Discussion: Valentine's Day




So, has anyone attended the Wedding yet? What sig. characters were there?

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... the wedding is not until tomorrow.

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I thought it was 6PM everyday and repeating every three hours Tuesday, February 12 - Thursday February 14 on Test?

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It's 3pm Thursday, repeating FOR three hours. You do realise, that the man behind Manticore in real life, and his real life wife, will be playing the parts of Manticore and Psyche, respectively, yes? They can only do that for so long ... before needing to get away from us rabid, drooling fans. Especially as I'm guessing there'll be a "reception line" sort of affair, as part of each iteration ... a chance for everyone to get a screenshot with the happy couple, maybe get extraordinarily lucky and get one of those yellow dev-titles (then again, EVERYONE present might get "wedding guest" as a dev-title), that sort of thing.

It won't be a walk in the park for either of them, doing it (probably) every 30 minutes or so, for three hours. It'll be work. ^_^



However, yall know that some [censored] is gonna go down at this thing right, Recluse or Nemisis or someone is gonna show up and kidnap one of them and ruin the whole thing...I'm sure of it.
When have you ever seen a wedding in Comic culture (and my point of reference leads only to the X-Men universe, the avengers, the FF and occasionally spiderman) something inevitably goes wrong.

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You know, I've been wondering about that. I mean, they're making a big deal of this, they're talking about re-running it and recording it so that everyone can see it, and I'm wondering if there's going to be some major story element to the whole thing. (Especially given the picture on the flyer. Manticore appears to be proposing to Sister Psyche in Orobouros, mere yards from our anagramatical f(r)iend Silos.)

That might also explain why they originally announced a closed beta for this, and why they never had a public test of it; they don't want to spoil the surprise.

After all, it's got to be a mightly tempting target, what with all those high-ranking heroes in one place like that.



It's the cost of the pack that we are upset with. If it had relatively the same options that the GvE pack had it we'd have not problem with it.

Drop the price to $4.99 that seems more appropriate. Positron said he wouldn't add a badge to it because he felt there would be outcry from those who are badge addicts. So instead he went after the clothes addicts. He agreed to the word extortion, go back and read his response to the person that brought it up.




I'm really sorry to keep beating the same old drum but yeah... some of this stuff has been broke for years. Isn't it time it was just fixed already? Shouldn't at least some of this old stuff get fixed before you spend manhours creating more bugs to add to the game?

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I'm pretty sure that the costume artists aren't involved in fixing gameplay bugs.



Wha? Paying for new content? I don't think so. It's always been one of the hallmarks of this game, that they keep adding cool new stuff and you get it because, you know, you already pay $15 each month.

I'm usually very pro-devs and pro-NCSoft, but this sort of thing has taken a big chunk out of my goodwill toward the company. If this is the way things are going to be around here, they'll be losing a long-time customer. Seems silly to shoot yourself in the foot with this little pricing scheme.



Because they offered 2 powers (pocket d pass and jet pak) with the justice armor and sinister costume pieces. And if you didn't own or play the game before this you only had to buy one game and not two. Most of us had already paid for 2 games. But had no problem paying the $9.99 for the extra goodies.

This is giving just a few extra costume pieces. No powers or anything added in game. Sorry until they add something all they are doing is EXTORTING money from the clothes addicts out there. Had their been a badge attached to this then it would have been EXTORTING money from the badge addicts out there.

Positron himself said that this was the reason he didn't add a badge to the pack.

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From wiktionary:
Extort: To wrest from an unwilling person by physical force, menace, duress, torture, or any undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity; to wrench away (from); to tear away; to wring (from); to exact; as, to extort contributions from the vanquished; to extort confessions of guilt; to extort a promise; to extort payment of a debt.

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Extortion implies force or threat. No one is forced to pay for this; there are no consequences for not buying it. All they're doing is offering a product, (admittedly an overpriced one,) for those willing to pay for it.

If you don't consider the GvE pack extortion, then this isn't extortion either. It's just a much worse deal.

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Last I checked Posi is not threatening to break my kneecaps if I don't buy this.



My problem aside from the cost is that you can only buy it with a credit card. I use timecards, I won't be able to get this, or any other online option like this in the future if I continue with timecards.

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I'll tell you what; this friday's drawing for MEga Millions is up to ~$180,000,000. If I win, I'll take home, after taxes and cash-option penalty, about sixty million.

So, if I win ... I'll pay NC^2 three million dollars, cash money on the barrelhead, to simply add the Wedding Pack to every single non-Trial account, active or not.

Would that satisfy your sense of entitlement ...?

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Can you pay for my last year of school too I can't get loans :/



It's the cost of the pack that we are upset with. If it had relatively the same options that the GvE pack had it we'd have not problem with it.

