What's the coolest character name you have?




Wow, this is a hard decision. I really like most of my character's names for various reasons... but I don't know that any of them are above good. I have quite high standards for names, and will spend hours with a thesaurus and wikipedia trying to come up with something that fits.

I think one of my top choices is Mender Cocytus. He is an Ice/Ice tank who is (obviously) a Mender of Ouroboros. The Cocytus part is named for the frozen lake (or river depending on how you look at it) in Dante's Inferno in which Satan himself is frozen. I thought it was appropriate.



Coolest? I have no idea - someone else would have to decide that, but my favorites are:

Mr. Piddles and Kelly - psi/mind blasting mutant kitty and his reanimated dead owner
Dead Serious. - dead ill/emp controller dressed like a clown (really wish I could get rid of the period though)
Thundershaft - Native American storm/Arch defender
Venus Crimetrap - plant/kin controller
Dr. Time - grav/kin controller

Lord Stormbringer - elec/storm corruptor
The Hydrogen Bombshell - sexy rad/rad defender
Titan of Industry - robotic ss/nv tank
Rattletrap - robotic elec/elec brute
Arachnomancer - reserved for when I unlock VEATS.

[u]Names I've had and loved, but released because I couldn't get into the characters[u]
Victorious Secret
Cold Dead Hans

[u]Possibily my favorite name of all, but it got rightly genericked[u]
The Bee-yotch

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Oh man, I forgot about my main villain!

Scrapyarder, who has nothing to do with the Scrapyarders, but I got his name when CoV came out and I hadn't realized there was even such a villain group.



Hmmm... A question to tease the most hardened alt-o-holic.

One each, Hero and Villain...

Hero: Strong Box

Villain: Iron Onslaught

My friend has great ones:

Hero: Superstructure

Villain: Trouble-Seeker


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



I've still got a hero named Strategist, made way back in the day. I can't much bear to play him any more, though. AR Blaster? Bwah.

Then there's Love Hertz. First thing that popped into my mind when Elec powersets were announced for redside.

My original villain main is SuperCritical, a Corr who wears a nuclear-powered battlesuit. To date, only *one* person has ever recognized the term.



My top three are:

Abstinence (Mind/Psi Dom, worst villain ever created)

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Suburban Samurai

Katana. Comb over. Comfy sweater.
Never mess with a man with a mortgage.

His war cry? "Get off the lawn!"




Subterfusion, Illusion/Radiation controller
I also like my Thugs/Dark MM, Urban Shadows.



The Art of War AR/DEV

Urban Law Fire/Ice Tank




I'm also partial to my katana/sr scrapper, BingoHall HeartThrob, the geriatric lady.

Thank you, Champion.



Remembered another one that I thought was a fun little pun/reference:

Nucular Homer

A Simpson's homage (cross between Homer and the Hulk, and is a rad/rad or rad/therm corruptor depending on which server) whose bio reads "It's pronounced Nu-cu-lar" and LFT flag says "Mmm... radioactive donuts."



I've got an Elec/Elec Brute named Domestic Battery Prolly my favorite concept alt.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Counterparts: an android built from the components of two rival bionic heroes who fell during the war. He has an Ice Shield and a Fire Sword. He's got a sweet asymmetrical look too.



Counterparts: an android built from the components of two rival bionic heroes who fell during the war. He has an Ice Shield and a Fire Sword. He's got a sweet asymmetrical look too.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nice concept! Post a pic, please?



Officer Bad Cop.

Madam Justice. (I picked this before I knew there was a Maiden Justice in CoH lore.)

General Anesthetic (My empathy Defender.)

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



My best, I think, are:

Festival, founder and Ring Mistress Prima of the Carnival of Light
The Perilous Poppet, a medieval-era witch's manikin come to hideous life
Cassandra Fortune, a Fortunata
...and I always liked my namesake, Dollhouse (a Tanker, of course), at least until the TV show came out. =(

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the name Festival on Freedom with a similar background (great minds I guess).

And although I get a lot of compliments for Unstoppable for my tank, I still like my namesake USAvenger.



I would have to say Mye Graine A pain/ electric Dom. She has a great story as well

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Nekomata is my favorite, though it was my second character so I got it real early on.



The coolest? Depends on your point of view.

Here's all of my characters:

Heroes -
Archerina - TA/Arch Defender - Young girl with a magic bow
Ash Firebrand - Fire/Thermal Controller - Ex-Outcast trying to do good
Centurion Steele - Invuln/EM Tank - Punk transplanted into 5th Column SuperMek
Draco Templaris - Broadsword/Invuln Scrapper - Half-Dragon Paladin
Glytch Girl - WP/Warmace Tanker - Gremlin Princess-in-training
Hyperion Knight - Invuln/SuperStr Tanker - 'Eternal' hero
Kid Vambrace - FF/Energy Defender - Young inventor trying to be a hero
Lightsprite - Light Faerie (Peacebringer) - Faerie from Croatoa, fulfilling a promise
Master R. Caine - Fire/Ice Blaster - Golden Age Archmage, out of retirement
Nezumi-Ko - Emp/Elec Defender - Magical Mousegirl
Prince Magmar - Fire/Fire Blaster - Alien prince-in-exile from a Nictus controlled world
Star Ranger Mya'Ko - Kat/WP Scrapper - Time crashed catgirl police officer
Sword-Saint Miyamoto - DB/WP Scrapper - Fallen Samurai looking to restore his honor

Villains -
Annie Mayhem - Thugs/Poison MM - Gangland princess out to make her own empire
Brimstone Blayze - Axe/Fire Brute - Hellion Elite with Demonic Axe
Bullerophon - Warmace/Shield Brute - Minotaur from Cimerora
Dr. Syngh - Mind/Fire Dom - Mystic Master out to rebuild his empire
Draco Schwartzritter - DB/Invuln Brute - Half-Dragon Hero Hunter from Praetorian Earth
Huntsman Mu'Teridem - Arachnos Soldier - Mu Warrior out to overthrow Recluse
Inquisitor Nezumi - Elec/Pain Corr - Evil Mousegirl Inquisitor from Praetorian Earth
Lazarus Grimm - Necro/Dark MM - Undead Skull Elite Necromancer
Mika Suzuki - DB/Nin Stalker - Clanless kunoichi on a mission: Eliminate Lord Recluse
Pyrefrost - Fire/Ice Dom - Young mutant out to prove her superiority
Snikersnak - DB/SR Stalker - Deranged Jester/Assassin
Tess Atomica - Fire/Rad Corr - Supervillainess out for revenge against Crey Industries.
Vicki Ingram - Bots/Traps MM - Maid-droid rebuilt into a warbot out looking for her father.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



I have to go with Ragin' Rebel my just turned 50 level SD/SS Tank. I mostly play Female characters since I am one but have a few males.. Reb is one of those. His Bio explains he mutated and now had the ability to fly and of course super human strength. I think what I love most about him is the last line of his bio... Its a quote from him during some interview "I fight for freedom and justice. and just maybe if I get famous enough I can meet Carey Underwood cause I think that girl is real purty" OH BTW did I mention Reb is from New Orleans? LOL and obviously into Country Music

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



My favorite name amongst my characters is Reformed Skull Girl

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



My favorite name is probably Snap Play...after that, probably Robyn Rosethorn, Alazne, Eithne, and waaaaaay down at the bottom of the list, DJ Kyo and Kunoichi Kyo-chan.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



A LOT of the names on here are extremely cool. One I saw recently, that was the most unusual I've seen in a while, was Scission.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque