19 -
I keep trying to give you guys money, but apparently you don't want it. :/
3 people in the household attempting to purchase the 'Super Boosters' and we keep bumping into the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." message. Over and over.
Switching over to Chrome didn't help any, nor did turning off AdBlock/NoScript.
How long am I supposed to wait between purchases? This has been going on for a while, now. -
An update to my last post:
That doesn't seem to work in my case, anymore. Forgot to post an update as I just booted back into Ubuntu and washed my hands of it.
Canceling my CoH account, for the time being. -
It seems that version 9.2 crashes quite regularly for me. It can be worked around by replacing atioglxx.dll in C:\WINDOWS\System32\ with one from a previous(8.10 in my case) version.
To do this:
1. Download previous version
2. Run installer, but don't actually install(Click Cancel after files are extracted)
3. Start > Run > cmd
4. Navigate to C:\ATI\SUPPORT\8-10_xp32_dd_69561\XP_INF\B_69777 or whatever path the files were extracted to.
5. type expand atioglxx.dl_ atioglxx.dll C:\WINDOWS\System32\ -
I've had zero issues* with running CoX on my Radeon HD 4850.
Don't even need the fan tweak, anymore.(Some recent CCC update added fan control..erm...controls in the overclocking options.)
It's a pretty smooth experience, for me.
*Not counting times when *I* screwed something up. -
Nothing major(I think) in version 8.12 of Catalyst, apart from:
City of Villains: Attempting to launch the game on a system running Windows XP and containing either two ATI Radeon HD 38x0 or 46x0 products may result in the game failing to load and the operating system failing to respond
[/ QUOTE ]
was fixed. It's nice to know they are, in fact, working on this sort of thing. -
Posting here, too, since it seems relevant:
Just a note - Exiting to desktop from CoH seems to reboot my system, with Cat 8.10 installed. Rolling back to 8.9 for now. -
Sadly, no.
Can't edit it, at this point. Thought I had fixed it...but just made it mostly better.(It was about triple what it is, now!) -
Just wanted to say, it seems Ice/Fire Tankers are getting a load of Awesome, in Issue 13.
Eradication PBAoE Set
Obliteration PBAoE Set(Damage, Accuracy AND recharge?!?)
Blessing of the Zephyr Universal Travel Set
(Plus a couple Heal sets that may or may not go well.)
These, along with the following, make it seem like it'll be a good(er. Heh.) time to be an Ice/Fire Tanker:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> All Taunt Powers in secondary powersets now include a -75% range debuff to the target.
All types of typed defense granted from Invention Origin enhancement set bonuses have been paired up and grant the same size of bonuses that were previously only granted to a single
typed defense bonus. The paired up groups are: Lethal and Smashing, Fire and Cold, Energy and Negative Energy. Psionic defense remains in its own grouping.
Invention Origin enhancement sets that grant typed defense (Lethal, Smashing, Energy, Negative Energy, Fire and Cold) will now additionally grant 50% of that bonus to
a single positional defense (Melee, Ranged and AoE). Lethal/Smashing defense set bonuses will now also grant Melee defense, Energy/Negative Energy defense set bonuses
also grant Ranged defense and Fire/Cold defense set bonuses also grant AoE defense.
Invention Origin enhancement sets that grant positional (Melee, Ranged and AoE) defense bonuses will now additionally grant 50% of that bonus to a pair of typed defense
(Lethal/Smashing, Energy/Negative Energy and Fire/Cold) defenses. AoE defense set bonuses will now also grant a bonus to Fire/Cold defense, Ranged defense bonuses will grant a bonus
to Energy/Negative Energy defense and Melee defense will grant a bonus to Smashing/Lethal defense.</pre><hr /> -
Anyone working on an Illusion/Radiation guide?
No issues with 8.10 here, beyond the usual. :/
Are you prepared for the thrashing my wife's going to give you, if she finds out you have this job? :P
Anyone have any thoughts/recommendations on running the game on a 4850?(4GB RAM, 3GHz processor, if that matters)
Just picked one up but haven't hooked anything up, yet. -
Didn't notice it in here(and it took me till around level 30 on my first character to discover it):
Shift+TAB allows you to move 'back' one target.
Say you're fighting Nemesis and tab past a Minion to a Lieutenant.
Well, the minions get nastier if you kill the Lieutenant first...so you want to quickly switch back to the minion. Tab alone keeps targetting something past the current group...so you hit shift+tab to cycle back to the minion, from the Lieutenant(or whatever's past the Lieutenant).
Note that this isn't the same(AFAIK) as the near_target bind. It just cycles back through the 'target list'. -
Wake'n'break(or some variation of that): Use an Awaken followed by a Breakfree(and usually a Respite and Catch a Breath).
LFM: Looking for teamMate(? I'm guessing, here.) -
That's the plan, right now. Respecing at some point into Recall Friend/Teleport. Been meaning to take Teleport with someone, anyway.(Wife loves it, on her Necromancy/Poison Master Mind)
Excellent guide. All of them should come with a strategy section, IMO.
Still trying to figure out where to squeeze in Recall Friend, early on...but that's hardly your fault.Too many nice powers!
Also: Never get a team invite when I actually want one. Blargh. -
So...who wants to give up the global name Symbolis for me?
How dare you scum of the earth charge for extra content.
I wnt free itamz!
Frequent content updates, game access, 8 slots per server and such just aren't enough for my hard earned $15/month.
I wouldn't even use the emotes/pieces if I had them, but I demand that my outrage over the $9.99 optional price be heard!
PS: I also demand that I am named Lethborge.