Discussion: Valentine's Day




So if you subscribed to Newsweek, you'd be fine with them also charging you cover price for the magazine, right?

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Pay monthly (cover price for magazine) = $15/month
Subscribe annually = $12/month

Your analogy is flawed.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




I find their to be a difference between paying for new content, and paying a
subscription fee. Take your own advice.

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So if you subscribed to Newsweek, you'd be fine with them also charging you cover price for the magazine, right?

Seriously. I am begging you. Think before you post.

The subscription fee is what you are paying to get new content.

P.S. Love the avatar.

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No, but if they started printing books, I wouldn't think my subscription entitled me to get those free. I'd fully expect to pay extra for whichever books I wanted.

Of course, if the quality of the magazine suffered as a result, I'd be upset. However, that's something that's yet to be seen with the game.



Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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and whenever someone pulls out the fangirl card, they have run out of meaningful arguements and are simply declaring victory and patting themselves on the back for how clever they are.

They fact that you are simply spewing venom and hatred toward the Devs shows that you've already made up your mind and are not even interested in considering another option.

But you can NOT deny the simple logic, if something is not fun for you... don't do it. It's really that simple.



Just a side note the Devs. This could go in Sexy Jay's costume thread but since we're already discussing the wedding pack here, I'll mention it.

You guys forgot the most important part of a wedding ensemble....





The volume of free content over the past year has been staggering

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Stop drinking the kool aid.

There has NEVER been free content added to CoX. We are paying $15 a month for constantly updated content.



Charging real world money for costumes and emotes? Wow. You guys have really sunk to a new low. I mean for the love of Christ offer SOMETHING tangible. More CHARACTER SLOTS. Offer a new AT, powersets. ANYTHING. But your CHARGING for costumes and emotes? Are you trying to piss off your customers?

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Here's a wild, radical thought for you.

*If you don't think it's worth it, don't buy it.*

Your powers will work the same, and somehow I don't think your lack of a /throwrosepetals or /throwrice emote is going to make that AV fight any harder.

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Totally agree. And I, for one, (welcome our new...) am very glad there's no badge associated--since that would necessitate me spending $10 on this. I have no interest in the tux (and even less on ANY emote) so it's saving me money.

No pay for badges...that's a good thing. It's not like you have to pay for the event mishes, so who cares?



Before people get all impressed that they finally bumpmapped some female clothing options - male costumes have had the bump mapping for a very long time. In fact, its one of the things I remember requesting in the costume thread, along with a proper fluffy fox/wolf tail.

And bump mapping isn't that difficult to do, I've done it for at least two other games that I could mod [ Freedom Force and Sims 2 ] and it can sometimes be a little tricky, but its more a patience issue, not a difficulty issue.

I think the work is the best I've seen for costume options on females, though the fact they still haven't given us a actual long skirt is disappointing. The fact remains that if they want to sell me fluff, they need to make it cheaper to play per month.

And to repeat - I don't mind paying for actual game play options - costumes as extras on top of useful stuff, sure, its icing - but I didn't pay for GvE because of the nifty costume pieces. I paid for the jump pack and D teleport.




The volume of free content over the past year has been staggering

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Stop drinking the kool aid.

There has NEVER been free content added to CoX. We are paying $15 a month for constantly updated content.

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That's a matter of debate. The User Agreement doesn't say anywhere in there that NCSoft is required to give us any additional content; it states that our $15 is for access to the game as is. Therefore, anything they do give us is above and beyond their contractual obligation; they don't have to do it. Which means that, in a sense, it's free.

Now, as a practical matter, no company that stuck to that kind of philosophy would stay in business for long. People expect more value for their money. Therefore, as a practical matter, the updates are something that NCSoft has to provide.



1) the workaround for the inner veil color is the 'copy colors across all costume parts' click thing at the bottom, it changes to whatever you clicked... then unclick it and set other colors individually.

2) I'd like more stuff like this, please, lots more. You will really do better to put more items in each pack as that will get more people to buy it. This pack definitely needed pants with matching lacy details to the fancy coat and skirt; it also definitely needed a cummerbund; and it needed the veil Psyche got along with the Cinderella hairstyle one. Also it would've been nice if it included some lace tights to wear under the bridal skirt and/or a legs version of the bridal top to wear under your skirt, especially one that continued down to a matching lace tights on the boot section. But go ahead and add that bit for everyone, not just those who bought the set, just add it

3) I think it is probably a bug that females can currently get the tux jacket with its cape-tails and also get a veil or a cape. might want to eliminate that option before too many people take it.



Neuronia wrote:
I purchased the code without blinking because I'm a completist, much like I dropped influence for all the wings and boots back in the day to add those to my main.

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How's that investment working out for you now that wings and such sell for about 1/10000th their former cost?

Neuronia wrote:
I did feel kinda awkward though when a sg leader and myself were throwing confetti and the rest of the team just shuffled uncomfortably...consider this a guilty pleasure for myself then.

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Don't feel awkward. They weren't shuffling. They were desperately trying to resist the urge to point and laugh at the PT Barnum style suckers.




The volume of free content over the past year has been staggering

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Stop drinking the kool aid.

There has NEVER been free content added to CoX. We are paying $15 a month for constantly updated content.

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maybe people would consider your points if you weren't so insulting. As it is you've just reduced yourself to a common troll.




The Divorce Pack (halves your influence/infamy,lose half your enhancements)

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And locks you out of your base.



This looks cool, and I'm definatly going to pick it up. As some others mentioned, i'm glad to fork out the extra every now and then for neat stuff.

Course when i read the email and clicked over to the store, my husband remembered he hadn't upgraded to GvsE edition yet, so theres a lil extra going to the store too lol!



