Early bird Master runs?
If I am on, Hollar I am always up to try. I do have a varity of toons to add round out a team.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Hard to say what my schedule will be in the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to make it with my stone tank.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
I'd be down for this on m'days off, which are Thu/Fri/Sat.
If it's a weekend run in the AM, I am in. I can do it at work, but a Master Run requires my undivided attention and as such I would rather not run one while I am at the office. Granted, I have done TF's and other stuff in the office, but I can AFK liberally as needed.
I would need all of the master runs on my main, so whenever you decide to run it, count me in with my blaster.
If we can get a consistent group together, we can work on the TF's until we "get it right" in terms of the Master run.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Hmm as I suspected weekends seem to have more people free but I'm happy to just throw one together mid-week if I can get enough people.
Blacjac84 I'll try and get one running this Wednesday. It's a bit short notice but we'll se if we can get enough to start and make a good attempt.
Wednesday 16th June 10am Eastern. Master of Lady Grey
1) Capa
2) Blacjac84 - brute
3) Kay - troller
4) Conundrum - MM
5) Celtic Coders - troller
6) Blood_Beret - Brute
1) MorrGan (in general)
Also let's try Saturday 19th June 2010 at 10am Eastern.
1) Capa
2) Blood_Beret
3) Ullikummis - has the stones
4) Dash_no_Chris
5) Armeros
6) KayJMM
7) Celtic Coders
8) Blacjack
1) MorrGan (in general)
If we need to fill, we can chuck it out to the channels.
See you at Lady Grey!
Oh: we all know my ability to sort out time zones; I think Eastern is currently -6 to me. I'm posting at 21.35 ok?

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All my toons need the Badge. I'd like to get it on these 4 first:
Dragun - Lvl 50 Merc/Dark (2 ST Holds, Debuffs and a heal)
Dark Adversary lvl 50 DM/WP Brute
Mystic Freak - lvl 50 Mind/Elec Dom
Dos Gelidus - lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corr (3 ST holds, Ice Shields, Debuffs) (*Not fully IOed but very functional*)
Let me know what you need/want
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I can do the Wednesday run and usually I can do a Saturday morning (just not this week). I can bring an emp/rad defender if needed, but I would rather get the badge on my MM (bots/ff) and my main troller (fire/kin) first. other options are available as well. Just let me know what is needed.
@Conundrum of Furballs, @Conundrum2
Facebook Here
I can make weekday mornings more reliably but count me in for both runs. Both my badgers need this: Celtic Thermal fire/kin troller and Celtic Arranger bots/dark MM.
global handle: @Celtic Coders 1, @Celtic Coders 2
i can usually make weekdays and weekends. of course i pick my daughter up on wednesday this week and have her this weekend. lol.
'i used to have superpowers until my therapists took them away' random bumper sticker
please excuse the small print. arthritis makes it difficult to use the shift keys.
If you have room, count me in for Saturday. I'm pretty flexible on what I can bring in for LGTF. I got 12 50s of varying classes, red and blue, although I would love to get the Mo on my badge brute.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
I can join Wednesday's also. If it starts about 10EST/9CST, as I have to leave about 1:30(1330) CST.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Ok it looks like we might get a run tomorrow (a little under 18 hours from this post). I intend to be hanging by LG 15 mins before so we can kick off at 10am.
How about we try and firm up chars a little?
I'm planning on using my main (stalker. I am therefore I stab)
Blood - Brute
Conundrum - MM
Celtic - controller
Kay will you be around tomorrow? Blacjack what were you planning on bringing?
I'll shove a shout in channels when I log on later.
Oh and if we can't get eight before 10.15am how does everyone feel about trying a Mo Cuda or Mo ITF instead? (Capa has the badge for Mo ITF so I could bring other chars.)

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Hmmm.. .what time it will be on EST or any other time zone, so I can adjust my clock?
And a priori I will go with Magical, my Troller Grav/Rad. But I can bring Shockwave too (Defender, Kin/Sonic). Or I can activate the Evil Kay and bring AC-89 (Defender, Rad/Rad).
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
10AM EST Kay (as I said above).
See you and the Grav/Rad I hope!

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I usually get up around 7 am central (8 am eastern) so I should be able to make it tomorrow. I would like to bring my WP/DM badge brute, but I am a little flexible.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
Updating because I got a few bites from channels this evening.
Wednesday 16th June 10am Eastern. Master of Lady Grey
1) Capa - db/wp
2) Blacjac84 - brute WP/DM
3) Kay - troller Grav/Rad
4) Ulli - Stoner
5) Celtic Coders - troller fire/kin
6) Blood_Beret - Brute Cold Corr
7) Anne Marie - Blaster
8) Panz
* 1)Lady Willow
* 2) Vixen
* 3) Morgan
* 4)
Also let's try Saturday 19th June 2010 at 10am Eastern.
1) Capa
2) Blood_Beret
3) Ullikummis - has the stones
4) Dash_no_Chris
5) Armeros
6) KayJMM
7) Celtic Coders
8) Blacjack
1) MorrGan (in general)
I will be at LG about 9.45 AM Eastern. See you all then!

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Sorry folks, just found out I am gonna have to work tomorrow morning. Maybe next time my coworker's health won't interfere...
@Conundrum of Furballs, @Conundrum2
Facebook Here
Sorry folks, just found out I am gonna have to work tomorrow morning. Maybe next time my coworker's health won't interfere...
I should be free tomorrow morning, so I can take his spot, if that's ok.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Np Condundrum thanks for letting us know.
*ties Ulli to LG*
Ulli if you're bringing the tank would Blood mind bringing his Corr?

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OK we're at LG, just waiting on Kay, Ulli and Panz

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Thanks Capa now Dos has his badge, so you have to pick one of my others for Sat.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Is there any interest in Master of runs during the USA morning/daytime?
* Maybe a start time between 10am to noon Eastern USA time? Doesn't matter which day but the weekend is more likely.
Just seeing if there's any interest here before setting a date/time. If so, perhaps you'd be kind enough to say what day/s you'd prefer and what you'd like to bring? I'd like to start with the LG because it's co-op.
I'd be running my main and once she has the badge, I'd be happy to help out any other teams with whatever I have and is most useful to the team.
The reason I'm asking if there's interest is because the Mo attempts all seem to be pretty late for me (UK). If there's a restart, I often find myself having to bow out because I feel I wouldn't be awake enough by the end to play without risking the Mo.
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