Maps Question
Not sure if this will help but I've been using this for the unique maps. It gives you an idea of what they look like at least. Oh, forgot link... here ya go: Hope it helps. I dont think it's been updated with the i17 maps yet though.
I've been searching and unable to find any maps with the same layout in two different sets. I know it's possible because while playing normal content I've seen the same room layout bits in both the burned out building and the "nice" building. Same for factories and labs.
Maybe I should make a request....
This topic has come up before and I believe there aren't any currently - or at least there weren't back then; with the newly added maps, this may have changed. I was working on an arc that needed a before and after lab and had to settle for 'close enough', so I know how you feel about having to click through them all.
T I was working on an arc that needed a before and after lab and had to settle for 'close enough', so I know how you feel about having to click through them all.
In the end I'll probably do the same and settle for "close enough", but it won't be as fun for me to create that way.
In the end I'll probably do the same and settle for "close enough", but it won't be as fun for me to create that way.

(I ended up going with the flow on it and found it actually opened up an interesting direction for my arc to take as well - still haven't finished that arc though :P).
There are some individual maps that have matching destroyed and regular forms but you'll have to go through them by hand to make sure. I think a while back someone managed to find some specific ones but I don't know if they posted a comprehensive list.
Are there any resources to show what maps are available without actually clicking through every one of them?
The reason that I as is that I'm looking for something specific. For a story I'd like to create I would like two maps, both in the same setting (be that tech or offices) that have the same layout but where one is normal and the other is either burned out or a ruin.
Or does anyone know if two such maps exist? Regular maps or unlock-able content doesn't matter, as long as they have the same layout and one in a ruined state and the other is not.