Jay's Costume Bug Fix Thread




New costume bug fixes for Issues 12 and beyond!!!

Howdy I’m Jay. I am one of the character artists here at NCsoft. I will be making all of the new costume options and characters that you will see in up coming issues.

The purpose of this thread is to fix bugs and only bugs. If you want to make a request, there is a thread for that called Jay's Costume Request Thread!

Bugs posted here will be addressed in a future update/issue, unless it’s a critical bug.

Your happiness is my priority; that’s right you, the guy or girl reading this. I see many people with 3000+ posts; I saw some guy the other day that had 10,000+ posts, that’s dedication. To say thank you I want to make sure that you look awesome while you play your game.

I will be looking at this thread every chance I get. There is no middle man here, everything you post will be read by the costume guy. I want you to be happy with all of the characters you create. We may not respond but know that we are reading this thread. Please understand that not every bug will be addressed but I will make my best effort to fix what needs fixing. There are hundreds of costume pieces and that means millions of combinations. Not every piece will fit with another. So if a costume piece clips with another; please point it out, but it might be that way to fit with 20 other pieces. Also there is no need for quoting more than one person just fills unneeded space, it also make reading though all these posts more of a pain.

When posting, please be polite and to the point. The shorter the post the better, plus there is a better chance of the bug being addressed. Screenshots, Screenshots, Screenshots, they are very helpful in illustrating your point.

Here is example 1: The skirts on the female are missing all their textures. Jay is sexy. (Screenshot of skirt missing textures)

Here is example 2: The zombie feet on the huge are screwed up, but they are fine on the male and female. Jay is sexy. (Screenshot of zombie feet screwed up)

Here is an example how NOT to do post:

*scream* OMG I made a guy like 10 years ago and he is totally in the crapper now, make him work and give me free stuff. BTW all the devs suck and Jay is not sexy. *panic ensues* (No Screenshot)



Any chance that there could eventually be a fix for the way the female skirts vanish when swimming? It is a bit annoying to suddenly discover what color one's undergarments are when falling off a dock. Screenshots to illustrate :

Just your average Skull Bhunny.

Skirtless Wonder, Just Add Water.

Jay: Sexy.
Randomly vanishing skirts: Also Sexy, Yet Drafty.

Edit : Converted images to hyperlinks.



Anything but the standard cape (that is, the cape that introduced way back in Issue 2) all vanish when they are submerged underwater.



Why didn't you use your own forum account????

Anyway- any chance of getting the monsterous legs to go with the kilts- currently it is not an option as monsterous legs and Kilts are both under their own options.


"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Why didn't you use your own forum account????

Anyway- any chance of getting the monsterous legs to go with the kilts- currently it is not an option as monsterous legs and Kilts are both under their own options.


[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is more a request. Also this was brought up at the meet & greet. The issue is with clipping. The way the monstrous legs are modelled the kilts don't fit around them without clipping issues (especially when tied to animations, which is always a concern with costume options).



Anything but the standard cape (that is, the cape that introduced way back in Issue 2) all vanish when they are submerged underwater.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same with the "Tucked in" pants style.

Also, Office Belts still seem to be missing.



Here is a screen of some bad back clipping - this is the first time I logged in this char since I-11 hit & the clipping never occur previously (or I never noticed it, but as bad as this clipping is, I think I would have)...

Back Clipping

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Anything but the standard cape (that is, the cape that introduced way back in Issue 2) all vanish when they are submerged underwater.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can I ask you to take it on faith that this is not a "Jay can fix it" type of problem. Based on 4 years or so working on Open GL drivers, I happen to have a very good idea of what the cause is, and it'll take a programmer to change some source to fix this.

That said, I spoke with one of the programmers at the meet and greet, and offered a suggestion that MAY (I do repeat MAY) result in a fix for this. Time alone will tell if it does. Simply because the idea behind the fix is trivial, but I cannot tell if it is easy to implement in practice. Only the devs can answer that.

