Discussion: Vanguard Reports Success




I, for one, will not miss it at all. The annoyance factor

WARNING: Rikti forces spotted heading towards Atlas Park

... Ahem. As I was saying, the annoyance factor of see--

DANGER: Rikti Invasion forces have been spotted in Atlas Park! Non-Combat personnel are advised to get under cover!

... Grrr...

Can we get the Admin messages taken out of our chat wind--

ALERT CANCELED: Rikti forces are retreating from Atlas Park.

GYAHHH!!! I give up!



What I would like to see is the Invasion strike at a single zone, and not end until they had all been defeated.
I really didn't like the Bombing runs, there was never enough time to get organized to take out the dropships. And there was too much red text cluttering everything up.
Just give me one solid Invasion of one single zone on each side once a week and then you'll REALLY see a War Zone.
But as long as the RWZ is around, I'll be happy anyway.




Thank you for i10 and thank for the incredible Invasion process! The interaction was heartwarming! The teaming was fast, thrown together, and best of all FUN!!!!

Oh to play a game that is exciting, fun, and adrenaline-pumping! No MMO other than the fantastic team of devs for CoH/V could do such a thing (and still keep you guessing with random invasions)!!!

I am ecstatic over the news that random invasion sessions may occur! Waiting for someone to finish the Lady Crey TF would be too long in the wait.

Thank you devs! Take a bow!



Great news. I for one am loving the random drops in the outer zones. It has been a really good event right up there with the Halloween ones

Sorry so many grumble about where Invasions are striking.
Some of us have multi level toons and it helps in picking guys.
I'm a bit of a toon juggler you might say.

Bring it on I say. Through at least the Halloween one plz.



I am sorry to see the event ending I would like to see it become a permanent feature of the game. I am a casual player, I go to college, I have two kids, and very little spare time. I cannot devote hours on end to this game but would like to have the opportunity to be able to devote more of my characters time to these raids so all my toons can get the badges and accolades fom this event. ithink to be fair to the casual players like myself that the event should continue in a less frequent manner permanently. casual players pay the same amount as everyone else. I do not think you as developers want to spend the wrong message to us. One of the strengths of this game is thast it has always been very casual player friendly. please continue that tradition with this event.

Master Gabriel.



I'm relieved to see the invasion end. It caused quite a bit of unwelcome lag, in addition to a flooding of chat channels with admin messages.

The badges and accolades were never that interesting to me, nor was defeating wave after wave of rikti (that got old after the first time). Less lag and less messages streaming through all my chat channels, those are things I do value.



People are telling me they haven't seen any invasions at all today. So does Lighthouse's comment that "The Invasion will be ending Tuesday 8.7.07 as a daily event." actually mean that the the invasion switch was flipped off at the end of the day 8/6 and not that it will end after the evening of 8/7? If so, I find this wording inaccurate and the lack of 1 day's last notice extremely deficient customer service.



Pretty much my point exactly. They gave us 1 day's notice which turned out in the end to be a same day notice. That was extemely poor communication with their players.



if i'm correct the lgtf will trigger invasions even though the daily thing is over



if i'm correct the lgtf will trigger invasions even though the daily thing is over

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Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that the event ended abruptly. A post to the boards that the event will be over in a couple of hours is not great communication.

Of course, if the event was no fun, no one would care. =)



I hate to see the invasions go, but I am reallllly glad that the lag will be gone (well, lag assc. with the invasions) My poor old system cant handle it like it used to. and wife won't let me trade the kids for a new box

.:Brmstone's BLOG:.



I loved the entire invasion thing and hope it comes back often.



In city zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, Vanguard rapid response teams have been instrumental in not letting the invading Rikti get a foothold in our dimension.

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...I forgot what experience means.



I loved the event and got the Accolade on all toons I wanted it on. I look forward to the "unexpected" returns though. I just hope it IS unexpected and they just throw the switch...no warning...



knowing the devs they will probably give us a bit of warning...and depending on how long it lasts some warning will give us time to get ready on the right toon



if i'm correct the lgtf will trigger invasions even though the daily thing is over

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Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that the event ended abruptly. A post to the boards that the event will be over in a couple of hours is not great communication.

Of course, if the event was no fun, no one would care. =)

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It's not the devs fault you guys don't read the forums. The length of the event was known and discussed in many threads even before it went live and it was still being discussed on the test server and in the test forums. Usually when whiners started complaining how they hated the idea of the invasion. The common response was shut up it's only for 2 weeks. The event started July 24, 2007. it lasted 2 weeks. That's 14 days. Learn to count. It was no surprise to anyone that use the forums regularly it ended when it did.



