Lighting the Lamp One Last Time!




know that I will be right there beside you playing and enjoying the fruits of the Development Team and NCsoft’s hard work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well you know now having said that, that it is now your obligation to reveal your non-red name and global name so that you may attain instant celebrity in-game and let us all play with you... right?

Don't be like some of those other former NC/Cryptic employees that just disappear on us. We want to see you posting on the forums and complaining just like the rest of us!

Now that you're going to be just a customer like us and all...

[/ QUOTE ]

^^^^ THIS!!


I'm gonna start a petition.

and yes. Tell us your global, and what server and all that so us Fangurls can mob you with /invite requests and squeee

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Good luck with everything Lighthouse!


Proud Member of Clan of the Mad Catters, badge-hunter in training, lover of cuteness, and yet another scrapper who believes she's a tank half the time..... ^_^;;;



Good luck Lighthouse! It has been a pleasure over the last few years on the few times we met.




Sign here. I'm gonna add it to my siggy

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Good luck to you lighthouse.
Take care of yourself.

And thanks for putting up with us for so long.



So Lighthouse was scapegoated for all of the PvP hate because he had the audacity to speak candidly about the process?

Good luck wherever ya land, Light.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



So Lighthouse was scapegoated for all of the PvP hate because he had the audacity to speak candidly about the process?

Good luck wherever ya land, Light.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

No one has proven any reason for his leaving, and no one has given any reason so far aside from him seeking "outside employment". Just because one thing happens after another, that doesn't mean that one caused the other.




Well Lighthouse, I hope there's something there waiting for you to move on to

I suppose this means you won't be playing CoH anymore, will you



But if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck.

It's a... whale?

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



But if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck.

It's a... whale?

[/ QUOTE ]

So you would make a judgement based only on what you see, given little to no evidence apart from assumptions?

Wow, I'd hate to have you on my jury if I was the Defendant.




So you would make a judgement based only on what you see, given little to no evidence apart from assumptions?

Wow, I'd hate to have you on my jury if I was the Defendant.

[/ QUOTE ]

You asked for this or this.

Godspeed Lighthouse.



its a shame it had to most likely end like this, will miss you. corporations suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay I just barely found this... what does this mean?? His post makes it sound like he left willingly.

and I'll miss your posts lighthouse : ) I always liked how friendly you were in the forums and PMs!



People don't get fired for so little as a few comments. They would usually get some sort of warning, or several, first.

Saying that he got fired for a few comments, well, I think that's just a naive way to look at things. As a business decision, it makes no sense. With the cost to find, recruit, and hire a replacement, and the business COST of not having that replacement ahead of time... it's just not worth it.

Not when you can give out a few warnings first, start looking for possible replacements, then replace them if they mess up again.

One or two instances does not a job lose... unless you happen to spill a ton of oil in the Arctic.



I wish you well in whatever you move on to and go knowing that so many here will miss you. It was a pleasure meeting you at Hero Con and thank you again for helping make such a memorable birthday surprise for my son. We are both sad that you won't be at the next con.



As a business decision, it makes no sense. With the cost to find, recruit, and hire a replacement, and the business COST of not having that replacement ahead of time... it's just not worth it.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a victim of corporate thinning, I've found you often are training your replacement.



That's true, but unless SuperModerator steps up, I honestly won't believe that's the case here.



People don't get fired for so little as a few comments. They would usually get some sort of warning, or several, first.

Saying that he got fired for a few comments, well, I think that's just a naive way to look at things. As a business decision, it makes no sense. With the cost to find, recruit, and hire a replacement, and the business COST of not having that replacement ahead of time... it's just not worth it.

Not when you can give out a few warnings first, start looking for possible replacements, then replace them if they mess up again.

One or two instances does not a job lose... unless you happen to spill a ton of oil in the Arctic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Everything you just said is completely contrary to my experiences... and I deal with people that lose jobs all the time.
Some for big reasons, others for seemingly trivial occurrences. It's case by case, company by company, management by management.



Personally, I don't care either way. As I said in so many goodbye threads lately (before they are nuked), I'm sad to see anyone leave for any reason.



others for seemingly trivial occurrences.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those "seemingly trivial occurrences" most often have much larger reasons behind them that the ones fired have no idea about.



What posts of his are we talking about? :| I'm so confused.



others for seemingly trivial occurrences.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those "seemingly trivial occurrences" most often have much larger reasons behind them that the ones fired have no idea about.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, it's toooooo true.

All we can do is assume what has happened and any or all reasons LH is leaving. We really don't know what goes on behind the scenes and, unless LH emails every one of us, we never will.

Again, Good Luck LH!

@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?



Wow. Even though I actually only interacted with you once, your constant informative and responsive posts to the community in general make it feel like I'm losing a friend.

Go in safety, return in joy.