Any good level 1 forward MA's made yet?




1472 - Hearts on Fire, played through the first half of that arc earlier on an 8 man leveling team (started at 4, got to about 8.5) on Vicious difficulty villain side. I liked that the enemy groups were varied up a bit.

Loved it, thought the mission lengths worked very well (we tended to want to go level by the end of the mission) and the balance was fine (go go not many special mobs!). We started to run into trouble about 1/2 way through, but only because we had perpetual AFKers and one champ who got his first AoE and decided to pull 2 groups at a time pretty consistently. Not your arcs fault at all, just a bad time.

Once my girlfriend gets home we plan on getting a new team and starting it over to give it the full go.



To be specific. Hero themed MA for new characters and up.

Course to be fair, I would say Villian themed as well.

Reason I ask. It would be a little weak but it's an alternative.

The alternative being, I don't want to be the FREAKING BAD GUY!!!

I like the ATs but being restricted to Villian Access only... unless I play half concious while ignoring every single bit of dialog, interaction and everything at the same time beat myself with a stick the moment I note I'm starting to read. I'm still going to be stuck being the evil greedy, self centered, murdering, thieving bad guy.

I'd like to reduce the amount of lying to myself required to enjoy a character I play.

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When I was testing my arc one of my test characters was a level 8 scrapper.

Arc # 27024 "A Simple Crime"
Constructive feedback is appreciated.




For a good lowbie arc, esp. to solo, Search the Term "Hellion," "Skulls," or "Snakes" Fore they are the lowest level enemy groups found in the game running around the cities. Then, look at the level range, following that any bosses, then the Rating.

If the level range is low, and there are bosses, but the rating is good, the bosses shouldn't be any crazy EBs/AVs, because if you were told to beat down Lord Recluse at level one im pretty sure your rating would go down the toilet. If there are no ratings so far it's anyones game, and if there are no bosses then don't worry.

That's what I've been doing, it's worked out good so far.



I've got a simple, lowbie-friendly, and solo-friendly arc (1 mission really) that I can contribute. It's called, A Nest of Vipers (29751), and it's pretty much just snakes + sewers. Who can resist such a sweet-smelling combination?

Its level range is listed as 15-52 but in actuality it's 1-52. I added a Rogue Arachnos (harmless bystander) to the mish to artificially narrow the range to 15-52, so that the optional Empathy Ally that I included will always have access to Fortitude. So if you're soloing, she'll keep Fort (and CM too) on you the whole time.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



If you're looking for an arc to start a new character on, you might try 42221: Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V.

It's an "origin story" for a tech based character. It does assume a couple of things about the character, such as their background and source of powers. This is a little bit from the first mission intro:

" You were always the person that could fix things. Every time anything broke, from the TV to the computer, people called on you to take care of it. In High School, you were the kid that lived in the computer lab, and that's pretty much what you've been ever since: The Techie. You can't count the number of cell phones you own, your house is a maze of spare computer parts, and you get the shakes if you're away from electronic devices for more that twelve hours.

That's how you ended up here, working at Architect Entertainment."

It's definitely soloable - I ran through it on a level 1 Energy/Dev blaster without using any temp/vet powers.

If you want to RP it, skip outbreak and start in civvies, if you have a free costume change. Most of the missions are short, except the fourth one which is destruvtible object hunt on the outdoor Shore map.

It's 5 missions long and took me from level 1 - 4.5. It should take 1 - 2 hours at most. It will be slightly harder for characters using lethal or toxic damage or relying on stuns.

There are no EBs and two optional bosses in the last mission.



I found one called future Skull's it doesnt seam to bad. smallish maps first 2, huge outdoor on third.

Im making one, thats hellions/skulls with a CoT twist.. Ill post it when its done ment for 10-14, but i would think lower could do it with out too much trouble.



I've started searching on enemy group names to find lower end missions. That excludes both Custom as the primary group and makes sure it is hitting the level.

Here's the list I made (I'm sure I skipped a few):
Arachnos, 5th Column, Coralax, Council, Hellion, Skulls, Tuatha, Lost

Here are some that start at 5 or 8, I think:
Gold Bricker, Legacy, Luddite, Mook, Pirate



Other good level 1 enemies: Clockwork, infected, contaminated, security guards, longbow, paragon police.

Also, you can make some pretty easy custom enemies for low levels, you just have to use the right sets.



Doing some more low-level arcs today, plan on giving a short report here as I find (and complete) them, and let you folks know what's worth doing.

This morning I did:

Twisted Tales - Part One - Storyland in Danger! (ID: 12397)

Completed with the same character as before, it's a 5 mission arc that is relatively quick to complete solo, and definitely enjoyable.

The writing is interesting and well done, a very unique and modern take on some classic stories. I found it quite balanced, as well, and it's worth giving it a go on a lowbie alt. There is a sequel to the first one, but it's level 20-30. I'll try it once this character gets there!

I think these would be a bit more fun with a group, but it's a shame most of the low-level players are looking for farm content.

Edit: In addition, I just did "A Squeeky Gear" as a L8 Fire/SD scrapper. Quick little series (the first mish is a big outdoor area, but the objective is close to the entrance). Worth playing, level range is 5-20.

There seems to be, surprisingly, more lowbie content than I thought. Let's continue compiling it in this thread, shall we?



The only down side to searching by enemies group is that if people are using all standard enemies but putting them into new groups to ensure the correct types spawn for the mission then you will cut them out.