Don't feel awkward. They weren't shuffling. They were desperately trying to resist the urge to point and laugh at the PT Barnum style suckers.

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That's a daft attitude. Try this:

'Dear people who are willing to pay money for stuff we don't personally want,

Thankyou for giving your money to the Devs so they can hire people to make stuff we DO personally want.

Love, Everyone Else.'



So if you subscribed to Newsweek, you'd be fine with them also charging you cover price for the magazine, right?

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Would you say that's what WoW does by charging for expansions and charging a subscription fee?

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I love the pack, and will purchase it as soon as my problem gets resolved with Support, but I must to comment on this quote.

It's a whole different animal in WoW's case, because you see, they update their game with "free" new content almost as much as CoX. And yet, they have an expansion out once a year or so, adding the equivalent of several Issues worth of tweaks, zones, new abilities, quests, etc. It'd be more fitting to compare it to City of Villains instead of the Wedding Pack.



Would you say that's what WoW does by charging for expansions and charging a subscription fee?

Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



What about the Arachnos cape - only available with the CoV-DVD set?

Any hope you'll do the same thing you did with the GvE set and the power slides?



Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

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Thanks. I wouldn't know, since I'd rather eat fried locusts than play it.



Would you say that's what WoW does by charging for expansions and charging a subscription fee?

Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

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And we've got no reason to think NCSoft isn't going to do the same.

After all, they sold us the GvE pack as an add on, but that hasn't stopped them from also giving us more costume options and temporary powers as part of the standard service since.



The one thing I would have liked to see for the guys to complete the whole tux would have been a cummerbund.



Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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and whenever someone pulls out the fangirl card, they have run out of meaningful arguements and are simply declaring victory and patting themselves on the back for how clever they are.

They fact that you are simply spewing venom and hatred toward the Devs shows that you've already made up your mind and are not even interested in considering another option.

But you can NOT deny the simple logic, if something is not fun for you... don't do it. It's really that simple.

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Honestly, this FanBoy/Girl and Doomsayers/DEVhaters thing is CRAP.
We are all gamers. This name calling needs to end.

I have posted a directed letter to Positron in this thread and in a private message regarding my disappointment about this new add-on pack due to its lack of content vs previous add-ons.

I support a boycott on purchasing this add-on to demonstrate unhappiness regarding the content vs its cost.

For those that don't remember NCSoft and Cryptic considered charging for an issue release. The outrage that was created made NCSoft and at that time, Cryptic, change their minds. Perhaps a call for solidarity in a case like this will show NCSoft that their subscribers aren't happy and would like to keep things status quo.

Overall NCSoft's Team has made a great game, one that I have enjoyed for over 3 and 1/2 years. With the exception of several bugs that haven't been fixed as promised in a timely manner, the new content has been very good.

Fellow Gamers, I ask one thing...

Keep this simple for NC Soft.....

If you are unhappy with the cost of this add-on because it lacks the content and perks of the last add-ons. SAY IT.

If you bought it because you needed it as you need to own everything that CoH has to offer regardless of the price. SAY IT.

If you bought it because you needed it as you need to own everything that CoH has to offer, but you think you over paid. SAY IT.

If you think the price of the add-on should be lowered to X price... SAY IT.

If you support a boycott of this add-on. SAY IT.

Beyond that Folks, lets be civil.



However, please keep in mind that Sean Fish and his wife Jen will actually be at the keyboards running Manticore and Sister Psyche respectively. Matt "Positron" Miller will actually be playing Positron in the event, as will all the rest of the dev team. ing. More details will follow. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

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*** ACTUALLY *** at their keyboards?

What in the heck. Are we supposed to swoon like these are rock stars or something? We know they are going to be firing off macros or slamming in scripted text. It isn't like there will be meaningful RP or anything actually interesting happening.

Watching two strangers get married is about as special as watching paint dry. Foisting this on us like it is "special" is insulting to our intelligence.

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Do whatever you want. It's an invitation, you can show up or not. If you feel insulted, I doubt it was the intention of the post. I'm sorry if you don't feel like part of the community.

They're not asking for any swooning; it's a social event. That's a basis for a lot of what an MMO is about. I'm sure Kleiburn might agree You don't have to be social if you don't want to, that's your choice as a player.



Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I wouldn't know, since I'd rather eat fried locusts than play it.

[/ QUOTE ]Hey now... Fried locusts aren't that bad.

That's a daft attitude. Try this:

'Dear people who are willing to pay money for stuff we don't personally want,

Thankyou for giving your money to the Devs so they can hire people to make stuff we DO personally want.

Love, Everyone Else.'

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm also crazy enough to donate money to webcomic artists without any expectation of a reward at all. Generosity in my free market economy? More likely than you'd think.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Blizzard pushes out at least as much free content for WoW as we get here in CoX. Over and above the paid expansions.

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Blizzard also has a hundred times the revenue and a larger staff than NC does working on CoX. Furthermore, there are few people that will deny that WoW isn't simply a retooling of existing MMO concepts done better, whereas CoX is treading largely uncharted waters.

Also, most of WoW's "content" (when I left anyway) was jamming mega raids and raid targets down your throat. I have no issue's with raiding in general, but there it becomes a lifestyle. It isn't (wasn't?) uncommon to see the raid guilds in WoW demanding a few days a week and three to four hour brackets during those days to do said raids.

They've done some interesting things for sure. Ramping up the 1-60 grind, gold rewards when you're at the level cap, daily quests, but honestly? Up until I left just a few months ago, their "free" content wasn't vastly different on a patch by patch basis than anything NC has released patch for patch with CoX.



Okay so Maybe I'm an idiot but I cant change the inside color of the Tuxedo tails