28 -
I think one of the early responses had the right idea, why not fold them all into the same 'option' with an extra selector, the why a lot of the newer parts like skirts are? Only go a step further and fold the 'Tights - Shiny' into the Tights options.
So you could select from, as the previous poster illustrated:
-Tights Variant
--Legacy Tights
--New Tights
--Shiny Tights
--Thin Stripe 2
Like so?
The advantage here is it would also make for easy upgrades and additions later on, so if you wanted to have different material textures, for instance.
I also hope this will include going back and redoing a lot of the 'with skin' options. They look so bland now, and have ever since the Wedding Pack. -
I should be good for this timeslot, Ariel! Put me in as one of the tankers and I'll bring Panz.
We're a pretty nice server. We don't just team for missions as much as we could, but we do a pretty good job of getting our share of TFs, SFs, Trials, and Raids in!
Just remember to bring lots of cookies and bacon (but not bacon cookies or there will be civil war as everyone fights over them!) with you and you'll be sure to win our affections.
Yes, Mainna, we're that easy on Guardian. -
Awesome video, well done, Ashcraft! Bravo!
And Sinatra! Wonderful soundtrack choice. What pipes that man had...always manages to catch me a little off guard each and every time. -
Forgive me for this, but I'm going to hope that you all don't get started on time so I can join that Cathedral Trial! >.>
I won't be able to be on till more like 8pm Pacific, probably a little after. Don't wait for me, obviously, but I kinda hope I can join ya for it! -
Whew, good timing! Now that my favorite 2nd best tanker on Guardian is back for a bit I can take a few TFs off!
Hope to catch you online over the weekend for a mission or three, Urth, it'd be good to team with you again. -
Count me in tomorrow, Ariel. I'd prefer to bring Snakedaughter, my AR/Em/Mun blaster, but I'll bring whatever I can that can help out if need be.
Two things:
Capa, Panzerkunst is Invulnerability, not Will Power. She just looks like WP because I've got her to 23% or so Psi Resist from set bonuses.
I'll sign as an alt for tomorrow morning. I'll try to be on to see if there's a spot, and if I can I'll bring my DM/WP brute, Mercyless, but if a tanker is needed I don't mind bringing Panz again to help other folks get the badge. -
Quote:I haven't posted much in nearly 6 years playing CoX, which should tell you that when I say that this is the tipping point for me and getting the Mutant Booster that I kinda mean it.In regards to skin on Org. Armor: it'll have to wait for the moment, but it's something we'd like to do.
Right now, it's very nice, but as much as I think the bio bits look pretty darn cool, I'm on the fence as to whether or not it's $10 cool. Being able to put the Organic Armour over skin would definitely be the thing to make this booster a must have for me. -
Well, my new PC is here. It's making me download the client though, despite having copied the old files over. Whoever posted that it could be done so simply was wrong, and therefore sucks.
I'll be back in this evening, though, in 90 minutes or so! -
My new PC has shipped, apparently, so with any luck I'll be on sometime tomorrow!
Wish me luck, fingers crossed, touch wood, all that good stuff that there's no complications and I'll see you all soon! -
Now, I'm not sure what you're talking about, glasswalkerny, but if it's Rage, there's also the nice to-hit buff to consider.
Additionally, IIRC, damage is directly related to agro (someone please correct me if I'm not remembering this right). The more damage someone does to something, the more that something wants to get back at them. It's not 'simple' like that, obviously, but damage is part of the equation, I believe. So it always helps you to maintain agro management if you're doing more damage.
Powers like Taunts just cause big spikes in the formula, from what I remember. So, if you play like me, I like to use Taunt to grab enemies that are out of melee range for one reason or another, perhaps just the far end of a spawn, or something that hit with KB, or maybe even adds. Invincibility has a nice aura, keeps things stuck to me pretty good, but Foot Stomp really gets 'em mad. They don't like being knocked on their butts or something...
Finally, as far as why you'd want to be able to do damage as a tanker, what if you're solo? It's really nice then! -
*thinks Kay needs a hobby*
hmmm...waitaminute... >.>
Oh, and grats, Kay! *huggles* -
Oh! Oh! Pick me, pixie, pick me!
At least, I hope my new PC will be ready by then...they always said the 31st, but I had been hoping for before this weekend...
Either way, I'd love to join you for a Barracuda SF, Ariel. I'm not picky about what I bring, having been away for so long, so whatever the team needs at the time. -
Quote:Sure, not a problem. Well, as soon as my new PC gets here and I can start playing again.Panzerkunst, Not that I doubt your build but would enjoy seeing your toon in action as well as looking at the build.
I'm normally on Guardian, but we could meet on test as well, once I get that setup. I can't recall what level my elec/elec tanker is now, around 40 or so, I think (I've been away for a few months)?
MaxLongstreet, I definitely get what you're saying. I'm just...I dunno, 'morally' opposed to the whole Fitness pool. Doesn't stop me from taking it on near all my characters, but I hate how necessary it is for almost any decent build and strive to make as many of my characters without it as I can, just to prove it can be done (pretty much anything that doesn't run a ton of toggles I'll skip the Fitness Pool, though no one has ever accused my Leadership enabled, Stamina-less AR/EM/Mun blaster of being ineffective!). I don't think there's a good way around it, or any real way for the devs to get rid of it, but I think it's a flaw in the design of the game and hope it's just not in a CoH2. That's already way off topic, so I'll stop my rant there, hehe.
On the defense question, it's my experience, at least in how it 'feels' to me, that there's so many def debuffs used by mobs that without any def debuff resistance, 10%-15% just isn't going to be good enough to worry about. At least not for a high-resistance tanker, at any rate. +Regen helps to shore up the lack of a truly solid heal or Dull Pain like power, and +HP, besides it just being a good thing for tankers to have lots, also increases your regen. There's not a huge amount of -regen in the hands of mobs, certainly not compared to the amount of -def.