Also, the nature of the beast is such that it is impossible to remove all graphic anomalies. Really and truly impossible. All my idea does is trade the current set of anomalies for a less intrusive set. In places where this happens (some capes and some skirts underwater), instead of losing the cape or skirt, there would be certain cases where small patches of water would mysteriously vanish.

It's a bear of a problem.

Trying to keep my post on topic ...

Now that I have finally recovered from exposure to Jay's incredible sexiness at the meet and greet, I have one minor request that has bugged me ever since I created Alissara in Beta, oh so long ago.

Please make the zippers on the front of both the patent leather chest selection and the patent leather legs selection look the same. Right now there is a very visible difference between the two.


Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



Two for one screenshot.

While females are in the Katana fighting pose, they clip badly through the Student Shirt. This is a new bug introduced in I11 - this didn't used to happen. To a slightly lesser extent, this happens on Jackets/Uniform as well.

Also, as you can see from the same screenshot, the secondary color on the new Ninja Blade weapon travels all the way up the back of the blade. I'm pretty sure the blade should be a uniform color.

Misaligned textures on the sides

Long-standing bug, and affects all models, but it's most noticeable on women. As you can see there, textures and patterns get all jagged and out of alignment somewhere along the side of the model.

Twisted left feet

I can't tell you the exact date this happened because all posts after June seem to have gone missing from the old costume bugfix thread. However, in one of the patches on or around I10, the left feet on all models got slightly twisted. It's usually not noticeable, but certain costume choices make it very apparent.

In the image, I've got a shot of the male feet with the Tech Banded texture, where you can clearly see the textures not lining up the same way on the left foot. The other shot is female Small Hooves, and there it's really obvious where it's been twisted over. This is happening to Huge as well, but I couldn't get a very obvious shot.

Lastly, no screenshot needed: The Arachnos pre-order helmets still cannot be colorized. Could you please find some time to make tintable versions of these?

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Hey Alissara, ah my bad, I guess I should off assumed that it's a programming thing, since it's not really the costume but the water that's the problem.

But still, surely it can't be THAT hard to fix when there's already one cape that works fine. Having said that, I'm not a programmer but I know these things are rarely as simple as they look like they should be...

And yes, I realise that not all graphic glitches can be fixed, but I think this is a rather big one considering just how much water is actually present in CoH and especially CoV...

Anyway, thanks for your info



I don't know if this is the right tread for this but I have a problem with my winged toons. when I have them in SG mode I can not adjust the colors for the wings infact the wings don't show up in the sg costume screen. I always have go back to the tailor to get them to work again however this is getting tiring, I've been to the tailor about a dozen times where I talk to the salesperson then hit back, at which time i can go back into SG costume screen and the wings now show up.
Has anyone else had this problem?

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



Here are a couple issues that've been bothering me with one particular character. First and foremost, there's some nasty clipping with the "Uniform" jacket on female characters. It doesn't show all the time, but it's very obvious with certain poses. It's particularly noticeable, for example, when my character puts her hands on her hips.

Also, when firing her assault rifle, a small part of her back will clip through around the area of her left shoulder blade.

The second issue I've noticed is that, just like capes and skirts, her lower legs will disappear when submerged in water. While I understand that this may be somewhat unavoidable in the case of skirts and capes, legs hardly fall into the same category. So far I've only noticed it with this particular outfit: that is, with Stilletos and Fishnets.



During the Original CoV Beta there was an option for Men - Jackets - Chest, a billowy V-cut shirt either called “pirate” or "baggy", shortly after CoV went live, that shirt went missing.

Can you track down what happened to that shirt?

In case it was removed for clipping issues, can it be moved/copied to non-Jackets Chest options instead?



Chain and Barb Wire Wrap options still can't be used with hats like they used to be able to on all body types.

Male characters can't use Cycloptic visors with hoods.

The new Enforcer fists clip noticeably with the overhanging hand bracer things when animating attacks or otherwise. Perhaps make them unmoveable like pirate hooks or robotic claws?



