Discussion: Vanguard Reports Success




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Paragon City/Rogue Isles - August 6th, 2007

Vanguard today is reporting that their efforts in holding off the attacking Rikti forces have met with resounding success. In city zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, Vanguard rapid response teams have been instrumental in not letting the invading Rikti get a foothold in our dimension. “This is not to say that the threat is over,” said Incandescent, the press secretary for Vanguard. “Major activity should be slowing down soon, but the Rikti still have the capability of launching massive strikes at both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.” In fact, citizens of both cities are being told to still be on the lookout for warnings from Vanguard about zones being targeted for invasion.

“We are simply seeing a lull in the fighting.” Incandescent reported, “Vanguard is hesitant to say that the threat is over, as there is still a large Rikti presence in the Rikti War Zone. This may be a harbinger of a larger scale invasion, so heroes and other super-powered beings are being asked not to let their guard down.” Vanguard is still taking recruits into their ranks. Heroes with Security Level of 35 or higher, as well as citizens of the Rogue Isles with a Threat Level of 35 or better are asked to visit the nearest Vanguard recruitment station, where they can find a teleporter that will take them to the Vanguard base in Rikti War Zone.

An electronic press kit can be obtained from the Vanguard website, and questions should be forwarded to Incandescent at her normal email address.


The Invasion will be ending Tuesday 8.7.07 as a daily event. It can still be triggered in a single, random zone through player actions, however. In addition, we are planning on bringing the full-scale Invasion event back on random days throughout August and September, and possibly beyond.

Community Relations Manager

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I can live with it. I've got the accolade on all the characters that I care about but one, and time to take care of that tonight. I'll miss it, but it's more special if it passes into history. That way those of us who were there ("we few, we happy few") can say, "you should have been there."



Wait, so where can I get this press kit?

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Yeah, where's my kit?



Wait, so where can I get this press kit?

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Log in to the game, go to your nearby press outlet and role-play receiving a press kit

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I won't say I'm sad to see it go, but I will say it's unfortunate that it's a *single* zone. I'd much prefer a zone on each side was triggered.



so what events can trigger the invasions?



IIRC, that's the completion of the Lady Gray Task Force.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



so what events can trigger the invasions?

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Completing the Lady Grey Task Force.



I'll miss it. I had a great time bashing on the Rikti. Ah, well--more incentive for me to stop creating new alts and work on getting a couple up to 35, I suppose.

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



Awww... I was hoping they were going t extend it



This is a silly question, but what Accolade? I didn't know there was an Accolade tied to this event. How is it earned?

Sorry for my off topic post.



the watchman accolade....it gives a psi resist power
you earn i tby getting
bomb specialist
ya get em by killing 100 rikit, 10 heavy assault suits..and 25 uxb's in the invasion



Thanks very much!



the accolade is recive from rikti kills from the zones where the event is taking place
25 bombs
100 rikit soldiers(various) i think
10 rikti heavys (spawned when groups of 8 to 16 are in one area)

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



There is an Accolade power for getting all three Invasion badges. (Rikti, Heavies, and Bombs)

Do the Heavies or Bombs appear anywhere but in the Rikti raids?

If not, is there any plan to make them available somewhere more accessible than the post-TF raids?



There is an Accolade power for getting all three Invasion badges. (Rikti, Heavies, and Bombs)

Do the Heavies or Bombs appear anywhere but in the Rikti raids?

If not, is there any plan to make them available somewhere more accessible than the post-TF raids?

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The UXBs appear solely during the zone invasions. My brother claims to have gotten Chief during a saucer raid from putting down the Heavy Assault Suits that appear with the master-at-arms, though.

Guess I'd better hurry up and get my bomb badge on my last two badge mules, then. I think I'm halfway there, though, so no stress.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



so, lemme get this right, it's Completing the Lady Grey Task Force that triggers the invasion event? Or...?


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



yes hout...and you can only get the badges for the accolade during an invasion



Oooh, for the finale, you guys should have every zone being invaded at once! *grin*



I'm going to miss it. It made things interesting.



that would be very awesome...maybe make it last a bit longer or make uxb's go longer than the first round



Log in to the game, go to your nearby press outlet and role-play receiving a press kit

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This is, far and away, the best Lighthouse post ever.

Also, this reminds me- so far as I know, this "Incandescent" never appears in the game. (He [she?] may just be in a RWZ I haven't done yet.) He ought to be standing around someplace handing out press kits.

EDIT: I'm looking forward to unexpected Rikti invasions going on over the next few months. That makes them really special. I don't expect to see many spawned by the Lady Grey Task Force after the first couple of weeks, but who knows?

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Yeah...after the first couple weeks it will probably thin...thiss will make the invasion more special but it is very likely that it will also annoh badge hunters



Bummer.... My dsl went down for a week, and between work and life, I haven't had much time to play. Considering that tomorrows my Birthday, I probably won't be on much either. Oh, well. At least I managed to get the accolade on one toon.

However if Posi is reading this, please consider bumping it up from one random zone, to a standard raid (I.E. 3 zones on each side). Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the badge hunters to get this accolade.

As it is, with load time and such, once the warning is given, by the time I actually get to the zone, it is toward the end of a bombing cycle. This is due to having to exit a mish, travel to the zone, and enduring some long load times in the process, especially the zone that is being raided.

I can usually solo 2 bombs per raid on average. This means I am going to have to go to 10 raids at least. Then there is the war suit badge. I am going to have to find at least 6 other people to actually see one. Considering that this will be completley random, it may be a lot harder to pull off. Even worse, it could be that the raids pop on the villian side instead (or vice versa for villians).

As the novelty of the TF fades, it will be completed less and less. At least give the insentive for an SG to run it a few times to get the badges. With it occuring in multiple zones, it also gives people time to get there.

At least consider it.