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  1. I'm so saddened this game is closing it's doors after being a player from the very beginning.

    Power Animations - For me the power animations are completely unique to this game and the best I've ever seen to date. So many other games the animations look clearly artificial and computer generated or cartoonish. CoX animations are fluid or sharp exactly where they needed to be and completely believable. The lighting f/x, particle effects, you name it they are hands down the best around.

    Teaming- I have never played another MMO that had such ease in jumping in on or creating teams. COX WAS ALL ABOUT TEAMING! You never get turned down joining a team, except for the rare idiot.

    The community - Getting help or giving help was a joy in this game.

    "Costume Contest under Atlas Globe X million for first prize."

    Demo creation and customization - Capturing and customizing demos to your hearts desire was amazing in this game with 3rd party tools that the community created to do it. I have bunches of vids on youtube as do soooo many others. Hats off to you Samuraiko for all the amazing videos you have made. I would love to see a final tribute to CoX by you.

    Goodbye everyone. .....
  2. OMG! I just heard, I was away for a couple weeks. I feel like I've just lost one of my children. I've been playing this game since the beginning. I am embarassed to say that my eyes are actually welling up over this and I feel like I'm about to sob. COH has such a close knit community and gave me so many hours of fun and happiness. *sob, sob, sob* :................
  3. Hey Balshor. I've been using your demo editor for years and it is incredible. I noticed that there's a newer version - v0.9.1. I wanted to download the exe version but the link seems to be dead. Do you have another link to it? Here's your original coh thread for it.
  4. I have a few zone event and a powerset idea.

    ZONE event.
    setting perez park. The helions dabbling in magic has blown up in their faces, kind of a frankinstiens monster. One of the many statues in say Atlas or Perez park comes to life, and breaks free from it's pedestal as a GM and starts attacking the helions. and they helions start gathering and attacking it. Variation: I threat so emense erupts in a zone that not only to heroes and villians combine to defeat it but the zone baddies near the monster change from foes to allies and start attacking the GM of the zone event.

    I imaging a giant flytrap with maybe creepers erupting from the hill in Talos next to the tram.

    How about a Disease/parasite powerset. I could imagine it being designed for defenders (debuffs), blaster, (very strong damage overtime with debuffs), or even a Controller.
  5. I'm Assault Rifle/Devices.

    Assault Rifle has inherent higher base accuracy (ranging from 1.05X - 2.0X base). I also have Targetting Drone (25 % tohit buff maxed). I have 7% ACC buff from a set bonus. Given all that do you think 2 ACC SOs or 1 ACC SO per power; I HATE missing and want to be able to hit +2 baddies with very few misses.

    Thanks :-)
  6. I wanted to say I really love the new opening screen theme music. Who is the composer? Is it in a file in the install that I can open and listen to?

    It's something I think I'd actually love to hear going to a symphony. The old one was ok but this one has a very epic feel to it and it's builds, transition, and releases really tell a story.
  7. Thanks guys for the great info. Bummer, going to make it challenging to optimize my sets. Defense bonuses being all over the map I guess the a not infrequent useless set bonus is just a fact of the game.
  8. I have Super Reflexes scrapper with about 30% defense to Ranged, Melee, and AoE. From what I recall for powersets Defense is always versus locational (ranged, melee, aoe) and resistance is always versus damage type (fire, cold, energy, etc.) However in set bonuses you can actually get Defense to damage types. My question is does my 30% locational defense stack in some form with the set bonuses, let's say 3%, damage type defense? Making set bonuses defense go against the grain seems strange to me if indeed they don't stack. Thanks
  9. Meh. There's a rikti invasion, zombie invasion, and supernatural activity at least once a day, every day anyway in the game.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Placta View Post
    No, your base value will not change. You'll just have inherent buffs to run, fly, jump, regen, and recov.
    Sounds good. Glad they finally made Stamina inherent. I found it universally needed on virtually all of my dozen or so toons.
  11. With the Fitness pool being added as inherent in i19 does that mean our current run, jump, regeneration, recovery base values are getting all the Fitness power base values added? New better base values in other words?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Just because the numbers are there, doesn't mean they're necessary. Powersets are balanced across the AT, so the likelihood of a "wrong" choice is much less likely. When you add in a new system of bonuses that is Independent of the powersets, that's adding a layer of complexity making it at the same time harder to balance and at the same time harder to pick "right"

    Besides, seeing the stats of your powers doesn't mean you have to pick them when you get to them or decide before you've even had a chance to play the character. What the OP is talking about is a set of bonuses with contradictory design goals- RP to expand the character background versus numerical advantage.

    I'm not opposed to giving players more choices. I just want them to be real ones not loaded ones.
    I appreciate the civil critiqueing. Maybe then just the Signature hero as your mentor part -- without the stat mods part -- paired with at least some kind meaningful added variety beyond simple lore or back story RP stuff.

