Lighting the Lamp One Last Time!




Lab Rat? YDKJ?



I'm sad to see you go Lighthouse.

Thank you for all your efforts over the years. I know that your support has always been there for player events and anything to make this place fun for all. Thank you for all you have done for this community and for the game.

I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors and may your life be filled with happiness and joy.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Best wishes and good luck, Lighthouse. Thanks for all your work!



May your journey always carry you forward with the wind on your back and the sun shining the way.

Unit 609-1231 mk VII lvl 50 Stalker claws/EA
BlazingWing lvl 50 Blaster Fire/Fire/Fire



Take care, and good luck. I hate to see you go. I think it is rather sad that BAB is the only red name to join with the community in saying good bye. This frightens me.

We have had a great community for the 54 months that I have been with this game. It seems that as time goes on we see less and less of Posi, and a few other names. I was not a fan of Jacks, but the boards rarely lacked comments from Statesman.

I do hope that with the close of i13, that we see more of the games leaders (other than BAB and Castle) on these boards.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Sorry to see you go Lighthouse.

Be well.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

-Traditional Irish Blessing

Farewell, Lighthouse. You will be missed, and not forgotten.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



LH it was good to meet you and I will say Aloha.

May your Light shine forth and uncover the evils that hide in the darkness, Further adventures awaits you.

American Valor

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Thank you for being such a nice person, Alex, inside and outside the game and forums. I'll never forget how welcome you made me feel at the Pocket D party and the Comic-Con booth. It was also awesome to see you again at Hero-Con. I hope that you have wonderful times in your future adventures!

Thanks again!

--Fatare (aka Iris aka Marisa)



Sorry your being punished for being honest. Good luck on your future endeavors.




So unfair for you to say that. I have dealt with things such as this in the corporate world. That said, when they terminate someone from a company, the last thing they do is wait all day and THEN allow them access to a forum where they could say damaging things about the company.

I suggest you rethink your words...and choose them better in the future.

Shame on you

[/ QUOTE ]

only heard 3rd hand what may have happened, a new low yet for this game and forums if it really was that minor.....take Ex with ya.....I'd hope CuppaJo would come back, but she is smarter than that....



Take care and good luck.




So unfair for you to say that. I have dealt with things such as this in the corporate world. That said, when they terminate someone from a company, the last thing they do is wait all day and THEN allow them access to a forum where they could say damaging things about the company.

I suggest you rethink your words...and choose them better in the future.

Shame on you

[/ QUOTE ]

only heard 3rd hand what may have happened, a new low yet for this game and forums if it really was that minor.....take Ex with ya.....I'd hope CuppaJo would come back, but she is smarter than that....

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, I'm going to say that it's a low class person that uses this thread to make some idiotic point. I'm glad they're cleaning up the boards now.




Did anyone else notice LightHouse left just as another Rikti invasion started? Coincidence? I *think* NOT!

LH is returning to the Rikti homeworld. The invasion is a ploy to distract attention from the necessary travel channel used to get LH back home.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are




Did anyone else notice LightHouse left just as another Rikti invasion started? Coincidence? I *think* NOT!

LH is returning to the Rikti homeworld. The invasion is a ploy to distract attention from the necessary travel channel used to get LH back home.


[/ QUOTE ]

And when he returns, it will not be as "Lighthouse," but as "The O Hi Slug."


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

what poor taste. people are here to say their goodbyes to somebody they respected, someone that they are obviously sad to see go, and you have to take a stab at him? what horrible manners.

later lighthouse, hope things work out for you



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

what poor taste. people are here to say their goodbyes to somebody they respected, someone that they are obviously sad to see go, and you have to take a stab at him? what horrible manners.

later lighthouse, hope things work out for you

[/ QUOTE ]

I think what needs to be remembered is that there are a number of people who have and had a fairly significant number of things to complain about, myself included.

I agree that kicking someone on their way out is probably in poor taste, and I tried quite hard in my own post in this thread to make sure I didn't do it, but I can certainly understand, sympathize and even empathize with those who made negative comments.

Regardless, I see this the same way I see Jack Thompson's disbarment... probably a good thing for everyone, but kicking someone when their down and celebrating their downfall is classless to say the least.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



if you have negative feelings or not, it should not have been posted here. there is no reason to kick a man when he is down. i know my my mother taught me better.



