Any good level 1 forward MA's made yet?




Wash and Warehouse : 1-10 ish

Old Man Morgensol wants you to clear the bums out of an old warehouse he just bought.

No custom mobs

Infected, Vaz, Arachnos, even some Skulls. All the stuff that makes life grand from level 1-10.



I created one called Hero Boot Camp, #94077. Three missions, all stock bad guys, first mish is 1-14 the other two are 1-20. In each mission there is a different Longbow officer to help.

I designed it as an alternative to the Sewers and to give new players an idea what it was like to run with one other person. The first officer is a FF Controller, the second an AR Blaster, the third a Shield Tank.

I'm still tweaking it but it's getting positive feedback and I've run it myself and it seems to be ok.

For the less serious-minded my Zombie Arc #46051 is pretty humerous and goes from 1-50. Read the text and the descriptions. The title alone (too long to even remember for me) is enough to play it.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



I should have found this thread sooner!

Check my sig for The Dead and the Damned (87912).

It might feel kind of derivative, especially if you've already played the similar (but good!) Hearts on Fire. In my defense, I had already published my arc before I ever got around to playing Hearts on Fire, so I promise I wasn't trying to rip off any ideas!



Mine are really nice for low levels (i have 2). Both have at least 1 healing ally (empath / illusion on its just backup).

No monsters hold (and the 2ndary arent very strong)

For ranged characters, one of the lietenants moves CRAZY slow (so you can just stay away from it and kill it...taking light damage from his 1 ranged attack).

Just do a search for "Illusian" ((not illusion)) and you will see them.





Catgirl Genocide or How I Loved Crossing Dimensions.

The first 3 missions should be okay for a low level (maybe not 1 but I did solo them on a level 10 dom and level 6 mm.)

Please leave feedback if you try it.



I've taken pains to make sure the Chapter Six series is accessable from at least level 5 and up. I doubt they'll be easy to solo at low level though.

They are heroicaly inclined, however. As much as working for the NSA can be at least.

Sure, freakishly stylized cartoon child! Never give up!
Strike Force
MArc #39397 - Welcome to Chapter Six
MArc #123195 - Ch6 1.1 - Under White Plains
MArc #202989 - Ch6 1.2 - The Summoning Dark



Whilst my 1st Arc # 198952 wasn't really designed for a lowbie, , to test it for an interested party, I ran it on an un-enhanced lvl 4 blaster,on heroic and by way of inspiration use, judicious pulls and being awesome =p I managed to clear it.
Thusly, I invite folks to try it and provide feedback. GL! (It's listed as neutral but is heroically slanted)

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



I don't know if this qualifies, but I have a Lv10-14 arc, #195149, called "The Horsemen Chronicles (Part I)." It centers around your attempt to prevent the opening of a portal between Praetoria and Paragon City. There's a Custom Critter boss (EB, downgraded to Boss on Heroic) put in for some challenge, but that's the only custom critter in the entire arc.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



Shameless self-promotion follows...

Because I'm an alt-oholic and enjoy starting new toons, I created a lowbie-friendly mission arc with no EBs and no AVs and mostly standard mobs, but story-focused. Try "An Empire of Secrets" (ID# 196108). It explores the powers behind the Wentworth's chain of consignment houses, something I've wanted to see explained in-game for some time. Do play it, and let me know what you think. I enjoy reading comments, even if they include constructive criticism.

And I'm mining this forum for other lowbie-friendly arcs, so keep 'em coming.



I recommend the short mission: 'What lurks below' recently (ID number: 205 071) by Dark Seraphim.

It's was a short mission in the sewers, where the author took great advantage of the boss system to offer a great variety of foes.
The ever changing flow of enemies was really enjoyable.

I also played through the humorous arc: 'Welcome to burger clown' (ID number: 185 691).
Not as good, but still pretty good. A lot of customs bosses and an EB at the end but still soloable.



Costume Contest in Atlas Park
Arc Id#: 230255
Author: @Necrotron

Features several of the best costumes I've discovered in a short and solo/lowbie friendly mission.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



I made one called "Go Kill Skulz"

It is meant to be an alternative to doing a sewer run to lvl up your shiney new hero.

5 mission arc should get you to lvl 6-8, just in time to go to Kings Row and get your Rocket Pack.

[/ QUOTE ]

This mission arc rocks my world. I went in level 2 with other newbs, set to Rugged, and was level 6-7 within 2 missions. Went in a few days later with other similar level people, hit 10 in 2 missions.

I'm not sure I'll ever level another alt in the sewers or Hollows again.



The Path to Victory

Id# 261292



Check my sig.... I have 2 ready!

#1 -"Cube-A-Mart Check" - Help find Samuel's last paycheck after being fired from his last job. A lot of "Post Office" memories in this one.
1 mission arc
1 Elite Boss


#2 - "Jamaican Bloom" - Help the Jamaican Police Department find the man who creted the new "substance". And yes, the in-map dialog is in pure jamaican patois.
1 mission arc
1 Boss
2 Elite Bosses




The two included in my post below, both feature bosses but also include the bosses aren't too hard..

