Discussion: Valentine's Day





And we've got no reason to think NCSoft isn't going to do the same.

Yeah, we do: NCsoft likes micropayments. There's a new sheriff in town, remember?

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But they also like retaining customers. Charging for every little bauble would tend to get in the way of that. (As the venom in parts of this thread would indicate.)

I'm just not ready to say that it's the end of free content, or even the start of a serious decrease. I'm going to wait and see what happens.

I'm not saying that this not something that needs to be watched closely. I'm just saying that NCSoft has, up to this point, made me a satisfied customer, and the mere rumor of the possibility of change in their business practices doesn't worry me.

Now, all that being said, if you're right, and the "free" content suffers because of offerings like this, then I'll grab my torch and pitchfork and join you in the angry mob. But to me, that's still an if.



Pos, are there plans to allow for players to get the toga/greek tunics and accessories from past valentine's events this year, perhaps through missions? I have some Greek God themed heroes I'd love to create, but without the proper costume, the ideas just languish

I've been reading, but nothing has been posted, or I just missed it somewhere if it has.


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Actually, I believe that's covered in the flyer. It mentions that DJ Zero and Ganymede will once more be asking for co-op teams to help them; the greek stuff was rewarded for those arcs last year.



Like several others, I am disappointed by the price tag attached to the new costume options. I would consider something closer to $4.99 to be fair value, but $9.99 seems overpriced.



<QR> personally, i find this pack far too lacking.

It is a very small audience of appeal, and includes only a few costume items.

I'm of the opinion that this should simply be a free addition/update.
Now, that said, im not against having costume packs, but if your going for that, better make sure they're sizeable and not so obscure.



Blizzard also has a hundred times the revenue and a larger staff than NC does working on CoX.

That's not in dispute, but it's also not relevant.

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Actually it is relevant. A bigger staff and bigger budget means more resources to get content done faster and with less need to charge for it. I'm not sure they put out free content just as fast because in the months I played I saw less new content in WoW than I did in the same time on CoX. Heck even bug fixes took longer in WoW back then. Things may have changed since BC came out but I tried BC and felt disappointed in the limited additions to content for the price.

Furthermore, there are few people that will deny that WoW isn't simply a retooling of existing MMO concepts done better, whereas CoX is treading largely uncharted waters.

CoX is just as much a retread of earlier MMOs as WoW. Reskinning the game as superheroes instead of fantasy is not a major innovation.

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Actually CoX has implemented a much more dynamic and 'new' model of classes/races (Archetypes, origins), skills/spells/abilities (powers), gear (enhancements), and items (inspirations, salvage) than any other major MMO. As someone else stated they've also broken the 'trinity' class design (though migrant MMO players seem to still think in the trinity model).

Also, most of WoW's "content" (when I left anyway) was jamming mega raids and raid targets down your throat.

So you don't like it. I don't like it either, that's why I don't play it. The vast majority of MMO players do seem to like it, though.

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Actually a large percentage of WoW subscribers never have and never will play any other MMO. They were drawn in by friends, marketing, or interest in previous Blizzard titles (Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo). I'd be hesitant to call anyone who plays only one MMO with no interest in even trying others an 'MMO player' with the connotation used in your reply. As someone who's played over a dozen MMOs in his life and only ever hit level cap with CoH and kept CoH active for the longes time (EQ2 comes in second) I'm not too inclined to trust the opinion of a 15yo WoW player who dosn't even know that MMO was originally MMORPG (or what RPG means).



How quaint that you can say on one hand that WoW offers more "free stuff" in between expansions, and then claim it's not relevant that they have both more revenue and manpower to make just that happen.

That's right, it's not relevant. NCNC doesn't get a break because they're smaller. They are competing for the same MMO dollars WoW is competing for. You wanna swim with the sharks, you grow teeth.

Right. Because trying to move people around instead of sitting in one spot and grinding for hours on end for XP, reputation and/or drops counts for nothing.

That was always a choice made by the players. EQ's designers (e.g.) intended for players to move through areas, not sit in one spot and pull respawns.

Giving people access to fast modes of travel very early in their career is meaningless, and trying to break out of the holy trinity (Tank, Mage, Healer such is seen in CoV and most Defender primaries other than Empathy) is equally passable as the rest.

Travel speed is neither here nor there, and early CoX was intended to be just as oriented around "holy trinity" tactics as EQ.

I'd agree that underneath it all, it's still an RPG. As such, there's not a whole hell of alot that can be done to change the fundamentals that make the genre what it is.

Oh, I think an awful lot could be done differently, though probably not in CoX's current architecture.

You missed the point, which was to elaborate on the fact that while Blizzard might release more "free" content than NC/Cryptic most of it still cater's to a couple of very focused modes of play.

Blizzard releases the content its players want to see more of. If they did an "issue" of nothing but frilly pink dresses, unicorns and kittens the vast majority of their costumers would be going "what the.....?"

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"




Maybe this hasn't been posted yet. I haven't made it through the entire thread.

The wedding coordinator's name is an anagram of Stamen Lover.

A wedding coordinator who's into flowers, go figure. :-p



As Paul Newman said, "Real men don't wear Cumberbunds"



*The separate-color lace pattern on the skirts is beautiful. It is a crying shame there is no top that can be matched with them. I understand that there's a UI limitation on tops w/skin and a 2nd color. But if we can't get around that, can we at least beg a regular top with the same lace pattern, one that is two-colorable, for making that as a dress?

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This I agree with. I really was looking forward to having the top match the bottom in terms of having two toned pieces. If this could happen I'll be oh so happy! It just doesn't mesh that well (in MOST cases, I'm sure some color combos do) with having a solid top part of the dress(es) and the ability to two tone the bottom part.

