Devs- Are you too RP-minded?




I just renewed a few days ago after not playing for several months, and then the you(the devs) start releasing all these notes about nerfing AE missions and getting rid of badges, etc. I just ran my first AE mission ever tonight to try it out since getting back. I got a couple of badges for it. The server goes down and I read the forums in the meantime and discover some of the neat new badges I just got are getting removed. This annoyed me and got me thinking about some stuff.

You seem to be catering this game more towards RPers than anyone else. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with RPers, but they seem to be the vocal ones complaining about farming and whatnot. So you are cracking down on farming now. Five years into the game and we still don't have end day content. All the expansion packs are really more geared towards RPers as they are costumes and emotes. They don't add any new playing content. Even your stated goal for MA seems to be more about getting players to write stories. Another aspect of RP.

Let's focus on the players a bit now. Really who cares about farms? It literally does not impact ANYONE. Yet you state you got numerous complaints over the farm AE missions. So what? The game is not more fun the slower it is to level. I'm not sure if this is a concept grasped by everyone on your team yet.

Many of the playerbase just want a game they can pick up and play and move up quickly to try out their nifty new powers. They want new content and not the same repetitious floorplans over and over. None of these requests are new. MA offered this and now you want to nerf it.

Maybe you focus most of your attention to the RP fanbase because their desires are cheaper and easier to implement. But they are also the smaller part of the playerbase. They may very well be sticking this game out until it dies, but is that all you are gunning for?

This isn't a request to keep farming in the game or to nerf RP. I just think you need to focus more on a balance of content for players and RPers. Please stop focusing all your decisions and releases around the RPers of the game. Look at things a bit more from the side of the player. Let's not forget the game in RPG.

PS- I also recommend you all try playing a couple of characters from 1-50 without any dev tricks, just as a normal player, to see how grindy things are. Then go on a couple of farm missions with some friends and see how fun the leveling can be in comparison.



Before AE came out there were at least two warnings not to use it as farm grounds. They were ignored.
When AE came out the patch notes and tutorial said not to farm it. This was ignored.
The Devs went "If you can't be trusted not to throw the ball in the house you don't get any balls."

People acted like kids they were disciplined like kids.






Before AE came out there were at least two warnings not to use it as farm grounds. They were ignored.
When AE came out the patch notes and tutorial said not to farm it. This was ignored.
The Devs went "If you can't be trusted not to throw the ball in the house you don't get any balls."

[/ QUOTE ]
to be fair most people didn't actually read any of that




[/ QUOTE ]

Needed to be a bit quicker there Player. Missed it by one post.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



I think this game is pretty well balanced between between RP and nonRP. It is a bit unfair to make your assumption based mostly on the Mission Architect content; this, as was stated earlier, is a specific case of players being told not to do something, doing it anyway, and now reaping the rewards.

The rest of the game still exists. You can still play PVE or PVP in all the various zones. You can still play Red or Blue side. And a ton of content in the MA is, in fact, both RP and legitimate "test yourself"/fight hordes type of missions -- they just avoid the farm aspects that became wildly popular and abused when the MA was first released.

So, to answer your question, no.



I seriously laughed my [censored] off reading this post.

Five years into the game and we still don't have end day content.

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Really who cares about farms? It literally does not impact ANYONE.

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But they are also the smaller part of the playerbase.

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I also recommend you all try playing a couple of characters from 1-50 without any dev tricks, just as a normal player, to see how grindy things are.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAOROTF@ false presumptions!

Seriously... hilarious stuff.



Any dev tricks?

The farming aspects are being removed because they have a negative impact on other areas of the game. AE farms of all kinds were clogging the broadcast channels and taking players from regular missions. It's not as bad now thanks to time and some work by the devs to stop it.

You may not see farming as negative but farmers usually don't. All farming does is create an environment where new players don't learn to play as well and where a level 50 character doesn't really mean as much as it should. Nor does a really high level badge.

You say we should try leveling to 50 without and dev tricks? Well i've done a few farm missions with some SG mates I'll admit that. Nothing serious because honestly I found it more fun to play story missions. My last 50 got most of the way there doing contact missions. The rest were team radio missions and SF's. But for the most part stories. And I find that vastly more entertaining then farming.



Before AE came out there were at least two warnings not to use it as farm grounds. They were ignored.
When AE came out the patch notes and tutorial said not to farm it. This was ignored.
The Devs went "If you can't be trusted not to throw the ball in the house you don't get any balls."

People acted like kids they were disciplined like kids.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is probably the most straightforward, concise and appropriate explanation anyone has put forth. If anyone has difficulty understanding the reasoning after this then... they deserve what they get.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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Can we get a numbering system for City Life like the marketing forum has? "Devs don't listen to players because EVERYBODY likes farms" can be a #1, "There's still some farming in the game and it upsets my delicate sensibilities" can be #2. It'd save a lot of typing, since every conversation would be "1!" "2!" "1!!!!" "2!!!"

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Your farming thead is that way.



Are Devs too RP-minded? All of them? Probably not.

The ones who are in charge of final decisions? Most likely.

