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  1. Is there any such animal as a Blaster Rad guide, or should I check under Corrupters?
  2. I've dropped so many Orangebagel missions because after an hour of searching after completing all of the other mission objectives, I can't find that one last guy.

  3. rose_noire


    My first toon and my first hero 50 was E3, and I loved her--once I figured out that she was a blaptroller, and how to use end drain. Since she was my first, I ended up respeccing her *a lot*, because I had no clue what I was doing when I started. I did about half team and half solo with her; I think soloing would be even easier now with the Hollows redesign. Especially once I got Power Sink, she was a, well, blast.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I agree, but if you've played the game before you should know how to run to the AE building in Cap or grab a teleporter there. It isn't hard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No? If you don't have a travel power, you have to go through all of Mercy to get to the Port Oakes ferry, then change to the Cap ferry, then get through half of Cap. That's not exactly what I'd call easy at level 1. Not everyone joins an SG immediately--maybe there's no one on at midnight Pacific Time to invite you, or maybe you just don't want to accept the first blind SG invite you get.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row, yesterday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This, as well as Mercy and Port Oakes (for equality). I believe the only reason the devs haven't done it is they don't want to admit they made a mistake putting them there in the first place.

    New players need to experience content. Ten levels worth is enough to taste what the game has to offer and learn a bit about it.

    This leaves plenty of AE buildings to choose from. The farmers can pick up and move elsewhere, it isn't a burden. Anyone whining about removing the buildings from lowbie zones, IMO, is a farmer who just doesn't want to have to move his toons and whining about having his access to lowbie padders removed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not a farmer. I mostly solo, and have never used lowbies to pad. I'll be very annoyed if the AE building gets yanked from Mercy. In order to force newbies to play the game a certain way, removing the AE from Mercy, at least, means limiting the options for more experienced players. The great thing about AE for villains is that it provides an alternative to running the same two missions over and over and over and over again.

    Villain side already has fewer zones and a more limited selection of beginning story arcs than Hero side does. Also, the AE building in Mercy? Not that easy to get to. Unless you're a stalker, your only safe option is to swim halfway around the entire island and come in via the ferry door, and hope you don't get killed in the dash to the AE building and tp'ed back to the medical facility in Darwin's Landing. I think that's plenty challenging without making low-level alrs go to Cap--which means making the Mercy run plus getting to the Cap ferry and to the actual AE building.
  6. At least on redside, I'd hate it if AE were removed from Mercy. If I have to do Kalinda and Burke's arcs, or chase Longbow around an instance map for the Radio one more time, I'm going to go nuts. Eventually, I'll probably get sick of the available lowbie AE missions, but at the moment, it's great to have a little variety.

    I haven't noticed a huge drop in teaming, but then, I tend to play on Liberty and Pinnacle.
  7. I'd also add:

    * usually get good magical salvage drops

    * good XP

    I love ITFs. They're fun, and they're an excellent way to level.

    ...and now I want to run one. Too bad it's almost 11 pm Left Coast time and I'm on Pinnacle.
  8. I'm having trouble publishing an arc. Unlike previous posters, tbhe button's not grayed out--I just click "publish" and nothing happens. The arc's not that large, and no errors show up, so I'm not sure what's wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Trying to "game the system" using respecs to recover expensive IOs uses up a bunch more.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    From where I'm sitting, it looks like the devs want people to be able to get more respecs if they really, really want them, but to decrease the odds of people using it for exactly the purpose you mentioned.

    Respecs *should* be hard to come by, so you put some thought into your build.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Steel Canyon building fire-

    Go talk to the guy out front- he'll give you a temp power fire extinguisher- Go. Hunt. Kills fires. 50/100/200 (?) all count for badges.

    Getting Hellions standing around and burning the fire count to a badges as well.

    DON"T be near the building when it explodes- it does like a billion points of damage or something....instant one-shot.

    I hope this helps.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks! That sounds like fun--I'll have to try it. Is it obvious where the fire is?
  11. Yay! Wings can now be changed in SG Mode. Kawaii Kitten Is Kawaii!

