Guide to Jargon & Abbreviations v2.0
Sorry it took so long to get this update out, guys. Truth is, I forgot I had posted it, and lost track of it. It's been years since the original one was out, and I was *unable* to edit the original post. But here it is, at last.
It bears noting that this is NOT my work (for the most part). The core list was someone else's; I put it into Word, sorted it, then added everyone else's input. I've revised and updated it based on this thread, which is the original version of the guide.
This guide wouldn't be what it is without YOUR work and input. I'm just a glorified (and VERY late) compiler.
So whats EoE? That shows up from time to time.
EoE = Essence of Earth
It's the inspiration that drops from Devouring Earth Monsters that cap resistance to Hamidon damage (resistance cap determined by AT).
Kilia Zyr - 50 Empathy/Energy Defender (Master of Statesman's Task Force)
Howard Meeks - 50 Warshade (Master of Statesman's Task Force)
Carson Mane - 50 Ice/Kin Controller
Coercion - 40 Thugs/Poison Mastermind
"Her Imperial Majesty's Champion Huntsman of Justice"
Last I noticed half of the time it's Hami, Blues and Greens, and Wakies
Hami = Hamidon
Blues = Catch a breat
Greens = Respites
Wakies = Awakens
I have never seen it being called Aqua or CaP..I coudl be wrong tho
i think they should put this in the back of the little CoH booklet, this one is much more helpful than the one thats in there now
Last I noticed half of the time it's Hami, Blues and Greens, and Wakies
Hami = Hamidon
Blues = Catch a breat
Greens = Respites
Wakies = Awakens
I have never seen it being called Aqua or CaP..I coudl be wrong tho
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That's what I've seen, I rarely use blues, green used to refer to mob cons, but ymmv.
I had a lot of things that I thought shoudl be added or clarified or had alternative context abreviations, but I forgot most of them by the end.
Oh, I remembered one "Train" can also rever to the Tram, or to lvling up as in "take the train to Talos" or "I'm going to train, brt"
... You're missing "Clicky Claks" for "Clockwork"

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
How about definitions for:
Found those in some guides for enhancements.
How about definitions for:
Found those in some guides for enhancements.
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Endred and endredux are both short for "Endurance Reduction" enhancements. Those are the ones that lower the endurance cost of powers.
Endmod is "endurance modification". They can be used in powers that drain or restore endurance, like Transference and Power Sink, or in powers that buff or debuff endurance recovery like Stamina or Accelerate Metabolism.
Frankenslotting is the practice of putting Invention enhancements from different sets in the same power. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of what the benefits are, but I imagine one of the reasons is if you had a power that does damage and inflicts a stun, you could put a few pieces from a damage set, and a few pieces from a stun set, and get bonuses from both sets out of the same power. Or if one set has pieces that enhance aspects of a power you're not interested in or aspects the power doesn't have, you could use parts from a different set that enhance the aspects you need. Is that right?
Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.
Frankenslotting is the practice of putting Invention enhancements from different sets in the same power. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of what the benefits are, but I imagine one of the reasons is if you had a power that does damage and inflicts a stun, you could put a few pieces from a damage set, and a few pieces from a stun set, and get bonuses from both sets out of the same power. Or if one set has pieces that enhance aspects of a power you're not interested in or aspects the power doesn't have, you could use parts from a different set that enhance the aspects you need. Is that right?
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Sniper powers is a good example of something you might want to Frakenslot because there are so many aspects that you want to enhance: ACC, DAM, Interrupt Reduction, Range, Recharge, and even some Endurance Reductions. But the Sniper sets don't cover it all (at least, not as much as I want it to). And so, if you use the triple aspect IOs from different sets, you give up you Set Bonuses, but you gain *a lot* of enhancing.
