City of Heroes Going Rogue - FAQ - Discussion




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Sort of related - I wonder why Desdemona's origin is described as "Magic", but Maelstrom's is called "Mercenary Superpowered Soldier"?
He could have been called "Natural" or "Tech", couldn't he?
So maybe there's some new origin planned for GR too?
maybe, but my money is on someone didn't bother double checking their work.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Yeah, I don't have the time to go through all of the rubbish to find something fun to read/play. There are soooo many farms in there as well as really poor stories/missions.
That sounds like my father. He'll come in, commandeer the television, spend about sixty seconds of flipping through channels (half of which would be in the middle of commercials) then toss the remote at the sofa and declare "There's nothing worth watching on TV"

No, the good arcs aren't going to drop in your lap. You have to look for them, just like you look for stuff on line or movies on TV. Try checking out some of the ARC review threads on the forums.

here's a couple I found in about 5 minutes of searching:

There's the MA Arc Finder global channel in game and most of the servers have a global channel for MA arcs as well.

or gawd forbid you check out the Mission Architect: Stories & Lore forum



Originally Posted by Torroes_Prime View Post
maybe, but my money is on someone didn't bother double checking their work.
Possibly - but it means they'd have to go out of their way to make a mistake like that then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Possibly - but it means they'd have to go out of their way to make a mistake like that then
oh how I wish I could believe THAT was true my dear. Sadly, I've worked IT support, and Retail long enough to know that while someone would have to go well and truely totally out of their way to accomplish a mistake like that..... they can and probably did.



Originally Posted by Torroes_Prime View Post
oh how I wish I could believe THAT was true my dear. Sadly, I've worked IT support, and Retail long enough to know that while someone would have to go well and truely totally out of their way to accomplish a mistake like that..... they can and probably did.
It's all about being too close to the project. You start to see what you expect to see instead of what is there. It has happened in my line of work, software regression testing, which is why we always have our projects looked over by someone else before releasing them to the live environment.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I do plan to read over the 800-someodd posts (as of this post) in this thread sometime immediately after the FDA approves the No-Sleep-EVAH pill, but for now I have a question. Has there been any word of how supergroups will operate with Going Rogue?

Will a hero in a supergroup who turns to the Dark Side stay in that same SG? And the same for villains? If so, does this mean there's a potential for having heroes and villains in the same SG?

<scratches head> The only thing I can think is that a hero turning dark and gaining access to the Rogue Isles is still a hero, so he stays in the SG he's a member of. Villains likewise.

So. Any information along these lines?

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
I do plan to read over the 800-someodd posts (as of this post) in this thread sometime immediately after the FDA approves the No-Sleep-EVAH pill, but for now I have a question. Has there been any word of how supergroups will operate with Going Rogue?

Will a hero in a supergroup who turns to the Dark Side stay in that same SG? And the same for villains? If so, does this mean there's a potential for having heroes and villains in the same SG?

<scratches head> The only thing I can think is that a hero turning dark and gaining access to the Rogue Isles is still a hero, so he stays in the SG he's a member of. Villains likewise.

So. Any information along these lines?
No, not as far as I know.

But my guess would be if Hero goes rogue, it would auto kick him out of the SG, same for a Villain. Just like if you would transfer to other server. So no, I don't think we will see Heroes and Villains in the same groups.

But I could be wrong but I don't think I am though.



ROGUE was announced months ago and still no info.

I am also hoping the new mission types are completely different. No more glowie hunts, caves, rescue lame NPC etc etc. I mean, the same objectives/ideas would be ok but I hope the mechanics are way different.



Originally Posted by Lord Ajax View Post
No, not as far as I know.

But my guess would be if Hero goes rogue, it would auto kick him out of the SG, same for a Villain. Just like if you would transfer to other server. So no, I don't think we will see Heroes and Villains in the same groups.

But I could be wrong but I don't think I am though.
The only problem I see with that is one I myself would share: even though prestige is not lost when a character leaves a supergroup, the total amount of prestige for a character, that big high number that one has risen to after months and years of playing...resets back to zero.

I worked to get my characters leveled (don't let the registration date fool ya; this is my second account and I've been around since May 2006). I worked to get my badge toon where he is now. I worked (not so hard with the market et al, but still) to get the millions of Influence I have now along with all the millions I've spent along the way. And I've worked to push my character's prestige up into 7 digits.

