Any good level 1 forward MA's made yet?




I've got two (I believe) that are suitable from level 1 up, and are not necessarily villainous.

My first is Death to Humans! Arc number is 84643 ... consists of three missions, short/medium/medium (not 'unique') maps. Has custom enemies and 5th, but I attempted to make them low level friendly (no energy drains, no 'huge' hits for the most part) and no elite bosses /arch villains. The range is 1-54 so anyone can play it really. This one is of 'neutral' morality.

The other is Get Dash Apostrophe! Arc number 4644. Consists of three missions also, of short/medium/medium map sizes (nothing outdoor, though the first is 'unique'). Has custom enemies, but I gave this one another pass to make sure they weren't 'horrible' to fight. There's one elite boss but I made pains to make her as 'not awful' as possible. This one is of 'heroic' morality.

Still working on an 'all levels' villain mission but I'm not feeling the 'diabolical' urge just yet. It's in there somewhere though.



I added a low level arc. #118984 Hero Training. 3 story arc for 1-14. Tested with a level 6, should be fine from level 1 up.

Basically it's Statesman training you before you go out in the real world and face real villains. Not too tongue-in-cheek, also not too super serious.



For what it's worth, I've finally completed Welcome to M.A.G.I. (arc #120957), an alternative first story arc for magic-origin heroes. Of course, anyone can play it, but why are you bothering Azuria for missions if you're not magic origin?

5 missions made for levels 1 to 10. Just don't forget your inspirations in the final mish.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



I have the first 2 in my (hopefully longer) series of "So You Want To Be A Hero"

#7918, the prologue that introduces the custom contact
#9070, Part 1

6 missions total. Between the 2 arcs, a level 1 character should make level 6 or 7.



Hey guys,

I made this 5 Mission arc for levels 1-14 involving Hellions.

I enjoy fighting Hellions so it was great for me. It's fast-paced and excellent low level xp.

The War on Hellions
Arc ID: 131548

Try it if you like. There's some minor humor, but for the most part it gets down to business. You defeat the 5 main Hellion section leaders, 1 per mission. An Ex-Hellion is your contact, he's selling them out and giving you the information on finding the various Hellion hideouts.

/shrug.. I think it's a lot of fun.




I have been using this thread to find arcs for my low level characters to play, so I thought I would add my own to the list.

Name: Pretenders to my Hobo Throne
ID: 113375
Length: It says "long" but the 4 missions are all on small maps. There are no "defeat all" missions.
Level Range: Suitable for level 1-14.
Alignment: Neutral, with a slight villainous lean in the final mission.

The custom mob I used is actually a mixture of standard low level mobs such as Hellions, Skulls and Lost. There is only one custom character to fight. (A boss, which I have tried to keep reasonable.) The other customs are escorts/allies.

There is quite a lot of text in the story (contacts/clues) and there is a custom description for just about anything that can take one.

I'd love some feedback on it, or just for someone to play it!




Zowie -- I have been scribbling down lots and lots of arc numbers from this thread. I hope to run them soon, either as lowbies or auto-exemped just to try them out.

The two arcs in my sig right now are 1-54, though a couple mishes in the second arc are 5-54. They should be do-able for lowbies, but they are chock-full of customs, so likely not ideal for, say, a level 5 soloing them. There are no stealthed customs, but some have buffs/debuffs. It's kinda hard to balance an arc well enough to work for that many levels, but I wanted them to be accessible.

Anyway, the first arc is very short (1 mish, so not really an arc as such) and shouldn't be too uber, though there is an EB at the end that will scale down to boss for a small team/soloist. The second arc is very long (all 5 mishes) and is a wee bit harder, with a few CoT cameos and a final mish with 2 Bosses and an AV.

Once I've tried some more peoples' arcs, I can post about them in here. Looking forward to that.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



I've made a short arc titled Group Profile: Hellions.

It's supposed to familiarize the player with the Hellion villain group, with a bit of a story to go along with it.

It's my first arc, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



I made one called "send in the rookie" that would be good for lvl 1-15 MA #138192 try it and send me pm.



I designed one with lowbies in mind, so it uses 1 small and 2 medium maps, and all the enemies are set to Standard. However, it is intended for "experienced lowbies." The second mission features primarily minions, but I chose a bit of an unusual secondary power, which makes them more difficult en masse.

However, I have successfully run it with a level 9 Peacebringer and a level 5 Illusion/Storm Controller. (I just logged said Controller on tonight after being idle for 1,253 days (!). I decided not to get the Vet powers I usually take, so as to try it with a completely ordinary starting character. It was kind of neat to get all those badges at once.)

I also tried to give a slight spin to a cliched mission type ("Runaway toys!"). I also added info on the various custom characters. Solo friendly, but a bigger group spawns a few more custom characters.

The Toy Box by @Ironik.

Arc ID: 132772
Length: Long (3 missions)
Enemy Groups: Custom Group
Morality: Heroic
Levels: 1-54 (intended for 1-25)

Weaponized toys are terrorizing citizens. Solve the mystery and save the civilians!


The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Statesman's Tiny Task Force (Level 1-10)
Positron's BBQ Party Task Force (11-20)
Synapses Speedy Task Force (15-25)

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



The mission, mentioned below in my sig, written by my seven year old, is for levels 1 through 10.



No Biz Like Showbiz by @Spectrum Lord

Arc ID: 147917
Length: Long (3 missions, the first with a 1hr time limit)
Enemy Groups: Custom Group, Nictus, Aracnos
Morality: Neutral
Levels: 1-54

Description: I'm going to make you a star baby! Just sign right here!



My story arc is all custom characters. Not sure if it would be good for level 1, since I have elite bosses and 1 AV in there.

