Discussion: Valentine's Day




This is my first Valentine's Day Event. If the sandals, victory laurel, and toga costume options are offered this year as quest rewards...are they only applicable to the characters who complete said quest? Or are they unlocked for all characters on my account?

Also, are they unlocked permanently? Meaning, if I unlock the sandals by completing DJ Zero's quest, then can I use them 2 Months from now on a new character? Or can they only be used/applied during the Valentines Day event?



This is my first Valentine's Day Event. If the sandals, victory laurel, and toga costume options are offered this year as quest rewards...are they only applicable to the characters who complete said quest? Or are they unlocked for all characters on my account?

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Character-specific. If you have thirty alts - get used to grinding those missions out over, and over, and over, and over, and ...

Also, are they unlocked permanently? Meaning, if I unlock the sandals by completing DJ Zero's quest, then can I use them 2 Months from now on a new character? Or can they only be used/applied during the Valentines Day event?

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Permanently, yes.



The one thing I would have liked to see for the guys to complete the whole tux would have been a cummerbund.

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There's no cumberbund because there's a vest, which is appropriate for a tailcoat. Cumberbunds are only worn when you're not wearing a vest.

--Fashion Police

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



whine whine whine gritch gritch gritch

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Oh NO! A game that gives us free expansion packs (which is not at all typical of the competition) is charging for a completely optional content pack that some people will be interested in and buy, and other people can skip out on entirely! What ever shall we do?!

</biting sarcasm>

I guess next time they won't bring you any new content they don't have to.



The one thing I would have liked to see for the guys to complete the whole tux would have been a cummerbund.

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There's no cumberbund because there's a vest, which is appropriate for a tailcoat. Cumberbunds are only worn when you're not wearing a vest.

--Fashion Police

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And some of us would have liked the option to wear a cummerbund instead of the vest. ^_^



And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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Now if it gave a sixth costume slot, then maybe.

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See, that's my only problem - I have to scrap an entire costume for this, and the Wedding Pack didn't even give me a costume change token, yet alone a new costume slot

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Dude, it's on TEST. What do you care? Copy yourself over anew, or whatever. Medi-Lad is only level 15 (I play him only very rarely), and has only one single costume slot. I over-wrote it - remember, this is on Test, not a Live server - without hesitation.

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True enough, but this coat's so Axle Rose November Rain shwag that I might want it as a Live outfit



Even though I do think that $9.99 (+tax) is a little steep, (a couple of badges--or better yet, and extra costume slot--would have sweetened the deal) I've been wanting to do some steampunky costumes, so I bought the pack. My one concern is the problems with the veil and tux tails coloring, and how those will work in supergroup mode. Coloring for my toons' wings is already a nightmare in SG mode--yes, I've tried the cape workaround; no, it doesn't seem to work--are the new costume pieces going to have the same issues? From what I've been able to tell, the wing color issue in SG mode is a long-standing problem that has yet to be resolved, and it'll be disappointing if this works the same way.

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



So just to verify:

The ushers in Atlas and Mercy: are they there only for the wedding and its repeats

does the mission they give offer a badge?

Just want to make sure

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The ushers are only an entryway to the zone in which the wedding occurs. They don't give out missions, and therefore no badges are associated. They're just a "door" to the wedding event, as it were.

Adversely, if the devs have to kick out unruly players, the ushers will not allow them to re-enter.

The only badges this year are the same ones from last year. The new thing this year is the live in-game wedding.

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good. work is having me miss the wedding so wanted to make sure iwas nt going to miss a new badge too



Here are my two cents on this whole thing. The V-day Idea is awesome, its pretty cool to make the game alot interesting (even though its starting to feel more like CoX meets the sims now-a days lol).
As of the price for the new content, they always charged anything new that wasn't free for $10. Atleast they aren't chargin oh..say..what $20 like some other mmo's that spring out crappy stuff. Look at it like this, the V-day event extras may come down to somewhere along the lines the devs make a decision into including it in future updates free of charge. (don't quote me on that,its just an observation) This was an out of the blue idea from what I read a few posts back from one of the devs.
I haven't bought the pack yet and won't mainly because i'm really not interested (sorry guys lol). But I still think its pretty cool for the people that have concept toons that have a significant other. With that said, grats to Manticore (*clearing throat* who I recently defeated with my MM *hides*) and Sister Psycho..I mean Psyche, lol.

OH!! one more thing, and this may be just a food for thought for the devs, for those of us that use time cards like myself. I pay about $30 for like 60 days I believe. Here's the idea, since people have to pay with credit cards for any new content...how about trying to create time cards where you can charge a bit more (ie, $30 for 60 days for regular but $40 for the 60 day account with the special add-on content)and can carry the codes for both account and for the extra content to add. That way us time card buyers won't be left out. I have a debit card but my bank are a bunch of blockage nazis went it comes to trying to purchase through anywhere out of the US lol. (but i understand them because its for safety reasons)
Anyways i'm sure that's probably impossible to do,but its just an idea. Well, Happy Valentines Day to all and Pre Gratz Bratz to those that are getting Married ingame and i'm ready to receive the onslaught of boos from everybody...come one gimme yer best shot I can take it *hides*

Virtue Toon-
Lady Talonfist - Lvl 50+1 BS Regen Scrapper(Retired)
VV Page - http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Lady_Talonfist



Personally, I hope very few people buy the Wedding Pack so NCSoft gets the message that this is not a viable income stream for them.