If having my hero go to the dark side means I lose my prestige total, then I ain't havin' it. I'd almost put money that the devs realize some players place a (high) value on such a thing, and would consider that when devising their mechanism for how SGs will work in Going Rogue.

But, like so many things about Going Rogue, we just. Don't. Know.

Sometimes I feel like sending Marketing some anti-Hallmark cards, y'know?

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
The only problem I see with that is one I myself would share: even though prestige is not lost when a character leaves a supergroup, the total amount of prestige for a character, that big high number that one has risen to after months and years of playing...resets back to zero.

I worked to get my characters leveled (don't let the registration date fool ya; this is my second account and I've been around since May 2006). I worked to get my badge toon where he is now. I worked (not so hard with the market et al, but still) to get the millions of Influence I have now along with all the millions I've spent along the way. And I've worked to push my character's prestige up into 7 digits.

If having my hero go to the dark side means I lose my prestige total, then I ain't havin' it. I'd almost put money that the devs realize some players place a (high) value on such a thing, and would consider that when devising their mechanism for how SGs will work in Going Rogue.

But, like so many things about Going Rogue, we just. Don't. Know.

Sometimes I feel like sending Marketing some anti-Hallmark cards, y'know?

This doesn't quite gel with the whole 'Double Agent' part of Going Rogue, which Im sure one of the Devs mentioned, and the Spy AT, if that comes to pass.

However, yes....We'll just have to see.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I was just thinking about the revamped lower level gameplay today, and I was wondering if the new starter zone would be in Praetoria or not?
If it's a zone where you can pick any AT when you make you avatar, and then become a Hero or Villain as you level up, wouldn't it make more sense if it was somewhere on our world, rather than assuming that anyone who started off neutral would be from another dimension?
Like what if it was some kind of island halfway between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, and Arachnos and Longbow would have a presence there, but neither of them would have control over it?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Like what if it was some kind of island halfway between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, and Arachnos and Longbow would have a presence there, but neither of them would have control over it?
That would be one of the PVP zones I guess - can't really see it happening.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
That would be one of the PVP zones I guess - can't really see it happening.
I don't mean PvP - I mean what sort of new starting zone would they have for neutrals if it wasn't set in Praetoria?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I wonder if we'll be seeing Praetorian Arachnos. Seeing heroic versions of Recluse, Mako, Ghost Widow and the rest would be awesome.

I'd also like to know: what happens to Patron Powers if a high level villain that has them switches sides? Does he retain them? Or is he forced to lose his Patron Powers and take Epic Powers?



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
I wonder if we'll be seeing Praetorian Arachnos. Seeing heroic versions of Recluse, Mako, Ghost Widow and the rest would be awesome.

I'd also like to know: what happens to Patron Powers if a high level villain that has them switches sides? Does he retain them? Or is he forced to lose his Patron Powers and take Epic Powers?
It's already part of the backstory that there is no Praetorian Recluse. On that world, when they got their powers it was Tyrant that went nuts, and he immediately killed his best friend. (In both versions, Statesman and Recluse were friends up to the point where they got their powers.) There might be a Praetorian version of Arachnos, and there's probably a Praetorian version of Mako. There *might* be a Praetorian version of Black Scorpion and Sirrocco. But it's entirely possible that they wouldn't be part of Praetorian Arachnos, since I believe they were all recruited by Lord Recluse. Ghost Widow and Wretch are a little tricky since their existence is the result of a freak accident. Of course, there have been hints that Sister Airlia and Ghost Widow are connected somehow, so it's possible that there is *a* Ghost Widow. It just might not be a Praetorian version of the same person.

As far as Patron/Epic pools, I'd guess that they won't take powers away. The Patron arcs will probably be set up as "Villain Only" to start - "You must be at least this evil to gain these powers." Once you have them, if you want to work your way clear over to being a hero, you get to keep them. After all, it's part of the actual arcs that pretty much as soon as you get the powers, Recluse forces you to betray your Patron. So keeping the powers isn't directly related to whether the Patron still likes you or not.

And from a gameplay perspective, taking things away from the players usually results in a lot of yelling. At a guess, they'll probably end up having to add "normal" Epic pools for the villain classes. Anyone will be able to access those. Only those who get to level 40 as full Villains will be able to do the Patron arcs. They *might* add heroic versions of the Patron arcs/pools, since one of the few features they've actually mentioned is that there will be special perks for those that pick a side and stick with it.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
It's already part of the backstory that there is no Praetorian Recluse.
Established where?