Its part 1 and 2 of an alien invasion attempt from a federation of races called the Anakim led by an emperor and queen. Part 1 you have to repel their scout forces and eventually the queen. Part 2 you take the fight to their home world with the aid of a team called the GalacticEnforcers. But be careful, they have some powerful friends as well due to alliances with other CoH groups.

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



I ran an interesting Skulls MArc yesterday. In it, you were, just like in that one Flashback Mission, Exemped down to Level 1! I thought it was interesting!

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



Originally Posted by imported_CrazyCorsaire View Post
I decided to move to very long missions and just played one already mentioned here: #6017 Mercytown...

The context is villainous, but it is neutral if not heroic actions. First definite 5 I've played.
Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm thankful for everyone who has dropped my arc's name in this thread. Unfortunately, it was only until the forum merge could I post this.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



I thought I should add here that all of my arcs are designed for lower level characters:

The Next War on Drugs, Arc ID: 245042 - Street level crime story. Story driven and text heavy, but tried to design it so missions were relatively quick. Heroic, levels 12-20.

The Liquefactionist Manifesto, Arc ID: 191029 - This one is gross. Sorry, it's intentionally rather disgusting. I made it due to a bet with a friend, so this is the way it's intended to be. It's also a decent starter arc for a lowbie villain. Villainous, levels 5-20.

Tailor Made, Arc ID: 258291 - A short comedic arc for fashion conscious villains. Help the Facemaker solve her problems, and smash stuff along the way. Only two missions. Villainous, levels 20-30 (but absolutely playable by lower characters).

Poi, Demonology, and Everything I Learned From Hellions, Arc ID: 164235 - This one is my husband's very short arc for new heroes. It was tested with brand new baby heroes straight out of Outbreak. It's my favorite arc to play when I make a new alt. Heroic, levels 1-14

My husband and I also have a review thread going for lowbie arcs (see link in sig). I think I'm a fair reviewer, and I rate mostly how entertaining and polished the story is. In fact, I don't think I've given anyone less than three stars yet. If you want your lowbie arc reviewed, feel free to add it to our queue in that thread.




I've made a couple for levels 1-15, I think the last few missions in the second are to 20. The first is a hero-themed one called "Why Can't We All Just Get Along?", wherein something has instigated a gangwar in Paragon City and you must find a way to end it.

The second is a neutral-oriented one called "Operation: Clean Streets". In this arc Lord Recluse has been arrested and has struck a plea bargain where he uses his influence and resources to eliminate the street crime in Paragon City. Rather than have Arachnos soldiers patrolling the streets (which the heroes would never stand for) he hires independent contractors regardless of their previous affiliation.

The first is definitely for teams only, but the second *can* be solo'd, though one of the missions can be very hard since the bosses seem to want to spawn as elite bosses instead.



I tried to make this arc friendly to lowbies and soloists.

Mission #320650

So far, I'm managing quite well with a lvl 8 corrupter. I haven't tried it with lower levels, though.




Love this thread, will defo try some of the other arcs posted here. I also made my own arc for lvl 1-15s

I designed it as stage 2 of Coyote's Outbreak tutorial mission. Its good fun foor experienced players and ive had great feedback from new players too. Its designed to be solo'd, and i solo'd it on all lvls. It is 5 missions detailing every test a hero will face during their heroic career! Please lemme know what you think!

Arc ID: 262393
Name: 1 Small Step for Paragon, 1 Giant Leap for Herokind.



Two of the arcs in my sig are specifically designed for new characters, one heroic (Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal), one villainous (HappyCorpse). A nice alternative to the initial contact missions.

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I just published my third arc, which is for lowbie villains:

Day Job Hell: A Villain's First Day Job

Arc ID#: 322480
Length: Long
Morality: Villainous
Enemy Groups: ClockWork, Tuatha de Dannan, "re-purposed" standard foes (colors+name changed)
Description: "Rise from the Mercy sewers and become a true villain. Lowbie villain arc, lvls 1-10. Guaranteed snake free! Custom groups='re-purposed' standards. Single added Boss spawns as a Lt. on Difficulty setting 1. LBMA, SFMA [not yet spellchecked]"

Take your villain from zero to hero! Wait, that didn't come out right... but you get the idea. Your new villain needs a place to start and getting a couple of dayjob badges seems as good as anything, but the only place that will have you is the Mercy Island Sewer Works, run by a man known as Fats Squalor. Learn to hate your job, your friends and to turn that burning rage into what it takes to become a true villain. This one's a bit more serious than my usual fare but it does have some touches of humor.

I've tested it with a few level 1 squishes without using tyheir vet powers and they all did ok on difficulty setting 1. Good for a few levels if you're at level one or two.