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Pos, are there plans to allow for players to get the toga/greek tunics and accessories from past valentine's events this year, perhaps through missions? I have some Greek God themed heroes I'd love to create, but without the proper costume, the ideas just languish

I've been reading, but nothing has been posted, or I just missed it somewhere if it has.


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Actually, I believe that's covered in the flyer. It mentions that DJ Zero and Ganymede will once more be asking for co-op teams to help them; the greek stuff was rewarded for those arcs last year.

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Thanks! I must have missed that

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



After hearing about the party in PD, i think ill wait for the video of the wedding and party in the meantime



I have to agree on this... At the very least they could have included 15days or something with it... for that cost. Just IMHO...

Honestly I love to support the game, but IDK if I am willing to just hand them $10 for pretty much nothing...

Like other people have said. unlike GW the other successful MMO NCSoft runs. This is a pay to play game. and as such we already pay out the nose for content in comparison.

And Addon packs needs to be ultra useful, not just a few costume pieces and emotes.. A mission arc, a jetpack, a major feature or teleport function, or some subscription time along with it. Something to justify the extra money on top of what we already pay for with our subscription...



Does this mean I get my toga?



Lordy, it amazes me that so many folks are complaining about the 10 bucks after all the new content. If it bums you out, don't buy it. I play this game a LOT & don't mind shelling out a few bucks here and there to support it.

"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards." - General Creighton W. Abrams



Did someone mention that he Tuxedo option doen't support Back pieces? I have character who has an old fashioned/Victorian feel to it for which the Tuxedo is an option I've been looking for but. alas, he has demon wings

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I think it's a bug on Male characters, as it works for Female and Huge characters (tested with my main). I PM'd Jay about it, and he's looking into it.



So just to verify:

The ushers in Atlas and Mercy: are they there only for the wedding and its repeats

does the mission they give offer a badge?

Just want to make sure

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The ushers are only an entryway to the zone in which the wedding occurs. They don't give out missions, and therefore no badges are associated. They're just a "door" to the wedding event, as it were.

Adversely, if the devs have to kick out unruly players, the ushers will not allow them to re-enter.

The only badges this year are the same ones from last year. The new thing this year is the live in-game wedding.



So for meaningful new content, all we got was IOs. The rest was either recycled or very minor.

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You know, I had three quarters of a snarky, step by step refutation of this post, but I decided better of it. That one statement there is so amazingly out of touch with reality that you're obviously either deliberately attempting to be provocative, or want changes that are so far out of the mainstream as to make them absurd.

The game is not going to fundamentally change at this point in it's lifecycle, and it seems like that is the only thing that will satisfy you. All new content is going to use similar gameplay to what's come before; you've got the same designers using the same engine and tools to create content for (largely) the same group of players. You can't just expect that they're going to give you something that's totally alien to what's come before.

Even the one thing you allow as new, IO's, aren't really. We had rewards for defeating mobs, we had enhancements, we had costume pieces; how do IO's change any of that? It's just a recombination of existing game elements, isn't it?

I'm really curious to hear what, exactly, you would consider "new."

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Don't forget, Cambios is the person that was upset NCSoft wasn't keeping City of on the 125% uptime standards of the telecommunications industry. Basically comparing a video game to 911 (or equiv) service.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




Did I miss the wedding thing?



Completely new tilesets that are not just a reskinned warehouse. The famous "moon base" idea, possibly with different gravity (you jump higher and farther, and fall slower) would be awesome. You could make moon environments actually feel and play different.

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Like the RWZ Rikti maps through the caves? Those totally unique maps?

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Minor nitpick: The Rikti maps aren't completely unique. They use the same cave models introduced way back in Issue 2 while adding new Rikti elements, along with a few new cave pieces, in much the same way the Faultline missions and zone rework existing cave maps and tech lab maps with new bits to create underground submarine lairs or abandoned supergroup bases.

It's an effective and economical re-use of assets but it is not the same as 100% unique maps, of which we have seen few over the last nearly four years (and is probably my #1 overall beef with the game).

And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.



And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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Now if it gave a sixth costume slot, then maybe.




Did I miss the wedding thing?

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No, read the flier for the time and the SPECIFIC place. You'll need to be on Test at 3pm PACIFIC time for it.

The live server event will start up that day too but will NOT include the wedding itself. That's ONLY on test

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And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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Now if it gave a sixth costume slot, then maybe.

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See, that's my only problem - I have to scrap an entire costume for this, and the Wedding Pack didn't even give me a costume change token, yet alone a new costume slot

If NCNC was really trying to find the pulse of add-on sales, they should start with additional server and costume slots They could sell TONS of those.

(Hope they're still reading this and taking notes!)



I HATE that we have to pay for these I will, but still HATE
it please DONT make any pay for sets in the future, I'm a
the type of gamer that LOVES to get everything and if stuff
like this continues, I'm sure I wont be able to keep finding
the money and such a dissapontment of not haveing the
"Cool" stuff will cause me to frustrate me into leaving the

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And to stay on-topic, I will re-iterate my position on the wedding pack: too little value for too much money. I won't be purchasing it for both of those reasons. I'm not going to act all outraged over it, though.

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Now if it gave a sixth costume slot, then maybe.

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See, that's my only problem - I have to scrap an entire costume for this, and the Wedding Pack didn't even give me a costume change token, yet alone a new costume slot

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Dude, it's on TEST. What do you care? Copy yourself over anew, or whatever. Medi-Lad is only level 15 (I play him only very rarely), and has only one single costume slot. I over-wrote it - remember, this is on Test, not a Live server - without hesitation.