What will be the effect of Champions Online on the CoX market?

Abigail Frost



I'm not much of a marketeer myself, but most everything I've read in this thread, along with what I know about CO, pretty much tells me (my intuition, at least, which has become pretty accurate) that CO will have absolutely no effect on CoX's market, at least in the long run. We may find a little dip as things go on, but I'm firmly of the opinion (YES, THIS IS MY *OPINION*) that CO will not be capable of competing successfully with CoX. It's like an upstart grocery chain trying to truly compete with Wal-mart. Coming from a small town, I've seen many relatively local (regional, as opposed to world-wide) try to compete with Wally World, and fail. At best, they can only hope to survive against their competition, and it's very unlikely that they will ever be capable of truly affecting Wal-Marts business and profits.

I see the Superhero/villain genre as being a rather small town, so to speak. There aren't a lot of people out there who would be interested in the genre (however, with Marvel's movie plans, that number is growing), so those people have to choose between the relative giant of the genre, CoX, being able to offer them perhaps not a better price for the same service, but better service for the same price. CO may do well, and I fully support their attempt. I personally won't leave CoX for them, simply because I don't like the idea of starting all over again, while in CoX I have a large number of friends and acquaintances that I can team with just about anytime I want, as well as having access to more than enough funds for my meager needs. Plus, I know this game. I know the powers (for the most part; I can still be surprised at times, which is awesome). To go to another game I'd have to invest time into learning the ins and outs, which just isn't interesting to me. I'm sure there are a number of other players who feel the same way.

My point is, and I suppose this could be the "TL;DR" version: CO will never have the ability to fully compete with CoX. It's coming in behind the times, and will need a good amount of time to catch up to us. And while they are catching up to where we are now, we'll be going full speed ahead. At best they'll break even and turn a little bit of a profit. Will they kill our game? Heck no, I don't think so!


Just my opinion, feel free to disregard...



Hero-side, you are making your profits at the expense of those who give their all defending the city - including you and your right to keep doing so. It's inevitable, so you are right about it being silly to complain, but it *is* immoral.

That's just hilarious.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Snakebit View Post
That's just hilarious.
Like a drunken frat boy.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
What impact would it do the market if the the big players were leaving, and maybe so, putting their shinies back in WW, and/or give them to friends to keep/sell back?

unless i m kept atracted, as a 'big' player, i will move from cox, so here:

I have about 250 shinies, i ll give them to ppl to sell or keep.
(i mean purps, rares, uniques, etc)...

now, say there are 10 of us....(2500 shinies bk on the market)

what would be the impact?

The prices would drop down right away, since both the buyers and sellers would eventually leave.

So, WW could end up with a crafted apocalypse for 40 mill, or less.

That would mean, just in my opinion, the end of the golden age.
Game's launched now, yes? So, what are you "big players" waiting for, exactly?

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