quickly, each year to us is fifty to them, an unfortunate curse of their bloodline but allows for quick replacements.

Sometimes a Jlove will go rogue and BaB has to step in to cut them down, mourning the loss of a designer before his relative takes the mantle.

There will always be a Jlove, love them, hate them or otherwise be indifferent to them, the legacy continues forever...

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Que up Princes of the!




can you post a pic of the spines?

Ice Ember



can you post a pic of the spines?

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There's a video of it in the 5th post in this thread.

There's an option for them to look like Thorns for Dominators do. Long sharp cones.




How much was your total Comic Con package? I am thinking of taking an extra paycheck ($800.00) and going down next summer...

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Well, if you buy your tickets NOW or close to now for next year they should be around 65$-70$. However, I didn't buy mine for next year because I'm utterly out of money at this time, so I do not know whether the price has increased.

That is for 5 days (4 full days and preview night to pick up the passes and hit the floor for a couple hours - an increasingly popular sport among attendees, since last year I saw pretty much half the population of the con in line).

Hotels obviously have a wide variety of prices, but I don't know how they handle convention lockouts if you're booking too far in advance. There are a boatload of good hotels pretty much everywhere around town and if you ask about transportation there are plenty of ways to get TO the con, if you're not right near it.

Estimate an average of 80$ at least a night, unless you find someone to go in with you, or have a place to stay otherwise.

Then... spend money. Given hotel and transportation, and entrance, you'll still be looking at 3-500$ to spend spend spend. There is so much to spend on... so... much...

ZI, do you know if those new accounts aren't from people buying a second account?

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Concurrent numbers was what Ocho seemed to indicate. Doesn't make any difference whether they're multiple accounts on one player, since the money is the same. However, I got the distinct impression from not only him but others, as well as just being IN the game and on the forums, that it is in fact a whole slew of actually new customers. Plus a LOT of returning people who were here at the start, and came back now for the goodies.

I have noticed that those numbers can be skewed by people purchasing separate licenses and I was just curious if the spike in the population growth was not extreme case of altaholism?

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Again, makes no difference, but it seems like it's not just that.

Also do you know if the devs mentioned how much of their current revenue came from the packs and other in game materials?

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That I didn't ask about - it's a good question. Packs come and go, though - but we definitely were told without a doubt last year, that the Wedding pack pretty much pushed out the new VEATS earlier than they could have done, so I can't really make any calls about that. Good question. You should ask a redname about that, but don't expect "real numbers".

One last questions, what about the Mac edition? how much of the increase in revenue came from Mac users? did that have anything to do with the revenue spike?

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I think those are definitely things they won't be telling anyone other than their shareholders, really. But I can't truly imagine THAT many new accounts from the Mac edition "because it's for the Mac", because tons and tons of us bought it "for the valkyrie stuff"

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Okay so I took 3 more videos of the power sets! Again they're wmv, sorry if that is unplayable - if someone else has a way of converting it to something else, please do but give me credit I have a youtube account but I have never actually uploaded anything to it.

Martial Arts - probably my favorite among the batch of new stuff because there are a lot of new options.


Earth Assault!


Unfortunately I think the last 4 days really took their toll on a lot of the folks at the booth - I only saw Nakayama and the Babes, and maybe 1 dev there today. It was obviously exhausting for them but hey - it was busy and AWESOME.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Okay so I took 3 more videos of the power sets! Again they're wmv, sorry if that is unplayable - if someone else has a way of converting it to something else, please do but give me credit I have a youtube account but I have never actually uploaded anything to it.

Martial Arts - probably my favorite among the batch of new stuff because there are a lot of new options.


Earth Assault!


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Thank you!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



great videos.

One of Six, Cannibal 6