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Oh yes, and a great message it would be:

"Dear NCSoft, don't go out of your way for us. Don't spend extra time or money on developing or designing anything for us unless you are willing to accept no compensation for your efforts. Don't expect us to support you. We don't want anything more then what our subscription fees already cover."

Its one thing to charge for everything left and right, like some other companies have, its another to offer a little something extra here and there for a small price.

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I'd write a check to Jay and BaB for custom animations and costumes right now, if that's the way it worked. But I have a feeling that the art department didn't burn the midnight oil and get a bonus for these extras: they would have worked just as hard - but on something else everyone would have gotten access to - if they didn't work on these.

I wouldn't mind if these things were, say, veteran rewards that someone could buy to get early, and sufficiently long veterans would get unlocked eventually, so the purchase price was just for the impatient. And I don't mind supporting the dev team in general. And the completist in me is likely to buy the pack anyway, eventually, and the $10 means exactly nothing to me. But I'm still uncomfortable with a ten dollar costume and emote pack on principle.

This does not appear to be a case of "we can't justify the cost of making these items, but maybe we can make them retail items to help defray the cost." This appears to be a case of "hey, since you're making those things anyway, lets see if we can sell them rather than give them away, to gauge the interest of the player population in retail option packs."

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Bingo. That is my greatest fear. They are trying to test the waters here and see if they can start nickel and dime every addition to the game.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Is this a same sex marriage cause we should allow same sex marriages. Maybe Positron and Stateman? And I think robots should be able to get married too. And insects. And the devouring earth. And the hammidon and lusca should be able to marry. In fact why don't we all just assume everyone is married to everyone and people will have to opt out but then make an anti marriage opt out ammendment to the constitution. My head hurts.



And the hammidon and lusca should be able to marry.

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My god, man! Think of the offspring! A giant, jello-tentacled monster with irresitable damage, that no one wants to fight, that's nearly impossible to beat, and that spawns every five minutes?

I'm cringing just imagining it.

And what of the wedding night? Oh god, I just pictured that. I think I have to go lie down now.



Completely new tilesets that are not just a reskinned warehouse. The famous "moon base" idea, possibly with different gravity (you jump higher and farther, and fall slower) would be awesome. You could make moon environments actually feel and play different.

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Like the RWZ Rikti maps through the caves? Those totally unique maps?

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Minor nitpick: The Rikti maps aren't completely unique. They use the same cave models introduced way back in Issue 2 while adding new Rikti elements, along with a few new cave pieces, in much the same way the Faultline missions and zone rework existing cave maps and tech lab maps with new bits to create underground submarine lairs or abandoned supergroup bases.

It's an effective and economical re-use of assets but it is not the same as 100% unique maps, of which we have seen few over the last nearly four years (and is probably my #1 overall beef with the game).

And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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That is a minor nitpick and I'll blow it out of the water.

Why should they have to create whole new map parts for the tack-ons to get into the yummy-goodness?

Should they have created all new maps to merge the sewers to caves to inside office? Even though it was just a unique mix-and-match, that's a new, unique map that was quite awesome in how it worked out!

And they *should* have reused those parts, as it makes you really think that you are going from a standard sewer and into a building through caves.

Still here, even after all this time!



I gotta agree with the people against paying for this costume pack. It's $10 for fluff essentially. Granted the costumes aren't bad considering they are wedding outfits & thus not very useful IMO.

Aside from the arguements I've already skimmed thru (& maybe this point has already been made by someone else), consider this: EQ2 offered 2 expansion mini-packs for $10 each, Bloodline Chronicles & 1 other one I don't remember (it's been a while, lol). Those packs for the same price had several new pieces of equipment, a reasonable large new area to explore, a long quest series & new collection items as well. THAT at least was worth $10. This is a total rip off.

What happened to the whole concept of the game having free expansions anyway???

Me personally, I'd pay for expansions, BUT they'd have to be SUBSTATIALLY more meaty & hopefully include a boosted level cap as well



Okay... I just got the last patch on the Training Room... and the veil colors appear to be fixed. The FIRST color now colors the hairdo.. and the second color does the OUTSIDE of the veil only... sadly.. the inside still appears to be black.



quick reply:

I'm not a fan of paying for so little content. A few costumes and emotes is not much for the money. If it was $1.99, I might buy it, but not at the price of $9.99.

I don't like microtransactions and don't play games that use them extensively. I'm all for monthly fees and paid boxed expansions, but those expansions better have some decent content, not just a few costume pieces.



Okay... I just got the last patch on the Training Room... and the veil colors appear to be fixed. The FIRST color now colors the hairdo.. and the second color does the OUTSIDE of the veil only... sadly.. the inside still appears to be black.