    How do you add non-superficial choice without adding complexity. Doen't meaningful choice inherently add complexity.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    They don't want people to be limited in their choices because of a numbers game, and they don't want people who don't know better to suffer through the entire life of the character because they picked "wrong"
    Hey, are you channeling Statesmen from years back, I think he said the very exact same thing. The DEVs at some point changed their minds for whatever reason and they added all the incredibly detailed power stats any and everywhere on the interface, recipes, enhancements, etc. It's kind of funny, I noticed they actually have a zoning tip telling folks that recipes "...are completely optional, you don't need use them to play the game..." or words to that affect.
  14. How about a choice of signature hero as your Inspiration, Diety, Mentor, Advisor whatever (I don't know what would be an appropriate title). Depending on which one you choose at character creation you get some different mods to your inherent base attribute. The amounts of course would have to be very carefully balanced to not allow exploitation, or prevent nerfing. I'm one of those folks who spend a modicum of time tweaking their build so my example number might be way to low or way to high I don't know. These are just random numbers I pulled out of a hat to demonstrate my idea. Feel free to input numbers you think would be more appropriate. Many other role playing games have kind of something similar but tied to your choice of your race -- elve, orc, human, etc. I think role players would particularly like this...maybe. A few VERY Random Names and Examples:
    * Statesman (The Leader): +5% Dam, -5% Acc, +5% Rech, -5% End Cost, +25% Dam to Brawl, -5% Run Speed.
    * Synapse (The Avenger): +5% Dam, -5% Run Speed, +5% Acc, -5% Reg, +5% Health Bar, -5%
    * Sister Psyche (The Forgiver): +5% Health, -5% Dam, +5% Health Bar, -5% Res, +20% Run Speed
    * Lord Recluse (The Punisher): +5% Reg, -5% Health Bar, +5% Endurance Bar, -5% Def, +5% Res, +Status protect.
    * Manticore (The Redeemer): +1% to all base inherent attributes. (This would maybe be for casual players who don't want added complexity to enhancing builds)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I told them to "get off my lawn."
    HEY! Thanks Osidious, I just noticed your signature link about 3D sound not working. I have the same problem. Windows 7 32 bit, evga mother board built in sound with realtek drivers. It's no big deal for me but it's comforting to know I'm not alone.
  16. There weren't any events so it wasn't that. I sent a broadcast and several other folks in Talos said that there weren't any citizens on the map for them either. I went to KR and FF and there aren't any citizens. It wasn't a glitch, I saw the same thing last night. Someone on a global channel and someone in zone broadcast said that citizens had been removed from many, but not all zones, in I18. It's nice since I'll probably get a smidge of video framerate increase, but on the other hand it doesn't really make sense from an emersive experience perspective -- a city with no citizens walking around? I just wish they'd instead remove all those annoying citizens running around inside missions.

    I guess it's just one of those occasional, mysterious unannounced changes to the game.
  17. Just noticed that in Talos, FF and KR I don't see anymore citizens wandering around. Is that a bug or did they remove them on purpose for some reason.
  18. The DEVs are always saying the want proof, for lack of a better word, of the foe AI runaway problem folks are always complaining about. Take a look at time mark 7:16 of this Going Rogue game reviewer.
  19. I have an issue where my existing pre-GR, level 19 defender just got the ...Patient Zero... mision for the Vahz arc, the annoying one where you are infected with the Vahz disease. Unfortunately the mission is in Precint 5 which this toon of course doesn't have access to. So I'm stuck with the debuff for 3 days when my next mission drop is available.

    Has anyone else had a mission directed to this zone to which the toon doesn't have access.
  20. I just replaced WinXP Pro with Win7Pro on my computer and can't get CoH to work anymore.

    I installed it using my old City of Villians CDs and then copied the my previous "c:\program files\city of heroes" folder/files/subfolders (backup copy of winxp data) overtop the new "c:\program files\city of heroes" folder. This worked just fine and I was able to get into CoH fine. However I was always prompted to "Run As" the CoH icon as Administrator. The next day I started manipulating the permissions so that the standard user account had full permissions to the coh folder, well that didn't work and coh stopped working. So I did an uninstall of coh and did a reinstall using the same process... a couple times. Now Win7 keeps generating a message that the application isn't running properly and coh doesn't start up. I'm guessing there are registry remnants for coh the uninstall missed mucking up the re-install. Any suggestions?
  21. That sound loop bug from years back has returned to my computer when I got i17. It is infrequent but very distracting when it happens. Otherwise the game sounds on my computer is perfect. It lasts a few seconds and thank goodness doesn't crash the game. I have an Intel duo e6700, and built in audio (realtek drivers)on my eVGA 680 motherboard (no audio-card).

    I'm curious if anyone else has started getting this.
  22. Upon entering missions I'm getting a LONG cinematic screen, a mapserver, then a game freeze, followed by a light blue screen (w/clouds in the sky). I then have to kill the game process to be able to restart the game. It pretty much happens on every mission now. On a second try at entering the mission it usually succeeds. It also happens trying to enter my base.
  23. It would be nice if they added a "Prompt for confirmation if your sell/bid offer price exceeds X amount" toggle. That way you could set X to an amount you are comfortable with.