Discussion: Valentine's Day




I don't have any particular interest in this Wedding Item Pack, but my feedback is this:

Considering this goes for the same price you sell the GvE Edition Item Pack for, and the relative content of both the packs, the Wedding pack seems over-priced.

However, the appearance of a new pack is encouraging in that you're pursuing more ways to let the playerbase give you money. Put some in-game item packs for the CoH and CoV Collector's edition together, and you'll have something some more folks will buy. Liquid-X will hate it, but I think he'll survive.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Oh and this too.

Valentines event should have had Chapels in Atlas and Mercy.

Valentines Event should have had a "New Global Event Tab"...

Where when Characters get married, Everyone in the zone would see in their "System (red)" Such and Such characters have been pronounced "Man and Wife, Man and Man, Wife and Wife, Beast and Harlot" - What ever the happy couple choses for their announcement.

And, they should get one of those Temp light yellowish Title above their names, announcing their marraige.. and it should last a good week.. right on through the honeymoon.



How dare you scum of the earth charge for extra content.

I wnt free itamz!

Frequent content updates, game access, 8 slots per server and such just aren't enough for my hard earned $15/month.

I wouldn't even use the emotes/pieces if I had them, but I demand that my outrage over the $9.99 optional price be heard!

PS: I also demand that I am named Lethborge.



How dare you scum of the earth charge for extra content.

I wnt free itamz!

Frequent content updates, game access, 8 slots per server and such just aren't enough for my hard earned $15/month.

I wouldn't even use the emotes/pieces if I had them, but I demand that my outrage over the $9.99 optional price be heard!

PS: I also demand that I am named Lethborge.

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The bold part makes me laugh.. 8?

What is that??? People nowadays have 12 slots per server.... LOL @ 8!



How dare you scum of the earth charge for extra content.

I wnt free itamz!

Frequent content updates, game access, 8 slots per server and such just aren't enough for my hard earned $15/month.

I wouldn't even use the emotes/pieces if I had them, but I demand that my outrage over the $9.99 optional price be heard!

PS: I also demand that I am named Lethborge.

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The bold part makes me laugh.. 8?

What is that??? People nowadays have 12 slots per server.... LOL @ 8!

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I suppose if you had a CoH or CoV account that was inactive when the free grant of the other game was made, you would still only have 8 slots. Or if you bought a non-GvE edition version of either game now.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I'm just going to laugh, shake my head and move on.



I like the Wedding Pack even though the price is a little high for what it contains. Maybe it should also come with a couple free costume tokens???



Open up some of them female options for the dudes and toss in a badge and you get my $10.



Maybe it should also come with a couple free costume tokens???

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I agree it'd be great to have an extra costume token for each costume slot on all of your characters for buying the pack. It'd be a nice extra incentive to buy it.

That being said - I bought it and I did it with a quickness. I'd buy ANY extra content or boxed set put out for CoX and I hope many more come along, so long as the free Issues are coming down the pipe with more free costume content.

These costume pieces are top notch and I'll find many uses for them. I'd also pay for other Holiday related packets, ESPECIALLY for Halloween (a full pumpkin head option like the Firbolg with their glowing eyes? And better yet an extra eye glow option, the kind Firbolg and CoT use, to add to other costume face pieces - YES PLEASE). Anything I can do to help fund the CoX machine I'm willing to do, within reason of course. Most games have extra incentives you have to pay for if you want them and most are priced steeper than anything CoX has put out. Would I be tickled pink with Halloween extras like pumpkin heads, shoulder pieces and belts for FREE? Hells yeah. I'd also pay for it though because I want that stuff no matter how I get it.

I'm a "fanboy" sure. I have problems with the game and inequalities between the Hero and Villain side, sure. In the end though I want CoX to keep on going and keep on pumping out content - both free and paid (extra) for. If contributing here and there with some extra cash helps then I'll shell out the bucks.

For those who don't want to shell out the money, I understand, I really do. There are games I'd never do that for. This isn't one of them though.

I for one welcome our costume/content overlords.

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The Queen's Menagerie



I have one V-Day pack for one of my accounts and will be getting anther for my second account. It seems worth it to me.

I would also like to voice my support for doing things like this in the future. It is clear that it takes a lot of time to set up new emotes/costume bits/prestige powers, and that time is probably much better used in providing gameplay content.

