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  1. I need to see if I can remember how to play this game, lol!

    I will attend with Howard Meeks, level 50 Warshade.
  2. I'm sorry, I've been gone -- since when has the Cathedral of Pain been available?!? And does this mean that Items of Power are back in the game?
  3. I didn't read through the entire thread, but I would like to say that this is why I love Justice. =)

    Really, you guys are the best.

    (Sorry, I just got's kind of an emotional time for me, ok?!)
  4. Hey all,

    I'm just that guy that keeps popping in, but never staying; like your neighbor who always says hi and wants to make small talk, but never invites you over for dinner.


    Or something like that. :P At least I'm not your loser brother who sleeps on your couch and eats your food and does nothing but play CoH/V all day, right??

    The time has come for me to return to the City, albeit temporarily. The Marketing Gods have determined that I should be the recipient of a free game time card (good for 30 days), along with a free 30-day Jetpack. Score!! But alas, I am still a poor college student, with no time to play MMOs and no money to pay for them either; and so I will fade away again...but not until September!

    Justicites, how I have missed you all! (Some of you more than others.... >.>)

    Hope to see you in-game soon. =)

  5. Hello Justicites!

    I haven't been around since the last free activation weekend, and haven't really kept up with the forums either...

    I did read the "I miss..." thread and, yes, I miss pretty much all the people mentioned. Heck, I miss you guys who are still here! School and finances are keeping me out of the game for now (funny how those two keep showing up together...), but it's nice to have a Reactivation Weekend so I can pop in and say, Hi!

    How is Justice these days? Besides crazy, I surely hope that hasn't changed...

    Anyhow, hello again, hope to catch some of you in-game!!!

  6. Messanjah


    Well, hello, Justice!!

    I've been gone for a while due to school and stuff. Mostly, I'm not able to afford it anymore and don't have time to play. Sucks.

    Anyway, I'm back for the Reactivation/Double-XP weekend! So, hi to all the people that remember me, hi to all the new people that I haven't met, and hope to see you in-game!

    BTW, any chance of a Hami raid this weekend? And who's been leading those recently, anyway?
  7. Thanks to Quatermain, Electroanagesia, and Heryddan for joining me for Justin Augustine!

    It was fun, even if it was a lot of travel, and now I can say that I've completed all the hero-side TFs on one character!

    It's been great, I'll miss you guys when my account goes byebye.
  8. As the previous round's champion, I wish all participants the best of luck!

    I will be unable to participate as a tagger, given that my account is expiring soon. That said, if you manage to tag me before then, and you would like some tips on tagging others, message me and I'll share my secrets!
  9. Darn. The last Matinee before my account goes *blip* and I'll be at work.

    Have a great vacation, 'bridger, probably won't see me when you get back, but it's been fun playing with you.
  10. Thanks for joining me for Faathim, Arwen and Hery!

    I crashed just as I hit the blue button after we downed Lanaru the Mad.

    Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow for Justin Augustine!
  11. Attempting to form at 8:33 Pacific time.
  12. Well, there was a fire here over the weekend.

    The Jesusita Fire left me displaced until today which left me no chance to get in game.

    Does Tuesday night work for anyone? I'll probably just broadcast in JFA when I'm forming up, but here's a heads up for all you following at home.
  13. Well, since I'm leaving and all, I thought it would be fun to run the only 2 Task Forces that I've never run before on the Blue side before my account expires on the 19th as kind of a "last hurrah" before I disappear for an indeterminate amount of time.

    The 2 TFs are Justin Augustine and Faathim the Kind, both in the Shadow Shard. They award the Protector of Kindness and Slayer of Madness badges, respectively. Augustine awards 35 merits while Faathim gives 55. Both TFs require 8 people and are level 44-50.

    Having never attempted either TF I cannot say for certain, but it appears that Faathim would take significantly longer to complete than Augustine, simply due to the number of merits awarded.

    Here comes the tricky part. I'm not usually available to play during peak hours, or on weekends. This makes running such time and personnel-intensive endeavors more than a little difficult. Hence, I'm seeking out you forum dwellers to see if some advance notice will help. If you'd be interested in helping me complete these two, please reply here.

    I suppose I should let you know the days that I'm available for this sort of thing.

    I have the day off tomorrow (Thursday, 5/6), but I have plans in the evening (I'm on Pacific time). I would have to be finished by 6 PDT.
    I also think I'm available on Sunday night, the 10th. This is Mother's Day, so that could change. If I can play, I could probably start around 6 or 7pm. And then I have Monday off work as well, with class in the evening. So, again, if we were finished by 5-6pm that could work too. Saturday night the 16th is also a maybe.

    So, anyone want to join me for a last hurrah!?
  14. Name: Kilia Zyr
    Global Contact: Messanjah
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Science
    Super Rank & Super Group: Intercessor (founder), Prayer Warriors
  15. Toodles, Lighthouse. Thanks for all your hard work, passion and patience.

    Best of luck to you wherever you end up.
  16. EoE = Essence of Earth

    It's the inspiration that drops from Devouring Earth Monsters that cap resistance to Hamidon damage (resistance cap determined by AT).
  17. Two quickies:
    Under badges, "Justice-Badges" has replaced "Justice Badge".
    And under Hamidon raids, "Justice For All" has replaced "Justice Hamidon".

  18. /signed for all the reasons stated by the OP.
  19. Regarding part C5b: Assault:
    It might be worthwhile to mention the Taunt/Placate resistance that Assault confers. According to City of Data, it's 75.688% from a level 50 Defender. As I do not PvP much, I cannot attest to the accuracy of this data or to the desirability of Taunt and Placate resistance, but I felt it deserved attention.