Lighting the Lamp One Last Time!




Take it easy Lighthouse, sorry to see you go; There have been some rough spots in the road you have traveled with us but you rode out the bumps just fine.

I wish you luck with your future endeavors.



So sad to see you go... Best of luck to you and your future.

Here is something for you...



Mr. Minden. I was stunned upon hearing the news that you'd resigned. Trying to keep the forums up and running, the community informed and appeased, and all of the other things you were responsible for is not an easy task, so I've always had a deep appreciation for anyone willing to take on that challenge. To me you always seemed to have a cool head and genuine concern for the community and their personal issues, even when they were driving us a bit nutty.

You're the first person to choose to part ways with us since we were folded into NCSofts arms a little over a year ago. Rationally, I know that losing people is inevetable, but deep down inside there was some small part that our team, this game, and this community was so awesome that anyone lucky enough to join us would never even think about leaving.

Plus, you were foolish enough to give me and Jay a redname. Just thinking about his inuagral post still cracks me up.

I refuse to use 'future endeavors', so I'll just wish you the best of luck in whatever it is you decide to do. I can only hope that we're able to find a replacement with as much passion for this community as you and your predecessors have shown before the groundlings devour us all.


[/ QUOTE ]

Well said.

I'm going to reserve my comments for an article in next week's City Scoop. Most of my exposure to LH comes via that project, and Snow_Globe agreed to run a retrospective piece.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I'll second (third) the request that they put up a lighthouse in your honor somewhere along the Rogue Islands and Paragon City coasts. Least they could do after all your hard work for the game as a whole, and this community in particular.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]


Happy trails, Alex. Ya done good here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Happily /signed as well. Also in the lighthouse add an explore badge named Lighthouse....



Good luck Lighthouse!

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I'll second (third) the request that they put up a lighthouse in your honor somewhere along the Rogue Islands and Paragon City coasts. Least they could do after all your hard work for the game as a whole, and this community in particular.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]


Happy trails, Alex. Ya done good here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Happily /signed as well. Also in the lighthouse add an explore badge named Lighthouse....

[/ QUOTE ]



Fair winds and following seas LH.



All Negitive Thoughts are Banished
All Unwanted Vibrations are gone
Only the Forces and powers we wish
Shall be with us from his moment on!!!!

Good Luck LH , We will Keep the light on for ya!!!

**Victory Server**
Super T-shirt club



Take it easy Lighthouse and good luck in whatever you do. I guess the community manager job will always be a target. First Cuppa then Cricket and now Lighthouse. So many Community Mangers and so many good memories. I can't wait to see who they get next to run these boards.

On Victory
Justice Bruiser DM/Regen Scrapper - LVL 50
Pocket Loki � Rad/Sonic Defender � LVL 50
And Many Others

On Protector
Warden of Hades - Fire/Fire Dom � LVL 50
Debt Bomb � Fire/Kin Corruptor
And many others




Thanks for everything and good luck Lighthouse. You were a great CM.

If you ever feel you need for more abuse and name calling, you'll always been welcome back here. :-)



:salutes Lighthouse:



zOMG i'm going to idolize a dev!!! I'm cool

Bye LH; May i show you the door?

Live : @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
Test : @Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter



I'll second (third) the request that they put up a lighthouse in your honor somewhere along the Rogue Islands and Paragon City coasts. Least they could do after all your hard work for the game as a whole, and this community in particular.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]


Happy trails, Alex. Ya done good here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Happily /signed as well. Also in the lighthouse add an explore badge named Lighthouse....

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I fully agree that we need a Lighthouse exploration badge and a Lighthouse on the coasts of Paragon and the Rogue Isles.

[Oh and a little respect for the hard work this man graciously performed in an impossible position. /wrists already and be done with yourself.]

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Instant sadness at hearing this.

I remember in my first few weeks in the game, where I had NEVER played a MMO ever, I had no idea about the forums or how to communicate effectiviely with the community. One person I teamed with mentioned simply, "you need to go to the CoH Website forums; look for 'Lighthouse' in the forums; read LH's posts and the devs posts and you'll get nearly all you need to know what's going on in the community." I did, and it was an eye opening experience.

I had never experienced this type of community, and seeing you, LH, speaking colloquial English, no cyber-geek lingo, leading and directing others where to get info and what was the latest in game. For the first few weeks, I actually thought you WERE the lead designer (sorry Posi and Jack!). Of course with time, comes wisdom and understanding; I'm better educated now - lol.

Aside from that, almost daily, I've looked for your postings with a near bated breath to know what was the latest 411 on the game and it's community. The sunset has now fallen upon the Lighthouse of CoH. Indeed as I write this, I am deeply saddened with your departure, but as you mention, we must all move on.

THANK YOU for being our 'lighthouse' in this game. You have indeed left an impression here with me. You expertise, dedication, and professionalism are indeed an example for others to follow. Without you, I would not have had the positive 'experience' in this game that I had.

Good luck, LH; you shall be sorely missed.

/e salute

-A sad and tearful Major Deej



We'll all miss you. Even some of us semi newish players. Thanks for helping make City such a great game.

And I too sign that. We need something in the game so even knew players can learn about your contributions.

Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr



Good Luck LH. Hope things work out for you.



You'll be greatly missed by the CoX Community LH! Take care and best of luck to ya.




I greatly respect your decision to look in new directions. Given the current player/NCsoft schism over PvP 2.0, and the mixed messages the community has been given, I wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of that. I'm not saying I know what your motivations are. I'm not a mind reader, but it wouldn't surprise me if this was one factor.

You have always represented the players with integrity. You have my thanks and great respect. Thank you for all you've done, and best wishes in all you do.



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

You couldn't have sent this in a PM to Lighthouse? Classy.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is of course quite rude.

Anyways nothing personal.

[/ QUOTE ]

But this just makes it stupid.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.