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  1. Since I solo exclusively and play all my missions with characters from 1-19 I guess mine are all solo. Just like in my sig: play #79755. I've got 2 whole ratings so far. Would love some more feedback.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice work on 95788!

    I played it through on a level 14 scrapper, a lvl 10 blaster, and a lvl 1 controller. All were successful. The pacing was right on, and I threw the lvl 1 at it thinking it would break on the warehouse piece, but nope.

    Especially nice touch on the destructibles giving the call for backup as a heads up to be ready for an ambush.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tried it today. Loved it.
  3. Arc Name: Don't let Albert Die! Arc ID: 79755
    Faction: Heroic
    Global Forum Name: Black Sham
    Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
    Synopsis: Your late for work (again) and your uptight boss wants your head (literally) and your only hope is your best friend Albert. But woe to those that let him die.
    Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour or less
    Link to more details or Feedback: Please rate and make comments. (I can take it).
  4. Are the devs even choosing missions anymore? It always seems to be the same 'chosen' ones.
  5. No need to trick the casual player when 90% of everything is farming. But as annoying others seems to be a hobby with so many have at it.
  6. I do the 19-24 range usually since all my characters are in that range. (I don't even know what EB's and AV's are). So anyone below 19 or the minimum is brought up to 19 so it's not so bad for new players as I design them using very low level characters 1-7)

    9379 An old seadog's last request (1 mission)

    74219 City of the Damned. (help Texas rangers from 1860's fight evil in 1927 Austin) 1 mission

    66653 The unwanteds 2 short missions. ( Help a spider queen rid the sewers )
    of 'unwanteds"

    Some are city scapes and aren't simple but there are no "defeat alls" or impossible bosses (or I couldn't do them).

    I work hard on my stories but for the most part they go unnoticed since I don't set up farms and I rate lots of missions (especially new ones).
  7. To be honest I came back to the game about a month ago just for the MA. So far I'm loving it (and hating it a bit) and surprised they did as well as they did considering what they we're up against. It's not perfect by a long shot but how many games can you get creative like this? And the main reason I left the game 4 years ago was the missions. Total boredom. Player made things have the potential to rise above this just by sure force of numbers.