E.g., my Dark Defender has the snipe power, Moombeam slotted, <ul type="square">[*]Extreme Measures: ACC/Interrupt/Range[*]Extreme Measures: ACC/Range/Recharge[*]Executioner's Contract: Damage/Range[*]Executioner's Contract: Damage/Recharge[*]Sting of the Manticore: ACC/Interrupt/Range[*]Sting of the Manticore: DAM/Interrupt/Range[/list]
This gives:<ul type="square">[*]ACC: 63.6%[*]DAM: 73.7% (pre-ED 74.2)[*]Interrupt: 76.4%[*]Range: 52% (pre-ED 54%)[*]Recharge: 69%[/list]
That's 334.7% worth of enhancement.
Six IOs (ACC, DAM, Recharge, Range, 2xInterrupt) would have only been 252% worth of enhancements.
Sting of the Manticore would have been 293% worth of of enhancements looking like this:<ul type="square">[*]ACC: 47.7%[*]DAM: 91.78% (pre-ED 95.4%)[*]Interrupt: 50.9%[*]Range: 12.75% [*]Recharge: 42.4%[*]End Redux: 42.4%[/list]
Which is a lot less Range, Recharge, and Interrupt Redux that I wanted (with a lot of Interrupt Redux, a snipe can be used often in battle rather than just a lead-off shot).
Besides, my Frankenslotting still gives me the bonuses of: 1.5% Recovery; 2% Recovery; and, 12% Regeneration. That extra Recovery is worth not slotting for End Redux.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Frankenslotting is the practice of putting Invention enhancements from different sets in the same power. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of what the benefits are,
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It's usually done when you care more about the enhancement values themselves over the set bonuses.
On my MM's for instance I slot
I get a few minor set bonuses, but I have a ton of Accuracy and Damage, even when I exemp down
Thank you all for the info. Big help for this newb.
Might be a good idea to define things like filling and midding for new players. When I first started I had no clue what any of that stuff meant.
what about doh? never heard it b4 bt lately it's been popping up alot
what about doh? never heard it b4 bt lately it's been popping up alot
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Ever watched The Simpsons ? =]
@Prandi - Freedom
# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.
Wake'n'break(or some variation of that): Use an Awaken followed by a Breakfree(and usually a Respite and Catch a Breath).
LFM: Looking for teamMate(? I'm guessing, here.)
LFM: Looking for teamMate(? I'm guessing, here.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Looking For More (teammates).
Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?
<3: Represents a heart; love
2: To
4: For
5th: 5th Column
AC: Asherons Call (A MMORPG)
ADDS: Additional and unintended mobs. Youve likely encountered this if youve ever heard the blaster say, Whoops.
AFAIK: As far as I know
AFK: Away from keyboard
Agro: Aggression. Used as both a noun and a verb. You can agro a mob (make it aggressive) by standing near them with your fiery aura going on. Or, you can generate agro, by doing the same thing. Its an easily abused term. (And its fun to do so!)
Alt: Alternate character
Anchor: An NPC villain that is targeted and is needed for some powers to activate upon and/or continue working. Usually killed last so the effect stays in place.
AO: Anarchy Online, a MMORPG
AoE: Area of Effect
AP: Atlas Park
Aqua: Awaken inspirations
AR: Assault Rifle
Assist: To attack the target of a specific teammate.
AT: Archetype
ATM: At the moment
AV: Archvillain
BAF: Bring a Friend
BBL: Be back later
BF: Break Free; Boyfriend
Bio Break: Bathroom break
Blue: An NPC lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Catch a Breath inspiration.
BOOM!: Boomtown
Boom: Boomtown
BRB: Be right back
BRB: Be right back
Brick: Brickstown
BRT: Be right there
BS: Broad Sword
BTW: By the way
Bubble: A force field
Bubbler: A force field defender or controller
Buff: a power, inspiration, or enhancement that increases the abilities of a hero
Burn: To dump a lot of damage into an opponent in order to defeat it quickly
Cab: Catch a Breath inspiration
Candy: Inspirations
CC: Crowd control (immobilizing, holding, sleeping extra enemies)
CD: Cloaking Device
CF: Crey's Folly
Clock: Clockwork
CoH: City of Heroes
Con: To consider
Cons: To consider
CoS: Carnival of Shadows
CoT: Circle of Thorns
CoV: City of Villains
Crey/Creys/Folly: Creys Folly
Criminal: Generic term for NPCs that appear on the streats and in early missions that are members of a particular gang.
