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  1. Red side, I'd place one right by Scrapyard's grave in Sharkhead.
  2. Benita Harper - DP/Energy- Blaster - Virtue
  3. I plan to create a series of dedication sigs to certain Toons I know and/or have teamed with recently. So far I have 2.....

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Wow, lots of negativity. I like the colors. Matches exactly with the official website, and continuity is a good thing, although most people here don't seem to take change very well.

    I like to see people's sigs. The size is already limited (if you check your settings), so you can't get them taller than like 150px, which is very small compared to a lot of forums I've been on. I like to see peep's sigs, because it shows their personality, and a lot of times, it shows what sort of Photoshop/image editing talent they have. I've learned a lot of Photoshop techniques from people after seeing a sig and asking how they accomplished a particular effect. And... I can't wait to see what people do with thier "signature heroes!" I'm going to try a few myself eventually... Having sigs DEFINITELY takes the "bland" away for me. Very nice.

    I do like that you can post images as well (Comic-Con pics coming soon!), but I'd like to suggest (if this is not implemented already) that the pics get auto-resized to an avatar-sized pick that you can click on to enlarge if you're interested in seeing it. I think that would get rid of the "OMGLOOKATME" aspect that some of these traditionalists are complaining about.

    Not sure if the "reputation" thing is such a good idea, but, meh...It's not going to kill me.

    I would suggest somehow getting rid of the grey background behind the avatars, because some people have transparent avatars, and others have avatars that aren't going to be exactly the size of the avatar space you have alotted.

    I find it very strange that gamers, of all people, are the ones complaining about "page loading slow with these new forums." Gamers are usually the pioneers of the internet, and have better/more advanced computer systems, internet connections, download rates, and storage capacity than the average public. I figured most CoH players would have been off the dial-up by now.

    I think that's all I have for now.

    "The One"

    THIS! If I could kiss you, I would!

    Kind of makes you wonder what sort of system they have if a few pics loading would slow their machines so much. Actually, I've never had a problem with loading any page. And I have been on strictly graphical forums where the average sig image is significantly larger that what you guys see here.
  5. Wow! I do appreciate all the info in this thread! And it's nice to see a logical explanation as to what happens when you DC after clicking on the WW employee.

    My thanks to you all! :-)

  6. At first, it took some getting used to. Now, it's more alike than different from the old one. AND... you get PICTURES NOW!!!!! YAY!!!!

  7. It's easy to check one tank's build, see them handle a TON of aggro, then declare that tank type to be "more superior". BUT.... one doesn't realize is how IO'd or Purpled out that tank may be. As far as just plain SO's, stone wins out. But as far as damage output, you got me on that one. ;-)

  8. Iscilla

    Funny AFK

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    When my daughter was less than a year old, she had an "explosive event" while I was watching her. It was bad. Somehow it managed to completely bypass the diaper she was wearing and ended up all over her, the seat she was in, and the floor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just how do they do that?

    This is the kind of thing Science should be seeking answers for!

  9. I do the same.... the LFT flag up and periodic announcing. If nobody bites, then I happily solo. It's just that when I finally choose to solo, I usually get a /tell or invite response just when I arrive at my door mish. *sigh*

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
    Can we lead them to Adamaster and then log off?
    LOL All that fog will scare em off!

  11. I didn't play as much as I would have liked to. So..... I mainly concentrated on my merc/poison MM.

    Gramalite Simpson - from lvl 22 - 36.

    Not bad at all. (for me anyways)

  12. I think the servers were upgraded also.... especially since the "LFae" broadcasting certainly did NOT seem to slow down any!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Stop 30 fir blog entering the portal. Hate hate hate HATE that mission!!!!


    This mish also wins the "Instant complete upon seeing" trophy!

  14. Anytime I see that ForceField based Longbow Elite Boss! I've never seen a baddie kill MM pets so quickly!

  15. Iscilla

    The Kudos Thread

    Thank you guys! You've made my 3 1/2+ years at CoX a wonderful experience.

  16. Hey! The ability to add images is enough for me to cheese all day!

  17. I've tried to add a sig but to no avail. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to add mine via regular embedding in the text field.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
    ....and if you take away the guns you have no shooters
    But you CAN have STABBERS!
  19. I have to agree with the OP! I started in Dec 2005 and hit my first 50 (Iscilla) in Sep 2006. That was W-O-R-K! But... it felt oh sooo sweet! I truly felt a sense of accomplishment. Now, within the past month, every 50 I see I make sure to check their vet badges. And viola!..... a lot of times they don't even have any!

    I love AE and what it offers the CoX community, but the abuse just makes me puke.

    Seeing a 50 just isn't what it used to be anymore.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    You know what, I'm not going to argue the reward system of AE...Nothing will happen!

    I do have to say that his afternoon I played on a team of 6... there were only two people on the and the other guys 5 level 50's....none of them had the three month vet reward...

    They were all the same build, costume, and the same mistakes through and through...after our team of 2. We face-planted the moron blamed me for the failure?!

    he kept talking in broadcast, when I asked him if he knows how to speak on team he answered "What's team"

    I asked him if he wanted an Oro portal... he asked me what's that..

    I said lets go to RWZ... he asked me what that stands for...

    Oh, I asked if he wanted to join my SG... he didn't know what an SG was! he thought he was already on my SG!

    I asked him why he didn't take hasten and stamina when his recharge sucked and his end down to 0... he said he didn't see those powers in his regular power selection screen...

    Please do not argue with people when they see horrible...not bad, horrible players coming from the AE boom...and for one up the competition, the Devs have kinda lost their integrity to compete with a game that they recently claimed they have Beta 'd and are laughing...

    Let's be real and move back to playing the game and learning how to play properly!

    Feel free to be as nasty as you want with my post but I am tired of this crud!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    and an A-MEN!!!
  21. Now with all that said and done.... THREE CHEERS FOR THE FARMERS!........ Hip, HIP... um... hooray...?
  22. I'd love to fight in ICON!!

    Or any additional store interiors besides the banks and the jewelry shops!