What's in a name? # 123008

Somewhat humorous story arc. I've soloed it on easy, on invincible with a full group it's pretty rough, I think because my villian group is pretty balanced with lots of different AT's.



Course to be fair, I would say Villian themed as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lowbie villain mish: 149910.

New in Town.

by: @Hero Gojira

It's not really a big deal, but I tried to write it so that villains get more respect. Too many villain side missions feel like you're doing someone else's evil scheme. This is one you can do for yourself.

Hopefully more to follow.



This is not my arc. It was made by a guy in my SG, and we had a lot of fun running it last night:

Bricked Electronics - Arc ID: 2180

IIRC it's Goldbrickers, Clockwork, Council and some custom mobs thrown in--nothing over the top though. My husband and I ran it on our level 5 duo. The Goldbricker missions autolevel you to 8, but that didn't pose a problem for us. It's very thorough with a lot of attention to detail, and a nicely written story. Probably one of the best lowbie arcs I've played so far.



#1945, "Positron's Task Force: the Remix" should be lowbie-friendly. The mobs are all Hellions, Skulls, and CoT.



Battle of Brothers
MArc id:120022
Due to enemy restrictions, mission 3 is 5-54 but the first two are 1-54. Custom critters only make a cameo appearance in mission 3 and the arc is 5th Column based although there are some assorted foes involved.



Mine is specifically made for levels 1-14.

D.A.R.E. to Keep Kids Off ... What?!
# 144901

4 missions, hellions and skulls, with one custom boss that may spawn up to EB level for larger groups. A custom group makes cameo appearances but you never fight them; they simply provide window dressing. I've soloed the arc with both a level 4 blaster (energy/elec) and a level 4 defender (cold/dark). I've also duo'd it once. Never felt like it was too much to handle any time although the custom boss made me eat some inspys. You are warned about him by your contact.

In the end, I wanted something fairly light and easy that should be playable by most. I did ramp up the spawn difficulties a touch.

Synopsis: It's just community service; what could possibly go wrong? Ms. Quisenberry is full of advice for you, but she sure doesn't seem to be able to keep her own class under control.

Please, if you do run this, I would appreciate some feedback.



I've got 2 lowbie-friendly (LBMA) hero arcs up right now, if anyone would like to try them. They're probably best for game veterans as opposed to those new to the game.

Both arcs are based on canon game lore yet introduce things not previously seen in the game. Both arcs are serious, story-focused (SFMA), and should provide an appropriate challenge for both solo and team play.

#76764, "Hall of the Dancing Tigers" - This was designed for level 3-8 play, but as all the NPCs in the arc are custom, you can play for xp from 1-50 with no level jumping. The arc is 5 missions long, but the maps are all small or medium so it's not that tedious. The blurb reads:

Derek Amberson, the coordinator for new heroes of Natural origin, has learned of a plan by the Tsoo to extend their reach into Galaxy City. Who will stand up and oppose the Tsoo?

[/ QUOTE ]

While you could start this arc at level 1, I would suggest street fighting a little to get up to level 2 or 3 before entering the first mission. Just zone from the tutorial into Galaxy to avoid the Atlas lagfest, street clean a little, and you'll be all set!

#49035, "A South Side Story" - You can get xp on this one from level 5-14, but I designed it to be appropriately challenging for levels 10-14. Think of it as something to do in Kings Row once you've completed your second safeguard.

The foes include standard Hellions, Skulls, and Lost, with custom bosses, and the arc is 5 missions long with medium and small sized maps. My intention in making this arc was for it to be slightly more dramatic and challenging than the typical canon arc.

Here's the blurb:

Det. Rachel Torres, head of the PPD's Gang Unit, needs your help! You'll be working with a Skull known as "Teardrop" to quell gang violence in Kings Row.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've enjoyed making these arcs and I hope you have fun playing them!



I designed an arc for roughly level 1-5 and tested on a level 2 and level 7. Beating the leader in mission can be a little tricky but otherwise it appears soloable with a squishie on heroic.

Poi, Demonology, and Everything I Learned From Hellions
level 1-14
(arc 164235)

It's only two missions and seems to be fairly short.



Made one a while back, and though I'm still tweaking it here and there, I'm generally getting positive feedback on it. Arc ID 61156, "The Grim and the Green". I took Jose Brogan's "Skulls attack a nightclub" mission and took it as the starting point of the arc. There's two custom foes - one a Family mobster {which had to be custom because there's no Lv1 Family} and the endboss {which you can call backup for}. In any case, led a few Lv1ish teams for field tests and other than the occasional teamwipe from overlapping fields of aggro, didn't have much trouble getting through the arc.



If you don't mind satire (and an homage to an old cliche), I'll plug my wife's mission. While trying to investigate the CoT for Azura in Perez Park, the hero winds up on a "bad team." It's a short, one-shot mission designed for lowbies.

Arc Name: Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Arc ID: 158877
Creator Global Name: @tahlana



Big Leagues II: Assert your authority. #165340
It contains 4 mishs
1 kill all
2 Kill boss
3 Kill elite-boss
4 Kill AV
could be for all the way up to 50 though. The story is that environmental terrorist organization is trying to muscle in your turf you need to show them who's boss. Was made for bad guys but works for good guys to.



I'll throw mine into the ring.

Master of the Nether Realms!
ArcID: 1440

It's designed for 1-14 players, uses pretty much all stock mobs, and should be soloable by most characters, although Damned bosses are actually quite nasty.

It's designed to be a fairly short story focused arc for low level characters. I haven't cranked things up for the 'Challenge' type players.

It also contains the fruits of my odd sense of humour. You Have Been Warned.

"The gaping maw of your mind is filled with layered circles upon circles of bloody razors, I am finding."
- Twoflower