Mouse Over Not Working on One Character
I seem to be only having trouble with the extra power trays at the moment.
The strangest thing though, on my first login in 2 weeks on the first character I'm pretty sure I had no mouseover at all on any power tray or options. I switched characters and had mouseover on the main trays but not the extra trays. The original character I logged in is now working like the others: mouseover on the main trays only. I have tray 6 with 6 identical looking summons powers that are only distinguishable by right-click.
Try looking under Menu->Options-> General tab; in the Miscellaneous section the first entry is for ToolTips. Make sure that is Enabled.
Edit to add: SeedyXX, try toggling Tooltips to Disabled, "Apply Now" and then Enabled->"Apply Now". Sometimes newly opened windows don't get the default window settings applied, like window scale etc.
"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"

I had to reset it, that seemed to work....funny thou I did the same thing last night and it did not fix it but today it works. Life is funny, just wanted to say thanks for the response is appreciated.
Hey I have a lvl 46 Dominator and up to last night the character was working normal. Now I have logged on to multiple machines to check and groomed the options to see if it was something I have set up wrong or something got changed...the settings on this character are the same as all my other characters so that is not the issue.
Here is the issue on my Dominator I can no longer mouse over any powers, recipes, IO enhancements, IO Sets for information. Nothing comes up in my IO tray nor in my manage enhancement screens, no information will pop up when I mouse over my recipes in inventory nor when I am at the Black Market...the only way I can even get any information on the IO Recipes is being at the black market and hitting information...but this will not work for anything in my inventory. I sent in a bug report but have not gotten any reply yet, ofcourse I had to log off so I could not sit on the game for umpteen hours waiting on a response from a dev. I know that I have had problems with mouse-over not working slightly on other toons if I had screens over top one another and such but this is not the case, I cannot get mouse-over info to work on anything...what to do? Any I just missing some option that I might have turned off...I checked options and everything was set to mouse over but it still will not work about the only thing mouse-over is working on is when I hit a player it will highlight them and give me the name of the player I mouse-over. This is only happening on one character the rest of my 100 alts is working fine.
Any help?