Discussion: Vanguard Reports Success




Awesome event, though I do think it could have been extended for another week or two.

Having said that, I love Lighthouse saying it could be swtiched on to full scale invasion insanity for just a day or two here and there. I think that ought to continue at least till the next issue, and I think it's kind of a spicy idea that any old day the Rikti just get cranky from overstarching their shorts and hit the warpath. Nice little uncertainty every day you log in, eh?



Not to wish harm on Paragon City, but... I hope the Rikti fleets return in force again soon -- preferably on weekends so us working stiffs can fight and fight and fight some more...


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



The event timing almost worked for me. Glad to hear there will be a few days of full on invasions again. The LGTF is good, but it should spawn in a hero and villain zone when it completes (not sure if that's how it works atm).

It was an awesome event. Much improved over prior ones (no debt, level-less mobs, multiple components, dramatic zone changes).



Awesome event, though I do think it could have been extended for another week or two.

Having said that, I love Lighthouse saying it could be swtiched on to full scale invasion insanity for just a day or two here and there. I think that ought to continue at least till the next issue, and I think it's kind of a spicy idea that any old day the Rikti just get cranky from overstarching their shorts and hit the warpath. Nice little uncertainty every day you log in, eh?

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I have very much enjoyed this event. I too found out late that the accolade power is more than just a token nod attached to a badge. My level 39 sonic will very much appreciate a burst of psy resistance through his career in the 40s against carnies and psy blasting named AVs like the Psy Clockwork King.

I think the random days of invasion madness could be prolong into the next two or three issues, just to get pumped up for getting the badges on alts that missed it so far. I don't know the direction of the rikti raid content on the game, but a random invasion day here and there would get folks attention.

To a previous poster... you only got 2 bombs each raid? You need to team up more, my friend.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I had a question about the LGTF and how it spawns invasions: Does the Party makeup determine where the invasion happens? (A team of heroes cause an invasion in Paragon, a team of vilains cause an invasion in the Isles.) If the party make up doesn't matter then an idea would be villains chain running LGTF to grief the heroes in Paragon City. Even if one or two attacks hit the isles they really wouldn't care anyways.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



To a previous poster... you only got 2 bombs each raid? You need to team up more, my friend.

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My single-target level 50 Blaster is lucky to get five bombs, teamed or otherwise. In large zones you sometimes can't find any bombs, and some archetypes/powersets can't kill them when they do.

In addition, we are planning on bringing the full-scale Invasion event back on random days throughout August and September, and possibly beyond.

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Sauce Flavor: Awesome. Jubilation: Indeed. Met: Well. Played: Well. Woo: Hoo.



I had a question about the LGTF and how it spawns invasions: Does the Party makeup determine where the invasion happens? (A team of heroes cause an invasion in Paragon, a team of vilains cause an invasion in the Isles.) If the party make up doesn't matter then an idea would be villains chain running LGTF to grief the heroes in Paragon City. Even if one or two attacks hit the isles they really wouldn't care anyways.

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Team makeup doesn't affect where the invasion happens. I still can't see this whole "Invasions grief people" angle for the life of me. You get no debt, you can run past Warships, bombs, hordes of players and Rikti. Going under bridges or in buildings protects you. They've done a lot to convenience players.



Wait, so where can I get this press kit?

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Log in to the game, go to your nearby press outlet and role-play receiving a press kit

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Can we get a good week of invasion when sonic powers are fixed?



Bah..Why is it I only find out about the Accolade now? :'( And after I just got back home and finally was able to set up my computer again.. (Although I am worried about a more then likely Mold infestation due to lazy/idiotic Maitence people..)



i had a blast with it. i hope they bring it back more and more later



1 Day notice? Know it was said it would run 'at least two weeks' when it went live. So knew it was going soon. Still tho a little more heads up would have been nice.





