What will be the effect of Champions Online on the CoX market?

Abigail Frost



Subject says it all, predictions anyone?



I don't think CO's going to have nearly the impact on the City population as some people seem to be expecting.

So my guess is the effect will be negligible.

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I'm not sure how it would affect it period. At worst some people will leave either permanently or temporarily (more likely the second) and at worst demand and supply will both lessen

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Are vet/hard-core players more or less likely to go over to CO? If all the farmers head over there, the effect on the market will be quite large.

I'm a vet player but not hard-core. I won't be going over to CO because I want to stay married :-) (My CoX addiction is at manageable levels :-)

Another question is whether the marketeers staying here can do something to prop up the economy when the exodus comes....?



I'm guessing it'll be minimal. I haven't seen a huge "I'm leaving for CO" movement.


Also on Steam



I tend to agree... I think it will be very minimal... I believe "Going Rogue" will have a more significant impact to the market than CO will ever have, IMO....

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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by COTCaveHater View Post
Are vet/hard-core players more or less likely to go over to CO?
That's a very broad group, with many differing preferences represented... but... I think, as a whole, vets will be less likely to migrate.

CO, despite the obvious similarities to this game, offers a very different type of experience in many key ways. If we assume that vets enjoy the City experience--I think that's a reasonable assumption, because they are, after all, vets--I can't help but think that at least one of the ways in which CO drastically differs will probably be a turn-off for most of them.

Take me, for example. I've seen CO gameplay, and I think the animation looks awful. It's all jerky and twitchy and reeks of staccato button-mashing. No thanks. Another deal-breaker for me is that it's geared for console.

(Then there's the Emmert/Gecko factor, but that's likely a non-issue for most people).

Point is, I've been here 5 years. I'm obviously comfortable with this game. Something that gets me to leave would have to hit most of the same important notes. CO hits several different notes. If someone really thinks that CO's way is the better way, wouldn't they have dropped this game a while ago for something closer to CO?

An exception to the general rule: I think CO might draw away the PVPers, but, at this point, would any of us really notice?

Another question is whether the marketeers staying here can do something to prop up the economy when the exodus comes....?
If an exodus comes that is of a significant enough size to matter... which I think is a very big if... I don't think marketeers will be able to do anything other than what they do already: adapt to the changing dynamics.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
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I may be in the minority on this, but I actually consider the business ethics of a company when I am considering where to spend my money. I don't give my money to a certain large well-known store chain because they have decided to back a political initiative that I am very much opposed to. I don't spend money at a certain convenience store (especially for gas) because a large portion of that money is going to go to a communist country which is no friend to the US.

Now, that being said...

A few months ago, Cryptic displayed their own business ethics when they decided to market within the CoX forums and within the game itself. This action put them on the exact same level as the in-game spammers who send endless messages in illegible English advertising cheap money. Their public apology clearly shows that, even after the uproar, they consider it a joke, and fail to comprehend what is wrong with what they did.

I feel, at this point, it is safe to say that Cryptic will never again see one penny from my pocket. I will not buy nor subscribe to CO or any other Cryptic product, ever again. They have shown their true colors, and I say, "Thanks, but no thanks".

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Im going with the minimal effect. Maybe a few weeks with a reduced supply/demand, but likely thats going to remain more or less balanced.

Of course any effect is going to be swamped by the I16 changes.

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it will hurt me on a personal/player level because a few long time players that have become friends will be leaving to Champions. I have seen them less and less and the Beta comes on more and more and the feedback that they are telling me is that they are excited about the game.



(Then there's the Emmert/Gecko factor, but that's likely a non-issue for most people).
Here lies the issue for me. Super-hero MMO? I'm immediately interested. I've pre-ordered just so I can get some time in beta and decide if it's worth a lifetime sub or not. If I like it, I'll lifetime it, and end up playing there and here. If the beta doesn't impress me, I'll let it simmer for a year and try again later. My biggest concern with the game is how will Emmert mess it up after release, but I'm still willing to give it a shot up front.


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Originally Posted by COTCaveHater View Post
Are vet/hard-core players more or less likely to go over to CO? If all the farmers head over there, the effect on the market will be quite large.

I'm a vet player but not hard-core. I won't be going over to CO because I want to stay married :-) (My CoX addiction is at manageable levels :-)

Another question is whether the marketeers staying here can do something to prop up the economy when the exodus comes....?
Honestly, the big issue with leaving for CO is the gameplay experience is totally different. Some might leave..but the vast majority of people who enjoy the CoH gameplay will not be entirely pleased with CO's far more WoW with superpowers style gameplay.

Most of us hate fetch quests and "kill x number of mobs" or "get x number of drops off so and so mob"

Not to mention..the WoW factor figures into this.

and by that, I mean 2 things.