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Just coming in here to say 7,001 :P (views that is)



I'll continue trying to track it down. The recent forum resets have mixed things up pretty well though.



Can the level/map/mission designer make the maps more ... dont know how to say this ... playable with travel powers. And i`m especially talking about the tunnels and caves. Keep in mind some of us like to be fast and use the camera scrolling to view a fight from various perspectives at different heights.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
It's already part of the backstory that there is no Praetorian Recluse. On that world, when they got their powers it was Tyrant that went nuts, and he immediately killed his best friend. (In both versions, Statesman and Recluse were friends up to the point where they got their powers.) There might be a Praetorian version of Arachnos, and there's probably a Praetorian version of Mako. There *might* be a Praetorian version of Black Scorpion and Sirrocco. But it's entirely possible that they wouldn't be part of Praetorian Arachnos, since I believe they were all recruited by Lord Recluse. Ghost Widow and Wretch are a little tricky since their existence is the result of a freak accident. Of course, there have been hints that Sister Airlia and Ghost Widow are connected somehow, so it's possible that there is *a* Ghost Widow. It just might not be a Praetorian version of the same person.

As far as Patron/Epic pools, I'd guess that they won't take powers away. The Patron arcs will probably be set up as "Villain Only" to start - "You must be at least this evil to gain these powers." Once you have them, if you want to work your way clear over to being a hero, you get to keep them. After all, it's part of the actual arcs that pretty much as soon as you get the powers, Recluse forces you to betray your Patron. So keeping the powers isn't directly related to whether the Patron still likes you or not.

And from a gameplay perspective, taking things away from the players usually results in a lot of yelling. At a guess, they'll probably end up having to add "normal" Epic pools for the villain classes. Anyone will be able to access those. Only those who get to level 40 as full Villains will be able to do the Patron arcs. They *might* add heroic versions of the Patron arcs/pools, since one of the few features they've actually mentioned is that there will be special perks for those that pick a side and stick with it.
Wow, I didn't know all of that. Out of all the signature villains, I'm really hoping to see a Praetorian Mako, as he's been my favorite signature villain ever since I got the Captain Mako Heroclix figure (I actually used to play that game, and Mako was one of my favorite pieces to play). Though no Praetorian Recluse is a bit of a bummer.

And what you said about the Patron Powers makes perfect sense. And now that I think about it, Hero version of Patron arcs would be cool, but most of the Signature Heroes are either trainers or TF contacts so I'm not sure how it could be pulled off.



At the Comic-Con dev panel, they said that not everything is a mirror - some characters will always be evil, and some will always be good.
So someone like Mako might still be evil even in Praetoria - although, that doesn't mean he'd join the Praetorians - he might still be opposed to them for his own reasons, even though he was still evil.
We might even have to help him with his goals, if it'll help us against Tyrant, who's the main threat.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The more I read about GR, the more I want to play it Can't Wait!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
At the Comic-Con dev panel, they said that not everything is a mirror - some characters will always be evil, and some will always be good.
So someone like Mako might still be evil even in Praetoria - although, that doesn't mean he'd join the Praetorians - he might still be opposed to them for his own reasons, even though he was still evil.
We might even have to help him with his goals, if it'll help us against Tyrant, who's the main threat.
OK, that makes sense. It would be boring if everything in Praetoria was a mirrored version of a current character. It doesn't really matter if Mako's evil or good to me, I'm just hoping he'll find a place in the Praetorian story.

Another question: has it been confirmed that Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning will be coming in GR? Or is it a possibility we'll be seeing them before that?



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
OK, that makes sense. It would be boring if everything in Praetoria was a mirrored version of a current character. It doesn't really matter if Mako's evil or good to me, I'm just hoping he'll find a place in the Praetorian story.

Another question: has it been confirmed that Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning will be coming in GR? Or is it a possibility we'll be seeing them before that?
I'm pretty sure Positron has confirmed they're in GR.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I wouldn't say that their won't be a Praetorian Recluse, no matter what lore says. It is a comic book game, no one stays dead in comic books. Recluse wasn't dead he was um... in Hawaii sitting on a beach drinking fruity drinks and enjoying the sun.

I just can't see Stephan not showing up in some capacity. If he is gone, then someone would have to step up and take his place as the leader of some type of resistance. It doesn't make sense to not have a "good" side.

Then again it might be that with GR they are throwing out the idea of "good" vs. "evil" Those ideas are just a matter of perspective.

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