30 -
I havent had any problems getting most of the names I wanted, despite the quick logs I kept seeing in the Galaxy City battle. Wife has gotten most of hers too, so we are happy with what we got. I'm sure they'll be more I wont get, can only log in late during the week, so downtime is actually helping with that
Quote:We get Time Manipulation free, but Beam Rifle is considered a "premium" power set that will cost 800 paragon points, regardless of whether you're a VIP, Premium Free or Standard Free player.
As I posted above, since we get an allotment of 400 points per month - more if you're tier 9 VIP - one can argue that it's still technically "free". Just "free" with the caveat that we're losing 800 points out of our annual 4800 allotment (or will have to buy extra points in a month to get it).
Ah okay, so essentially everything can be purchased with the allotment of monthly points, which are free anyway while running as Vip. Wasn't sure exactly how that worked, thanks for the quick response. Now to figure out who I want to move to the new server -
This all sounds great but I'm somewhat confused about the new power sets. Does this mean that even though I am VIP, I will still need to purchase the new powers sets, ie Beam Rifle? If so, I was under the impression that these were standard like Duels and Demon MM were when Rogue came out for subscribers. Just returned to playing and haven't caught up on everything that has happened yet. Requesting some clarification please.
Quote:So far, of the things you listed for this game, none of that can currently be purchased. You can purchase the ability to play the epics, for example, but you still have to qualify through game play to actually make one, just like paying customers. You can purchase access to First Ward, but all that does is open the door. There is no in-game advantage or disadvantage to being able to go or not.
Temp Powers are a little more in the gray area, but the game has had that issue since Vet Rewards were introduced, so going to a market system isn't really altering the current state aside from accelerating when you can gain certain things, instead of waiting for the correct vet badge to be awarded. They are fringe benefits, and as long as items in the market stay on the fringe, that makes the most people happy. The folks that feel that these things are necessary can get them when they want, and those that find them optional aren't affected by those that spent their money on it. It's a tough balance, but I think the Devs and the Marketing team can pull it off satisfactorily.
From what you've stated, it would seem that the devs are making a strong attempt at ensuring the satisfaction of both sides of the issue. Thats always a good thing. -
I've not played the other superheroes game, but have played a certain fantasy mmo based on a TSR role-playing game. When it went to free to play, ViP members received monthly points for their store, had full access to all new content, lost nothing in regards to items and unlockables, and the monthly fee remained the same. What cost them a large amount of player base was the fact that you could purchase those unlocks from the store. Many felt that it was a form of cheating and gave new f2p members the ability to sidestep the process of earning rewards. In CoH Freeom it would be comperable to getting accolades, epic ATs, etc. by just paying out a buttload of money for points and then purchasing the content. Things here may be different, will just have to wait and see.
When I try to connect to Virtue I get "Cannot Log Into DB Server". While the other servers I've tried work fine, I was really wanting to join in with others that don't need a freaking player ran channel to set up teams with. I like random chat, seems to make me feel like I'm in a city vs a ghost town
The two links below show the netgraphs from a recent run of mishs. The first is not so laggy, but the second showing yellow is a lot of rubberbanding and non responsive button mashing
I've exhausted all my efforts from my end and still nothing (short of throwing out my computer that is just a few months old). In case anyone in the tech department might be curious here are the stats on my rig:
Processor:AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 630 Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory:6144MB RAM
Hard Drive:988 GB
Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce 9100
Sound Card:Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Keyboard:USB Root Hub
Mouse:USB Root Hub
Mouse Surface:Pad
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255)
All of my drivers are up to date and, as mentioned before, I've overhauled of my equipment for getting online. So I don't know what else to do. -
Well I replaced all of the fittings from pole to house on my line, swapped my modem out, and still having issues. The primary issues seem to be moving forward, or key tapping for attacks and buffs. Seeing how Ashcraft lives in Dayton and I in Springfield, it's probably good ole TWC lol. My old supervisor is checking with the tech department there to see if they have been getting a high volume of internet related issues in the area. I don't mind lagging a little, but the bouncing back drives me nuts.
Quote:Yep you'd be close. I live in SW Ohio so that could in fact be an issue. I used to work for TWC, so I was able to troubleshoot my own system. If you have the same issues than it may be from the hub in KY. The main nodes down there may have been hit by the flooding. Don't expect them to tell you that thoughMay I ask who your ISP is? I live in West Virginia and right now something is up with the comcast/Time Warner network and seeing how it says you live in Ohio your connection hops might be the same or close to mine.
The rubber banding was quite bad and has been the last couple of days. But its not only in coh, because my connection was bad in other games and my connection would sometimes drop randomly and my modem would reset (meaning all the green lights were flashing i.e not connected). Hopefully it'll get straight in a few days. Like I said before though, mine seems fine now atm. If you have the same style modem as I do, you loose both phone and internet. So far I haven't had that happen. I have had slower than normal page transfers on the web though the last few days so it sounds like similar problems. TWC is my ISP btw, and comcast has been known to jockey extra lines off of them, so makes since.
