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Thanks y'all for the kind replies i decided to make my baby praetorian over here instead of transfering my big toons, ill do that later if things work out here
Im looking for a new server, played off and on the last 4 years on virtue, and it was great the first few years, but the last year or two its been filled up with nothing but RPing kitty demons, and ive been in 5 supergroups then have ended up being empty altbanks with nobody on.
So im looking for a friendly server that is fairly populated (not jam packed like virtue) with nice people who actually group instead of standing around rping.
Also i had earned Veats & keldians a long time back on Virtue, will i be able to make a new veat/Kheldian on guardian without unlocking them again? also do get to keep all my veteran rewards on this new server?
im a fairly casual player that likes to both solo and team up , both Pugs & Supergroups will i find these here or will i be shunned by the supergroup cliques here ( i had tried playing a new toon a few months back on infinity and couldnt get a group for the life of me)
Will Guardian be new person friendly?
Thanks for any info you may have! -
I find that whenever i update my ati driver in window it causes more problems than is solved. abd usually get better results when apple updates the video drivers themself. and usually by them when apple does release them (later than the windows version of course) the video drivers are more stable.
as for lag its not a mac issue, i got a lil more lag after issue 15 in my 2009 imac with the ati 4500 card. and so did my wife on her windows pc with her Nvidia 7950gtx with same vistsa basic OS so i think its just some issue with issue 15. -
Im hoping it does as i just bought my first apple computer
IMAC with 24 inch 3.06 ghz core2duo & 4 gigs DDR3 ram & the Ati 4850 Video card option Hardware wise its all better than my 2.5 year old high end PC that im currently playing CoH on so im hoping to run COH native in os x Ill have vista on a partition for those vista games with no mac support
as for your gt120 it is just nvidia's rebranded geforce 9300 vid card with is budget card line. the Ati card is a high end card still only some of Nvidias brand new $800 cards do better and those are for hardware addicts who pay $800 for a 2% performance increase.
Plus that nvidia 9400m card thats in the mac mini 7 laptops is actually the Geforce 8400. you see nvidia in the last year have rebraded thier vidoe card named 3 times! so in reality nobody knows wich card is what without exhausting research and going back to nvidia and compare models. you will also if you look find several offical announcements on it by nvidia but its just pr. currently the best video cards period for gaming for apples are the ATI 4850 (imac) and 4870 (mac pro) wich is just the 4850 with a lil faster ram on it.