Harmless Farming?
Everything "affects" others.
However, what they're doing is finding holes that needed to be (and would be) closed in AE anyhow.
So how does this NEGATIVELY affect you?
[/ QUOTE ]
It negativlely affects me because I can not play.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Everything "affects" others.
However, what they're doing is finding holes that needed to be (and would be) closed in AE anyhow.
So how does this NEGATIVELY affect you?
[/ QUOTE ]
It negatively affects me because I can not play.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he got you there Hyperstrike
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
What Work Ethic said.
See back in the old days, we had maintanence on Monday and Friday. Since AE, we've had many additional Downtimes to fix "exploitive" AE farming. I agree that they "NEED" to fix the exploits, I might recommend pounding the creators a bit and letting the rest of us play. Fix them on scheduled days as the servers are down anyway.
Now...IF they are dropping in additional things, like Booster Pack 3 or other "community as a whole QoL" things..just say so and no one cares.
Noght 50 Scrapper Broadsword/Invulnerability
Fire Umbra 50 Brute Dark Melee/Fire Aura
Impulse Cry 50 Blaster Sonic/Energy
Internist 50 Mastermind Poison/Thugs
Ice Omega 50 Corrupter Ice/Radiation
Prickly Heat 50 Dominator Plant/Fire
Champion Server
If it were me, I'd rollback AE entirely until I could make sure it didn't have any exploits available, but I've never been strictly business-oriented.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Now with all that said and done.... THREE CHEERS FOR THE FARMERS!........ Hip, HIP... um... hooray...?
If it were me, I'd rollback AE entirely until I could make sure it didn't have any exploits available, but I've never been strictly business-oriented.
[/ QUOTE ]
A few people using the MA are going to wind up overlooking exploits. Thousands of people who are obsessed with finding the maximum reward/minimum effort formula are going to find every one of those exploits and put them to use.
The best way to find exploits is to put the program into the hands of those who will diligently search for and gleefully use them.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
That's what Beta programs are for Mandu, repeat after me... BETA... BETA... B-E-T-A!!!
If we're required to pay for being able to BETA-TEST the game... wow, that's a very faulty business model!
I only care because as this thread has shown, the AE is a heavily exploitable system, the Devs aren't happy with that, so they make changes, the community suffers for it because of downtime and because non-farming exploit-free story-arcs are affected when certain critters/powers graphic effects and such are removed from AE, so just like this thread said, we're all affected negatively by everything that's happening.
If you were to tell me though that Farmers are simply attempting to locate the holes in the system and report them and that's their only goal when making exploit-filled missions, I'd probably be cheering too.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
uhh they take the servers down every day..they have forever. How does that affect you, oh you can't play? no one can because it is MAINTENANCE.
When they have double xp weekends and free activation weekends I can never get on freedom. Waaa Waaa.
No offense, but it sounds like you are complaining just to complain imo.
It's a no-win situation, people complain that exploits aren't being fixed fast enough, others complain they are being fixed apparently too fast.
The complaint is not that they are being fixed to fast. The complaint is that the abusers of them are necessitating those fast changes.
He's putting fault not in the quick reaction time towards cheaters, but straight into the laps of the cheaters.
Well I'm complaining because the fixes should not have been necessary in the first place.
A proper piece of testing and a bit of common sense would have meant AE would never have gone live the way it did and all the random server down for maints wouldn't have been necessary. Then there wouldn't be a load of "AE has killed CoX" threads, or complaints about servers going down frequently to fix the AE exploits.
I liked CoX when I first started playing. But it is not the same game now. AE caused that shift and it's a shift which should have been caught during the Beta.
There have been a number of great suggestions made about how things could improve - most of which won't be done now it's already live. But it does prove the point that with a bit of thought, things could have been done better.
My guess is the auto-sk is because AE works like a TF, so it can't be changed. But why on earth you can have maps of all bosses or all lts or non-fighting enemies is a total mystery.
Right now what is lacking is COMMUNICATION from the company we are paying. Dropping the servers with ten minutes notice on a non-scheduled maint day is poor form.
So you want to fix the exploits. Fine if it brings CoX back to life. But at least have the courtesy to acknowledge when you mess up. IE the implimentation of AE, the terrible new TF/SF bugs, the fact almost every recent 'fix' breaks something else.
We are your customers. At least show us some respect by communicating with us.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
I posted this on the Technical pages a few minutes ago...
Ok, the Server Status page says the Servers ar UP.
Still unable to log-in. Says the log-in server may be down....don't know, it's a secret apparently.
So they take the servers down on Non-Normal Maintanence days to fix AE farming abuses....so how does PLing/Farming not affect me again...oh right I can't play.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't care if people PL, I don't care if the Farm...it's thier $15/month...
But it has been affecting the rest of the communtity due to forced patches...
[/ QUOTE ]
I love the way you assume the only reason for this patch is to nerf an exploit. Its not as if there are endlessly exploding rikti drones and an invasion weekend coming up, or a villainside taskforce that isnt working right, or PvP drops that werent.
I liked CoX when I first started playing. But it is not the same game now. AE caused that shift and it's a shift which should have been caught during the Beta.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem with Issue 14 Beta was that nobody was actively trying to 'break the system' or so it seems. Well they were warned of the Rikti Comm officer situation during Issue 14 Beta but they probably figured that if they kept quiet it would go away (probably the worst reaction they could have had to it).
People in Issue 14 open beta were probably doing like me, trying to make story arcs, tweaking them, seeing how the system worked, what I could do to get around mob levels that jumped all over the place between missions and various other things. Nobody was going "right...how can I completely exploit this for my own XP rate gain..." perhaps there were a few but nobody was really being vocal about it.