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

what poor taste. people are here to say their goodbyes to somebody they respected, someone that they are obviously sad to see go, and you have to take a stab at him? what horrible manners.

later lighthouse, hope things work out for you

[/ QUOTE ]

I think what needs to be remembered is that there are a number of people who have and had a fairly significant number of things to complain about, myself included.

I agree that kicking someone on their way out is probably in poor taste, and I tried quite hard in my own post in this thread to make sure I didn't do it, but I can certainly understand, sympathize and even empathize with those who made negative comments.

Regardless, I see this the same way I see Jack Thompson's disbarment... probably a good thing for everyone, but kicking someone when their down and celebrating their downfall is classless to say the least.

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny, it didn't stop you from getting a dig in with it. Did you honestly think it was ok to condemn the other person for doing it while agreeing with their sentiment?



Personally I hope you have a wonderful life and a great new job. "or have found one already"

I can not say I am sorrry to see you go. I feel that the forums have been handled poorly by you for 2 years now and I look forward to hopfully someone taking control that can turn around all the hogwash you have allowed to go on for far to long. And I am sorry but I feel you leaving will be a step in the right direction to solving a lot of the problems the forums have.

Anyways nothing personal. I wish you all the luck in the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

what poor taste. people are here to say their goodbyes to somebody they respected, someone that they are obviously sad to see go, and you have to take a stab at him? what horrible manners.

later lighthouse, hope things work out for you

[/ QUOTE ]

I think what needs to be remembered is that there are a number of people who have and had a fairly significant number of things to complain about, myself included.

I agree that kicking someone on their way out is probably in poor taste, and I tried quite hard in my own post in this thread to make sure I didn't do it, but I can certainly understand, sympathize and even empathize with those who made negative comments.

Regardless, I see this the same way I see Jack Thompson's disbarment... probably a good thing for everyone, but kicking someone when their down and celebrating their downfall is classless to say the least.

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny, it didn't stop you from getting a dig in with it. Did you honestly think it was ok to condemn the other person for doing it while agreeing with their sentiment?

[/ QUOTE ]

I specifically stated that I disagreed with kicking someone while their down, but simply that I can understand how someone might feel the way they do.

We're actually in agreement that it's in poor taste to have a kick at Lighthouse, or anyone for that matter, when they're on the way out. The difference is that as someone who's been mistreated by Lighthouse I can understand how some people might want to get back at him.

It's classless, I agree... but that's the way it is. The best thing to do, I suppose, is merely ignore those comments as it merely starts a tangent whereby some decry the negative comments while those that made them defend themselves or justify their actions. I'll start by leading by example.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



Hey Lighthouse ya big lug ... ok .. tall .. not so big really ...

I haven't had the opportunity to get into a conflict with you, but we did shake hands a couple of times last year at the M&G @ Gutz'n'Busters - wait .. I think that was what it was called ... you handed me some STUFFZ that I had the sweet fortune to steal .. I mean win .. it had something to do with a ticket ... Tremorr was buying drinks .. it's all a vague fuzzy memory now ...

You DA man and you've done a great job. I BuFF J00 with Speed Boost, Super Jump and send you on your way loaded down with trunkfuls of influence, some rare recipes and a cotton hankie in case of a car accident. Wait .. clean boxers .. just don't get them confused and wipe your nose with the undies when you have tea with the Queen.

Best of all good things to you and yours hon.



Best of luck, Alex



Instant sadness at hearing this.

...I had never experienced this type of community, and seeing you, LH, speaking colloquial English, no cyber-geek lingo, leading and directing others where to get info and what was the latest in game...

...The sunset has now fallen upon the Lighthouse of CoH. Indeed as I write this, I am deeply saddened with your departure, but as you mention, we must all move on...

THANK YOU for being our 'lighthouse' in this game. You have indeed left an impression here with me. You expertise, dedication, and professionalism are indeed an example for others to follow. Without you, I would not have had the positive 'experience' in this game that I had.

Good luck, LH; you shall be sorely missed.

/e salute

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to write a very long goodbye, and I usually don't quote(steal) others heartfelt posts, but I could not have said any of this better myself.

Lighthouse hearing from you on the boards, being able to PM you and get responses with actual answers to questions has been a high-note of my time with CoH. I've always felt as if you were a gateway to the Game Designing gods(Devs, lol), making us players feel like our opinion really did matter. You have been a great asset to this game as a whole, and although it sounds like Ex Libris has stepped into your position and I know all of our named Devs are professionals and know what they're doing I doubt anyone will be able to manage that job and still be a nice person as well as you have.

You really will be missed, and Happy Birthday in a few days

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online