Doing packs like this is a way to provide new non-game altering items to players who want them, and allows the company to get a return on the extra work it took to provide them.

I would love to see a similar pack with other costume options and maybe a couple of variant versions of brawl perhaps?



3) For what we get I do feel the 10$ price is a bit high but not too high that I didn't buy it, but then I just had a character idea that I NEEDED the bridal costume pieces for to pull off. (And luckily for me the name was even available, beware Rogue Isles on Virtue, the Runaway Bride is loose and he's coming for you!).

Now for things tied to the costume pieces:

A) The bulk of the costume options are only for females.

B) The dresses weren't made for at least Huge models, and preferably males as well. I've always hated the fact that many of the more interesting but not neccesarily 'butch hetero' costume options are for females only, things that would even be particularly drag in and of themselves. (Hence my new toon with the costumes uses the female model but is in the bio listed as a male).

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I just wanted to second this. I have a couple of character concepts that involve guys in drag, and I'd love to be able to put one of them in the bridal dress. Since female toons can have the gorgeous tux, why can't guys have the dress and veil as well?

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



It's not like they're making you pay extra to get access to new powersets or mission content.

I would pay for new content, or new powersets (powersets and ATs are not content -- content is zones, missions, new enemies, etc.) I would happily pay for a new retail box if it delivered new content on the scale of CoV.

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When you mentioned this, it made me curious. EverQuest 2 has done similar deals to this wedding package from time to time. I was curious how they compared price-wise and was actually pretty surprised. They range in price from $4.99 to $7.99. In addition to some cosmetic changes, they included multiple zones, new quests, and unique items. I think I'd be willing to shell out the extra $4.99-$7.99 much faster for a package like that from CoH than for a few costumes and emotes.

(And before anyone says, "But we get all that stuff for free and SOE charges for it!" - SOE has given a lot of free content as well. They just recently added 2 new zones with a new race at no cost, for instance.)

Perhaps an even better comparison would be against a product from NCSoft's own catalog: Guild Wars. They just released a new "Mission Pack" for the same price as this Wedding Pack. Guild Wars' pack comes with four bonus storylines. It might just be my opinion, but that sounds like more bang for the buck.

Now, I'm not suggesting that NCNC start charging us for Issues. I'm just pointing out that, where NCNC has been better than their competitors on similar things (like server transfer costs, for instance), they can't really compete on this one - not with this offering. If they want to charge us for extras on occasion, they either need to fill it out more or make the price more competitive.



Dear NCNC, if in the future you are to go along the line of making more and more buyable costume options not meant for standard subscribers to use then:

1. Could it be possible to make these extra costume options buyable separately?

2. That way players could only buy for a lower price what they really want for their chars and wouldnt get forced to pay for the sucky tunes that always come when you buy a whole album.

3. You know what i mean, the sucky stuff that is used as a filler to raise the purchase value when you pretty well know that most buyers only really wanted to get their hands on the "hit" and move on.

4. At least, you would sell stuff to people that in the current condition wont at all do business with you because 10$ simply isnt worth it.


I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Let me join the chorus of it seems a bit pricey. I mean with GvE you get 2 very useful powers that have really changed the way I play. With this, I get some costumes and emotes? This wouldn't even be a question if it ran for 4.99 or maybe 20$ with a months play, but just this.

I might buy it for one account, but its dicey for me.



The costume parts are *gorgeous*. They're not just useful for "wedding" (my god, and you're complaining THEY should come into the 21st century?) - they're viable costumery.

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Maybe I should be more clear: Wedding bimbos without Wedding himbos. Where's the shirtless open formal vest? The tuxedo shorts? The hearts boxers? The fishnet briefs with banana hammock? The bicep leather band? The set of common arm and torso tattoos? The sleeveless formal cuffs? The tights with a tuxedo pattern? The loincloth? The formal shirt open to the navel?

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I'd buy that.

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Looking at your avatar... I'm not surprised. How many crunches do you do in a day?

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Really hoping the headcape hairpiece thing gets fixed up some more. Its colourchoice setup is awful, and it'd be nice to see it usable with other hairstyles.

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca



Color me disappointed that my love character (who is male) can't get the hearts pattern for his chest.

I guess the wedding stuff is okay, although they should really drop the price if it's just 6 costume options.