    Jay is sexy
    Jay is neat
    Jay's not filled
    With turtle meat!

    (Hey, whaddaya want at 2 am--Shakespeare?)
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    5) The best man and/or maid of honor (also superheroes, probably Fusionette and Faultline) are stuck someplace, go bail them out so they can get to the wedding

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh--those two hapless gits would totally get ambushed on the way to the ceremony. I like that. Maybe for villains it could be a kidnap mission....

    [ QUOTE ]
    6) The Carnival of Shadows has bought all the good shoes for women, so go stomp on 40 of them until you find a CoS chick with the right size feet and swipe her shoes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love this. I would totally do a Cinderella mission like this.
  13. Jay of Great Sexiness,

    I know that the SG color bug has been going on for a while. I don't mind having to go back and change my settings when I go into SG mode, but Kawaii Kitten's pink and black fairy wings turn solid black, and there's no way to change them. I've tried the cape workaround, but it doesn't work for me. Kawaii Kitten is a sad villain, because the solid black just isn't very kawaii. ^_^
  14. Even though I do think that $9.99 (+tax) is a little steep, (a couple of badges--or better yet, and extra costume slot--would have sweetened the deal) I've been wanting to do some steampunky costumes, so I bought the pack. My one concern is the problems with the veil and tux tails coloring, and how those will work in supergroup mode. Coloring for my toons' wings is already a nightmare in SG mode--yes, I've tried the cape workaround; no, it doesn't seem to work--are the new costume pieces going to have the same issues? From what I've been able to tell, the wing color issue in SG mode is a long-standing problem that has yet to be resolved, and it'll be disappointing if this works the same way.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    The one thing I would have liked to see for the guys to complete the whole tux would have been a cummerbund.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's no cumberbund because there's a vest, which is appropriate for a tailcoat. Cumberbunds are only worn when you're not wearing a vest.

    --Fashion Police
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    3) For what we get I do feel the 10$ price is a bit high but not too high that I didn't buy it, but then I just had a character idea that I NEEDED the bridal costume pieces for to pull off. (And luckily for me the name was even available, beware Rogue Isles on Virtue, the Runaway Bride is loose and he's coming for you!).

    Now for things tied to the costume pieces:

    A) The bulk of the costume options are only for females.

    B) The dresses weren't made for at least Huge models, and preferably males as well. I've always hated the fact that many of the more interesting but not neccesarily 'butch hetero' costume options are for females only, things that would even be particularly drag in and of themselves. (Hence my new toon with the costumes uses the female model but is in the bio listed as a male).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just wanted to second this. I have a couple of character concepts that involve guys in drag, and I'd love to be able to put one of them in the bridal dress. Since female toons can have the gorgeous tux, why can't guys have the dress and veil as well?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    One thing that might be nice is a way to buy this as a gift, since the store apparently doesn't support that directly. I mean, if anything screamed gift that would be in the store, this does.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Definitely seconding the gift option suggestion: my girlfriend's been having a rough day, and I wanted to buy this for her, but I don't see any way to do it.
  18. Does anyone know what time the debt wipe takes effect? Do I have time to get killed some more before bed?
  19. Add another vote for a /psy guide. I've been considering it for a secondary, but I can't find any up-to-date info on the powerset.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I've just posted my new Dark/Elec guide here:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can this get linked to the main Defender guides list? I've been using it a lot, and I think it's a good, (relatively) updated guide that belongs on the list.
  21. I'll miss it. I had a great time bashing on the Rikti. Ah, well--more incentive for me to stop creating new alts and work on getting a couple up to 35, I suppose.
  22. Maybe there's a trick to these that I'm not getting, because while I've successfully completed the one Mayhem Mission I've tried villain-side, I haven't managed to finish any of the four SG Missions my heroes have done. The problem is that the second I get in the bank, the timer apparently starts going. I've tried heading straight for the vault and just dealing with the guys I see; both ways, I end up going immediately to "The robbers are getting away!" So I go outside, and I can't *find* the robbers, and then I get kicked out.

    I'd like these better if there was either more time or simpler, better-marked maps to cut down on the amount of time I spend getting lost in the maze.