That's the problem with beta test sometimes, the folks you have testing aren't going to 'break the system' in the right way to get the major flaws (Rikti Comm Officers, Hami mitos etc. etc.) noticed, they'll be too busy focusing on the way the devs thought it should be played.
Well that's my explanation as to why the AE system went live the way it did...I seriously doubt the devs are THAT incompetant, even if Positron in his initially ranty speech came across as a bit like a child throwing a tantrum but we'll let that one slide...
Well I'm complaining because the fixes should not have been necessary in the first place.
A proper piece of testing and a bit of common sense would have meant AE would never have gone live the way it did and all the random server down for maints wouldn't have been necessary. Then there wouldn't be a load of "AE has killed CoX" threads, or complaints about servers going down frequently to fix the AE exploits.
I liked CoX when I first started playing. But it is not the same game now. AE caused that shift and it's a shift which should have been caught during the Beta.
There have been a number of great suggestions made about how things could improve - most of which won't be done now it's already live. But it does prove the point that with a bit of thought, things could have been done better.
My guess is the auto-sk is because AE works like a TF, so it can't be changed. But why on earth you can have maps of all bosses or all lts or non-fighting enemies is a total mystery.
Right now what is lacking is COMMUNICATION from the company we are paying. Dropping the servers with ten minutes notice on a non-scheduled maint day is poor form.
So you want to fix the exploits. Fine if it brings CoX back to life. But at least have the courtesy to acknowledge when you mess up. IE the implimentation of AE, the terrible new TF/SF bugs, the fact almost every recent 'fix' breaks something else.
We are your customers. At least show us some respect by communicating with us.
[/ QUOTE ]
I love the way you assume the only reason for this patch is to nerf an exploit. Its not as if there are endlessly exploding rikti drones and an invasion weekend coming up, or a villainside taskforce that isnt working right, or PvP drops that werent.
[/ QUOTE ]
Alot of people dont know about the exploding Rikti Drones. They dont see them alot in the AE building.
I'm glad this got a new thread, we needed one.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Alot of people dont know about the exploding Rikti Drones. They dont see them alot in the AE building.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's actually also those Council Missile drones, I forget what they're called in-game...
EDIT :: Take a look at the patch change-list and tell me that the AE changes weren't the ones with the biggest impact on the largest/loudest section(s) of the playerbase?
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Alot of people dont know about the exploding Rikti Drones. They dont see them alot in the AE building.
[/ QUOTE ]
Are they some type of rare mito? because I'm pretty sure mitos and maniac slammers are the only two villain types in the game. You hardly ever see the slammers, though, because they're bugged and can cause your HP meter to move backwards. I hope todays downtime fixed that.
Read it and giggle.
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Patch notes prove that you really couldn't be more wrong and it is hilarious.
They should just make a button for these people that lets them immediately start at L50. No more need for farming...
Of course, no more need to play either...
People don't seem to realize that the reason for playing isn't to BE L50, but to enjoy the trip TO L50.
Right now what is lacking is COMMUNICATION from the company we are paying. Dropping the servers with ten minutes notice on a non-scheduled maint day is poor form.
[/ QUOTE ]
What do you mean "non scheduled maintenance day"? There is scheduled maintenance EVERY DAY and always has been. From the support center (the COMMUNICATION you claim was lacking):
" City of Heroes and City of Villains undergo server maintenance daily from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Central Time. During this time, the servers are not accessible as we perform maintenance and make any updates to them. We may also perform maintenance on additional game-related servers, such as the web servers, message boards, or login servers.
On Mondays and Fridays, this maintenance always includes restarting all North American game servers. However, maintenance does not always include "server downtime," the servers may also be restarted on days other than Monday and Friday, but this occurs on an "as needed" basis.
Please note: While we are reserving this daily two-hour period for maintenance updates, they will not necessarily require the entire two hours and additional updates may be scheduled outside this time-period as needed. Also, the maintenance window may sometimes need to be extended. Deviations from the normal maintenance schedule are typically posted on the official news page, patch notes, and/or message boards.
We appreciate your patience as we work during these time periods to provide our players with the highest quality of service in City of Heroes and City of Villains."
It's been like this since I've been playing (I6). It used to be that we had downtime practically every day. We've just gotten spoiled lately that there hasn't been downtime as often.
They should just make a button for these people that lets them immediately start at L50. No more need for farming...
Of course, no more need to play either...
People don't seem to realize that the reason for playing isn't to BE L50, but to enjoy the trip TO L50.
[/ QUOTE ]
if the game ends at 50 - is that the players fault ? 5 years and they cannot come up with end game content? You could try pvp - that keeps some of us in the game - oh wait they screwed that up....
I posted this on the Technical pages a few minutes ago...
Ok, the Server Status page says the Servers ar UP.
Still unable to log-in. Says the log-in server may be down....don't know, it's a secret apparently.
So they take the servers down on Non-Normal Maintanence days to fix AE farming abuses....so how does PLing/Farming not affect me again...oh right I can't play.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't care if people PL, I don't care if the Farm...it's thier $15/month...
But it has been affecting the rest of the communtity due to forced patches...
Noght 50 Scrapper Broadsword/Invulnerability
Fire Umbra 50 Brute Dark Melee/Fire Aura
Impulse Cry 50 Blaster Sonic/Energy
Internist 50 Mastermind Poison/Thugs
Ice Omega 50 Corrupter Ice/Radiation
Prickly Heat 50 Dominator Plant/Fire
Champion Server