Lighting the Lamp One Last Time!




Take care and best wishes!



Best wishes man. While not the most beloved community leader we ever had you certainly held you head up and did a damn fine job in the face of adversity. While probably to much hinged on one phrase for my taste you definitely went out with more respect from me than I am sure I gave you when you came in. GG man, gg.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



So long and thanks for all the fish.

Hope something else is lined up for you.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



REALLY not liking how this played out...

God speed and best of luck.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Cya, LH. Hope it all works out for ya.

/e salute



Thanks for the great work you did here. Good luck with your future opportunities.



Take care Lighthouse. Good luck in your future endeavors.





I am sorry to see you go. Sorry that NCSoft are jerks.

[/ QUOTE ]Or he could have simply got a better offer, not necessarily even pay-wise, but perhaps Seattle just wasn't doing it for Lighthouse, and he found a new job with at least the same pay somewhere he wanted to move?

People *do* quit jobs for reasons other than "my boss is a jerk" or "co-workers are jerks".

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Good luck wherever you may be bound Lighthouse.

**psst. don't worry, I'm working hard at deciphering the secret code in your message. soon the truth will be known**

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Maybe I'd feel bad if you'd accepted my facebook friend request

seriously though, good luck with whatever the future has in store

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



Much like at the beginning, Mr. von Minden is out of the office.

Good luck in your new endeavors. I hope you end up somwhere great.

And to Posi and the crew, thanks for letting LH post a farewell message. I always hate the "opportunities" emails we get at work. This is exactly what I'd rather hear instead.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Like most everyone else has stated, You will be missed Lighthouse. Keep your head up, and no matter what happens, keep smiling. It makes people wonder. Good luck with what ever comes your way.



Your post is in violation of the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines

5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

<ul type="square">[*]"NERF X!" threads are removed for much the same reason as "I'm leaving" threads. They can turn into threads with little or no constructive information.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

2. Abuse and disrespectful behavior are not tolerated.

* Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or PM a moderator directly.

[/ QUOTE ]

2. Abuse and disrespectful behavior are not tolerated.

* Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or PM a moderator directly.

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



Wow. This is sad. I didn't have anything to do with the forums until after you were already firmly ensconced. To me, you've always been a fixture. Now, you're headed out.

Things change. Goals change. People move on. I understand. But I'll still miss you. I think you did an EXCELLENT job, and you're leaving some mighty big shoes to fill...

If you're ever in the neighborhood, feel free to drop in on the Guardian server. We'll have cookies for you.

Take care, good luck, and thank you for all the time you've put into this game.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Aww, seeyas.



Thanks for all the work you put into helping make this game what is...



Time. What a funny thing. In retrospect it seems like it was only just yesterday to recall my first posts on the forums. Yet, when I fill in everything that ensued over the last two years, a collage of details swims up at me: Issue 8, Veteran Rewards, lewtz!, Aliens, comics, Fanzines, flashbacks, player events, Trade shows, City Scoops, articles, all the awesome people at NCsoft I’ve had the opportunity to work with, and so much more. Yet through it all – it’s been you, the game’s community, which stands out to me the most. When I’m in game playing and see a new player getting advice in /help or a global channel, when I read threads on the forums or when I open e-mail or private messages, I’ve always been impressed at the quality and caliber of people that make up this game’s community.

However, this world we live in is not a static place. If anything, one certainty we have is the knowledge that things change. It is with this in mind that I write you today to say that I’m making a change. I have decided to pursue other opportunities outside of NCsoft.

Even having said this, I’m still excited to for the future of the City of Heroes franchise. Having been privy to some of the many plans that are in work, know that I will be right there beside you playing and enjoying the fruits of the Development Team and NCsoft’s hard work. I leave knowing that you are in good hands.

I want to wish you all the very best for everything the future holds in store.

- Lighthouse

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, it's been fun, Lighthouse. I wish you luck. Here's a song, just for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Serps, you [censored] you just made me BAAAAAAAAAWWW like a freekin baby.

Lighthouse: Have a good one. I'll remember when Rick_Astley sent you that CD...and RickRolled you in the office.

That was grand.

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Thanks for all the work you put into helping make this game what is...

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't be so hard on him he didn't make this disaster himself.




Lighthouse: Have a good one. I'll remember when Rick_Astley sent you that CD...and RickRolled you in the office.

That was grand.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish that thread wasn't deleted

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



Having just met you at Hero Con makes me even sadder to see you go.

Good luck on your future endeavors Lighthouse.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog




Lighthouse: Have a good one. I'll remember when Rick_Astley sent you that CD...and RickRolled you in the office.

That was grand.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish that thread wasn't deleted

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



know that I will be right there beside you playing and enjoying the fruits of the Development Team and NCsoft’s hard work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well you know now having said that, that it is now your obligation to reveal your non-red name and global name so that you may attain instant celebrity in-game and let us all play with you... right?

Don't be like some of those other former NC/Cryptic employees that just disappear on us. We want to see you posting on the forums and complaining just like the rest of us!

Now that you're going to be just a customer like us and all...



Sorry to see you go, Lighthouse. Good luck on your next endeavor!

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)