Drop the price to $4.99 that seems more appropriate. Positron said he wouldn't add a badge to it because he felt there would be outcry from those who are badge addicts. So instead he went after the clothes addicts. He agreed to the word extortion, go back and read his response to the person that brought it up.

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Technically, I think he was more agreeing with the idea that some players would call it extortion, not with the idea that it actually was extortion. It's a fine distinction, but I believe an important one.

Now, I'll agree with you on the price. I'm merely arguing semantics. Extortion? No. Highway robbery? Sure. (Metaphorically, of course. I'm not suggesting that NCSoft is stealing from us. Although, the image of BaB in a long black cape and lone ranger mask, on horseback, holding up two old fasioned pistols, yelling "Stand and deliver!" is rather amusing.)



This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.



Jeez, people...If you don't wnt to pay the money than don't.

whine moar plz



It's the cost of the pack that we are upset with. If it had relatively the same options that the GvE pack had it we'd have not problem with it.

Drop the price to $4.99 that seems more appropriate. Positron said he wouldn't add a badge to it because he felt there would be outcry from those who are badge addicts. So instead he went after the clothes addicts. He agreed to the word extortion, go back and read his response to the person that brought it up.

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That's fine if you don't like it. Please understand that I'm not criticizing you for saying; "I think this pack is stupid/I don't like it/I won't be getting it." That's not the issue. The thing that I'm disagreeing with is the immense overreaction. I'm c'mon... extortion? I really hope that's hyperbole, I really hope that you don't believe that is the correct word. Because I do know the correct definition of that word and I can tell you that this is not extortion.

What this is is a service company offering to sell a product. Gee, imagine that? A company that sells a product offering to sell another product. Yeah, like wow. That's so horrible.

All I'm saying is that if you don't like it and you're a mature adult then shouldn't you act like a mature adult and just say; "I feel this costs too much for what you get" or "I'm not interested in wedding costumes and emotes" or even "I really don't like that they're selling these items and I hope that NCSoft isn't going to make a habit of selling costume parts that in the past were offered for free."

Yeah, I know that this is the internet and that psychotic overreaction is what people do on the internet. I guess I'm just being stupid because I thought that most of the people on this forum weren't as bad as most of the knuckleheads that populate the internet.

BTW, just so you understand my point of view I won't be purchasing this Wedding Pack. That's because I just don't find wedding costumes and emotes interesting. Now if the emotes included a "Present Arms" emote (which IS routinely done at weddings) or something else that I felt was cool I'd buy it. $10 too much? C'mon... last time I went to Taco Bell I spent more than that, and I was hungry again 3 hours later. These emotes and costume options will still be there for every single one of your characters years from now.



No badge with it?

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The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.

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The $10 GvE code did not include a month of game-time. Think about it for a moment: one month of play-time commands a standard price of $15, by itself. Why on Earth would they sell you costume parts, emotes, AND that same month of play-time for less than $15? Usually, when you add things to an existing sales option, the price goes up, not down!



Badge! Badge! Badge!
Come on guys! join in!

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No thanks. There's already one can of worms being opened with charging for costumes and emotes. If they threw in a badge with it, it would open up a whole new can of worms with accusations of trying to extort money from badge hunters.

IMHO, given that they're going to charge for something, this is exactly the right way to have done it. Maybe throw in some kind of prestige power, but certainly not a badge. I didn't like the RMT for the VIP badges, and I wouldn't like it if they did it again.

As for the event itself, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be there.

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This is exactly why I didn't put a badge in this pack.

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Not adding a badge was the stupidest decsion you could have made if you actually wanted people to buy this. When I clicked the link, the first thing I looked for was a badge. No badge = no sale.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.

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FYI, the GvE Goodie Pack didn't have a free month and cost 9.99 (and still does from the NC Store). The GvE Box did and cost 20 bucks at release (at least locally).

The CoH DvD Bonuses pack DID have a free month with it, but it cost 19.99.

I seriously think the price isn't the real issue many people have with the Wedding Pack. The problem is price vs what you get. The GvE pack feels like a better value simply because it has more utility (the two temp powers alone are "worth the 10 bucks" to most people, to some the jump pack was worth the 10 bucks by itself). The wedding pack just feels really light for the same price. I have few doubts that most of the complaints about the Wedding Pack would vanish if the Devs had included the "Get Me To The Church On Time" Temp Teleport power that ports you instantly to the gate of your choice in the zone you're in or to the tram station in your current zone or some such. Even something as low utility as that would have made the price feel better since it's something with some universal utility.



I don't mind paying for neat little costume bits.

I was looking in Paragon Wiki to see how the Valentine's day event worked in the past.

Here's the thing: I don't mind going on missions to unlock costume items. What I would like is the ability to have those costume items unlocked globally, because someday I might have a reason to make a character who'd use that costume bit.

As of right now I have 10 active alts, I really don't look forward to the idea of running the V-Day's mission arc 40+ times so everyone has everything. If I decide to make new alts down the road after the event I have to wait until the even starts up again.

If we're going down the whole "pay for extra costume items route" route, then I'd like to buy all of the event costume items globally not just per character.

The important thing here is options: Keep the old methods for people who don't want to shell out extra money. Use the new methods for people who don't want to wait or who don't have the time to grind.

BTW since people are already paying for the Wedding Pack, you might want to add a couple of things to it since "Value for the money" seems to be the biggest complaint right now.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



This may have been mentioned already (I didn't read through every page) but the price would seem more reasonable if it also included a month of game time like the GvE package did. Charging for "extra" content is a bad idea, IMO.

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FYI, the GvE Goodie Pack didn't have a free month and cost 9.99 (and still does from the NC Store). The GvE Box did and cost 20 bucks at release (at least locally).

The CoH DvD Bonuses pack DID have a free month with it, but it cost 19.99.

I seriously think the price isn't the real issue many people have with the Wedding Pack. The problem is price vs what you get. The GvE pack feels like a better value simply because it has more utility (the two temp powers alone are "worth the 10 bucks" to most people, to some the jump pack was worth the 10 bucks by itself). The wedding pack just feels really light for the same price. I have few doubts that most of the complaints about the Wedding Pack would vanish if the Devs had included the "Get Me To The Church On Time" Temp Teleport power that ports you instantly to the gate of your choice in the zone you're in or to the tram station in your current zone or some such. Even something as low utility as that would have made the price feel better since it's something with some universal utility.

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Yes, yes, thrice yes. Even on a 24 hour recharge that would be worth ten bucks.



Man you all say you would be will to buy add ons then when they offer them you complain because you have to buy them.

Please make up your mind. My checks in the mail that confeeti toss is worth the 9.99 bucks alone.

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There are some people that say they wont pay, but most of the people complaining are stating the price is too high for content so low. So no, people are still saying they are willing to pay... and of course there will be people that say they will not pay.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



I bought it cause I wanted to.. pure and simple. And ya know what.. if they want to make $10 packs for future events.. I'll probably buy them too..

Quiet simply, don't like it, don't buy it. Don't rant about it and insult people who do.

Not everything the Devs put out will be fore everyone. I find PvP boring and tedious and detest the fact there are half a dozen badges directly tied TO PvPing.. but you'll never hear me demanding the community rise up en masse to demand the removal of PvP.

Climb down off your soap boxes and relax.. it's a game. If I want to plunk down $10 of my own money to increase MY enjoyment of the game.. that's my business, not yours.



This is a discussion thread about this feature. The devs want to know our feedback, and people are giving their feedback may it be rant or not. People stating the 'if you don't like it don't buy it and don't whine about it' crap is worthless and is just spam in this thread. I will keep stating how I feel about this feature as what this thread is about... feedback.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Looking at the opaque Bridal Veil on the Live Servers, I think it would be cool to be able to have the option to have either opaque or transluscent veils.

It makes for a great funeral/mourning or Goth wedding acessory.



I'd pay $2.50 for this content. I won't pay $9.99 for costumes that are about as situationally useful as a veteran reward costume and emotes that get used once or twice in the lifetime of most players.

This pack needs more in it. Two weeks of game time, maybe? I dunno...it feels like an awful lot of money for stuff that could have just as easily been implemented as a veteran reward--heck, some of the veteran rewards are better than this and they cost nothing extra.



I bought the pack last night. I am very pleased with the costume pieces, and the pack in general. If this is the quality of graphic we will be getting on costumes from now on, I am *really* impressed.

The price did not seem excessive to me, but if it had been more than $10 I would have thought about it.

I don't think its necessarily a bad thing to offer 'extra' fluffy stuff for purchase. A lot of people complain loudly that they won't use the Veteran Award pieces and they are free. So here is an opportunity to choose whether you want something or not.



Not gonna get into the flamewar. I do like the costume pieces (particularly since I can see NON-wedding uses for them, my character Darke Desires now has three new costume options perfect for a 'spirit of desire' like her). Is it right to pay money for this, I'm not sure. It's a trifle pricey, but not terrible, I think.

Do wanna comment...I had trouble getting the pack for my second account last night, but it worked perfectly today, perhaps there's a 'Can only use a card once in so many hours' thing (since I used the same credit card both times)?

Also, as somebody else commented, if you put on the tux (so to speak) first, and then go to the 'back options' to try to attach wings, it won't work--don't know if this is the case for a cape or not. However...putting the wings on FIRST, then choosing the tux jacket, works. Odd and kinda buggy.