CTR: Chasing the Runner. Dude! Where are you? CTR!
CuppaJo: There will never be another. Former Community Coordinator, now working on Tabula Rasa.
D2: Diablo 2, a multiplayer game
DA: Dark Astoria; Dark Armor
DAoC: Dark Age of Camelot, a MMORPG
DBL: Death By Lag
DC: Disconnect; Dark Consumption
DE: Devouring Earth
Debuff: A power, inspiration, or enhancement that decreases the abilities of an opponent.
Despawn: The software mechanism that causes NPC villains to disappear after a certain amount of time if no PC (thats you) comes along to defeat them.
Dev: A developer.
Ding: (Mostly from EQ players) Indicates that a character has leveled
Disc: A request, meaning, Was disconnected, please invite to team again
DM: Dark Melee
DO: Dual origin enhancement
Door: Mission or waypoint
DoT: Damage over time
DPS: Damage per second; may refer to players with that as their primary ability (blasters, scrappers)
Dumpster diving- a term going back to the old days without aggro caps and gathering almost complete maps into a dumpster, usually on the Boomtown map. Today it mostly refers to dropping a full aggro cap mob into a dumpster.
ED: Enhancement Diversification.
End: Endurance
End Break: A call for a period of rest to regain endurance
EQ: EverQuest, a MMORPG
EX (Exemplar): When a higher level player pairs with a lower level player so that the higher player can fight at the lower level.
Exp: Experience
Farming: Running missions over and over without completing them in order to reap high amounts of XP in a short period of time.
FATM: Full at the moment (referring to a team)
Fault: Faultline
FedEx: A completely degrading and time-consuming mission, in which a contact insists that you travel from one end of the city to another to deliver a love-letter, grab a sandwich, and pick up their laundry while youre at it. Dont bother actually fighting crime, just go talk to somebody. Then come all the way back. And make it fast, lackey. Also known as Courier Duty, Pizza Delivery, and Time Waster.
FF: Founders Fall
FFS: For f**ks sake
FFXI: Final Fantasy XI (a MMORPG)
FH: Fast Healing
Flame war- A thread that devolves into players mostly arguing through their posts.
Flame: To insult someone in a harsh manner
Flamer: Short for f**king lamer, someone who frequently picks arguments on a forum, creates upset, or insults those posting.
Fort: Fortitude
FOTM: Flavor of the month (usually referring to the popular build)
Freak(s): Freakshow
G RA: Gather for Recovery Aura!
G2G: Good to go
Ganger: See Criminal.
Gangster: See Criminal.
Gather: A command from a PC indicating that teammates should gather near to receive a buff (healing, accuracy, defense, etc.)
GC: Galaxy City
GF: Girlfriend
GG: Good game.
Ghost- sending a stealthed player through the mission to only go for the objectives to complete the mission quickly.
GJ: Good job
GJT: Good job, team
GM: Game Master
Grats: Congratulations (usually on leveling)
Gratz: Congratulations (usually on leveling)
Green: An NPC reasonably lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Respite inspiration
Griefer: A player who seems to derive enjoyment from lowering the enjoyment of others.
GTG: Good to go
GTT: Going to Trainer
Guide to Jargon and Abbreviations v 2.0
H8: Hate
H9: Uncommon; used to represent a stronger form of hatred than that represented by h8.
Hami-O: A Hammidon-Origin Enhancement.
Hammy: Hammidon, an arch villain
HDMALITD: How does my a$$ look in this dress?
Hell: Any blue cave mission.
HO: Hamidon Origin Enhancement
Hold aggro: Keeping the focus of an opponent on yourself and away from your teammates
HQ: Headquarters
HUD: Heads up display
IBTD- I beat the deletion. Stated when a hot topic most likely to incite a flame war or that just goes against forum rules such as calling out devs or players.
IBTL: In Before the Lock. Used to indicate that a poster on a thread believes that the thread is in imminent peril of being locked by forum moderators.
