Devs- Are you too RP-minded?




Well, speaking as an RPer, farmers are not the only ones with multiple accounts. I have three. Also, I am an MMO veteran, not just a CoH veteran. Why is all this important, I'll get to that.

Every MMO I have ever played has a Eula and within that is always a clause dedicated to what should happen to a player if they use an exploit repeatedly instead of reporting it and letting it be. When developers get wind of these exploits they use data mining to look at the experience/monetary curve compared to what it looks like through the players that abuse the exploit. They then caution the player base that they will implement a "fix" or, as most players call it, a "nerf."

Also stated, or restated in most cases, is the policy to make adjustments to characters/accounts that continue to utilize said exploit since it is now found to be an exploit. The most recent example is not in CoH but WoW where people were abusing an error in programming where they could use two builds at the same time. Players went up in arms stating the "developers put it in the game therefore...yada yada yada." But that team did explain it was an exploit and acted quickly to remedy the situation.

My point is, exploits "are" exploits and "every" MMO development team act upon issues that allow players to gain experience and monetary compensation beyond the normal rate.

Do I think the badges should be removed? No. I agree they should be made easier to obtain. Will I give up my three accounts? No. I enjoy this game and the future that has been presented to me.

The solution to MA not being used as a farming tool is to simply go back to how you were doing it before, but do not be surprised if the developers change certain missions to include a timer once they discover that is the one being used. And if you think, for one minute, certain "up coming" hero MMO's won't do the same you are mistaken.

As my final point, I am an RPer. I play to progress my characters and their stories. I do not post on the forums often because I see a lot of hate whenever changes are made. Sometimes these posts are by RMTers, Trollers, even members of another development team trying to fan the flames. It happens and I'd rather not take part in the silly flame wars because I know half of the posts are not genuinely thought out, but merely put in place by people desperately wanting attention by crying "doom."

However, when I saw this post that slams RPers, the player base that is the least vocal on these forums (aside from the RP section and possibly Virtue) I finally decided to use my voice. I am a roleplayer (and a writer) and (like the books I write) enjoy watching my characters grow. Exploits are like turning to the last page of my books to see the ending. Yes, you know where everything is going, but what about the journey that you missed?

I have less than a dozen 50s (both red and blue) and I moved them there through normal casual gameplay over the last five years. When things get boring, same mission over and over climbing to 50, I use the character's story to liven things up. Whether its in my head or being the only one in the group RPing, I still manage to find a way to make the game interesting. After all, creating new characters, and new stories to go with them, is one of the main draws of this game.

-Gets off her soapbox-



Every MMO I have ever played has a Eula and within that is always a clause dedicated to what should happen to a player if they use an exploit repeatedly instead of reporting it and letting it be. When developers get wind of these exploits they use data mining to look at the experience/monetary curve compared to what it looks like through the players that abuse the exploit. They then caution the player base that they will implement a "fix" or, as most players call it, a "nerf."

[/ QUOTE ]

The bolded part doesn't happen here. The best we get is "If you think a nerf is coming it probably is"



You quote questions that you don't answer.
The thread is about the "DEVs - Are you too RP-minded?"

I've seen you reply to my posts in this manner before.



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]



And? The devs aren't going to answer any of the "questions" in the OP, first off because calling them out on the forums IS against the forum rules, and second because most of the "questions" are just baseless accusations about farming nerfs.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



How the heck does one nerf roleplaying even if one wanted to? It just doesn't make any sense conceptually. Has the meaning of the term changed completely with me being unaware of it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Word filters! Filter everything so that we can only use the terms "lft", "ding" and "gratz"!



How the heck does one nerf roleplaying even if one wanted to? It just doesn't make any sense conceptually. Has the meaning of the term changed completely with me being unaware of it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Word filters! Filter everything so that we can only use the terms "lft", "ding" and "gratz"!

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! plain silliness

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



You quote questions that you don't answer.
The thread is about the "DEVs - Are you too RP-minded?"

I've seen you reply to my posts in this manner before.

[/ QUOTE ] Hey if you can't handle your positions challenged then you are a weak minded person.



You quote questions that you don't answer.
The thread is about the "DEVs - Are you too RP-minded?"

I've seen you reply to my posts in this manner before.

[/ QUOTE ] Hey if you can't handle your positions challenged then you are a weak minded person.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or just really, really thin skinned.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.





Yes but the information was there, it is their own fault if they couldn't be bothered to read it.

[/ QUOTE ]

it doesn't matter if they read it or not.

Post all the "don't eat people" signs you want on the Savannah, lions will still do it- that's their nature.