I am nearly finished a lowbie arc, 3 missions all 5th Column designed for solo or team in the 1-20 range but as I dont want any vampires or wolves I just picked the guys I did want and called them a new name. This means I know exactly what you will be fighting throughout the arc but it shows up as custom mobs.

I will post details when I get a chance to finish it!



I found one called future Skull's it doesnt seam to bad. smallish maps first 2, huge outdoor on third.

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While the 3rd mission is on a large map, it is the only one that works for story purposes. The 4th mission is also outdoors, but I did choose the smallest map available for it.

Using an outdoor or large map for low levels is something that needs to be balanced, because of the lack of movement powers. But you also need to keep in mind the story and what is happening there. It is actually one of the harder things to handle, if what you have in mind in the long term leads you to use something that can be difficult for a level 4 to get around in. One good thing is the map types are shown in the listing, so people can choose not to try an arc if it says there is an outdoor map.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



I've made a small arc for the lowbies (level 1-10) called The Night of Silent Residents (Arc ID: 1673), 3 missions with Infected and Hydra groups.



The only down side to searching by enemies group is that if people are using all standard enemies but putting them into new groups to ensure the correct types spawn for the mission then you will cut them out.

I am nearly finished a lowbie arc, 3 missions all 5th Column designed for solo or team in the 1-20 range but as I dont want any vampires or wolves I just picked the guys I did want and called them a new name. This means I know exactly what you will be fighting throughout the arc but it shows up as custom mobs.

I will post details when I get a chance to finish it!

[/ QUOTE ]

As a suggestion, you might add the enemy group you are emulating to your description field, so it still shows up in these kind of searches.



I've done a few arcs on my lowbie MA only brute, that I'd like to suggest:

1001 - Johnny Sonata and the Hitmen
1931 - The Do-It-Yourself Laser Moonbase Project (Was a bit rough but manageable)
1006 - Ripping Out Reform: A Rogue Island Police Story (Had a Wyvern EB in one mission, but I was able to beat him pretty easily)
6017 - Mercytown: The One With All The Fish
44333 - "Healing" the Lame

All had a great story and were fun to play.

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History



Soul Train's origin story - forget the exact title - is also fairly easily run by lowbie characters. Except for one character, an elite boss that turns into a regular MA boss on Heroic - a duo team of a scrapper and defender all handled it fairly easily at level 6. The story is nicely done as well.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Any low level arcs that have an ally that buffs your endurance recovery?



I've got a lowbie arc, 10-20 range. My lvl 22 scrapper did well on it. I used my level 15 sonic defender as the litmus test, using only his two attacks from his secondary. (No vet powers.) He had some rocky bits, but was able to hold his own as long as I didn't rush through and end up with six guys on him at once. This character had taken all of the team buffs to that point, so he was really gimped compared to the typical character his "age". I figure if he was able to go through it that the average hero ought to be able to.

I'd be curious how anyone does. The arc is #39208, The Galaxy Girl Ploy (which ought to be the Galaxy Girl Gambit but can't be for obvious reasons). It does have a custom group but I've taken some pains to keep them manageable.

I'll save you some trouble on mission three (four total). If a boss runs, let it go. It's designed to escape (the map has a lot of doors to run through) and if you follow the dialog you SHOULD realize why unless I failed as a writer. *heh*



I'll suggest my own Save the Spiderlings mission.

Any character should be able to complete it. I would say even at lvl 1 - though I didnt' test that....Hmm...should do that.

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I just did it at 19 and it rocks. Doing it now at 12 (and will go down from there). The only issue with it that I had was the abundance of end drain from the Mu mystics but that's not a big deal, really.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



As much as self-promotion makes my skin crawl, you might want to try my arc #1472, Hearts on Fire. I actually got feedback from a level 4 Stalker complimenting me on how well balanced it was, which was probably the most valued feedback I've gotten so far.

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This is probably the best arc I've played in this game, ever. It infuriated me and then gratified me shortly thereafter. I just did this mission on a level 13 brute (missed the 'heroic' part on it) and man, I sure didn't want to fight at the end. I wanted to HELP the boss! Right after I made a grease stain of the dude at the beginning of the mission.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



You can try mine, heroic levels 1-10, #51106 Playing Gods. I'm hoping some actual low levelled characters will play it and get some feedback on the difficulty of the bosses in the third mission (hoping that they won't be too difficult).

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Best Thread EVER!

I'll be trying lots of these on a new character very soon!

Thanks to all!



My only problem with this thread is that I'm going to have to get a notebook and start writing these down, because my weaksauce machine can't handle having my browser open with the game on very well.

Dec out.



Just finished and published "Rise of the Shadows" arc No55603.
Its meant for lvls 1-20 though will play at any lvl if highers want to try it as well. It says it is only custom mobs but it is almost completely normal 5th Column troops reorganised to spawns as I wanted them. Have tested it with 50's as well as my lvl 8 ma only brute. Hope you enjoy!

Would like to second Hearts on Fire and Soul Trains Origin story, these are both great for lowbies!



Name: Gang Land - The Tesla Fidelilty Cannon
Arc ID #: 4424
Factions: Outcasts, Skulls
Length: Very Long
Difficulty: Easy, Difficult Boss + Ambush in 3rd mission
Summary: When a powerful technological device is discovered in Port Oakes everyone wants to get their hands on it, including you. It is a fight to the finish to possess the most powerful force the Rogue Islands has ever seen. A story of love, hate and world domination. A level 1-14 Port Oakes Adventure.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force