IC: In character. (See also, OOC)
IDK: I Dont Know
IH: Instant Healing
IIRC: If I recall correctly
Illinois Nazis: 5th Column
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
Inc!: Incoming enemies
Insp: Inspiration
INT: Integration
INV: Invulnerability; also, a request, meaning, Please invite me to join your team
IO: Invention Origin Enhancement
IP: Independence Port
IRL: In Real Life
IYKWIM: If you know what I mean
IYKWIMAITYD: If you know what I mean, and I think you do
J/K: Just kidding
J00: Pronounced Jew, but not meant as a racial slur or derogatory comment; commonly used in place of you.
Kill Steal: To defeat an opponent that was engaged by another player, without first obtaining that players permission.
Kite: To run around holding the attention of a mob by staying out of melee range and using ranged attacks.
KR: Kings Row
kthxbi: Okay, Thanks, Bye!
L33T: The common term for the abbreviation and butchering of the English language by a vast majority of on-line gamers. l33t uses many numbers and symbols in it and commonly
Lamer: Someone who is lame, or does something cheaply.
LCTMS: Lost connection to mapserver
LD: Link dead; disconnected.
Lewtz: Loot or in game items that are considered nice.
LFG: Looking for group
LFT: Looking for team
LFTF: Looking for Task Force
LIFC: Like I f**king care
LK- the villain version of a sidekick, a higher level player pairs up with a lower level player so that the lower player fights as if they are one level lower than the higher player
Lock Down: See Lock.
Lock: Any action that prevents an NPC from being able to do anything, including attack.
LOL: Laughing out loud
LOTG: Luck of the Gambler
Lt: Lieutenant
LVL: Level
Main: A player's primary character; that is, the character the player plays most of the time. Almost always the highest level character on an account.
Meat shield: Slang for a tanker
Mez: Mesmerized
MF (Malefactor): When a higher level player pairs with a lower level player so that the higher player can fight at the lower level.
MG: Midnight Grasp
Mish: Mission
MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
Mob: An NPC, short for mobile object
Mod: A board moderator.
MoG: Moment of Glory
MT: Miss tell (a message sent to the wrong window or person)
MUD: Multi User Dungeon, a type of text-based multiplayer game.
N00B: Someone who is annoying, stupid, or refuses to learn
Nerf: To alter a class or ability to reduce its power (ostensibly to restore or preserve balance).
Nerfbat: A euphemism. That powers way too cool. Here comes the nerfbat!
Newb: Same as n00b
Newbie: Someone new to the game
NFI: No f**king idea
NP: No problem
NPC: Nonplayer character
Nrg: Energy
Nuke: Damage ability
NWN: Neverwinter Nights, a single- or multiplayer game based on AD&D.
OIC: Oh I See
OMG: Oh my god
OMW: On my way
OOC: Out of Character. This is sometimes indicated by typing text in double parenthesis: ((Cat fell out of the window! BRB!))
OOE: Out of Endurance
OOR: Out of Range
OP: Original Poster (used in forums to refer to the first poster in a thread)
OTW: On the way
Own: To lay waste to an enemy or having your butt kicked.
PA: Phantom Army
PBAE: Point blank area effect
PBAoE: Point blank area of effect
PC: Player character
Pet: An NPC that is controlled by you or another NPC.
PG: Petrifying Gaze
Ph4t: phat, a commonly used term in hip-hop meaning nice.
Phuque: Sexual intercourse
PILL, people.
Pills: Inspirations
PIMP: Peeing in my pants
PiTA: Pain in the A$$
PK: Player killer
PL: Power Level. To level as quickly as possible, with outside assistance.
Plz: Please
Port: Teleport
PP: Perez Park; Paragon Protector; Power Pool
PPL: People
Proc: An invention invention enhancement that gives a power a chance to inflict an additional secondary effect, such as the Sting of the Manticore set's Chance for Toxic damage enhancement.
PST: Please Send Tell
PuG: Pick-Up Group
Pull: To hit a specific opponent, in order to begin combat with either just it, or it and a group of opponents near it.
Purps: Luck inspirations; also, enemies that con purple.
