Discussion: Valentine's Day




Are we getting access to the toga and reef costume pieces again?

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Yes. Toga and laurel *wreath*.

What Valentine parties have you been going to?




quick reply:

I'm not a fan of paying for so little content. A few costumes and emotes is not much for the money. If it was $1.99, I might buy it, but not at the price of $9.99.

I don't like microtransactions and don't play games that use them extensively. I'm all for monthly fees and paid boxed expansions, but those expansions better have some decent content, not just a few costume pieces.

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Nor am I. Years ago, I saw a "Mech Pak" for Mecjwarrior, but didnt get it, because it was $9.99, and you only got 4 mechs, which to me, wasnt nearly enough.
Im NOT a monthly fee fan, Im a free fan. Im getting the time cards bought for me, 6 months at a time for birthday and Christmas. This is only the 2nd pay to play game I have, LotRO being the other, that I have lifetime subscription for. $200, but well worth it.
Im hoping Ill be able to make it to the wedding, because its a nice change of pace.

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



Would I have preferred it to be a bit heavier on content? Sure. I bought it at least partly to encourage NCSoft to create more such packs.

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This is exactly what we do not want to do.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



Feb 13 2008 7217671 City of Heroes® Wedding Pack $9.99 (USD)

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None of the pieces are available to me... I am on Villains, and I cant find any of them at all.

PLEASE dont tell me this was just for Heroes ...



Feb 13 2008 7217671 City of Heroes® Wedding Pack $9.99 (USD)

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None of the pieces are available to me... I am on Villains, and I cant find any of them at all.

PLEASE dont tell me this was just for Heroes ...

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Did you apply to code to your game account via your account manager?



Feb 13 2008 7217671 City of Heroes® Wedding Pack $9.99 (USD)

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None of the pieces are available to me... I am on Villains, and I cant find any of them at all.

PLEASE dont tell me this was just for Heroes ...

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Did you apply to code to your game account via your account manager?

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Yes, im getting very




This is exactly what we do not want to do.

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Define "we" partner. It's YOU, you do not want. Some few others do not want. Most of us are plenty fine with the idea of being able to selectively buy non-game-breaking items such as these for a reasonable cost.

I've paid for 2 server transfers, and have pondered some name changes - those are all 10 bucks apiece too. So?

Stop buying Starbucks for 3 days. There's your 10 bucks and change, easy. It's not the price and it's not the amount of stuff, you're just not hot on having it. That's fine. Don't buy it. We got the picture already.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Did you perhaps *wait* a while for it to come on your account?

The stuff's there, I'm sure.

If you can access it through heroes but NOT on villains (check someone?) that's a problem but I suspect it's just a glitch not getting them at all.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Add me to the crowd who thinks that, while nice, this is overpriced for value if you compares with previous online add-on.

I can understand you have to deal with a minimum transaction fee and maybe has to sell, whatever, at this floor price.

I can too understand that you wanted this in time for this event, and has no time to create further content, gravy, or whatever.

Yet the overall feeling, and the reason I'm still on the fence about buying, is an unwillingness to being ripped-off.

You guys never let us down before, this would be a sad precedent. If you gave us your word that folks with access to this would have futher content down the road that requires further testing and currently cannot be uploaded right now, I'd be taking all this in a much more friendly manner.




Wow, $9.99 for a few costume parts? That's a bit steep. $4.99 I might spring for. I love the game and complain about very little, but considering there are not any temp powers or more than basically two costume options it's a bit pricy, IMHO.

And just to beat the trolls to the punch, yeah I know. I don't have to buy it. And at this price I probably won't. But I will give my opinion just the same, thank you.

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Agreed. After seeing the pictures I have to say some of the female costume pieces look *sweet* but, the GvE upgrade was more worth it w/ the temporary powers and a badge...and I didn't even bother to upgrade to that, though I am tempted to because the Justice/Sinster pieces look oh so sweet too. But Jay still gives us enough awesome stuff in the regular updates.

Jordan Lee 50 ma/regen scrapper
ReapersAdvocate 50 BS/regen scrapper
Sara's Screams 50 sonic/dev blaster and 510 badges
Anarchy's Maiden 50 kat/regen scrapper
Olivete 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
@Jordan Lee



Feb 13 2008 7217671 City of Heroes® Wedding Pack $9.99 (USD)

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None of the pieces are available to me... I am on Villains, and I cant find any of them at all.

PLEASE dont tell me this was just for Heroes ...

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Did you apply to code to your game account via your account manager?

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Yes, im getting very

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Sorry for the dumb question, but I was in tech support when the first question was "Is it plugged in?" and that solved the problem in a surprisingly large number of cases.

