Any good level 1 forward MA's made yet?




I have a lowbie mission arc called Snake Tales (Arc ID #91268)that is designed to start at level 1.

It works well from a game mechanic perspective, is soloable, and I like the overall theme, but I could definitely use some input in giving the story a little more pop to make it stand out.

Lure of the Tuatha (Arc ID #1080) works well for the lowbies, even solo, for the first three missions. The last two, you may need at least a small team due to the addition of some custom mobs, depending on your AT.



I got my newbie arc up today.

Tog's Newbie Academy
Arc # 101011 (stupid lag)
Hellions and Skulls, so levels 1-14.

This is aimed at new players and uses the MA to explain thing pulling and anchors, as well as the different types of hostages and Glowies.

There are allies in all missions, though they are all optional except for the very end of mission 1 and two escorts in mission three will fight. It took some serious trial and error to find maps that work with the ally spawning method I used.

Mission s 4 and 5 each have a boss fight, but you also have three optional allies in each.

I went in at level 2 and came out at 5.5. I think with no allies, I could have hit 6 pretty easily.

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



Heh, now my only problem with this list is that before I get halfway through it, I won't be a lowbie any more.

Kidding! Good stuff, folks! Keep 'em comin'!

Dec out.



I have some questions for the creations posted after my last post.

Are these arcs 'team required' (or even 'recommended') or are they solo friendly (except where noted)? I know Speedy's is team recommended (you can't possibly be level 10 by the fourth mission running solo on Heroic). I've been running into several low level missions that seem designed for low level teams (with minions set as 'Hard' instead of Standard and such).

The Chillions is just brutal at low level. Ice armor on mobs is ridiculously overpowered when you don't even have decent enhancements (or the slots to put them in).

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



I ran the Chillions one at level 2 or 3 on a blaster. It was easy (just as, or even easier, than the Origin mission arcs). I did have it on Heroic, but turning up the difficulty for lowbies is kind of silly. Were you playiing it on a defender? I'm not sure how bad that might have made it...

EDIT: Oh, wait, I always forget. I have both Sands of Mu and the Nemi Staff from my Vet Rewards. Could very easily be easing my personal pain a lot!

Dec out.



Dunno about others, but mine uses standard Council (except for a handful of specific named mobs), and I've gotten through it with a fresh-skipping-the-tutorial character several times.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



I have some questions for the creations posted after my last post.

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This one

I have a lowbie mission arc called Snake Tales (Arc ID #91268)that is designed to start at level 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

runs solo or with a team from level 1.

Low Tide (in my sig) is designed for a lowbie team, but can be soloed by most ATs if you take your time and manage the aggro. Some ATs might want to avoid the LT boss patrols.



I have added the tag [LBMA] for LowBie friendly Mission Arc to my arcs that are lowbie friendly. Feel free to use the same tag in your arcs if they meet that criteria. If enough people take it up, it will greatly help people searching for these arcs.



The arc in my sig should be good for lowbies, and it should be fine solo. It's regular Hellions, with a custom boss at the end. He isn't overpowered, though.

During beta I started a whole series of Doctor Nadir stories. Each arc is a single mission. In each one, he came up with a new scheme to take over the world, invented something to give himself new powers, and teamed up with a different NPC enemy group. Three missions are finished, but the Hellion Heist is the only one I've published on live so far.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I published a few days ago a real fun Level 1-10 1-Mission Lowbie Mission Arc about someting done in an office building in Paragon City. All the mobs in the mission are the Infected NPC's from the Rogue Isles. It's set at Neutral Difficulty, and it's titled Level-Up Time! I'm sorry, I don't remember the I.D. Number, so just look under my Global Name, @StarNinja, to find it. I think that people with low-level characters(level 1-10), will like it. There is an ally to help out in the mission. And there's also some people to save that run off after you save them. There's 1 Glowie to click. It's set in the largest(5 floors), Paragon City Office Map I have at the moment, because I haven't unlocked any Paragon City Map Packs yet. You might want to try it on any of your characters that are anywhere from level 1 to level 10.

Try my 3 MArcs: I.D.#67166:Protect the Artifacts!! I.D.#97724:Level-Up Time. I.D.#243803:Witch War! Salem vs. Croatoa!



Since I solo exclusively and play all my missions with characters from 1-19 I guess mine are all solo. Just like in my sig: play #79755. I've got 2 whole ratings so far. Would love some more feedback.