PvE: Player versus environment (NPC)
PvL: Player versus Lag. (Rumor has it that this will soon replace both PvE and PvP as Statesmans idea of Fun evolves.)
PvP: Player versus player
Pwn: To own strongly (see own)
PWND: Owned
QFT: Quoted for Truth
QR: Quick Recovery
r0x0rz!: L33t for Rocks! As in, OMG! This game r0x0rz!
RA: Recovery Aura
RAWR: Look at me/us kick a$$
RC: Reconnect
Rdy: Ready
Real Life: A myth. A synthetic world designed to distract you from the reality that is Paragon City. A crutch for those who cannot handle being in the game all the time. Take the BLUE
Recon: Reconstruction
Red: An NPC higher than you; more rarely, used to refer to an enrage inspiration.
Regen: Regeneration
replaces the letter s with the letter z.
Resp: Respite inspiration
Rez: To resurrect or revive a player
Rgr: Roger
RL: Real life, as in, the life you live in the real world.
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
ROFLMAOWCSFMN: rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off with coke spewing from my nose
ROFLMFAO: rolling on the floor laughing my f**king a$$ off
Root: A power that immobilizes an opponent so that they cannot move; the use of such a power.
RP Nazi: Someone who forces roleplaying on others and believes their way is the only way, often causing others (even other roleplayers) grief and aggravation.
RP: Roleplay, to play out the personality and actions of your character.
RPer: A roleplayer; someone who roleplays.
RSF: Recluse Strike Force
RTFM: Read the f**king manual
RTM: Read the manual
Runner: An NPC that (for whatever reason) bolts from the group; runners tend to fetch help.
SB: ShadowBane (a MMORPG)
SC: Steel Canyon
SG: Super Group; also, Smoke Grenade
SJ: Super Jump
SK: Sidekick
Sky: skyraiders
Sky: Skyway City
SM: Shadow Maul
Snare: A power that reduces the speed of an opponent; the use of such a power.
SnD: Seek & destroy; for those missions where the PC must find and defeat x of a specific type of NPC.
SO: Single origin enhancement
SoL: Sh*t out of luck
SP: Shadow Punch
Spawn: The mechanism by which NPC villains reappear in the game world.
SS: Super Speed
[censored]: Shut the phuque up
Supercrack: Endurance
SWG: Star Wars Galaxies, a MMORPG
Talos: Talos Island
Tank: To engage in hand-to-hand combat in a manner designed to keep the attention of the enemies on yourself, rather than on weaker teammates.
Tard: An abbreviated form of retard or retarded. An insult.
Taxi: A request, meaning I need a teleport to your location
TD: Targeting Drone
Threadjack: When a forum thread is brought off topic into sometimes a completely unrelated subject.
THX: Thanks
TI: Talos Island; Temp Invulnerability
Toon: PC character
TP: Teleport
TPK: Total party kill
TPW: Total party wipe
Train: A group of NPCs in pursuit of a single PC.
Tram: The tram/railway/line station
TS: Team Speak
TT: Tenebrous Tentacles
TV: Terra Volta
Twink: An alternate character, particularly one given assistance from a higher level friend.
TXS: Thanks
TY: Thank you
Uber/ub3r: From the German über (over), used today to mean extremely strong or good.
UO: Ultima Online, a MMORPG
US: Unyielding Stance
Vahz: Vahzilok
w00t: Cool
wife aggro: Self-explanatory.
woot: Cool
WoW: World of Warcraft (a MMORPG)
WTF: What the f**k?
WTG: Way to go!
WW: Wentworth's
XP: Experience
Yellows: Insight inspirations
YMMV: Your mileage may vary
Zerg: To run into battle without any plan or tactic. Derived from the Zergling Rush Strategy in Star Craft which involved a massive all-in attack of very cheap and quickly created units to swarm over your opponent.
Zone!: Yelling this during combat means to flee to the nearest zone line or, in the case of indoor missions, to run out the door.
Zone line: Area where you exit the current part of town to enter another
Zone: A specific area within the game
Zoning: The process of moving from one zone to another
Zzz: Shorthand for sleeping and used to indicate that youve been held, stunned, or mezzed.