Devs- Are you too RP-minded?




... is that how it works?

And all this time I thought it was for ignoring someone who had thus far contributed nothing worth reading or responding to.

Shows how much I know, doesn't it?

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Well there are two sides to the ignore feature.

Side A, where people like you and me understand that a brick wall is a brick wall no matter what, and are tired of seeing the same garbage being spray-painted on it...

Side B, where people like we've seen recently stick their fingers in their ears and lalala I can't hear you because they know they're in the wrong and don't want to be told.

I see only one of thsoe sides as being a fault.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And he who sees that as carte blanche to ridicule the ignorer is clearly demonstrating their own maturity.

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Absolutely. If someone sticks their head in the sand when confronted its evidence of the weakness of their position.

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Sometimes the only way to retain your sanity in an argument w/ someone who you just can't reason with is to pretend they don't exist. Ignoring someone does not necessarily mean your position is weak. They may just be persistent in their idiocy.



... is that how it works?

And all this time I thought it was for ignoring someone who had thus far contributed nothing worth reading or responding to.

Shows how much I know, doesn't it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Never needed a mechanical filter to do that.

And most people when they don't want to pay attention to something don't go obnoxious about it.



And he who sees that as carte blanche to ridicule the ignorer is clearly demonstrating their own maturity.

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Absolutely. If someone sticks their head in the sand when confronted its evidence of the weakness of their position.

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Sometimes the only way to retain your sanity in an argument w/ someone who you just can't reason with is to pretend they don't exist. Ignoring someone does not necessarily mean your position is weak. They may just be persistent in their idiocy.

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There is a giant difference between what you describe and flaunting the fact. In the latter case its offensive.

Even if it were the same declaring that you wont defend your views does not oblige others to stop tearing them down.



And he who sees that as carte blanche to ridicule the ignorer is clearly demonstrating their own maturity.

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Absolutely. If someone sticks their head in the sand when confronted its evidence of the weakness of their position.

[/ QUOTE ]How do you feel about people who deliberately misstate what another person says, so they can respond to their version rather than what was actually said?

Or people who, when confronted with a valid counter to their argument, completely ignore it?



Well there are two sides to the ignore feature.

Side A, where people like you and me understand that a brick wall is a brick wall no matter what, and are tired of seeing the same garbage being spray-painted on it...

Side B, where people like we've seen recently stick their fingers in their ears and lalala I can't hear you because they know they're in the wrong and don't want to be told.

I see only one of thsoe sides as being a fault.

[/ QUOTE ]"Three, sire, three!"

Side C, when you are completely unable to make any sense at all of their posts.



How do you feel about people who deliberately misstate what another person says, so they can respond to their version rather than what was actually said?

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Those are generally called politicians. Being a small government libertarian I think they should be tarred feathered and hung.

Or people who, when confronted with a valid counter to their argument, completely ignore it?

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Usually that is called victory. Enjoy it.

All this is words. They can't break your bones, they can't ruin your health, they can't do very much to anyone but make them think.



How do you feel about people who deliberately misstate what another person says, so they can respond to their version rather than what was actually said?

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Those are generally called politicians. Being a small government libertarian I think they should be tarred feathered and hung.

Or people who, when confronted with a valid counter to their argument, completely ignore it?

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Usually that is called victory. Enjoy it.

All this is words. They can't break your bones, they can't ruin your health, they can't do very much to anyone but make them think.

[/ QUOTE ]I must confess I am a little surprised by your responses, because you so frequently do each one.

Thank you.



I must confess I am a little surprised by your responses, because you so frequently do each one.

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I wish I could say I was surprised by yours but I have an aversion to lying.

Seeing as you make the claim present examples



Okay, I didn't read the last ten pages of this thread, but I can't believe noone's said it yet. I have a sure fire way to nerf the RP in this game:

Spade the Cat Girls!!

And get rid of the "Mature" Roleplaying that goes on in the shadowy corners of Pocket D...well, sometimes it happens in the middle of the dance floor, but you can walk wayyyyyy around those people.



Congratulations on finding a way to avoid using the word "farm" in the topic title.

[/ QUOTE ]

congratulations on making us roleplayers look like schadenfruede addled jerks.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I must confess I am a little surprised by your responses, because you so frequently do each one.

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I wish I could say I was surprised by yours but I have an aversion to lying.

Seeing as you make the claim present examples

[/ QUOTE ]It's not worth the time. You've been called on it many times.

If that invalidates my statement, fine.

Edit: Y'know what? I'm being just as much of a jerk as I'm accusing you of being. And that's completely inappropriate behavior. I will try to rein it in.



Congratulations on finding a way to avoid using the word "farm" in the topic title.

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congratulations on making us roleplayers look like schadenfruede addled jerks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah, they're just posting their twisted anger-addled version of rpers.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And really, it's not even about RP....near as I can tell in my 5 years here, the devs just want people to enjoy the content (the enemies, the stories in the missions, the environments, the gameplay) that they've worked to put in, and to stay subscribed as long as possible.

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This is their sole purpose- everything they do is in service to this fundamental motivation.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



It's impossible for the Devs to be too RP-minded.

Just like it's impossible for them to be too PVP-Minded or too Balance-Minded.




It's impossible for the Devs to be too RP-minded.

Just like it's impossible for them to be too PVP-Minded or too Balance-Minded.


[/ QUOTE ] From a business standpoint I disagree. If the devs concentrate too much on one group of players, that can be a turn off to other players. If loot in the game suffers for RP reasons, that can drive some players away. And vice-versa. I think the key is finding the right balance so as many people as possible will enjoy the game.



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

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I reply to anything I feel is wrong. You are wrong alot, so I reply ... If you don't reply back, I win ... that simple ...




How the heck does one nerf roleplaying even if one wanted to? It just doesn't make any sense conceptually. Has the meaning of the term changed completely with me being unaware of it?

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Word filters! Filter everything so that we can only use the terms "lft", "ding" and "gratz"!

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lolinternet spades



I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

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I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


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I see you are still posting replies to my posts.

You can give up trying to bait me, Folonius.

This is all I see ::

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

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I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town.


[/ QUOTE ]A person's true character is shown by how they act when they will be neither witnessed, nor held accountable.

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And if I was the only person posting in all of the CoH forums, I would agree with you in this situation, however, that is not the case ... Other people can read my posts, which is why is see it totally (vulcan moment) illogical to use the ignore feature on the boards. You miss bits of an argument, or important information. There are people on this board I absoultly loathe, but I will never put them on ignore for this reason.



I don't know about folonious but once I know that's the case I go to town." is the relevancy

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LOL then you need to put a few years on. Putting someone on ignore and then using it to antagonize them is dispicable. Anyone that does that deserves the ridicule they receive.

If you can't fathom why here is the short form. The act of putting someone on ignore, is little but a personal admission of lack of self control. Going the further and blatantly advertising it, is both obnoxious and arrogant. They get what they deserve.

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I've dealt with Alt in the past, and his views are extremely twisted to say the least. I wouldn't be surprised if he has half the forums on ignore. I know he has me on ignore, but knowing someone has me on ignore will not stop me from posting what I believe to be right, if not expressing my opinions and views to him, then to anyone else who reads it, and then let them decide.

To assume that everyone deserved what they got is loony, yet it's what Alt believes.



I sooo want to fix that pic of the Doc...



I sooo want to fix that pic of the Doc...

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... what's wrong with it?