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  1. thanks for the reply, but your saying I need to reboot my machine in Safe Mode then run CoX....cause I am not aware of how to start CoX in any type of Safe

    I will try this solution out once I am home, with the new 190. series drivers and see if this clears up the problem, and so far since the the Vista SP2 pack update I seem to have had no trouble with getting locked up or booted except when I attempt the access the Black Market ( have not tried Wentworth's yet due to mainly been jamming on Villain Side ).
  2. I cannot update my drivers from the 177. versions without CoX not working or getting to the Log In Screen it either sticks on a black screen and stops responding or with the latest update it has my screen shifted off screen but does not lock up. I run a 9800 card on Vista64 bit system.

    Any suggestions. I looked at the one post that has settings in it but that was for old drivers and seemed to be mainly for 9600 series cards or lower.
  3. Not sure if you still read or keep up with this post but I have 9800 series card and I cannot update my drivers past the 177s without CoX locking up the computer or just not responding, I have not tied the new 190. drivers yet but I have made many attempts, with the new windows update I can finally get CoX to run on 18x plus drivers but the load screen is way off to where I cannot access the log in area just see the lower bottom part of the CoH log in screen. So basically anytime I run or change drivers CoH will not load so I always have to roll back to the 177 drivers.
    EDIT: I am running vista 64.
    Any suggestions on what might be the problem?
  4. I had to reset it, that seemed to work....funny thou I did the same thing last night and it did not fix it but today it works. Life is funny, just wanted to say thanks for the response is appreciated.
  5. Hey I have a lvl 46 Dominator and up to last night the character was working normal. Now I have logged on to multiple machines to check and groomed the options to see if it was something I have set up wrong or something got changed...the settings on this character are the same as all my other characters so that is not the issue.

    Here is the issue on my Dominator I can no longer mouse over any powers, recipes, IO enhancements, IO Sets for information. Nothing comes up in my IO tray nor in my manage enhancement screens, no information will pop up when I mouse over my recipes in inventory nor when I am at the Black Market...the only way I can even get any information on the IO Recipes is being at the black market and hitting information...but this will not work for anything in my inventory. I sent in a bug report but have not gotten any reply yet, ofcourse I had to log off so I could not sit on the game for umpteen hours waiting on a response from a dev. I know that I have had problems with mouse-over not working slightly on other toons if I had screens over top one another and such but this is not the case, I cannot get mouse-over info to work on anything...what to do? Any I just missing some option that I might have turned off...I checked options and everything was set to mouse over but it still will not work about the only thing mouse-over is working on is when I hit a player it will highlight them and give me the name of the player I mouse-over. This is only happening on one character the rest of my 100 alts is working fine.

    Any help?
  6. I am not sure if anyone else is having problems, I am running Vista but also tried on another computer with Windows XP...also tried Firefox and IE and all got the same result.

    I goto log screen for character copy and then it just keeps stating logged in, I cannot get to the server selection to select a character to copy to test.

    There is a post in Test server forums but has had no response outside of everyone having the same problem.

    Please help I want to go to the test to do some respecn to find what I want for my character.

  7. Yea I just tried also, sucks just deleted bunch of toons so I could copy over and do some respecn'
  8. Alright go search for Saving Death Wish, I have had several runs on this altered it a few times, the intention of it was just to make a quick mission that I could run to test a low lvl tanker while freedom was down one day.....this mission has been run by a few friends and I have yet to have anyone complain about it being to difficult, so for low level or high level your welcome to try this Story out....the mobs only come equipped with 4 attacks at most and Dual blades is a good powerset to keep dmg low since the first two attacks in Dual Blades are very weak ( Dual Blades needs the combos to be effective ). My buddy on the other hand put a lot of time into "Welcome to the Nam" and we had to run this over and over cause it started out being a suicide was not his intent but took the last two weeks of fine tuning it to be challenging but not here are two Stories you may try that should be feasible for any level..."Saving Death Wish" and "Welcome to the Nam" careful when making AE mishs not to do lot of stacking power sets such as Slow/Control stuff because it has a tendency to be overpowering and not fun to play...AE has quickly taught me how hard the devs could make this game and what challenges they have faced in creating fun playable material, gives you some insight to the other side of the coin. Be well guys and I agree the farm missions are going to be there no matter what, just wish people would take them down once they are done farming for that play period instead of leaving them published. We ran several missions trying to find a decent story and every mission we entered outside of one was a Lt personal farm mish, very dissappointing so we rated all the Lt farm mishs 0 stars and commented on please take down when ur not using so I can find real stories.