This is very much personal preference, I just wanted to offer a different idea, based on what I'd personally had good success and fun with. -
Hey, Crin, I remembers ya. I'm still only almost back (I want my new PC already! Dammit!), so hopefully see in there soon.
If you need Stamina on an Elec/Elec tanker you're doing it wrong. Seriously. Once you get Power Sink, at least, so I run my second build as a 'low level TF' version that does have Stamina.
Slot end reducers into your attacks and drop the Fitness Pool. Get Tough, maybe Weave, earlier (right after Power Sink). I skipped Weave personally...too little defense for my liking when every minion with a SMG debuffs def, and Elec Armour has no def debuff resistance or defense powers of it's own to stack with (I slotted primarily for +HP and +Regen).
When my new PC gets here and I can get my files I can share my build. And if anyone doubts me about not needing Stamina, I'd be willing to demonstrate, as well. -
I wanted to weigh in here, as it seems from my brief look over the thread that a lot people have been thinking the same thing I have for the last few years, that it'd be really nice to see the old zones upgraded.
I have no idea what the technical and scheduling hurdles would be, but I would also like to propose the idea, beyond simply redoing old zones, to overall just doing little things with each issue to make things feel more like Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are 'alive'. Simple things like construction, buildings being torn down and new ones put up, literally spreading the whole thing over 2-4 issues, like when the Arenas first went in or shut down part of the Skyways for road maintenance. You could throw up a purely cosmetic local festival here and there, maybe even have a small part of one zone turned into a location for a movie shoot.
None of this stuff really has to tie into anything specific, just things that make the whole game feel more dynamic, like there's real people living in there.
Of course, that's if it wouldn't be too much of a drain on getting 'real' work done.
I should like to add, if there ever is a new zone, I think Paragon City needs a suburb with a giant mall...zombie invasions in a mall...mmmm.... -
I had to duck in to say how much I agree with you, Dechs, and how much I loved the video.
I think Dark Armour is a totally underrated set by the majority of players (I still love Invulnerability best, but DA has more 'character'); it's got about the best all around resistances short of Granite, and the best damn self-heal...but then you've all been over that, haven't you? So, I'd go more into why, but Mithos covered it very nicely.
- Panz -
Finduilas is right, you have got to take Rage. Rage is your BFF, as it will, especially paired with Invincibility, let you get by 'underslotting' for +ACC. I've personally found the equivalent to 1 SO, or better, a high level IO, will be sufficient.
One thing I've done differently from most Inv/SS tankers in my nearly 6 years with my main, is I have found Weave to be a waste (and I don't even turn Tough on all the time, depends what I'm fighting). I know, heretical to so many people, but correctly slotted with set bonuses you can, once again with the help of Invincibility, get a nice bit towards the Def soft-cap (I run at about 28% S/L def before Invinc kicks in, so I can keep my 23% Psi Resist). And the lovely thing about Invulnerability is that you don't need to hit the soft-cap if you're only fighting mobs of boss or less, unless there's a bazillion, but there's aggro limits so that shouldn't happen (note: this should be able to handle an AV or three pretty well, dependings on which ones). You should be able to cap your HP with Dull Pain, and if you do take Hasten, you should be able to get Dull Pain to near perma pretty easy.
I would also recommend not running Dull Pain auto. Time it for when your health gets to about half so it will heal you up and boost your max HP. This effectively lets you soak more damage, obviously.
On Hasten, do try to fit it in, but for my Inf you can hold of on it till late in the build. Tough will get you more milage as you level, before you're fully slotted and outfit with set bonuses.
Also, as others have noted, 6 slot Foot Stomp! I went for Obliteration, because I'd managed to find other ways to deal with the end cost, but do whatever feels right to you, just do it with a full slots. Foot Stomp will clear all the minions and then some for you while you focus all your single target attacks on the big guy(s).
Finally, I'm a big fan of Unstop. Definitely don't try it perma, but it's still the best crap-yer-pants moment failsafe. I don't even use it that much, but I can't count the times it's prevented a teamwipe, even with the current aggro-cap limits. It's a choice you've got to make based on your own playstyle, but don't dismiss it's usefulness too quickly.
- Panz
PS, I'd upload my own Mids suggestion/build, but I'm not on my own PC right now...it's kinda dead, new one is on the way! -
Why is it always about size with boys? -
I miss Coonie's Channel. Kinda miss Coonie too...
I'm gonna be in there again soon, though. -
Well you know me, I'll be on all sorts of crazy hours once I get back!
With any luck I'll get my new PC next week sometime, though the expected delivery date is the 31st.
I just want to get back so you all won't have to deal with inferior tankers any longer. I've left you folks to suffer long enough. -
Hehe, you're still so weird, Kay. And yes, that's still a good thing!
I've been catching up on all the news and such that I'd been avoiding, and it's all just getting me very excited to play CoX again. Can't wait to be back among you all. Damn new PC...where is it!? heh. -
So nice to 'see' some of the old faces (yes, even yours, Sinner
) are still around!
I actually mainly popped into the forums to check into ways to move the client so I won't have to download. Turns out it pretty easy, just burn and copy to the new HD, so it won't take me that long, I hope. Only trick is in my effort to pinch pennies I'm going to be moving my network card over to the new system instead of buying a new one, but I'm going to download and have the drivers for that all ready to go too.
It's a year earlier then I'd planned for a new computer (I was thinking more along the lines of getting a new one for SW:TOR...), but it will be nice to be able to turn on Ultra mode (probably) when I get back!