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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
    At some point a long time from now you'll realise how utterly ludicrous it is to be trying an email campaign to Valve, so they'll use their own money to brawl over City of Heroes with NCSoft because you emailed them a bit.
    Yes, yes. We all know it's a long shot. But do you know what kind of shot we have if we do nothing? If you said NO SHOT AT ALL, ding ding ding, you win!

    I emailed them because why the hell not? They can use some of that mind boggling wealth to take the company time to read my email.
  2. What are some good ways to have an NPC ally meet a dramatic but unavoidable death in AE? (Without having him turn on the PC's, that is.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Going forward from October you will receive your Paragon Points on your game account's billing date as long as you maintain VIP status.
    My billing date is the last day of the month (September 30 in this case). Does that mean I will not receive my Paragon Point allotment until my October billing date? I am a VIP subscriber, but I have not, as of yet, received any Paragon Points for this month.
  4. I'm not going for a challenge arc...at this point the only EB left in the mish is the final boss. One EB in a 41 - 50 arc doesn't make it a challenge arc, does it? Or does it?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    *Morality. I like an arc to choose a morality and go with it full throttle.
    What I wanted to present with this arc was a rogue cell of a "good" faction, in this case Longbow, doing something extremely crappy. I like stories where the bad guys are forced to confront something so nasty they wind up playing hero, and where the good guys tumble over the edge of the moral event horizon. I can't really make the arc more "villainous" without a very substantial rewrite. I do find that villain-oriented players really hate Longbow, though. I've had some good feedback from villain players who enjoyed the scenario because their violence against Longbow was entirely justified.

    *Archvillains, EBs and Extreme Elite Bosses? There's a lot of players who wouldn't even look at your arc based on that (I'm normally one of them but I'm making an exception because I'm feeling helpful today).
    Noted. I could bust the EB's down to plain old bosses and un-extreme them. I wouldn't want to reduce the final boss to less than EB, though; I mean, he IS the final boss. It would be nice to have an option where the final boss spawns as an AV for people who like fighting AV's, but an EB or even a regular boss for everyone else.

    *The customs look good. It's questionable, given their background, if they should be this strong, though. Look at similar-background critters in the game (e.g. Infected).
    That's a valid point about their power level, and one I have considered. Random zombie types shouldn't necessarily present a challenge for top-tier characters, it's true. However, all of my earlier AE arcs were designed for low level toons, and people just ignored them. I'd have a lowbie arc up for months and months and get five or six plays. What feedback I did receive consisted of the occasional "I'd prefer an arc for my high level toons" comment. This arc is by far the most widely played of any I've published. I have, however, thought of replacing Malta with a 1 - 50 faction to render the arc playable at any level...but what other faction would a rogue Longbow cell hire to help do their dirty work?

    *First mission outtro text has an error: "IGive me the camera".
    Thanks for spotting that...corrected.

    *Second mission gave me a tough time in the final sewer room (I seemed to pull the entire room down on my head at once) but I survived. I like that I didn't have to take the hostage to the entrance. The Malta were tougher than usual; were those customs or am I paranoid?

    *Third mission gave me a good scare in the last room as well fighting Longbow and Malta simultaneously, but I came through without defeat.
    The Malta aren't customs...but Malta is a tough faction under any circumstances. That room is a problem that I'm not sure how to solve. I definitely want to use that map for mission two, but the mobs tend to spawn close in that final room, and people do report a lot of chain aggro in there.

    I'm definitely never creating a mission where you have to escort a hostage, or where the mission can be failed because an NPC aggroed some huge mob and got killed. That's just never fun.

    The end of mission three can also get rough, although I do find it a bit more manageable given the doors. If I remove Malta from the arc, though, I'll pick a new map for that mish.

    *Final mission. Why are there multiple Dr. Jennings? And they have "This civilian is in over his head" as a description. Final fight was once again a scramble, but made it through undefeated. Why is Longbow involved? Arc didn't explain their involvement very well as far as I noticed.
    Jennings is supposed to be a unique boss and was originally set as such...I didn't know he was spawning multiple times. Perhaps somewhere in one of the endless AE updates his status box got involuntarily unchecked. There should definitely only be one of him. Thanks for pointing it out...he should be fixed now. Also, his description should read something like, "This civilian is neither hapless nor in over his head." That part is just me trying to be cute.

    Did Veluta's mission four text inadequately explain the Longbow involvement? The LB in the arc are a renegade faction trying to apply what is essentially an insane solution to the Rogue Isles "problem": Unleash a horrible mutagen and turn everyone in Etoile into zombies and boom, no more troubles with Arachnos. Perhaps the final boss could explain this more clearly as part of his battle text.

    I should probably add a bit more in-mission expository dialogue shedding light on the plot. The rescued scientists could talk a lot more about it, stuff like this: "That Longbow commander is crazy! He wanted us to bioengineer a virus to destroy the Rogue Isles! He hired Malta (or whomever I replace them with, if I do) to help him spread it!"

    Thanks again for your input, I found it very helpful. I'm going to try to downgrade the arc's difficulty a bit and add more exposition.
  6. Thanks for your input and your rating. I'll take on your questions point for point when I get home from work, but for the short term I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you taking a look at the arc.

    One other question I do have for you and for anyone else who might try the arc: how was the ticket output? The arc is not a farm but I hope it's tossing out a reasonable number of tickets.
  7. Arc number: 431018
    Level range: 45 - 50
    Number of maps: 4
    Overall length: Medium (The maps are all pretty short.)

    It should be worth mentioning that this thread, like any thread of this type, is SPOILERS AHOY. Can't discuss the arc without getting into its plot.

    I am very interested in constructive criticism of this arc. In terms of plotline it's nothing extraordinary; a viral mutagen has been released in the Rogue Isles and the villains have to stop robbing and murdering each other for a bit to step in and deal with it. It's holding at four stars and I'd like to know what it takes to get a non-farm arc up to a solid five.

    Early player criticisms have mostly focused around the custom critters. At first the maps were loaded with spines and thorns enemies, at least half of whom had a poison secondary. The heavy def / res debuffs could kill any but the most ludicrously jacked up tanks on higher diffs. I've since throttled the customs back considerably; I've added many more minion and lieutenant types so the spines and thorns users are fewer, and the only critter now with the poisons secondary is a single type of LT who has a dark green skin tone for easy identification.

    The arc is meant to be at least somewhat challenging; it can't be soloed with just any toon out of your inventory. Solo squishies are in for a very rough time. I feel that making the arc so easy that a level 6 dominator can solo it would render it pointless, though. So, if you're willing, give my little arc a run and please let me know what you think!
  8. My first 50 was an elec / elec brute, and I had a lot of fun with that toon. I didn't try to tank, though...I viewed the toon as a specialist of sorts. My job on the team was to take on problem children like Mus and Malta Sappers, which I could do with impunity since I was all but immune to END drain. I was also strong against energy-slinging opponents. Getting surrounded by a bunch of Warriors, though, that could be a problem.

    Electric Armor's KB resistance is dependent on having your feet on the ground, so if you want this toon to fly -- as most electric-based concepts seem to -- then you might have a problem with the set.

    Electric melee is a fun set with a lot of AOE potential. I did skip Charged Brawl in favor of Boxing so I could pick up Tough, though. That helped the toon's survivability more than a little.

    My basic notion was to avoid mass aggro, instead to use the toon to surgically remove certain threats from mobs, and barring that, to follow up the "tankier" brutes with my collection of AOE's. It worked out well and made the toon fun to play.

    The fun factor of all toons pretty much comes down to how you use them. If you charge mobs and draw alpha with your controller you might not have a lot of fun, unless you really dig faceplanting. With elec / elec you won't be tanking huge mobs, but once you figure out what makes you effective it's a very workable set.
  9. ...are fun and all, and they finally give scrappers a comic book fist fighting style apart from Dark Melee. However, all the attacks seem to come off the right hand, at least that I've seen. It makes the set look odd and lopsided, especially compared to the new SS animations. Am I missing something here? Will left hand variants be added in eventually?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    I thought I'd be unusual in this regard, but I keep running into other folks who're coming form the same place: not really MMO players, but have comfortably settled into CoH, and have been here for a while.
    I fit that mold. The only other MMO I've ever tried was the 10 day WoW demo, with which I was deeply and sincerely unimpressed. Otherwise it's only CoX for me.