The Insect Cape seems to have an outline where the portion of the cape was cut out to make it translucent. Whenever you use Hover, Flight, Combat Jumping, etc. you can see the outline of where the cape *would* be if it wasn't cut out. The CoV capes that have various non standard cape shapes don't have this issue. This old cape from CoH is the only one I know of that does this.

Insect Cape

Thanks! Jay is sexy!

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



When using armoured legs and a robe on a female character, the armour on the legs clips through the robe a bit. Screen

It's not too bad when standing, but it seems to be more obvious when animating.

Astoria in D Minor, a horror arc. Arc ID: 41565 - The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts. Arc ID: 170547 - Ignition of the Machine, a story with robots. Arc ID: 318983
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.



The Insect Wings, at least on the Female model, have a transparency issue, or at least an inconsistency.

When looking through the left wing at the right wing everything looks fine.

When looking through the right wing at the left wing the right wing obscures the left wing, despite being transparent.

Another screenshot of the right wing obscuring the left wing.

Jay is sexy.

(Screenshots taken from the 16.20071128.3T Live version of CoH.)

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



The Insect Wings, at least on the Female model, have a transparency issue, or at least an inconsistency.

When looking through the left wing at the right wing everything looks fine.

When looking through the right wing at the left wing the right wing obscures the left wing, despite being transparent.

Another screenshot of the right wing obscuring the left wing.

Jay is sexy.

(Screenshots taken from the 16.20071128.3T Live version of CoH.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to know exactly what caused this issue, when I was making wardrobe for IMVU, because my first attempts were always fouled by this. We couldn't layer transparencies because it ended up killing all transparency and making only the top layer visible, everything with a transparency that was behind it would be gone. There was no way around it in IMVU and, seeing the transparency effects in CoH, I thought that it was the same here. (Turning on cloaking device and then looking through yourself, you can see through fog, see past auras, and ignore power effects. You are the top layer of transparency, fog, power effects and auras will all be removed and you'll see the graphics they are obscuring; the exception to that would be seeing an invisible player as the game most likely completely removes their graphic from your sightline and doesn't just use another graphic to obscure them. I hope I'm wrong, though, it's not so neat looking through myself and seeing through peoples' neat graphics or losing the fog in Croatoa.



I found an issue with the new enforcer set, well sort of. I remade a character who origionaly had the entire vanguard costume set along with tech wings. changing him I used the Enforcer hat, detail 2, shoulder, gloves, boots, chest and legs. I kept the hat detail 1, chest detail and belt as vaguard and used the dagger pattern for the chest and legs.

the problem is that in this combination the vanguard 2 chest detail, the middle piece and not the bottom piece dissapeared. this left the bottom of the chest piece still showing as well as the top. ordinaraly I would consider this a ugly bug but it actualy looks good since the bottom of the vanguard chest piece looks like it is attached to the vanguard belt. I dont have screenies atm but will try and update it later.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Ok, the following issue is not a real bug but also an inconsistency:

At least on the male model - "body - chest - thights" there are two patterns both named "jester". The first one is an older one with beams radiating from one point and ending in round spots.
The second one is the new "diamond" jester pattern for the new jester costume.

A differentiation of the names (and if it is only "jester 1" and "jester 2") would be nice.

Screens might follow when/if I'm back at home.

I forgot:
Jay is sexy!!



Huge character's arms are very much detatched if you have the physique or chest sliders too low (or the shoulders too far out) when using "armored" option.
Even just a few more shoulderpad options to hide it would do.



I bugged this in game, but figured some screenshots may be helpful. There is an issue with scarf 2 disappearing in game, it shows fine on the log in screen, but ingame the front gets distorted and the back disappears, it's being used with the top option "shirt/vest".

Scarf 2 turns into a necklace




That's an interesting effect.
Just want to be sure - you're not in SG mode, right? I've had my Scarf removed and an SG emblem stuck on by that.

Still a Bug, but the question is where the bug Is.

Be Well!