A little confused
It's been in Closed for a wile now. Open Beta is the last step in the release processes.
You seem to be confused about what exactly an "Open Beta" is, so I'll attempt to explain...
Just wondering if Issue 17 was set to be released this month, why is it only now going into beta? I mean, they've been saying coming in April for three weeks and it's in beta now with two weeks left in the month. Seems a little rushed for testing and final to me. If the final comes out next week I'm expecting some hot fixes the days following...
As Rotten said, I17 has been in Closed Beta for quite a while now... since around double xp weekend actually, so about 6 weeks give or take. Closed Beta is the time where most of the bugs are worked on by the developers and a portion of the games' community. Closed Beta requires that you receive an invite from the developers in order to participate and have access to the test servers. Those who aren't a part of Closed Beta aren't granted access to the test server at all while Closed Beta is in session.
Today is the first day of Open Beta. Open Beta is the point where a majority of the bugs have been worked out and it's nearly ready for release on the "live" servers. Everyone in the community has access to the test server during Open Beta and an invitation to participate is not required.
A somewhat short explanation, but hopefully that clears up the difference between Closed Beta and Open Beta for you.

For another perspective of Closed vs. Open beta, Closed is when the developers want close and careful scrutiny of specific bugs. Open is when the developers want to stress test the systems before putting 100,000 players on the new version.
It's not being rushed.
Just wondering if Issue 17 was set to be released this month, why is it only now going into beta? I mean, they've been saying coming in April for three weeks and it's in beta now with two weeks left in the month. Seems a little rushed for testing and final to me. If the final comes out next week I'm expecting some hot fixes the days following...
Issue 17 has been in Closed Beta since Feb 26th. It's now finally being put into Open Beta which is the very last step before it goes Live.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

One or two snarky replies, and the rest answer your question fully, and you dismiss them all as trolls, and call them stupid and jerks?
Remind me to avoid your threads in the future, lest I be improperly labeled as well.
Now add .. Historically (which in NO Way SHAPE OR FORM promises anything) but historically once it hits open Beta it goes live within a few weeks. AGAIN I STRESS that is just what usually occurs and does not mean you can start the count down to on line release. If a MAJOR bug crops up during Open Beta that wasn't found or simply didn't occur until more players were added to the mix it could take longer. That said if all goes well and nothing BAD happens I 17 could easily be released within 2 weeks .. which is before the end of April. Question why is it anytime they say we expect to release some time in X month if the Issue isn't on line and running on the first everyone panics? LOL Most months have at least 30 days and some 31 and as long as it releases on ONE of those no one lied to you or did anything bad LOL
You seem to be confused about what exactly an "Open Beta" is, so I'll attempt to explain...
As Rotten said, I17 has been in Closed Beta for quite a while now... since around double xp weekend actually, so about 6 weeks give or take. Closed Beta is the time where most of the bugs are worked on by the developers and a portion of the games' community. Closed Beta requires that you receive an invite from the developers in order to participate and have access to the test servers. Those who aren't a part of Closed Beta aren't granted access to the test server at all while Closed Beta is in session. Today is the first day of Open Beta. Open Beta is the point where a majority of the bugs have been worked out and it's nearly ready for release on the "live" servers. Everyone in the community has access to the test server during Open Beta and an invitation to participate is not required. A somewhat short explanation, but hopefully that clears up the difference between Closed Beta and Open Beta for you. ![]() |
Keep your fingers crossed and we should see something bright shiny and new soon! :-D
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
And here I was wondering how you got a red rep meter with so few posts.
Guess that answers my curiosity.
Guess that answers my curiosity.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Seems rushed to you, eh? Well, it seems fine and like 'business as usual' to the rest of us.
Just wondering if Issue 17 was set to be released this month, why is it only now going into beta? I mean, they've been saying coming in April for three weeks and it's in beta now with two weeks left in the month. Seems a little rushed for testing and final to me. If the final comes out next week I'm expecting some hot fixes the days following...
FYI, whenever you hear a release date of X month, just assume it will be very close to the last day of the month.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I'm glad they are taking more time to get bugs out unlike in earlier years. The issues were pushed out with alot of bugs.
"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"
Just wondering if Issue 17 was set to be released this month, why is it only now going into beta? I mean, they've been saying coming in April for three weeks and it's in beta now with two weeks left in the month. Seems a little rushed for testing and final to me. If the final comes out next week I'm expecting some hot fixes the days following...