Players will find efficient reward paths.
If developers don't want them to, it must be coded into the game.
Asking doesn't work, period. It never has, it never will.

Their release of AE was like throwing a deer into the lion cage and then having a screaming fit when it got eaten.

Gamers acting like gamers is predictable and understandable.
All the fault here lies with the devs, the alleged 'adults' who threw a huge fit when their paying customers didn't use a toy they way they wanted them to.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why is this thread so long when this was posted on the first page? Giving people the means for an easy path then expecting them not to use it 'because they say so' seriously doesn't understand their market.

[/ QUOTE ]

... the people who didn't heed the devs wouldn't find themselves in the predicament they now find themselves in if they had simply 'obeyed the rules'.

If you leave a treat on the counter, and you tell Jimmy its not for him, and Jimmy eats it anyway hes' gonna get spanked.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you're actually surprised that the treat was eaten, you don't understand your market very well either.

To correct your analogy however, said cookie might not be eaten by your one well mannered child, but put that cookie out on a table in your front yard, with a sign saying "delicious cookie, do not eat" where all the neighbourhood kids can see it.



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


[/ QUOTE ]A person's true character is shown by how they act when they will be neither witnessed, nor held accountable.




....with a sign saying "delicious cookie, do not eat" .....

[/ QUOTE ]

that's just brilliant.
*clap clap clap*

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


[/ QUOTE ]A person's true character is shown by how they act when they will be neither witnessed, nor held accountable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Relevancy ? please.

I am posting on a public forum, there will be witnesses and the mods do hold everyone to account.

Now if you wanted to get holier than though on this, the Quaran has some nice passages concerning treating madmen with kindness.



Kinda reminds me of the line from Full Metal Jacket, where the Drill Sgt says "...If there's one thing I can't stand it's an unlocked footlocker. There'd be no crime if it wasn't for you..."



We have the worst attention spans.

[/ QUOTE ]

Look! A Pony!

[/ QUOTE ]

. . . Squirrel ! ! ! . . .





<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>be_born();
while(!dead) {
echo "Rosebud...";
exit 0;</pre><hr />
The ultimate grind.

Still, it has it's moments, doesn't it?

[/ QUOTE ]

I need to get this framed.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


[/ QUOTE ]A person's true character is shown by how they act when they will be neither witnessed, nor held accountable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya its pretty revealing, after a second thinking 'wow someone really posted that online' it makes me think about that GIFT comic on Penny Arcade.



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


[/ QUOTE ]A person's true character is shown by how they act when they will be neither witnessed, nor held accountable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Relevancy ? please.

I am posting on a public forum, there will be witnesses and the mods do hold everyone to account.

Now if you wanted to get holier than though on this, the Quaran has some nice passages concerning treating madmen with kindness.

[/ QUOTE ]"I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town." is the relevancy.



Some people don't see the forest because of the trees.

To argue that CoX isn't a RP game is just pretty silly to me and it seems that the people that want to argue it with me are rude in general, so I guess I made my point to the rational.
They were the only ones I was trying to reach anyway.



And really, it's not even about RP....near as I can tell in my 5 years here, the devs just want people to enjoy the content (the enemies, the stories in the missions, the environments, the gameplay) that they've worked to put in, and to stay subscribed as long as possible.

I don't think they care if you immerse yourself in your characters or chat about last night's episode of "hit show # 3". They do know that this isn't a game that's focused on what you do once you've maxed out your character, and therefore they try to curtail things that are gonna have you whooshing to the "end" that trivializes the work they've put in, and is likely to burn out the average subscriber quicker.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town." is the relevancy

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL then you need to put a few years on. Putting someone on ignore and then using it to antagonize them is dispicable. Anyone that does that deserves the ridicule they receive.

If you can't fathom why here is the short form. The act of putting someone on ignore, is little but a personal admission of lack of self control. Going the further and blatantly advertising it, is both obnoxious and arrogant. They get what they deserve.



The act of putting someone on ignore, is little but a personal admission of lack of self control.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or an active desire to reduce the signal to noise ratio.



I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town." is the relevancy

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL then you need to put a few years on. Putting someone on ignore and then using it to antagonize them is dispicable. Anyone that does that deserves the ridicule they receive.

[/ QUOTE ]And he who sees that as carte blanche to ridicule the ignorer is clearly demonstrating their own maturity.



And he who sees that as carte blanche to ridicule the ignorer is clearly demonstrating their own maturity.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely. If someone sticks their head in the sand when confronted its evidence of the weakness of their position.