I say start nerfing RP'ing somehow. I would laugh. A lot. :P

Although...To be honest, I start laughing ANY time I see the nerf bat brought out. It's like watching an adult in charge of a nursery:

"Oooooh, you want this little toy? Here you go!" *grabs it back from baby* "HAHAAHAHAHAA! I was just kidding! You can't have it!"

I can totally understand why the Devs would enjoy that, which is why I should probably spend more time in CoV than

"The One"

How is an RP thread a farming thread?

Oh, yeah... That's right... EVERYTHING in the game eventually boils down to "HE'S A FARMER! KILL HIM!"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



PS- I also recommend you all try playing a couple of characters from 1-50 without any dev tricks, just as a normal player, to see how grindy things are. Then go on a couple of farm missions with some friends and see how fun the leveling can be in comparison.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice try....I've played everquest, you wanna talk about grinding, go back to Pre Pop era. I've played WoW... 3 70s BC, all played without powerlevelling, multiple 40's and 50's before that. I am working on an MM, Solo; 39 so far without a single bit of xp I haven't earned for myself. I will continue to do this for the other 3 toons i've made at my leisure without power levelling. Farming is the antonym of fun. I will never even consider a farm, or any methods for PLing including Level Pacting. Your challenge is pointless.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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Devs don't necessarily read this forum. If you want to speak to them, send them a PM. is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



What part of MMORPG is unclear to you?



Congratulations on finding a way to avoid using the word "farm" in the topic title.

Character index



PS- I also recommend you all try playing a couple of characters from 1-50 without any dev tricks, just as a normal player, to see how grindy things are. Then go on a couple of farm missions with some friends and see how fun the leveling can be in comparison.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of my six level 50 characters, only my Ice/Ice blaster did much farming, and that was only because of some big content gaps in the old days. I stick to the standard method of doing the missions. I don't find that to be grindy at all.

Fast leveling through power farming is fun? Not for me. More like mind bogglingly tedious. I need plot to keep my interest going. I like to imagine that I'm a hero or villain while playing the game, not a farmer mowing down crops.



...Dude, an RPers are evil thread.

When was the last time we had one of these? Holy crap.



CoX RP features

Number of RP zones - 1
number of pvp zones - 4(?)
number of pve zones - a lot
number of RP task forces - 0
number of pve task forces - a lot
xp reward for rp - none
ticket reward for rp - none
merit reward for rp - none
badges for rp - none

I would say that the evidence indicates that RP is almost entirely ignored by the devs. PvE is dominant, followed by PvP - when was the last patch with a significant RP update?

When players earn Nukes and Shivans by RPing missions in RP zones, and earn XP from RPing and get some sort of tickets/merits/influence from RPing - they you will start to have some tiny shred of an argument.





I also recommend you all try playing a couple of characters from 1-50 without any dev tricks, just as a normal player, to see how grindy things are.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAOROTF@ false presumptions!

Seriously... hilarious stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very. My first 50 (a scrapper) took 481 hours. My first blaster took me 599. I just got my first dom to 50 in 175 hours soloing all the way.

With exp smoothing and partrol xp and other enhancements, the grind is gone.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



This message brought to you by the Farm Bureau.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog




1. I'm not a farmer. I just don't think there is anything wrong with it. As for the complaints about clogging broadcast, make a farming channel. And as for it takes players from other missions? So what? It's the player's choice to decide to run a farm mission or a story mission.

2. Farming creates bad players? Well they farm until 50 and start over with a new toon. Or they go PvP. The chances of you teaming on a regular mission at lvl 50 with a totally PL-ed character is slim as they aren't generally running regular missions.

3. Yes there is an RP in MMORPG. I said don't forget the game. That is what the G stands for champ. This is a game, not a theater troupe. It should have a balance of both the RP and the G.

4. Many of the readers seem to take the comments as directed at them. It was directed at the devs. Unless you have dev tricks like them, you should have figured that much out for yourself.

5. I mention grindy and EQ gets brought up. Why not compare this to the Atari E.T. game while you are at it? This game IS grindy. And while maybe not the grindiest of all time, it is worse than say WoW. (oh noes I said the "W" word)

I just see players having found something that made the game fun for them again, and it really isn't affecting anyone else, and the devs wanna end it. The devs can say that it wasn't their vision all they want, but I think it is a cop out. I'm sure lesbian cat girls and Mature RP wasn't part of their vision either and they don't care about that. Listening to farm requests in broadcast(which you can turn off) is no more annoying than some of the stuff non-RPers are subjected to in Pocket D. I think game decisions and content of the past couple of years has been skewed more towards RP than gameplay.



This message paid for by the Farm Bureau.

[/ QUOTE ]


What else are they gonna do with all that inf?



...Dude, an RPers are evil thread.

When was the last time we had one of these? Holy crap.

[/ QUOTE ] I was hoping for something a little more explosive to read. This thread could have been good late morning entertainment. What a disappointment.



I know that this is a troll thread, but one thing that piqued my curiosity was when I came to the boilerplate "I don't actually mean any harm, even if I sound like it" disclaimer:

This isn't a request to keep farming in the game or to nerf RP.

[/ QUOTE ]

How the heck does one nerf roleplaying even if one wanted to? It just doesn't make any sense conceptually. Has the meaning of the term changed completely with me being unaware of it?