City of Heroes Going Rogue - FAQ - Discussion




I'm looking forward to GR. But I also want to hear more about it. There is a greater demand now for my MMO dollar.

I'm not doing CO after the horrid beta, but there is an AoC expansion on the horizon, ST:O about to go beta, DCUO going Alpha (probably) soon, and Alganon in beta. That's not counting Guild Wars 2, Star Wars, and Stargate (if it ever ends it's endless development).

All are vying for my cash. I have lasted the longest in any MMO with CoX, but AE has not only disappointed me, it has out right ticked me off. GR needs to put some serious WIN in CoX if it wants to keep me past Christmas.



I haven't read much about this new expansion yet. Quick question: can our current toons swap sides? Or is it a new "universe" and you'll have to roll new toons and such?

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Quick answer: yes, they will be able to.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I believe AE has ruffled a few feathers in game since its release. I too checked out the CO beta, although the creation screen had me at hello and the power choices( I loved having the shoulder cannon) the overall feel for it just didn't do enough for me. Im a lifer here in Co* I expect to see some more flavors added to keep it fresh for me. Im more of a costume nut than anything else...great missions is a plus but i want to look good getting to said mission also too. Some updated costumes would be great to start...I'll just keep a patient head and just wait and see.




Originally Posted by darkendeath View Post
I been reading and getting hints that Going Rogue may be Issue 17 due out later this year. With the coming of Champions Online and other superhero MMOs on the way it may be dangerous for NCsoft to have us all pay for this as well with lots of players leaving soon. I think it should be kept free to help keep people here. I know lots of players that will be going to Champions Online for good. The people on beta I know like what they see and with the clicky way teams are formed now for AE I have no reason to stay either. Where is the Issue 16 beta ???

CO is trash, i have been in beta for awhile...
This is a full expansion box set and you want them to jsut hand it over to you? Get a clue... I dont wanna be rude but with posts like this sometimes i just cant control myself...

Go to CO, have fun, youll be back.... and you will hand over your $50 for Go-Ro and be happy to do it...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post
I have to say, I'm really looking forward to Going Rogue. Especially now that I've actually played Champions for a while. I was lucky enough to get into the closed beta for CO earlier this month and all can say about CO is thank heavens I got to try it before I bought it as it would have been a waste of money.

There are many reasons why I dislike CO, but this isn't the correct place to air those comments.

Anyway, I have gotten a little tired of the content here in CoX, but not the game itself. It's just a "lack of content" that is making CoX a little stale for me right now. I have a feeling though that there will be a lot of new content with Going Rogue. Maybe not even as much as City of Villains had, but who is to say right now. We know next to nothing about GR at this point.

I've been here for 5+ years and deep down still enjoy the game. I just need a little something new to keep it fresh. Shoot, even being able to side switch will keep me happy for quite a while.

I couldn't have said it better. I have been in and out of this game since beta on two different accounts. I just got my wife her own account and we still enjoy this game. We both just tried CO (reserved two copies) and I am sooooo glad I got into beta before I did the lifetime payment (two payments, two copies of the game...that beta saved me 500.00). My wife and I are here for a lot longer now, though I would love to hear some real details.



Originally Posted by darkendeath View Post
I been reading and getting hints that Going Rogue may be Issue 17 due out later this year. With the coming of Champions Online and other superhero MMOs on the way it may be dangerous for NCsoft to have us all pay for this as well with lots of players leaving soon. I think it should be kept free to help keep people here. I know lots of players that will be going to Champions Online for good. The people on beta I know like what they see and with the clicky way teams are formed now for AE I have no reason to stay either. Where is the Issue 16 beta ???
ERm, I think the word you were looking for was "clique-y", which is probably not a word, so... Congratulations for evolving the English lingumuage![sic]

[/e snoot ON... sic means I know there's a mistake there, it's there on purpose. (/e snoot OFF... nah, I'll leave it on, what the heck?)]

So back to the post, Um, No. LOL, the "lots of players" you know going to Champions 'for good'. I say, GLHF to them. We get SO much free stuff from this game, I can't believe anyone has the gall to ask to get a new expansion for free.

