Official Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour
Great job!
I'm loving it so far!!!!!
<3 <3
Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you
I've been lurking on the patch notes all day now, and just from the read, I can tell that I'll love it!
Thanks for all your hard work NC NorCal! I can't wait to see what else is your collective hats!
Can you please post the release notes in the forums for those of us that can't get to gaming sites at work?

I wish I wasn't at work!
Werk sis! Issue12 is really SERVIN' THA GERLZ!!!
Can you please post the release notes in the forums for those of us that can't get to gaming sites at work?
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The patch notes are too long to be contained, if you click on some of those forum topics I am working on pulling notes and updating them by feature.
Get Infinity back up and then I'll tell you what I think.
Can you please post the release notes in the forums for those of us that can't get to gaming sites at work?
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IMO, the cake was serverd undercooked to compete with the new bakery in the next town over. Delicious, but with a bit left desired as far as final touches go.
Oops -- you list my blood widow guide twice. There's only one blood widow guide I posted.
And technically, it's named "Blood Widows, Blood Roses." But a subtitle like "Blood Widows, Blood Roses: Build Guide levels 1 - 23" is appropriate.
I'll try to make sure it's updated then post a new copy in the Guides forum.
Issue 12 includes several good additions/improvements, and it will make a fine addition to the game.
It is a shame that this is marred by a premature release, which has left several nagging annoyances in the build.
While these issues aren't (generally) game-breaking, they do serve to detract from the whole.
I really wish you'd waited another week or two before pushing it live.
Great and all, but one thing has really spoiled the awesomeness of this being released. Not being told ahead of time it was being released today.
I and some people were cooking up a special event to run before I12 was released that relied on things that are now removed from the game, and our work is now ruined because you couldn't post the day before that I12 was going to be released today.
(Not too mention granting the freespec today instead of the week after like you said you were going to.)
is there a scheduled release date for going live?
is there a scheduled release date for going live?
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It's live now.
is there a scheduled release date for going live?
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It's live now.
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This issue is ridiculously awesome.
Like Rock said, get infinity up and I'll tell you, and Ironblade, TOLD YOU!
And stop whining about your event, the 5 hour downtime should have been your clue. And noone, not even NCSoft is perfect.
IMO, the cake was serverd undercooked to compete with the new bakery in the next town over. Delicious, but with a bit left desired as far as final touches go.
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The Cake Is A Lie.
Devs, can you PLEASE make a GMoTD telling how to get into the new zones? My channels are cluttered with that very question every minute.
The Cake Is A Lie.
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and how long does it take to validate the 2 free character slots? im dying of withdrawl here!
infinity's down? that's terrible, that's my home server!
Anyway, i could still go on virtue... right? It's still not done loading for me.
Holy hell I get home... and go open my test server updater and nearly fell out of my chair seeing that i12 is live (waits for the update to load)
BTW, new emotes?
The Cake Is A Lie.
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and how long does it take to validate the 2 free character slots? im dying of withdrawl here!
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Mine happened right away, I just didn't scroll to the next window to see them active.
I12 came out today?!!!!! Oh my god!!! I am so excited.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
This has been a really big Issue for us and it is packed full of features. We have started several feature specific threads in the Developers Corner so if you have specific feedback please post to one of these threads:
<ul type="square">[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: The Midnight Squad[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Cimerora (Roman Zone)[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Villain Epic Archtypes[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Powerset Proliferation[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Hollows Zone Makeover[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Major Gameplay Improvement[*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Costumes & The Creator![*]Live Feedback: Issue 12: Optional Purchasable Character Slots[/list]We are currently gathering live feedback on these topics and may add additional soon. Please keep feedback constructive and include server name and character name if you are experiencing something you think is a bug.
We've had a great time creating this Issue and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Ex Libris