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It's the same bug as always, which has been explained before:

Go in and check "copy colors over entire character" and change it to the one you want, then re-change the colors back outside of that. It's a pain. But, there it is.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I pick up all of the expansion packs I can, but with the disparity between the male and female costumes I think this is the first time I may wind up passing on it. Don't get me wrong, it's great that female characters have access to all of the wonderful costumes, but I've no interest in playing female characters.

Can we get some quality exclusive costumes for the male heroes in the future? Or take out the exclusivity on female costumes? Coupled with emotes, I'd be willing to pay for that, at least.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue





The volume of free content over the past year has been staggering

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Stop drinking the kool aid.

There has NEVER been free content added to CoX. We are paying $15 a month for constantly updated content.

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That's a matter of debate. The User Agreement doesn't say anywhere in there that NCSoft is required to give us any additional content; it states that our $15 is for access to the game as is. Therefore, anything they do give us is above and beyond their contractual obligation; they don't have to do it. Which means that, in a sense, it's free.

Now, as a practical matter, no company that stuck to that kind of philosophy would stay in business for long. People expect more value for their money. Therefore, as a practical matter, the updates are something that NCSoft has to provide.

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While perhaps not legally binding, the Knowledge Base article explaining monthly fees specifically includes regular updates the game as part of what you're paying for. It doesn't say anything about the scope or content of those updates, but it is there.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Wasn't Manticore the bad guy that betrayed all, killed Sister Psyche and banded to Recluse's side?? ?? Or that's just in the comics?

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If you woulda read more of the comics you would know how it all turned out...but back to the main topic ^_^

I don't mind the 9.99 pack of costumes/emotes. Granted, it is a lil over priced. What bothers me is that you have nothing better for a 45 month vet then a respec... At 45 months i think the last thing a player needs is a respec. I mean, if they really needed one they could just buy it at the auction house. They should be the ones that get the wedding costumes. Or was that the original plan? Cause thats all that pack really sounds like is a vet reward. I'm just a little dissappointed.



I got the email, I thought about whether it was really worth it, and I owned it ten minutes later.

Would I have preferred it to be a bit heavier on content? Sure. I bought it at least partly to encourage NCSoft to create more such packs. If the next special content pack is equally light for a similar price, then I may decide to take a pass. Hard to say.

As it is, the designs are gorgeous, and the stage magician and zombie bride that have kicked around my imagination at one time or another are now able to be fully realized.

It's worth it to me, and it's clearly worth it to many others. If it's not worth it to you, then give it a pass. It's that simple. I spend anywhere from $6 to $8 on lunch every day. $10 for a totally cosmetic content pack is not a big deal to me. My only caveat is that the next one will need more content or else will need to be so compelling that I have to have it regardless of its light weight.



OK, I too feel the price is too high -- but it's too late to change it now. Since that's probably the smallest amount NC want to deal with, how about adding some more free-to-NCSoft-but-valuable-to-me stuff?

F'rinstance, shouldn't a Wedding Pack come with a name change?

Or how about a Wedding Mystery Gift? At least 2 costume tokens? Access to the Tiki Room? A Honeymoon Bed for the base? An instanced Ski Lodge for a honeymoon getaway?

Just a bit more would make it feel worthwhile!

Regardless, nice work on the costumes.

PS: Any chance of a cane for the men?

The robot revolt begins!



Completely new tilesets that are not just a reskinned warehouse. The famous "moon base" idea, possibly with different gravity (you jump higher and farther, and fall slower) would be awesome. You could make moon environments actually feel and play different.

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Like the RWZ Rikti maps through the caves? Those totally unique maps?

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Minor nitpick: The Rikti maps aren't completely unique. They use the same cave models introduced way back in Issue 2 while adding new Rikti elements, along with a few new cave pieces, in much the same way the Faultline missions and zone rework existing cave maps and tech lab maps with new bits to create underground submarine lairs or abandoned supergroup bases.

It's an effective and economical re-use of assets but it is not the same as 100% unique maps, of which we have seen few over the last nearly four years (and is probably my #1 overall beef with the game).

And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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That is a minor nitpick and I'll blow it out of the water.

Why should they have to create whole new map parts for the tack-ons to get into the yummy-goodness?

Should they have created all new maps to merge the sewers to caves to inside office? Even though it was just a unique mix-and-match, that's a new, unique map that was quite awesome in how it worked out!

And they *should* have reused those parts, as it makes you really think that you are going from a standard sewer and into a building through caves.

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I have a reply to this, but we're way off-topic. If you'd like to start a thread or take it to PMs, let me know!



quick reply:

I'm not a fan of paying for so little content. A few costumes and emotes is not much for the money. If it was $1.99, I might buy it, but not at the price of $9.99.

I don't like microtransactions and don't play games that use them extensively. I'm all for monthly fees and paid boxed expansions, but those expansions better have some decent content, not just a few costume pieces.

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It actually just occurred to me that this may have something to do with credit-card negotiations and minimum payments.

Some shops refuse to run a credit card for less than $5, as their Visa/Mastercard fees eat them alive if they do.

I know that there are some ways around it, but it might not be available for so few transactions.

So this may not be entirely NCSoft's decision, but a limitation on their current contract for running credit cards.

Still here, even after all this time!



Are we getting access to the toga and reef costume pieces again?