    I'm not heavily into the in-game market -- messing with it intensively is just not fun to me -- but I don't see CO having a direct effect apart from drawing players away from CoX. From what I've seen so far the players who are leaving either want greater power customization options or they just want to play with a newer toy. I don't think the farmers will bother with it much until they're sure they can make a profit off of the thing.

    From what I've seen so far CoX server population has been down lately...how much of that is the CO beta and how much is a natural lull I'm unsure.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    On a slightly on-topic note (I know, I know, but I swear I won't make an habit of it...), today's Backward Compatible strip deals with CO...
    The strip's not funny -- Backward Compatible never is -- but I see the point they're trying to make.
  12. I get the feeling NCSoft is taking a wait-and-see approach with CO. I expect they don't want to spend money on engine upgrades or whatever until they see how much the game cuts into their player base.

    I'm in wait-and-see mode on CO myself. I like the idea of a highly customizable power structure and the ability to throw cars and such is something that CoX really needs. However, I despise cel shading and I'm leery of Emmert's constant references to God of War and consoles in general when he discusses the game. (Did you see the one interview where Emmert promised that CO would have button mashing, as if that's a good thing?)

    I'll happily download the trial version of CO (if there is one), but I am not preordering. CO has many trials to face. Will it find an audience? Is it too customizable for the average class-and-level MMO player? Will the nerfs be brutal? If it underperforms will Atari step in and start meddling?

    In a perfect world CO will find its niche without killing CoX, but forcing CoX to up its game to remain competitive.

    Then there's DCUO. My prediction for that one is it will fail straight out of the starting gate. With CoX and CO already at the table, how much of the superhero MMO pie is gonna be left to go around?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Twice as many people? C'mon, we all know there aren't that many people playing villains.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the benefit of anyone and everyone reading, there is a simple solution to that problem: play more villains. Get your friends to play villains. Blueside has enough warm bodies; give evil a try for once.
  14. There seems to be a trend here. GA, Charter, Virtue and Champion...no dice. Can get on Triumph, though.
  15. High level noobs don't bother me, that's what the kick button is for. My only beef with Farmitect Entertainment is the insane amount of spam it generates on the broadcast channel. Nothing else about AE bothers me. I think it needs its own chat subheader on the main pane, right there with local, broadcast, team, etc. There will be a transition period where people learn to use the new channel, but frankly, unless AE gets nerfed to the point where nobody uses it anymore the spam is gonna keep on rolling. Might as well give it someplace to spill off to.
  16. Electric_Requiem

    Pool powers

    Personally, I think making the Fighting pool and certain temp powers available would be a good idea...not as a third available set, but as a replacement for a custom critter's primary or secondary power sets.

    I want to create a low level arc revolving around gangbangers that are more realistic than the very four-color Hellions and Skulls...a gritty, street level kind of story. However, attempting to design these character types with the existing sets is daunting. You wind up with a bunch of assault rifle minions without melee secondaries (since customs can't have two weapons), and it doesn't have the feel I want. I want my little gangstas pulling out cheap Saturday night specials, not military hardware. The AK's are for the lieuts and bosses to carry. I also want them to carry melee weapons as backups. It's hard to create customs that have both ranged and melee capabilities who don't look superpowered.

    To this end it would be nice to have temp powers like Revolver, Shotgun, Hatchet, Sledgehammer, and so forth usable by custom critters...again, as a replacement for either the primary or secondary power sets. It would also be helpful to have Fighting available to create slightly tougher thugs.
  17. Might be a good idea to define things like filling and midding for new players. When I first started I had no clue what any of that stuff meant.
  18. I would think that anyone who frivolously abused a delete / ignore / report button would themselves wind up a target for a ban; I'm going to hope the devs wouldn't implement a feature like that without first considering the consequences.

    Needless to say, we'll never be completely rid of spam. These people sit around all day trying to find ways around the restrictions placed on them. It's a shame that all of their creative energy can't be turned toward more constructive ends; if the sum total of human endeavor that is spent scamming for money could be altered into something useful we'd have the cure for cancer by now.

    Thanks to the influence peddlers I never join or fill for farm teams; I always worry I'd be helping some spammer do his thing.