I think I fixed my problem (at least for now). Loose connection of cabling outside and a fouled connector. Friend of mine is coming to replace the fittings tomorrow. At least I hope that fixes the problem. I switched the lines around and haven't had any since. So we'll see. Sorry for any grief I may have channeled at you guys.
Since the patch yesterday, my wife and I are having sever "rubberbanding" when we move. Checked all of our characters on all of the servers, same situation. I went through the networking troubleshooting tut on the tech pages, still no joy. I tried running some missions in both standard maps and ae maps with the netgraph on. Each time i moved I'd get a resend and duplicate ount. I'd also see a spike of yellow on the graph. At one point, each time I tried to attack, there would be a lag spike of yellow on the graph. I've checked everything on my end that I possibly can. My settings haven't change in over two weeks (since i17) so nothing should be any different than before. Any help here would be great.
Gah I didn't think about that lol. I thougt maybe everyone was just tired of doing them. I've only ran that TF a couple of times. Guess thats what i get for not paying attention in class.
I haven't seen a Rikti attack on Virtue in a couple of weeks, and not many at all on Justice. Did they finally get the hint that they aren't welcome? For that matter, the zombie hordes seem to be on vacation as well. Anyone else notice the lack of invasions?
I've gotten her on four guys in the last three days so yea she's pretty easy to get. Lusca on the other hand, she's a mean one and I tend to avoid violent eight armed women.
Quote:I think you wildly misread that.
The author was using 'you' in the 'generic person' meaning. Not as a slight to you personally.
E.g., "You know, how on the Internet it's difficult to read a person's 'tone of voice? How does one avoid that?"
You would be correct in fact. Thanks for the info all, as I stated, I'd like to keep using the elite bosses, but i dont think I'll scale them to 100% because they seem so much harder. With getting the same amount of xp as a boss, I'd rather have them a tad bit easier than regular EBs. -
Well I called the techies and was suggested to use safe mode, update drivers just for the kick of it. She was able access the graphics/audio tab, even had some of the adv. features selectable. However, she moved a slider bar one slot and crashed. Prior to this fix, she was unable to adjust any adv. features, much less ultra mode. She also has no pics of contacts and her costume slots are all solid black, even the three she has costumes in. Still waiting for the response from the diagnostics tool they sent us. I'll keep ya up to date if you'd like on what they determine.
My wife is running a Toshiba laptop with the Mobile Intel 4 series and now she can't even access the graphics tab on her game. Everytime she does, the game crashes. Anyone that can help me figure it out would be greatly appreciated.
Funny how you don't pay attention to that stuff outside the ME maps. I like using the elites for the final boss of the maps leading to the last one, so I guess I'll just keep using them. Thanks for clearing that up.
I was messing with the new AE stuff last night and was wondering if it is normal for an elite boss (tl 16) to have the same xp as a (tl 16) boss. Not that I mind, 318 xp was nice for my part, but wouldn't the elite give more than the regular boss? Both were custom builds, and I used the scaling system for them to get 100% xp (which makes it alot easier I think), but they both give the same xp. Just a bit unsure if I need to make the elite bosses if they are going to give same. Should i just make them out as AVs instead? Any help with this would be great, thanks.
Not sure if this will help but I've been using this for the unique maps. It gives you an idea of what they look like at least. Oh, forgot link... here ya go: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Missio...ct_Unique_Maps Hope it helps. I dont think it's been updated with the i17 maps yet though.
I'd like to know more about this as well. i thought there was mention of the monsters in another topic but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know if they've made a listing and location for the monsters or should we maybe start one up? Wife loves fighting the big guys, and I've been tryig to find them but don't really know where to start.
Just wondering if Issue 17 was set to be released this month, why is it only now going into beta? I mean, they've been saying coming in April for three weeks and it's in beta now with two weeks left in the month. Seems a little rushed for testing and final to me. If the final comes out next week I'm expecting some hot fixes the days following...
Um dont the bad guys normally run from the good guys? Dont the small time thugs fear the megavillians? Just saying.
Ironic how those that want to rmove the xp are the same ones that made hamis, Freak, and the umteen million other farms. "What we can get an overdose of xp for running around a city block, then take out all the xp. If we cant door sit and level in four hours then no one should get xp." Bullcrap! I still make story arcs, I like making custom characters to run the arcs with and fight against. I dont run AE farms even with my 50s. I like getting xp because yes, radio missions are the most boring thing there is and AE works for filler missions I can run between Midnighters and Faultline or Doc Delilah. So no, leave the xp and ban the friggin farmers.