Would you mind coming over and mowing my lawn for $15, and then you can do my taxes and clean my bathrooms while you're at it, since I DID pay you those $15? SAME THING.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
CO is trash, i have been in beta for awhile...
This is a full expansion box set and you want them to jsut hand it over to you? Get a clue... I dont wanna be rude but with posts like this sometimes i just cant control myself...

Go to CO, have fun, youll be back.... and you will hand over your $50 for Go-Ro and be happy to do it...
You missed the part about begging NCSoft to accept more than 50 bucks because GR is just that awesome

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Going Rogue might not be Issue 17 as many people point out, but City of Heroes: Going Rogue will probably be considered both an issue and an expansion, just as City of Villains was - Issue 6: Along Came A Spider. The expansion part is the 'Going Rogue' component of the game. However, both City of Heroes and City of Villains will be affected by the launch. The term 'Issue' is not just an update to game but it is supposed to represent the continuation of the overall story of the game like the next issue of a comic book. The launch of City of Heroes would be considered Issue 0. Just my 2 cents



Originally Posted by PsiLance View Post
Going Rogue might not be Issue 17 as many people point out, but City of Heroes: Going Rogue will probably be considered both an issue and an expansion, just as City of Villains was - Issue 6: Along Came A Spider. The expansion part is the 'Going Rogue' component of the game. However, both City of Heroes and City of Villains will be affected by the launch. The term 'Issue' is not just an update to game but it is supposed to represent the continuation of the overall story of the game like the next issue of a comic book. The launch of City of Heroes would be considered Issue 0. Just my 2 cents
Beat me too it, although "Going rogue" wont be an issue, there will almost definitely be an issue to update everyone else with its standards; without necessarily giving access to the content.

Anyway couldn't careless about CO tbh, its almost identical with a few quirks and different takes on things but ultimately its the same and i cant be arsed re-rolling characters for it having spent so much time on this. Especially with GR coming, and the possibility of doubling the content. (or tripling depending on how GR is packed )



Originally Posted by NyteRayne View Post
We both just tried CO (reserved two copies) and I am sooooo glad I got into beta before I did the lifetime payment (two payments, two copies of the game...that beta saved me 500.00). My wife and I are here for a lot longer now, though I would love to hear some real details.
I pre-ordered CO and bought the 6-month discounted subscription after participating in the open beta. I think that will be just about the right amount of will likely sustain my interest for about six months. It's got some absolutely wonderful aspects, but I don't think I'll long tolerate the old-school MMO nonsense: camping spawns, dealing with killstealers/loot ninjas, relative lack if instanced missions, and so forth. I also don't care for the twitchy, console-style combat. I'll give it a fair shot, but I'll be surprised if I renew after the first seven months.

CoX, on the other hand? Well...I've been here over 5 years now...and I'm not going anywhere. GR merely cements that...

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



I was going to, but the only thing i really liked was the costume creation screen. I must admit its vast and the type of pieces i enjoyed making was the mech armor. I tried the quests and didnt enjoy them not one bit. Teaming is like pulling teeth. its really a pain and most of your time is crafting to build your points to 100 and so, learning blueprints to make your toon powerful. And im still stumped as to how it works. Im not gonna trash the game its just not for me. Thats why im glad i tried it before i went and sub up for a lifetime and not really enjoy playing it. Thats just my 2 cents and hope for the best.




Honestly, looking at things I16 is the immediate response to that other Hero's game that is coming out. Considering the lack of information outside of the second round of closed beta will be available for people whose accounts have been active for X time and for people who go to Hero Con, we likely won't be seeing closed beta till near the end of the year, and probably the release IF things go well for next spring.

The real questions I have are:

1) Is the engine for all the games going to be updated with GR? (A mini update was done with CoV)

2) Are they just going to overlay textures like they did with CoV which has caused performance problems for people since things need to be drawn and redrawn with CoV.

3) When are we going to see more updates on the GR website profile area, and when can we excpect an actual game footage trailer?