I have two low level arcs - if someone could run each and give me some feedback - I would appreciate it very much

Arc Id #71136 - A Hero for Hellions - should be solo friendly - Hellions - Skulls nothing to over the top - I need some feedback on this one - no one has sent any feedback of the 8 that have ran it -

Arc Id# 10146 - Documents,Documents,Documents - no takers so far - its a bit tougher with an Outcast boss in missions 2 and 3 - any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Control Droid



I ran the Chillions one at level 2 or 3 on a blaster. It was easy (just as, or even easier, than the Origin mission arcs). I did have it on Heroic, but turning up the difficulty for lowbies is kind of silly. Were you playiing it on a defender? I'm not sure how bad that might have made it...

EDIT: Oh, wait, I always forget. I have both Sands of Mu and the Nemi Staff from my Vet Rewards. Could very easily be easing my personal pain a lot!

[/ QUOTE ]

Level 19 Inv/Mace tanker. 2 acc, 1 end redux in each attack. 1 end redux in every toggle. Sands of Mu & Blackwand (rarely used due to redraw). It was the character. I redid the arc and steamrolled it with a dom, a corr, and a defender (and I won't even mention what happened with the brutes, scrappers, and MMs I took through it). Probably why that character (my first tanker, rolled in '04) has been in the teens since I4. We'll see how she does with a pocket kin though.

My problem with the missions was endurance. She does crap for damage to begin with (in addition to doing the most heavily resisted damage type) so 'miss', 'avoided', and 'deflected' were just agonizing.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Well, here's what one poster put up for a review of my arc for low level toons. They seemed very pleased. Hopefully you will be as well.

Speedy's Low lvl Hero Training Service 64275
Rating 5 Stars

I ran this arc with a lvl 2 Energy/Fire Blaster on diff 2.
Duo first mish, solo remainder.

Overall this is just a great arc. It has no flaws. The missions are fun and interesting. The contact dialogue is funny and involving.

Mission 1 basically sends you to the sewers to do what you would otherwise be doing your first day in Paragon city, but adds some funny commentary.
Mission 2 shows new heroes that Trolls are rude.
Mission 3 has you fighting Lost, my favorite low lvl enemies.
Mission 4 teaches young heroes that they will at some point fail missions. I knew what she was trying to do and no matter what I tried I could not stop her. I failed.
Mission 5 Statesman would be proud. Lord Recluse not so much.

This arc deserves five stars because it makes the most boring part of the game less boring. It replaces the sewers as a way to get to lvl 10 (or almost) with funny dialogue and one enemy type at a time. I became immersed in the story and I actually WANTED to read what the contact person had to say; a rare and wonderful thing.

Great job!



To be specific. Hero themed MA for new characters and up.

Course to be fair, I would say Villian themed as well.

Reason I ask. It would be a little weak but it's an alternative.

The alternative being, I don't want to be the FREAKING BAD GUY!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I made some new arcs for you all to try out. I worked on these to make sure they were okay and even got a few people to test it as well. I hope you like them. The one I made is focused on levels 1 through 14.

IDs are at the bottom of this post. Please be kind...



Really never thought I would have a list to work through. I need to write all these's ID's on some paper with lines.



I have updated my lowbie one mission arc, changing around the objectives and tweaking the dialog a lot. Give it a try and if you haven't played it this week then give a second try. It is linked in my signature but here is the summary:

Arc Name: A Hero is Made, Not Born
Arc ID: 20863
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @OverlordIndigo
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Updated 4/22/09] Traveling back in time you aid the enigmatic Commander Chronus to inspire the career of a would be hero. (( This is a lower level mission by design and should be soloable for most characters.)) [TAGS: SFMA/LBMA]
Estimated Time to Play: 15 minute timer. 1 mission

Link to Movie Poster

All feedback is appreciated.



I'm working on my first arc after being out-of-game for six months and have a million questions, but I'll keep my first question on topic.

What would be the best way to make a Custom enemy that isn't too powerful for low levels, but not too easy for high levels?

I want my arc to be friendly for all levels, but I really want to keep my custom group.



I would take a low level character if you have one - if not make one that you don't care to delete when your finished checking your lowbie against your Marc...that's one way...

Experiment with several AT's and power make your custom group

There are several ways to check that's just my 2 influence I'm sure others can give you other suggestions

Control Droid



I'm working on my first arc after being out-of-game for six months and have a million questions, but I'll keep my first question on topic.

What would be the best way to make a Custom enemy that isn't too powerful for low levels, but not too easy for high levels?

I want my arc to be friendly for all levels, but I really want to keep my custom group.

[/ QUOTE ]

Avoid giving the mob hard ratings or even medium ratings on their powersets. Only give them what they need. Too many people crank up that rating to give their special mob the powerset they wish they had. The problem is that a mob with a lot of attacks always has an attack ready to use. This means nonstop attacks against the player and if several of those attacks include some kind of status effect then the enemy can lock down a single player very easily. Put 3 of those mobs together and they become impossible.