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Probably mentioned already, but I changed the tux tails inside color by checking the Copy Current Colors Across Entire Body button, setting the color(s) I wanted, then un-checking the button and changing the rest of the colors.




I am very disappointed that NCSoft has decided to devote time to SELL an add-on like this when in past Valentines events costume pieces we're EARNED in missions.

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Actualy, this is a pack for the wedding "event." The valentines day (two week long) event is not related to it, and - given that my characters were able to access DJ Zero over the winter event and get the valentines missions - I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to earn the toga, hearts bits, laurel and sandals... the *valentines* bits... without paying a dime beyond your normal subscription.



Charging for the "wedding pack" is disgusting. Micropurchases are a horrid trend in games lately and it's beyond disappointing that COX is falling prey to them.

I hope enough of the community expresses displeasure that this is the last one.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson




Paid my $10 for the marriage pack and I must say, it looks good! I've always wanted a tux for my MM, and now I have a choice of two! Well worth the cost of lunch! Keeping true to the costume designer theme and breaking the components down to allow mixing and matching was a godsend.

I am happy as happy can be!

Oh, yeah. And congrats to the happy heroes. Now how do I crash the party?

================================================== ===

AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



My two inf:

I am somewhat indifferent and mildly testy about the Business Minds behind CoH trying to sell $10 worth of additional (Meaning, no matter how many times a month I pay them for this game, those dollars will not go towards purchasing this) in-game material to me. Why, you ask?

- It's too expensive. It's easily five dollars too expensive for what I would get. There are no manufacturing costs, no shipping costs, and no way to hang on to these "materials" if you stop paying a monthly fee (Although that last one is obvious and reasonable). These could and should be far, FAR cheaper. Sure, they took some time to create this for us. But they will be getting paid for their one-time effort over and over again, forever, because this pack will always be available for purchase.

- Conversely, the additional material is not sufficient enough reason to pay additional money. The only other $10 "supplemental pack" available gives two powers and two full sets of additional costume pieces (Meaning two sets of shoulder, chest, glove, leg, and foot pieces - and there are two glove and foot options to each set, not to mention the multiple chest options the chest pieces are available in) to every Male, Female, or Huge character of any AT that you have (And I'm leaving out the badge because that's irrelevant, despite my badge count).

Some highly-silly (Although I would definitely use them) emotes, coupled with a few (Literally, I think there are three?) male costume pieces that are all very similar to costume pieces that males already have (From the very few pictures I've seen) and a much-more-acceptable number of costume pieces for females (Which, of course, include all the male pieces, but the same cannot be said of even one of the female pieces for the males), are not even close to winning me over the already-established $10 price tag that I paid for the other supplement pack.

And I have absolutely no idea what the "Excess Plus", "Hearts Plus", "Angelic Plus" costume pieces for female Chests and Hips are supposed to be. Could those descriptions BE any more vague? Pictures, please. I don't play "Internet Psychic" with money.

Would I pay good money to get this pack? Hell, yes. Of course. Would I pay $10? Hell, no. Maybe when I retire young and famous, though (Wish me luck). :P



And before I start making some Business Minds all hot and bothered with the idea of re-visiting the "Pay money to win fabulous new powers for your characters via supplement packs!" idea, NO. NO. *BAD* Business Mind. That is NOT what I want. I'm just saying that Precedent has already been Established for what $10 "should" buy.

In fact, if this "Wedding Pack" proved to be the last such "Pay for additional content" pack I ever saw for CoH, I would be happy.



I HATE that we have to pay for these I will, but still HATE
it please DONT make any pay for sets in the future, I'm a
the type of gamer that LOVES to get everything and if stuff
like this continues, I'm sure I wont be able to keep finding
the money and such a dissapontment of not haveing the
"Cool" stuff will cause me to frustrate me into leaving the



I am going to buy this, the only reason being is that I think the throwing emotes might make a good RPly tranformation sequence when you want to change from civilian to Super powered person.

The added effects of course being the costumes.

Here is where the but comes in. This kind of stunt is pretty bad NCsoft. I am only justifying this because you have given us many, many expansions all with great and improved content and not asked for a dime other then the subscription fee we pay. So it's not as if you've turned into cheapskates yet.

But I do feel that a few costume parts and a few emotes is a pretty lame amount of stuff to pay money for. I say either give us some more meat in the content or don't charge us money if this type of thing comes up again in the future.