I am really looking forward to GR, just need to be paitent I guess.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
Honestly, looking at things I16 is the immediate response to that other Hero's game that is coming out. Considering the lack of information outside of the second round of closed beta will be available for people whose accounts have been active for X time and for people who go to Hero Con, we likely won't be seeing closed beta till near the end of the year, and probably the release IF things go well for next spring.
GR Closed Beta does NOT rely on Hero-Con attendance. The three factors as to when you go into GR closed beta are as such:

Tier 1: Veteran players with 60+ months
Tier 2: Those who participated in the Loyalty Program through November 15
Tier 3: Those who pre-order GR

I predict GR closed beta will hit shortly after Hero-Con 2009 (that will probably be the "big announcement" at Hero-Con) and a full release somewhere in February/March 2010.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



I am really hoping ROGUE has a number of features and here are some I am hoping for. Some have been confirmed, some vague and some I am hoping for:

1) New ATs. CoV had a bunch and so should ROGUE. Hopefully they are unique and make us say, "HEY! We haven't had anything like that!"

2) New mission maps. It seems CoV re-hashed all of the CoH mission maps (almost all). I pray these are all new maps. Using the old ones again will mean I am done here

3) New zones. A few NEW ones would be nice but we have so many already. Make the hazard zones co-op.

4) Side switching - about time.

5) End game stuff. I think it's coming?

6) New game innovations. Make some open missions, new ways to customize etc. AE was a great idea but poorly added and, so far, it has flopped. It is a farm creator - that's pretty much it.

7) Just keep the ideas new and fresh and not cosmetic. This game does way too much of the same old same old and recycles so many things. After 18 months it has worn me out - the repetition is brutal. I don't know how people lasted 5+ years.

Anyway, just the angle I hope they go with ROGUE.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I am really hoping ROGUE has a number of features and here are some I am hoping for. Some have been confirmed, some vague and some I am hoping for:

1) New ATs. CoV had a bunch and so should ROGUE. Hopefully they are unique and make us say, "HEY! We haven't had anything like that!"

2) New mission maps. It seems CoV re-hashed all of the CoH mission maps (almost all). I pray these are all new maps. Using the old ones again will mean I am done here

3) New zones. A few NEW ones would be nice but we have so many already. Make the hazard zones co-op.

4) Side switching - about time.

5) End game stuff. I think it's coming?

6) New game innovations. Make some open missions, new ways to customize etc. AE was a great idea but poorly added and, so far, it has flopped. It is a farm creator - that's pretty much it.

7) Just keep the ideas new and fresh and not cosmetic. This game does way too much of the same old same old and recycles so many things. After 18 months it has worn me out - the repetition is brutal. I don't know how people lasted 5+ years.

Anyway, just the angle I hope they go with ROGUE.
I think we'll get some new maps, but we'll also get some old ones too - Praetoria isn't an alien world, it's an evil, twisted version of Earth - and that can only mean one thing - more blue cave maps

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we'll get some new maps, but we'll also get some old ones too - Praetoria isn't an alien world, it's an evil, twisted version of Earth - and that can only mean one thing - more blue cave maps
omg noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we'll get some new maps, but we'll also get some old ones too - Praetoria isn't an alien world, it's an evil, twisted version of Earth - and that can only mean one thing - more blue cave maps
Please, anything but THAT!



It's how the depths of Tyrant's evil will be revealed to us - all the important places under the Praetorian capital city are connected by blue caves and tunnels - and it's our duty to go down there and clear out every single one fo them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I am really hoping ROGUE has a number of features and here are some I am hoping for. Some have been confirmed, some vague and some I am hoping for:

1) New ATs. CoV had a bunch and so should ROGUE. Hopefully they are unique and make us say, "HEY! We haven't had anything like that!"

2) New mission maps. It seems CoV re-hashed all of the CoH mission maps (almost all). I pray these are all new maps. Using the old ones again will mean I am done here

3) New zones. A few NEW ones would be nice but we have so many already. Make the hazard zones co-op.

4) Side switching - about time.

5) End game stuff. I think it's coming?

6) New game innovations. Make some open missions, new ways to customize etc. AE was a great idea but poorly added and, so far, it has flopped. It is a farm creator - that's pretty much it.

7) Just keep the ideas new and fresh and not cosmetic. This game does way too much of the same old same old and recycles so many things. After 18 months it has worn me out - the repetition is brutal. I don't know how people lasted 5+ years.