It should have gone active minutes after you applied it. If you've not logged out since then, log out and back in then try to find them. Some of my SG people couldn't find theirs until they logged out and back in after buying it while still in the game. If that fails, (and, assuming you have CoH as well) try to find them on a hero. If that fails you have a problem likely beyond the scope of what any of us could help you with and it's off to support.



I take offense to Cambios' 'mindless fanboy sheep' comment, and I want to address that entire paragraph.

If you really so unsatisfied with the game and what it offers, perhaps it's time to move on?

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Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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That doesn't look like an argument to me, but rather a legitimate question and one I wouldn't mind an answer to as well. Why do you keep playing if you are, as it seems from the venom of your posts in this topic, so disatisfied with the state of the game today?

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I'm honestly wondering that as well. It comes across as someone paying to get into Disneyland once a month, only to grouse at the other customers and complain that there are no new rides since the month before.

"I'm paying $15 a month, and I'm not seeing anything NEW!"

Okay... then why do you CONTINUE to pay $15 a month? Seems rather foolish to me, if that's the basis of your dissatisfaction.

And don't bother with the "mindless fanboy" retort, there's PLENTY of things in this game that I think need improving. These new textured costumes are a step in the right direction, as are unique mission tilesets and maps, more interesting mission objectives, better NPC Dialogue, etc etc etc. That said, I still enjoy playing. Yeah, it could be better. It could be a LOT worse.

And that, my friends, is why I gladly pay $15 per month per account (I have two) plus the $9.99 for this goodie pack, the $10 for the Collectors Edition goodies, the "Good Vs Evil" upgrade, yata yata yata.

I agree that micropayments should not be used to 'unlock' new content - that would exclude people on teams that didn't have the VIP passes. But costumes and cool temp powers and emotes? Sure.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I assume it's been mentioned. What's up with the bridal train/hair color issue. Seems the outside train color is the same as the hair color (i.e you want a white train you get white hair) and you cannot even set the inside color of the train.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.




I was going to stay out of the "Just quit/you're just a Fanboy" thing, but I wanted to interject at this point... Both sides are correct.

In a thread the devs set up for feedback, it is completely acceptable to give negative feedback on whatever it is they've set it up to discuss. That feedback can even be scathingly negative and still fall under the purpose of the thread. In those thread to say "if you don't like it, why don't you quit" is to miss the entire reason the thread is there. The Devs want feedback. I'm sure they'd love that feedback to be all positive, but if it's negative, that is within the limits of what they've asked for. In the specific case of this thread, "grousing" (not a shot, Soul, I just love that word) is perfectly fine about any aspect of the Wedding Pack, the VDay missions or any other aspects of the VDay events/plans. To say '"why don't you just quit" and its variants adds nothing to the discussion and makes it seem as if negative feedback is unwanted and unwelcome and will lead to being "attacked" on a personal level (and yes, "why don't you just quit" is an attack on a personal level in most cases it's been used in here, the same as if it was change to "don't let the door his you in the butt on the way out" would be) if more negative feedback is posted.

With that said, in a thread started expressely to simply rant and rave against the game (not a specific aspect of it, but the game as a whole or a major portion of it), yes, "why haven't you just quit" IS an acceptable response since it questions the posters motivation for staying with something they have expressed their displeasure with. As long as the question is posted as a real search for reasoning, it is acceptable in that case (and an honest answer may surprise you). For instance, one poster here has expanded from "the Wedding Pack is stupid and a money grab" to "the whole game is stale and boring" (to simplify the arguments) and asking "why haven't you quit" is acceptable for those aspects of his argument that are NOT to do with the wedding pack, but this isn't the thread to ask it in, else the thread derails a little more each time.

All that said, the game isn't perfect. Some people might believe it is, but I'm betting they're rare (and, to be honestly, willfully blind, since bugs do exist and can be pointed to easily just as someoen who says the whole game sucks is willfully blind). To dismiss someone's feedback, feedback that was requested, is to dismiss the chance for pointing out or reenforcing the idea for improvements. By the same token, to constantly use threads, regardless of the thread's intended or stated purpose, to air your grievances with what you think of as real problems in the game only weakens your possibly real and possibly valid points that do pertain to the thread and makes it very easy to dismiss your position as that of a malcontent out to just whine.



Feb 13 2008 7217671 City of Heroes® Wedding Pack $9.99 (USD)

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None of the pieces are available to me... I am on Villains, and I cant find any of them at all.

PLEASE dont tell me this was just for Heroes ...

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Did you apply to code to your game account via your account manager?