I hope when they bring the invasion back they have a double xp weekend at the same time!



This is for the devs I guess, but I think that if the daily raids are gonna cease, then the triggered raids should be MASSIVE. I miss all the excitement there was during the first 36 hours of issue 10. Granted, all the excitement caused mass lag from everyone trying to pile into a zone for a piece of action, but it didn't take long to figure out how to minimize it. After getting my accolade during the first week , the excitement of it wore off considerably, and during the second week, I found myself SuperJumping over ground assaults entirely cause I had a mish to get to, and there was nothing to be gained by joining the melee. I'd like to see the triggered raids, at least with the bombing phase, big enough that all the falling A-bombs cause us to "Fight in the shade"



This is for the devs I guess, but I think that if the daily raids are gonna cease, then the triggered raids should be MASSIVE. I miss all the excitement there was during the first 36 hours of issue 10. Granted, all the excitement caused mass lag from everyone trying to pile into a zone for a piece of action, but it didn't take long to figure out how to minimize it. After getting my accolade during the first week , the excitement of it wore off considerably, and during the second week, I found myself SuperJumping over ground assaults entirely cause I had a mish to get to, and there was nothing to be gained by joining the melee. I'd like to see the triggered raids, at least with the bombing phase, big enough that all the falling A-bombs cause us to "Fight in the shade"

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Personally I find the giant fights to be the most exhiliarating part of the invasion, lag and everything, so while the invasion lasted I made it a point to join in as many as I could.
I do agree with you that on rerun invasions the bombing phase needs quite a bit more bite though. These past two weeks we had bombs exploding in the air, bombs hitting the ground and exploding (causing damage and a lot of knockback if you were in the blast range) and unexploded bombs waiting to be disarmed. I am thinking that for the reruns almost all bombs should hit the ground and explode on impact instead of blowing up in the air. The number of uxb may be increased a little bit as well (going to be a lot harder to get the bomb badge if only one zone gets invaded once in a blue moon).

And maybe instead of having only a single random zone invaded it can be made so that while an invasion is underway there is a chance that another zone gets invaded as well. The invasion re-run ends as soon as no zones are being invaded anymore. But that I suppose depends on how popular the Lady Grey taskforce is going to be.




It was particularly galling that the almighty trainers did nothing to help us in the fight: Ms. Liberty just stood there buffing her nails while we were bleeding in defense of the city. At the very least, the trainers should exert Leadership in their vicinity.




So now we need to run the LGTF, hope the invasion happens on the right side, organise at least 1 full team to arrive in the zone promptly, fight off the crowds of leechers waiting for an invasion to spawn, and kill like mad to gain the accolade on new alts.

5 times. Cos you need 10 Assault Suits and very rarely does more than 2 spawn in a single invasion.

It will be hard to get this Accolade in the future...

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I will miss it, it was the kind of thing i was waiting for.
My 1st post was to suggest some more panic in the monster activity so i dont feel like a bully bashing innocent giant octopus's up while they wade in river's.
But this was the chaos I wanted thank you for the disastor's for me to avert.

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So now we need to run the LGTF, hope the invasion happens on the right side, organise at least 1 full team to arrive in the zone promptly, fight off the crowds of leechers waiting for an invasion to spawn, and kill like mad to gain the accolade on new alts.

5 times. Cos you need 10 Assault Suits and very rarely does more than 2 spawn in a single invasion.

It will be hard to get this Accolade in the future...

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Actually... if you want the heavy suit Rikti, a crowd is perfect for drawing them in. I've seen five elites at one time, and cycled through attacking them to get a bit of all of them. Best way to get the badge fast.



if i'm correct the lgtf will trigger invasions even though the daily thing is over

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Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that the event ended abruptly. A post to the boards that the event will be over in a couple of hours is not great communication.

Of course, if the event was no fun, no one would care. =)

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It's not the devs fault you guys don't read the forums. The length of the event was known and discussed in many threads even before it went live and it was still being discussed on the test server and in the test forums. Usually when whiners started complaining how they hated the idea of the invasion. The common response was shut up it's only for 2 weeks. The event started July 24, 2007. it lasted 2 weeks. That's 14 days. Learn to count. It was no surprise to anyone that use the forums regularly it ended when it did.

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good point...and its not like the whole thing is just goin away in one abrupt thing....seeing as its not truely over if the lgtf can start it



Boo Hiss........ they could have at least waited till the end of the weekend to end it with Monday morning maint.

Dang Dang Dang I went on Vacation on the 27th and missed most of this. I just got started again Monday.

Had to add a few more dangs. Sucks to be me I guess. Wish
I could have gotten more of this. Grrr on the timing of it all.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
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