Howdy y'all
If you already qualify for the Epics, you can make them on any server.
Join the Guardian channel (public channel) but you need to ask the mod for permission to talk.
We are a fairly casual group with some hard cores here and there. We are known to help out a newb or two.
Welcome to the server.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
Heyas and Boogedy Boogedy!!
Welcome to Guardian Mainna. We are laid back and very friendly for the most part. Jump on in, the water's fine.
I am the resident redsider, as the majority of my toons are villains. My badger is currently making his bading rounds and is a hero at the moment. But come join the fun.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I've been on for over 5 years and I think it is a very friendly server. For grouping I'd join Gaurdian channel there are some other handy channels as well. My globals are @Mr. Ultimate and @Mr. Ultimate2
Welcome aboard but hide your cookies from Ulli.
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
Guardian is my favorite server, even though I don't play on it as much it's still great with many friendly people.
i miss tags
We're a pretty nice server. We don't just team for missions as much as we could, but we do a pretty good job of getting our share of TFs, SFs, Trials, and Raids in!
Just remember to bring lots of cookies and bacon (but not bacon cookies or there will be civil war as everyone fights over them!) with you and you'll be sure to win our affections.
Yes, Mainna, we're that easy on Guardian.
Thanks y'all for the kind replies i decided to make my baby praetorian over here instead of transfering my big toons, ill do that later if things work out here
[hands you keys to asylum and a strait-jacket]
hope you like your stay.
'i used to have superpowers until my therapists took them away' random bumper sticker
please excuse the small print. arthritis makes it difficult to use the shift keys.
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
*squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee* *squeee*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Im looking for a new server, played off and on the last 4 years on virtue, and it was great the first few years, but the last year or two its been filled up with nothing but RPing kitty demons, and ive been in 5 supergroups then have ended up being empty altbanks with nobody on.
So im looking for a friendly server that is fairly populated (not jam packed like virtue) with nice people who actually group instead of standing around rping.
Also i had earned Veats & keldians a long time back on Virtue, will i be able to make a new veat/Kheldian on guardian without unlocking them again? also do get to keep all my veteran rewards on this new server?
im a fairly casual player that likes to both solo and team up , both Pugs & Supergroups will i find these here or will i be shunned by the supergroup cliques here ( i had tried playing a new toon a few months back on infinity and couldnt get a group for the life of me)
Will Guardian be new person friendly?
Thanks for any info you may have!