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Yes, im getting very

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1. Check your PlayNC account to see that the serial code is attached to your account. I know you have several, make sure it's the right account.

2. Check to see if the new costumes show up on the heroes' side for that particular account on a Live server. Then check the villains side of that same Live server. (I emphasize 'Live' because it will take an extra day to propagate to Test.)

3. If it's still not there on the Villain's side then open a customer support ticket. Only a GM can help you now.

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I assume it's been mentioned. What's up with the bridal train/hair color issue. Seems the outside train color is the same as the hair color (i.e you want a white train you get white hair) and you cannot even set the inside color of the train.

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According to the patch notes, the current patch on test solves that issue.



Would you say that's what WoW does by charging for expansions and charging a subscription fee?

Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

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And we've got no reason to think NCSoft isn't going to do the same.

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We don't?

Isn't the atrociously small amount of content we have received over the last few years a pretty good indicator?

We should be getting a new zone, full of arcs, storylines, new tilesets, etc. at least once every 3 months. We get a new zone about once a year.

We should be getting new "systems" at least once every 6 months. So far, we've gotten them twice during the lifespan of the game: PvP and IOs.

I enjoy the game, but the lack of variety in gameplay has always been its biggest flaw. To then try to SELL new content (however minimal it is) as an extra thing is really quite absurd.



I just want to know, how long will this update will be avaliable for purchase?




Our subscription money opens the game to us to play. That is all. The extras which we've gotten did not have to be included, every single Issue worth of content COULD have been paid for by expansions and upgrade costs.

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I must politely inform you that you are incorrect.

The box price paid for "opening up the game" for us to play.

The subscription fee is for continued content development and management.

This is how the MMO industry works. Box price is for the base game. Subscriptions are for continued content development.




I will be trying to attend, on my alt Medi-Lad, because a slight connection to Manticore is written into his backstory


So to me, I'll be going because it's part of M-L's story; he WOULD be there, period. And if all goes well, he will be: I'm logged out on him, in his tux, right under Atlas' statue. Hopefully, I'll get to the right NPC soon enough to be part of the first iteration of the day. I'll be doing my darnedest to RP him, without being an obnoxious pest about it, the whole time.

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I enjoy the game, but the lack of variety in gameplay has always been its biggest flaw. To then try to SELL new content (however minimal it is) as an extra thing is really quite absurd.

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That's one perspective. IMHO, I don't mind paying for extra perks like the DVD items or the GvE stuff, but I'll admit (and have already posted as much) that compared to GvE, this was a little steep for price vs. content. Count me in with the crowd that thinks that $4.99 would have been a better deal for this "mini-pack".

There have been new tilesets, but I wouldn't mind more than just labs and warehouses. Would be cool if some of the newer tilesets were used more often, or if more CoV tilesets were used in CoH and vice versa. That would add at least more variety per game until more stuff could be created.

Systems? Inventions are a step in the right direction. I'm hoping (and almost betting) that the base system will get some attention real soon. But I've got to wait until Issue 12 to see where things are headed in that vein and other possibilities.




Like the RWZ Rikti maps through the caves? Those totally unique maps?

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Unfortunately, those are barely more than a reskin. There is nothing FUNCTIONALLY different about them at all. There are no power plants you can destroy to shut down their power grids or force fields. There are no storage pods that hold rikti who will spawn if you don't smash them or turn them off. There are no laser fields that damage you, or damage rikti if you knock them through them. In other words, they are just a reskin.

But I will say, at least RWZ did have that one small cosmetic change - the first one in a long, long time. The vast majority of RWZ uses the same tilsets we have been seeing for years.



I just want to know, how long will this update will be avaliable for purchase?

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Mordakar wrote:

Right. Because trying to move people around instead of sitting in one spot and grinding for hours on end for XP, reputation and/or drops counts for nothing. Giving people access to fast modes of travel very early in their career is meaningless, and trying to break out of the holy trinity (Tank, Mage, Healer such is seen in CoV and most Defender primaries other than Empathy) is equally passable as the rest.

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Huh? Tons of games do these things. And CoX still has the same Holy Trinity as any other traditional RPG: Tank, Dps, Support. *THAT* is the holy trinity - not tank, mage, and healer.

CoX has LESS gameplay variety than every other major MMO out there. Not just a little bit less.... TONS less.

"Run missions" is pretty much all you can do in this game. That's it. The entire game is about running missions. And to make it worse, these missions all look the same.

This is a real problem folks. I imagine I want this game to continue to succeed as much as anyone here. I like playing it. I'd like to see the game GROW rather than shrink or just stagnate. But as they continue to stubbornly refuse to design real, meaningful, content variety, the chances of that happening dwindle.