The Invasion will be ending Tuesday 8.7.07 as a daily event. It can still be triggered in a single, random zone through player actions, however. In addition, we are planning on bringing the full-scale Invasion event back on random days throughout August and September, and possibly beyond.

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It would have been nice if this could have been posted earlier, like when the players asked exactly when it was ending, thereby giving them more time to get it on their alts. As usual thanks for the prompt response to player questions....*sigh*.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox




The Invasion will be ending Tuesday 8.7.07 as a daily event. It can still be triggered in a single, random zone through player actions, however. In addition, we are planning on bringing the full-scale Invasion event back on random days throughout August and September, and possibly beyond.

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It would have been nice if this could have been posted earlier, like when the players asked exactly when it was ending, thereby giving them more time to get it on their alts. As usual thanks for the prompt response to player questions....*sigh*.

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Ummm, they said before Issue even hit live that it would only be 2 weeks.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I know how *I* feel, but it's great to see how everyone else feels, too. Check out all that positive feedback!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Just got the Accolade on my emp...will be under the wire getting it on my Brute.

Thanks for a really cool event guys!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Wait, so where can I get this press kit?

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Log in to the game, go to your nearby press outlet and role-play receiving a press kit

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Sounds like something Ex would say



Okay Developers,
Speaking for myself, I find this abrupt news of it ending disheartening.

Not two days ago I posted a thread in which Positron himself said he was watching the thread. In that thread there is a overwhelming majority that asked to keep the invasion going.

I know we posters only make up a vast minority of the total game population.
Guess I just had hope they would have extended this event longer based on the 'minority feedback' which was positive.

Edited: The original post I wanted to make, I edited myself because in the overall scheme. It would not have made a difference and wasn't worth the flames it would have caused.


Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



Great job on the event.! It was fun, and I hope to see it back again soon.



I still can't see this whole "Invasions grief people" angle for the life of me. You get no debt, you can run past Warships, bombs, hordes of players and Rikti. Going under bridges or in buildings protects you. They've done a lot to convenience players.

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It's the lag that bothers me, especially when the fights happen in common lowbie areas -- like, around Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park, or right outside the Fort Darwin gate in Mercy.




To a previous poster... you only got 2 bombs each raid? You need to team up more, my friend.

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The character I was using was a lvl 50 Inv/SS tank. Once the invasion began, I would normally be in a mission solo passing the time between raids. I would click the base teleporter/Pocket D power, and by the time I zoned in to the base, I would generally have a message on where the 2nd raid zone is, that would be the one I would go to. By the time I zone in, the raid is well under way. I can comfortably find and solo 2 bombs before the rikti start tp'ing in. When they do, I high tail it towards a trainer, and bunch up with everyone to trigger the war suits. At this point I might get a team invite.

Then the group will disband, and if I am lucky, another invasion will be just starting up, and I will make it. Given the 3 hour cycles, I can usually only participate in one a night. Hence it took me 5 days to get the accolade on one toon.

As I said, it would be great if the triggered raids would be three to four zones, each side. And have them staggered out enough for people to be able to get there and participate in more than one. Time enough for the TF who did it to get to the right zone, and for others to cobble together a group.



I'm gonna miss the invasion. I was hoping they'd let it run a little longer.



Can we get a good week of invasion when sonic powers are fixed?

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My one big complaint is that there should be more "Panic" from the NPCs in the zones. All NPCs should be subject to knockback from bombs going off right next to them. They should run like their lives depended on it. Noone should be trying to steal a purse when the entire zone is shaking and bombs are cutting through the green sky.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I'll miss it too. I do think, though, that since they're not so persistant, and darn those Rikti pessimists, that we need to make the event longer. I mean, two to three bombs even on a team (which has happened many a time) isn't really nice if we're only getting this event at random because someone wants that accolade and does the TF on a random night (sort of like the STF's inconsistency now), so that it is more possible to get the accolade.

Note my views are typed out at 8:07 in the morning and I'm from Pinnacle. Please disregard anything you don't like that I say. [yawns and logs in]