1: WoW (or CoH in this case) has a very devoted and hardcore fanbase
2: WoW (or CoH once again) does not have the most strenuous graphical requirements. someone with an older computer can get it to run halfway decently. This is not the case with CO

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I don't think it'll make any more difference than other relatively slight seasonal fluctuations in population. A minor decrease in supply, slight price fluctuations...nothing on par with internal disruptions like the release of a new issue.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Im going with the minimal effect. Maybe a few weeks with a reduced supply/demand, but likely thats going to remain more or less balanced.

Of course any effect is going to be swamped by the I16 changes.
I'm going with this.

Curiosity may kill the cat, but it also messes with server load.

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I'd wager that the CO -beta- has a bigger impact on the game than the actual release of CO. Just about everyone I know has preordered in order to play the beta and determine whether they're interesting in buying the game, particularly since the lifetime offer.

I understand that the approach that CO took is totally different than the CoX approach. Having just returned after a year or so playing other stuff, I have to say that despite AE and the necessity of the market, I'm enjoying CoV more than ever - but I'm still planning on taking a week or so off and trying the beta.

One of the biggest differentiators for CoX is the depth of the mechanics, which seems to be sorely lacking in CO. There's only so much you can do with a handful of powers, and I'm not convinced that I'm interested in doing all of it - but I'll still be investing in that unlimited lifetime account, even if it's only as a form of real-world marketeering. If it's being released for the xbox it's likely to be released under 'games for windows live' - which means it would have to be as terrible as the shadowrun game in order to fail, since Microsoft is backing it.



My thoughts on it are similar to RagManX's.

I'll take a peek a the beta (along with the same friend of mine who got me
into CoX way back when).

I too am concerned about the "Emmert Effect", though, for the moment,
it's a "new shiny" to dabble with.

The game itself will determine whether I migrate or not - I won't "lifetime"
in any case, simply because I'm not into that particular business model.

Most likely, I would expect to sub for a few months (if I like it), and then
decide 6 months or so down the road whether to stay here or there (I
only plan on keeping one of them).

As for market effect? I'm guessing it would be minimal. I'd suspect that
few folks would cancel here while scoping out CO beta, so presumably,
the only change might be a dip in transaction volume.

After that, again, it would depend on how good CO is before I'd expect
any significant migration.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I guess we will see some accident bids (1m instead of 100k etc.) by people who think back at their 5 minutes in Millenium City while typing and burst out laughing (that was my reaction when I entered the beta and saw the running, jumping and basic fighting animations for the first time ...).
But it will all be back to normal in about 1 - 1,5 years when the CO servers go down.




Originally Posted by Hart View Post
If it's being released for the xbox it's likely to be released under 'games for windows live' - which means it would have to be as terrible as the shadowrun game in order to fail, since Microsoft is backing it.
I admit that I haven't been keeping a very close eye on CO, I tohught it was a PC based game, not an Xbox game, how odd.

I couldn't imagine playing a MMO with an xbox controller. all the typing and all...

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I will wait until 'gold' status, then get a trial, if they have one, if only to see two things:

Tunnelling travel power.
Swinging travel power.

Except for those, I'm not all that interested... I don't like the graphics so much, actually... so I'll likely not be bothering. Not that my puny single voice has anything to do with it.

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Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012




Hey guys? Emmert's not working on CO anymore. He hasn't been for a while. He's been doing STO for the last few months at least.

That being said I don't think CO will have an appreciable effect on the CoH population or its markets. I know some people who are leaving for CO, and some will probably be back (at least I hope so) but most of my in-game friends are staying.

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I predict less disruption than a new issue release here. Personally, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. The Smiling Jack effect and the whole concept of engineered for console play are both big turnoffs. I do not and will not own a console system. Not to mention that Jack's name on the cover leaves me cold.

Regardless of what happens, those that remain will find a way to adapt and prosper under any market changes, just like we always do.

M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



I predict the whiners will be more silent than usual. Freedom might be tolerable for a week.

I've had so many bad experiences with MMOs at launch, ironically excluding CoH, that I just don't bother until at least a month later.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Hey guys? Emmert's not working on CO anymore. He hasn't been for a while.
But he did work on it--I think it's safe to say his vision is part of the foundation--and he's still the High Up at Cryptic.

Also, unless I've heard wrong, Gecko is now the one heading up CO development... which, to me, is just as bad, if not worse.

Edited to add: And I'm very sad for STO as well.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



What kills it for me is that its on the console as well.

Everytime I have bought a game that was also available on console I always end up disappointed. While the games are fun they do lack depth.



Originally Posted by Hell_Jumper View Post
it will hurt me on a personal/player level because a few long time players that have become friends will be leaving to Champions. I have seen them less and less and the Beta comes on more and more and the feedback that they are telling me is that they are excited about the game.
Kay. while I pity you..i'm on the opposite boat. I have zero friends even remotely interested in jumping ship.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

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