Only make an EB or AV when needed by the story. These guys can get out of hand very quickly. An EB will scale down depending on difficulty and team size but I don't think an AV will.

Also remember that giving your mobs defense makes them a lot tougher. They don't always need much expecially EBs and Avs. They are tough to start with.



The Fall of Aden ID# 77643. (3 story arc)It was designed to be playable by all levels and AT's but is on the heroic side of the line. (You have to help out some elves) Some mezzing foes can make it challenging but the objectives are rescue/defeat boss type and it's not necessary to defeat everything.



I'm working on my first arc after being out-of-game for six months and have a million questions, but I'll keep my first question on topic.

What would be the best way to make a Custom enemy that isn't too powerful for low levels, but not too easy for high levels?

I want my arc to be friendly for all levels, but I really want to keep my custom group.

[/ QUOTE ]

What thePatriot said is very wise. I'll add my 2 quid.

Think big picture. Yes, your minion with a status effect attack isn't hard by himself. But put two or three or four of them together and it spells 'One to teleport' at the lowest levels. Also, I'd recommend testing your custom mobs with a defender or a controller or dominator, NOT a scrapper or brute (or MM). Keep in mind that at low levels you have the triple whammy of weak powers, few slots, and poor enhancements. Also, define your range of 'low level'. Some people think it's anything below 40 (it's true!) while others see it as 1-10 and still others define it as 'pre-SOs'. Figure out how YOU define it and then work from there. If you're going to put EBs/AVs in a mission, note in the description that a team is recommended.

I've run a lot of low level (and 1-54) arcs since I14 went live (probably upward of 400) mainly because I want my first two arcs to be 1-20 and 20-40 and I wanted to see what worked and what didn't (overall, not just for my own characters). So I'm trying to get a feel for what works and what may not, right now.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



I have just added another low level arc. This one is a 4-mission villainous arc intended for level 1-10.


Arc Name: Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method
Arc ID: 111022
Morality: Villainous
Description: Help Wanted: Research Assistant. Apply to Doctor Geist, Fort Cerberus , Mercy Island. Opportunities for advancement! Excitement guaranteed! Reasonable pay. Must love SCIENCE! (For Levels 1-10; TAGS: Lowbie/Humor/Mad Scientist/Story/LBMA/SFMA)
Estimated Time To Play: 45 - 60 minutes


Now is your chance to team up with Doctor Geist and help him achieve his REVENGE!

I tried to take all the constructive feedback I received on "The Other Heroes" (Arc 95788) and built this arc with all of that in mind right from the start, so if you liked "The Other Heroes", I think that this one is even better.

It's a little lighter on the comedy, but still mostly a humorous arc.

There is a defeat all on the 3rd mission, just to warn folks in advance, but it's a small map (and just a single floor, and a linear map) and I really think that it fits the story. Even with that I think the full arc only requires about ~45 minutes (depending on your class). 3 of the 4 missions are capped at level 10 but one doesn't have a level cap (because I didn't want to add something out-of-place to cap it), so if you're playing with a high-level character you'll only be auto-Sked for 3 of the 4 missions.

CoH Codex : Demo Models/FX/MOVs : Demo Info

Arc 111022: "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method"



Rats in Space.

I made it as a level 1-20 primer in place of having to do Sewer runs.



Alright go search for Saving Death Wish, I have had several runs on this altered it a few times, the intention of it was just to make a quick mission that I could run to test a low lvl tanker while freedom was down one day.....this mission has been run by a few friends and I have yet to have anyone complain about it being to difficult, so for low level or high level your welcome to try this Story out....the mobs only come equipped with 4 attacks at most and Dual blades is a good powerset to keep dmg low since the first two attacks in Dual Blades are very weak ( Dual Blades needs the combos to be effective ). My buddy on the other hand put a lot of time into "Welcome to the Nam" and we had to run this over and over cause it started out being a suicide was not his intent but took the last two weeks of fine tuning it to be challenging but not here are two Stories you may try that should be feasible for any level..."Saving Death Wish" and "Welcome to the Nam" careful when making AE mishs not to do lot of stacking power sets such as Slow/Control stuff because it has a tendency to be overpowering and not fun to play...AE has quickly taught me how hard the devs could make this game and what challenges they have faced in creating fun playable material, gives you some insight to the other side of the coin. Be well guys and I agree the farm missions are going to be there no matter what, just wish people would take them down once they are done farming for that play period instead of leaving them published. We ran several missions trying to find a decent story and every mission we entered outside of one was a Lt personal farm mish, very dissappointing so we rated all the Lt farm mishs 0 stars and commented on please take down when ur not using so I can find real stories.