Anyway, just the angle I hope they go with ROGUE.
I'd personally like to see them take some of the side missions that we get in the bank and mayhem missions and scatter them throughout the city zones so that the odd rescue or apprehension opens up a mission or story arc. The side missions are my favorite part of the bank missions!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
I pre-ordered CO and bought the 6-month discounted subscription after participating in the open beta. I think that will be just about the right amount of will likely sustain my interest for about six months. It's got some absolutely wonderful aspects, but I don't think I'll long tolerate the old-school MMO nonsense: camping spawns, dealing with killstealers/loot ninjas, relative lack if instanced missions, and so forth. I also don't care for the twitchy, console-style combat. I'll give it a fair shot, but I'll be surprised if I renew after the first seven months.

CoX, on the other hand? Well...I've been here over 5 years now...and I'm not going anywhere. GR merely cements that...
The thing I really didn't like about CO was that the first nemesis mission was hard beyond belief. The first room held the equivalent of 8 to 10 bosses and an equal or greater number of minions. Now maybe I wasn't as uber as I could have been since I didn't really get into the whole gear system and the only way I got to check out the nemesis system was by getting bumped to max level. Still, other folks that I chatted with in game on the subject admitted that they needed a team to complete their nemesis mission.

Call me crazy but if it is MY nemesis than shouldn't I be able to complete the mission on MY own? There was no way to pull a single mob from a group, they were constantly attached at the hip. I was only able to clear the first room with a blaster type character and that was only after an hour and a half of taunt, block,block, block, block, attack, heal, block,block, block, block, attack, heal, etc.... not fun at all really.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post

6) New game innovations. Make some open missions, new ways to customize etc. AE was a great idea but poorly added and, so far, it has flopped. It is a farm creator - that's pretty much it.
AE has far from flopped. Do people use it to make farms? Absolutely. Is that all anyone does with it? Absolutely not. There are thousands, literally thousands, of actual STORIES people have made in the AE, and that are still accessible for you to play any time you want. There's a lifetime of missions in there. You could play AE every day, from now until the game dies, and I imagine you'd never run out of story arcs to play that are not farms, as more will be added while you're playing older ones.

They're not all the best mishes made, but some of them are great. Easily on par or better than developer created missions. And they're always something new. Farms are a sad offshoot of an otherwise great innovation in the game, that I'm constantly saddened by people disregarding as anything but a new exp tool. The AE people wanted is in there, and being used properly, you just have to look.



Originally Posted by SMerc View Post
AE has far from flopped. Do people use it to make farms? Absolutely. Is that all anyone does with it? Absolutely not. There are thousands, literally thousands, of actual STORIES people have made in the AE, and that are still accessible for you to play any time you want. There's a lifetime of missions in there. You could play AE every day, from now until the game dies, and I imagine you'd never run out of story arcs to play that are not farms, as more will be added while you're playing older ones.

They're not all the best mishes made, but some of them are great. Easily on par or better than developer created missions. And they're always something new. Farms are a sad offshoot of an otherwise great innovation in the game, that I'm constantly saddened by people disregarding as anything but a new exp tool. The AE people wanted is in there, and being used properly, you just have to look.
Yeah, I don't have the time to go through all of the rubbish to find something fun to read/play. There are soooo many farms in there as well as really poor stories/missions. Honestly, when I said it was poorly implemented..well...I have to maintain that belief. I don't know why the DEVS allowed auto leveling and having minions auto your missions to higher levels. Why not make them like the regular missions from the start? The auto-level idea facilitated farming in a big way. Anyway, wrong thread to go on about this. I have more but don't want to add it here

Anyway, I hope a new AT that they add in ROGUE would be some form of mech/armour type. With the crazy missile launchers, rockets, gadgets, etc. Maybe even have them shift forms (a new version of the Khelds).



From the looks of the GR(GOING ROGUE) video towards the end when he tells Malestrom to ready the troops for an Invasion, I wonder will it be some sort of instanced or wide open quest to stop the invasion from happening. Would be cool to join Longbow or a new faction to thwart Tyrants plan.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Anyway, I hope a new AT that they add in ROGUE would be some form of mech/armour type. With the crazy missile launchers, rockets, gadgets, etc. Maybe even have them shift forms (a new version of the Khelds).
Sort of related - I wonder why Desdemona's origin is described as "Magic", but Maelstrom's is called "Mercenary Superpowered Soldier"?
He could have been called "Natural" or "Tech", couldn't he?
So maybe there's some new origin planned for GR too?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork