Discussion: Valentine's Day




There should be ways to get this content in to -every- players hands regardless of how they pay for it, all talk of pricing and value aside.

It's a poor business model to deny customers product due to shortsightedness such as this, albeit this is more to do with NCSoft in general than CoX.

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And how have they denied us? Are you honestly going to say you feel the costume options available without this are too limited? That they haven't consistently provided us with new costume options, free of charge?

If the quantity and quality of the basic content suffers because of this, then yes, I will be upset. But if this is legitimately an instance of them offering things above and beyond what we've gotten in the past, for an additional price, then I have no problem with that.

I'm not ready to give NCSoft a gold star, and say that I have no concerns here, but I'm also not ready to say that this is a terrible idea. Personally, I'm willing to wait and see how this plays out before I fall in one camp or the other.



Man you all say you would be will to buy add ons then when they offer them you complain because you have to buy them.

Please make up your mind. My checks in the mail that confeeti toss is worth the 9.99 bucks alone.



There should be ways to get this content in to -every- players hands regardless of how they pay for it, all talk of pricing and value aside.

It's a poor business model to deny customers product due to shortsightedness such as this, albeit this is more to do with NCSoft in general than CoX.

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And how have they denied us? Are you honestly going to say you feel the costume options available without this are too limited? That they haven't consistently provided us with new costume options, free of charge?

If the quantity and quality of the basic content suffers because of this, then yes, I will be upset. But if this is legitimately an instance of them offering things above and beyond what we've gotten in the past, for an additional price, then I have no problem with that.

I'm not ready to give NCSoft a gold star, and say that I have no concerns here, but I'm also not ready to say that this is a terrible idea. Personally, I'm willing to wait and see how this plays out before I fall in one camp or the other.

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You completely missed the point. Maybe I used too many words?

Here it is in one line;

People without Credit Cards should be able to get this as well, so sort it out NCSoft.

There, better?



You completely missed the point. Maybe I used too many words?

Here it is in one line;

People without Credit Cards should be able to get this as well, so sort it out NCSoft.

There, better?

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Actually, you're right. I did miss your point, and I apologize; I thought you were joining in the chorus of complaints about this not being free content.

I actually agree with you on that point; there should be more payment options available for this. As others have said, there are the pre-paid Visa gift cards, so that does provide one alternative, but obviously, it's in NCSoft's interest to offer as many ways as possible for people to give them money.

Now, having said all that, I'd like to point out the extreme irony of complaining in one post about another poster's snark, and then posting something positively dripping with sarcasm and unwarranted bile yourself.



You completely missed the point. Maybe I used too many words?

Here it is in one line;

People without Credit Cards should be able to get this as well, so sort it out NCSoft.

There, better?

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Actually, you're right. I did miss your point, and I apologize; I thought you were joining in the chorus of complaints about this not being free content.

I actually agree with you on that point; there should be more payment options available for this. As others have said, there are the pre-paid Visa gift cards, so that does provide one alternative, but obviously, it's in NCSoft's interest to offer as many ways as possible for people to give them money.

Now, having said all that, I'd like to point out the extreme irony of complaining in one post about another poster's snark, and then posting something positively dripping with sarcasm and unwarranted bile yourself.

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Hey, that's my gimmick, I make no apologies for it. Well, actually I do.

And as it happens, I do think this "pack" is awful... from a value for money standpoint. It's all well and good, but for ten bucks?

Yah, no thanks, especially when GvE gave me a more stuff with more use than this wedding pack ever will for the exact same price.

AND YES I BOUGHT HORSE ARMOUR, get off my case already.



Wedding pack?
Don't you think we should have something more for the guys side of this to complement it?

*Waits for bachelor party pack*




AND YES I BOUGHT HORSE ARMOUR, get off my case already.

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I bought the horse armor too. I mean come on, it was like... $1.50



You completely missed the point. Maybe I used too many words?

Here it is in one line;

People without Credit Cards should be able to get this as well, so sort it out NCSoft.

There, better?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, you're right. I did miss your point, and I apologize; I thought you were joining in the chorus of complaints about this not being free content.

I actually agree with you on that point; there should be more payment options available for this. As others have said, there are the pre-paid Visa gift cards, so that does provide one alternative, but obviously, it's in NCSoft's interest to offer as many ways as possible for people to give them money.

Now, having said all that, I'd like to point out the extreme irony of complaining in one post about another poster's snark, and then posting something positively dripping with sarcasm and unwarranted bile yourself.

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They should borrow a note from Xbox Live ... and make the cards worth Points. Let people's accounts carry a Point balance, and deduct the points as services are acquired - character renames, server transfers, monthly subscriptions, add-on packs, and so forth.

Replace Time cards with Points cards.




And as it happens, I do think this "pack" is awful... from a value for money standpoint. It's all well and good, but for ten bucks?

Yah, no thanks, especially when GvE gave me a more stuff with more use than this wedding pack ever will for the exact same price.

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And I agree with you on that as well. If it had been $5, I'd have jumped on it, but at $10, well, I'll wait until I have a character that I feel absolutely needs one of the pieces for their theme, or perhaps someone that I'd like to propose to. (Although, one would think the worship emote would do equally well...)

AND YES I BOUGHT HORSE ARMOUR, get off my case already.

[/ QUOTE ]

As did I, sadly. Maybe that's why I'm not jumping at this: once bitten, and all that...



I for one fully endorse the PlayNC business model of offering extras for a nominal fee.
The beauty of it is this doesn’t give one player a different experience in game content or game play experience.

Costumes are one of the cornerstones of the games fun and self expression. Formally attired super villains now have some more wardrobe options before planning for world domination. Heroic coachmen can now make a stand for justice.

And the end user has the choice of purchasing these costume parts and emotes.


I was pondering if legacy exclusive content could be packaged in a similar manner. I’m sure many that didn’t get a chance to get the collectors editions or preorder might like the chance for more character options.

City of Villains™ Exclusive Pre-Order Helmets
• Wolf Spider Helmet
• Crab Spider Helmet
• Mystic Helmet
• Blood Widow Helmet

City of Villains Collector's Edition
• Arachnos Chest & Cape Symbol

City of Heroes Collector's Edition
• Powerslide travel power
• Cape of the Four Winds



And as it happens, I do think this "pack" is awful... from a value for money standpoint. It's all well and good, but for ten bucks?

Yah, no thanks, especially when GvE gave me a more stuff with more use than this wedding pack ever will for the exact same price.

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And I agree with you on that as well. If it had been $5, I'd have jumped on it, but at $10, well, I'll wait until I have a character that I feel absolutely needs one of the pieces for their theme, or perhaps someone that I'd like to propose to. (Although, one would think the worship emote would do equally well...)

AND YES I BOUGHT HORSE ARMOUR, get off my case already.

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As did I, sadly. Maybe that's why I'm not jumping at this: once bitten, and all that...

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If there was one, just one, thing that was beneficial in game, then I would bite, probably hard too. Alas... halve the price or add something worth having, all in my opinion of course.



Again, that would definitely be something I would be willing to pay for separate (the cape and the helmets).

NCSoft has done this before. They offered the Justice Armor pieces to be purchased separately.

/em wonders why everyone hates this idea...



No badge with it?

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The content is nice and all, but there isn't very much of it for my $10.81 (after tax). They could have at least thrown in a badge appropriate to the theme, probably an accolade.

Additionally, this would have been an excellent place to introduce a nicely rendered 3d flower (or two) to place in the jacket lapel as an "over" option for chest details.
::Lookin' at you Jay::

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No thanks on the badge. I have no desire whatsoever to buy this pack, and throwing a badge in would possibly do that.

I still think that the Collector's edition DVD stuff needs to be made available for purchase (power slide, VIP badge, etc.). I would buy that.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I just feel it is sad that we are being asked to pay for new costumes and emotes for an event. Especially when a couple of the costumes are just re-textured old ones.

And for a 45 month Veteran Reward, we only get a Respec.

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QFT Not enough time to give us a suitable vet reward is bad enough. BUT THEN THEY SAY THEY HAD EXTRA TIME for this?!?! Sad.

I wouldn't be mad about the option to buy the pack in general. But the failure to deliver on Vet Rewards is just a slap in the face now that you can see what they were doing with that time.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Badge! Badge! Badge!
Come on guys! join in!

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No thanks. There's already one can of worms being opened with charging for costumes and emotes. If they threw in a badge with it, it would open up a whole new can of worms with accusations of trying to extort money from badge hunters.

IMHO, given that they're going to charge for something, this is exactly the right way to have done it. Maybe throw in some kind of prestige power, but certainly not a badge. I didn't like the RMT for the VIP badges, and I wouldn't like it if they did it again.

As for the event itself, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be there.

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This is exactly why I didn't put a badge in this pack.

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Actually, if you would have put the VIP badge in the pack, I would have bought it.

As I understand it, the VIP pack is EBay-ish hard to find item and you don't know if the serial code's been used or not when you buy in that situation.

I got interested in badging after the VIP was no longer available. So a new badge in the current pack would not have been too great, but making the old one available again would have been nice.



So, has anyone attended the Wedding yet? What sig. characters were there?

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... the wedding is not until tomorrow.

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I thought it was 6PM everyday and repeating every three hours Tuesday, February 12 - Thursday February 14 on Test?



Because they offered 2 powers (pocket d pass and jet pak) with the justice armor and sinister costume pieces. And if you didn't own or play the game before this you only had to buy one game and not two. Most of us had already paid for 2 games. But had no problem paying the $9.99 for the extra goodies.

This is giving just a few extra costume pieces. No powers or anything added in game. Sorry until they add something all they are doing is EXTORTING money from the clothes addicts out there. Had their been a badge attached to this then it would have been EXTORTING money from the badge addicts out there.

Positron himself said that this was the reason he didn't add a badge to the pack.



So, has anyone attended the Wedding yet? What sig. characters were there?

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... the wedding is not until tomorrow.

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I thought it was 6PM everyday and repeating every three hours Tuesday, February 12 - Thursday February 14 on Test?

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apparently not, i made the same mistake before




*Waits for bachelor party pack*

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This made me smile hehe..

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Okay, I was not going to write in because a lot of folks have already said what I wanted to say, and more than likely said it better than I will.

However, it has been pointed out to me by my wife, (Who does not even play this game, and feels I spend Waaaaaaaaay too much time on it as it is,) that the whole "We have some nifty new costumes and emotes that will only be usable for formal occasions, so we are going to charge extra for them," seems a bit cheap on the side of NCSoft.

Possibly the items would only be used in weddings. More than likely the raft of females in tail coats, the "Joker" types in Mercy Island, the confetti throwing bad guys and good guys, (Thank you Rip Taylor, can you now get out of my brain!) will be things that players would actually want. So the pack will get sold to a lot of non-wedding oriented players.

My own take on this? Not much for the 10 dollars. No thank you. No, if they sold new content, added a badge, threw in a travel power, and made a new title, I still would not find it easy to part with the cash.

What, you say? Are you nuts?

No, I am a professional teacher with a standard teacher's salary, a house payment to make, a lot of other expenses, and not a lot of spare cash to spend on the game. Yeah, I am still on line, yeah, I am still playing, but the draw for me in this MMO, or at least one of the biggest draws was it was not charging me for new stuff. I could afford the 15 a month.

Thankfully this package is not things I would need to play. Okay, good. I can live with that. There are some that will pay for it, and I understand.

However, in the spirtit of free exchange of ideas, please, NCSoft, do not make a habit of this. If you begin to charge for truly useful stuff, I may have to quit.

Oh, and for those of you who will say, "GvE had all the cool prestige stuff, and you probably bought it..." No, my lowbies have to run the streets, no jump pack here...I need the cash.



Forgive me...I previously posted this opinion but in the wrong forum. I'm hoping one of the moderators deletes the previous post since I believe this is the more appropriate place to air my opinion / suggestion.

My friends at NCNC...

How I've enjoyed evaporating hours of life running through your ethernet hallways and binary coded caves.

In our household, we have 3 accounts...and I purchased an account (in addition to a year's subscription) as a gift for another family member as well. Obviously, I believe in the pastime and entertainment value of this hobby and game.

Though a little dismayed at the price for this new (light for the male model) content (and light in content overall), I will probably choose to support your brand (at this point in our community's history---OUR brand) by purchasing the Valentine's Day / Wedding Pack. (I say "our brand" as I do feel this company makes an effort to include everyone as part and parcel of the community. The communication with us by far is superior and the availability of the Devs / Designers is outstanding.)

(and this is an assumption here)
If the money that is being spent on this content is to make up for time spent outside of the normal working model and plan for creating content, could you please take this one step further?

If for new content, you are asking us to foot a bit more of the bill to help in the creative, designing, programming and labor of the new content, I really am all for this. I do believe nothing comes for free and I truly feel you all regularly churn out a great product, a fun & wholesome hobby, and hours of entertainment that cannot be purchased at usual fares in our towns and cities.

Please consider polling our community. Ask in a several questioned survey format what we would be willing to pay for (in terms of additional and expanded content) and how much we might be willing to pay.

Let me give one "for example:"
I would be willing to pay...hmmm...maybe upwards around $25 to $50 per account to get you all to program CoH-2---the world where Powers Customization comes to life. That is content that we all have sought in one form, fashion or another.

I would be willing to pay for new content that broadened our stories and immersion factor---especially for the level 50s and life beyond. In the hardwired world, I'd be willing to help pay for additional servers where we could upload any of our characters from any of the current servers and all play together---sort of a version of "The Test Server" except the difference being, the experience and play time there is all 'real time.' It's that "alternate reality" dimension that is so prevalent in comic books.

These are probably (off the top of my head) additional content I would be willing to pay extra for to broaden and enhance our community. I'm sure others might suggest different content, while still others might find this suggestion distasteful and disagree with it off hand.

In this community (and for the $14 bucks x [Number of Accounts associated with this household] per month), this is the opinion I offer right now.

~ Jonathan



I bought the GVE upgrade for the pocket D and the jump pack powers, I doubt I'd buy this unless it came with another travel power boost that didn't overly affect gameplay.
But, I do like the tuxes so I still haven't decided. I'm leaning 60% no, 40% yes, buying "fluff" may help stimulate the economy (rolls eyes at congress).

However, yall know that some [censored] is gonna go down at this thing right, Recluse or Nemisis or someone is gonna show up and kidnap one of them and ruin the whole thing...I'm sure of it.
When have you ever seen a wedding in Comic culture (and my point of reference leads only to the X-Men universe, the avengers, the FF and occasionally spiderman) something inevitably goes wrong.



Because they offered 2 powers (pocket d pass and jet pak) with the justice armor and sinister costume pieces. And if you didn't own or play the game before this you only had to buy one game and not two. Most of us had already paid for 2 games. But had no problem paying the $9.99 for the extra goodies.

This is giving just a few extra costume pieces. No powers or anything added in game. Sorry until they add something all they are doing is EXTORTING money from the clothes addicts out there. Had their been a badge attached to this then it would have been EXTORTING money from the badge addicts out there.

Positron himself said that this was the reason he didn't add a badge to the pack.

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From wiktionary:
Extort: To wrest from an unwilling person by physical force, menace, duress, torture, or any undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity; to wrench away (from); to tear away; to wring (from); to exact; as, to extort contributions from the vanquished; to extort confessions of guilt; to extort a promise; to extort payment of a debt.

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Extortion implies force or threat. No one is forced to pay for this; there are no consequences for not buying it. All they're doing is offering a product, (admittedly an overpriced one,) for those willing to pay for it.

If you don't consider the GvE pack extortion, then this isn't extortion either. It's just a much worse deal.



I do not agree at all with the overreaction that a lot of posters are having to this Wedding Pack being sold. I'm mean "extorting money"? Please. I suppose you walk into Safeway and say; "What? You mean I've got to pay for these groceries? That's extortion!" Yeah, I didn't think so.

I do not think there is anything wrong with selling a few exclusive costume parts and emotes. I won't be getting them, but that's simply because I don't feel the need to have wedding clothes or emotes. For those that do like these I think that's great. Different people have different interests. If these emotes or costume options were something that I did find appealing then I would purchase the pack. And in the future if similar packs like this are offered I will buy them if they include costume parts or emotes that I do find interesting.

As for others that are complaining that $10 dollars is too much I'm going to say the same thing I said when people complained about the price of server transfers. That being; "Are you kidding me? You're complaining that $10 is too much money? Most of us routinely spend more than that on lunch."

However, that being said I do find myself forced to agree with this little bit posted by Osha:
Perhaps your staff needs to re-channel its efforts into fixing those items which are broken in game and have been for quite some time. Catherdral of Pain, Robo Surgery, Toggles Dropping when leaving missions, Fixing the Eden TF, etc.

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I'm really sorry to keep beating the same old drum but yeah... some of this stuff has been broke for years. Isn't it time it was just fixed already? Shouldn't at least some of this old stuff get fixed before you spend manhours creating more bugs to add to the game?