Lighting the Lamp One Last Time!




Wow, 8-( Well, thank-you for your hard work and commitment to this game and community, Lighthouse. We hate to see you go.
I'll miss seeing that red name. & thanks for putting up with the junk you've had to read from the community as well as the constructive input.



Thank You for the Luv Hero!



It is CLEARLY a Nemesis Plot.

Fair travels to you, LH.



I am very sorry to see you go Lighthouse. At times I think you were the only voice of reason on the forums. You will be missed.



Have an amazing time, lighthouse! I hope the platoon of ninjas i sent you will convince you to realize the error of your ways!
(in otherwords, i really will miss you, LH!)




THANK YOU for all you've done for the game. This is an incredible community, and as such are emotional and vocal about that which they love. That has placed you in the crosshairs of many players.

The overwhelming majority of this post has identified your great effort and work with this community, and knows that you have done a great job. Some are not as pleased. In this community, it is near impossible to please everyone, yet, you have achieved a majority of positive responses here, and as such, should feel damn proud of the work you have done.

Best of luck to you, Alex. With CoH on your resume, I don't think you have much to worry about in the job hunting field. Thank you for all you've done. Major Kudos from Major Deej!!

[color= orange]/e salute[/color]




So unfair for you to say that. I have dealt with things such as this in the corporate world. That said, when they terminate someone from a company, the last thing they do is wait all day and THEN allow them access to a forum where they could say damaging things about the company.

I suggest you rethink your words...and choose them better in the future.

Shame on you

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only heard 3rd hand what may have happened, a new low yet for this game and forums if it really was that minor.....take Ex with ya.....I'd hope CuppaJo would come back, but she is smarter than that....

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Again, I'm going to say that it's a low class person that uses this thread to make some idiotic point. I'm glad they're cleaning up the boards now.

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come back in a few years junior.



Good Luck LHit's been a pleasure.

I'd be curious to know what's going on with the subtext in many of the comments, if anyone wishes to send me a PM.



Good luck Alex..I hope the best for you..

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Lighthouse, best wishes and godspeed.

Gaff: "You've done a man's job, sir. I guess you're through, huh?"
Deckerd: "Finished."

Now, I understand that CuppaJo might be available soon...

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



lol, Cuppa left that project a while back. She's on something new now.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I'm very sad to see Lighthouse go. He was held with great regard among many/most players. One of two staff members I liked. Unlike most of the other red names, I was inclined to believe that what LH was saying at least had some shred of truth to it. He seemed to be much more open and truthful about the goings on and what not, and also rarely talked down to players. He seemed to realize that we aren't stupid and in fact many of us know a great deal about programing, modeling/animation, and game inner workings. I'll miss his posts latent with hidden meanings, I rofl'ed at a few of them, and was some what shocked at what was said about this game and the staff. Oh well, here's hoping to see LH at the game I'll be leaving for next summer hopefully, and that maybe we will get more Niviene now.

<3 Niv (elec blast still sucks for corrs! and in general) lol



Hears taps salutes 21 gun salvo and flag lowered to half mass

Going to miss you thanks for everything



lol, Cuppa left that project a while back. She's on something new now.

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Ah. Now we know why they failed.

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



You all can think what I said is in poor taste or whatever. You have not had the exp. I have had with LH. That wasnt a kick while he was down it was the truth, and actully very nice for the way he treated me.

I really do wish him the best in the his endevors. But sad in anyway that he is gone? Nope Sorry.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



[color=yellow]Well LightHouse, sorry to see you go. I can't say it's been an easy ride (as we both well know with the Base builders forum) but you did try to keep us in the loop when there was info in the loop to be shared from what I can tell. It's never easy playing go between & I appriciate the work you did do.

Smooth seas & sandy beaches to where ever you go!! Hope we get to see ya posting & gaming sometime in the future. Good luck in all your endevours!

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Lighthouse, the few times I have had the opportunity to interact with you, you have been a perfect example of helpfulness and grace.

Thank you for all your contributions to the City of franchise. You will be missed... but good luck on where the winds of change are taking you!



You've been great to us. Thank you for all that you have done Lighthouse.



so who is left LOL my account expires the 15th and I ant even log into the game now. Bye lighthouse I hope to see you elsewhere. Please stay out in plain sight



Goodluck and God Bless. You will truly be missed Lighthouse.



Rather late to this due to my account being inactive, but take care, Lighthouse. You did all right by the CoH community.



Putting myself in Lighthouse's postition, this thread would be the one I would be sure to read. So I'll add my well wishes. Make the page counter go to 100! You seemed like a nice guy that truly wanted to fill people in as much as possible given understandable constraints. As I look back at my life I'm rather amazed at how often ending a job or some other catastrophic change turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Something tells me you know that to be true as well. Good luck to you, however I don't think you'll need it.



Goodluck and God Bless. You will truly be missed Lighthouse.

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Couldnt say it better.



WOW, so I guess I have been gone a while.....What happened with LH? I know he is gone but from what I have been reading it doesn't sound like it was up to him.



I think it'd be better if it wasn't brought up again - there's still some confusion about what exactly happened, what was said and so on - he's moved on, and is hopefully doing very well and having fun at whatever job he moved to.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork