Discussion: Valentine's Day





last I checked, last thing I really had to pay for was City of Villains back in I6, so the past 5 issues we've received free content.


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Wow. You found a way around the $15 a month subscription fee? Care to share?

Think before you post. Sheesh.

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I find their to be a difference between paying for new content, and paying a subscription fee. Take your own advice.



The costume parts are *gorgeous*. They're not just useful for "wedding" (my god, and you're complaining THEY should come into the 21st century?) - they're viable costumery.

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Maybe I should be more clear: Wedding bimbos without Wedding himbos. Where's the shirtless open formal vest? The tuxedo shorts? The hearts boxers? The fishnet briefs with banana hammock? The bicep leather band? The set of common arm and torso tattoos? The sleeveless formal cuffs? The tights with a tuxedo pattern? The loincloth? The formal shirt open to the navel?

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To be clear, the Ushers won't be available until the scheduled event on the Training Room Test Server only. We will have more information about the event shortly.

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I'm a bit confused. Does this mean that only characters on the test server will be able to do the ushers' missions? Or does it mean that the ushers will first appear on all servers at the same time the wedding is being staged on Test?

Also, while I'm unlikely to be able to make it to the Test event, best Valentine wishes to all attendees from Kid Eros, the Cherubic Champion of Love!

Edit: Woops, missed others asking the same question, but I suppose it bears asking again.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Just upgraded my account with new V-day goodies. Did this while I was logged out. Goodies still not in game. Did I miss something? What category, I'm sure it's Jackets, is the Tux Jack under?

-Confused in the Facemaker!

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

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The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



The costume parts are *gorgeous*. They're not just useful for "wedding" (my god, and you're complaining THEY should come into the 21st century?) - they're viable costumery.

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Maybe I should be more clear: Wedding bimbos without Wedding himbos. Where's the shirtless open formal vest? The tuxedo shorts? The hearts boxers? The fishnet briefs with banana hammock? The bicep leather band? The set of common arm and torso tattoos? The sleeveless formal cuffs? The tights with a tuxedo pattern? The loincloth? The formal shirt open to the navel?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'd buy that.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



On Thursday, February 14th, 2008 Paragon City™ will rejoice in a celebration of love and union between two of its luminary Heroes. Beginning at 3:00PM PST (6:00 PM EST) on the Training Room, and repeating for the next 3 hours, we will present the wedding ceremony live.

[/ QUOTE ]
Geez, guys. I guess you really don't realize how many of your players have day jobs. Honestly, would it have killed you to spend one saturday afternoon at the office? Or is this a subtle form of crowd control, heh.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



I'm honestly not that dissapointed over the Vday thing. The 300 people max special event is a real bummer, I admit. As long as they release a video about it I won't put too much care into it, though. There is still a Vday event going on with other festivities that sound like fun.

The costume package is [censored] awesome. Butt capes + actual capes/wings is FTW.
It is another bummer that it isn't free to the public. It should be, in all honesty. This game's shining light is its amazing character designer, holding back options (packages, vet rewards, Katie hero only hat) makes people sad.

...Unfortunately I'm a complete dope for costumes so I shelled out money without question. Go me.



My Feedback:

Matt and Brian,

I have two accounts. I pay NCSoft $360 a year. If you raised the monthly subscription to $20 a month, I'd pay the extra $120 without blinking. I bought two GvE packages for $20 because it was worth it.

I am severely disappointed in the Valentine Pack. It is not worth $10. It is barely worth $3. Not because the artwork isn't spectacular, it is. But because I expect that artwork for the $360 a year I already pay you. This pack is nowhere near commensurate with the GvE pack.

Also, I do not want to send the message that I'll buy anything you sell. Make it worth real cash, and I'll buy it.

And now, with a heavy sigh, I must bring up again a recurring complaint of mine when I point out that the choice of costumes exhibits your inherent sexism in approaching the game. Wedding. Great. Good for you, boys! Think that up at the kegger? It's disgraceful. (Note I'm not the first to bring this up.) Please join us in the 21st century.

I would love to spend a big chunk of money to reward all of you for a great game. But you put me in a position of also rewarding a paltry goodie package, and possibly, future paltry goodie bags. Sorry, can't do it.

Hopefully, I've addressed this to the right people. We've been told that NorCal is being given a free hand, so, I assume the responsibility of this lies with you and not with Austin.

Peace. -ZM

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I have to totally agree with you. We bought the Good Verses Evil pack for all 5 of my husband and my accts. It had some great benefits. The pocket D pass, jump pak, costume pieces and the ability to only have to buy one game not both. However, we purchased the 9.99 option of that. I would gladly pay that if this expansion had something in it other than costume pieces and 4 lousy emotes.

Add a temp travel power to it that is accessible at lvl 1 and I'll spend $9.99 for it.

Until then I'm asking for people to boycott purchasing this.

If you don't buy it then perhaps they will either lower the price or just put it in for free. This happened when they said they were going to charge a fee for Issue 9, many protested and they decided not to.

I'm already paying $900 a year to play this game (omg I never realized how much it was until i just said that, lol) I don't think asking them to not charge for costumes is asking too much. We got a Valentine's day outfit in the past. Make them costume drops that only drop now. Do something. I think this is ridiculous.



We do pay $15 a month, in theory this goes to pay for content updates. I'm not really taking a side, but there is a reasonable expectation here. If you go in a cruise that promotes "Complementary Buffet!" and then you get to a plate of rather tasty pastries labeled "$5 each" you're going to want to know what's up.

CoH and it's devs should let us know if they plan to change the business model, to what extent, and how it will effect content in the future. Did you hire more people to handle the creation of this new content or if it sells well do you intend to do so? If not, does this mean there will be less costume/animation content for other players as a result?

These are reasonable questions to ask.

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Grand feelings of entitlement, much?

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I'm not sure what you disagree with here, nor why you think you understand my feelings. I'm not against pay-per-patch content at all. Frankly, I think it's a very good idea. I bought the GvE add-on bonus pack thingy and would buy other packages that interest me. I'd buy this one if it had something that interested me.

All I'd like to know is if this represents a shift in their business model. As a customer, I think that's a reasonable request. Not a demand, not a right, a request.

So roll back the hyperbole a bit. No need to overreact whenever someone says something you interpret as contrary to your opinion (especially when it really isn't)



I love this thing. I would have loved it more at $4.99 than at $9.99, but feel no resentment at buying it. For the amount of work that goes into a collection of themed costume parts, I don't mind paying extra since, I agree with several people above, it's not like you haven't also given us more free costume parts than any three other games on the market combined.

(You know what I'd really enthusiastically pay $9.99 for? A Shag costume pack. I've been thinking for weeks about writing that idea up for the Suggestions forum.)

Having bought it though, I do have some costumer's nitpicks. Some of these have also been stated above, but these are my particular issues, in no particular order:

1) The separate-color lace pattern on the skirts is beautiful. It is a crying shame there is no top that can be matched with them. I understand that there's a UI limitation on tops w/skin and a 2nd color. But if we can't get around that, can we at least beg a regular top with the same lace pattern, one that is two-colorable, for making that as a dress? It'd make a great steampunk look.

2) Both male and female, the Bow Tie is available with Jackets, but not with Sleeveless Jackets. Is this a bug?

3) My gut instinct is that not even the most garish prom tux would have the lapel color match the waistcoat color. What I wish Jay had done instead is use a texture to darken the lapels, but otherwise leave them the color of the jacket. The pocket square should match the waistcoat color, but not the lapels. (Although speaking of the lapels, nice geometry on these!)

4) Please tell me that it's a bug that the veil color has to match the hair color?

5) There's an existing problem with the Tuxedo jacket that's even worse with these two new jackets: there are no male pants that come even close to matching them. The regular Pants are the right texture, but obviously jean cut. The Slacks are close to the right cut (although cuffs that big are years out of style, in our world), but not even close to the right texture. (In fact, they're not really the right texture for the Suit jacket, either. They don't really match anything.)

6) None of the gloves patterns go at all well with Hearts Plus. The Bridal w/Lace boots are merely okay with Hearts Plus, and shiny leather is almost okay, but none of them really match either. But then, these are hardly the only Tops w/Skin and Bottoms w/Skin that have this issue; there really aren't any gloves or boots that go at all well with the Metallic costume, either.

7) I can't duplicate it on a from-scratch character, but I had some weird clipping problems with the waistcoat from the two new jackets (sleeveless) and the underlying shirt on my old main character that wouldn't go away until I brought the waist way in.



The costume parts are *gorgeous*. They're not just useful for "wedding" (my god, and you're complaining THEY should come into the 21st century?) - they're viable costumery.

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Maybe I should be more clear: Wedding bimbos without Wedding himbos. Where's the shirtless open formal vest? The tuxedo shorts? The hearts boxers? The fishnet briefs with banana hammock? The bicep leather band? The set of common arm and torso tattoos? The sleeveless formal cuffs? The tights with a tuxedo pattern? The loincloth? The formal shirt open to the navel?

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I'd buy that.

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Me too Sorry for the misunderstanding then

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




I'm a bit troubled over being charged for costume options, emotes, and nothing else. As many others have pointed out, the GvE pack had considerably more content for the same price.

This sort of thing makes me wonder a bit about the direction the game is headed. Will we see more situations where we have to pay for types of content that, until now, have been free? In my opinion, probably. This pack definitely has the feel of a marketing test. Will this become a regular thing? Will the prices change with future releases? Will there be "major" content expansions that are gated by purchase? Who knows? I certainly don't.

This pack does seem like another step toward making CoX more like other MMO's (e.g., a focus on reaching the level cap and doing things once there, an emphasis on "gear" or other character add-ons, and significant purchase-gated content). This isn't necessarily a bad thing; the success of pretty much any other semi-successful MMO shows that it's a viable model for a game. I'm just not sure how much it appeals to me, individually. And this shift of design philosophy may be all in my head, anyway.

And, the biggest question of all, will I buy the V-pack? I'm not sure, because I'm not sure how much I'd use it. As with so many other things, I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



all i have to say about the price is this... and forgive me if it's been said already

are you willing to pay $9.99 for something as cosmetic as a ... character rename??

if so... what's the problem with this??

I personally have no problem paying this price for amazingly awesome exclusive costume pieces

the emotes are just icing on the cake

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Well thats about the best argument I have read. Will I buy it? I don't know. Thinking about it for sure. Doze Toxic TeddyBear would look cute in a tux.

Enjoy your day please.



This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Quick clarification... will the Wedding Pack be in the store for the foreseeable future, or is it a limited edition-type thing?



About the Visa gift-cards, I believe that this issue came up before, and it was posted that they aren't available up here in Canada for whatever reason.

Also, I just checked the Muchmusic - Canada's MTV - website to check whether or not my financial institution had finally signed on with them. Not only has Scotiabank not signed on, they are not taking any new applications as of this moment.

And I agree, NCSoft giftcards would be fantastic.

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Actually you can buy the Visa Gift Cards at Safeways

Enjoy your day please.



Anyone else have an issue trying to get more then one code? My sisters account is on my master account and I cant get a 2nd code for her.



I do like the new Costume pieces, I wish it was possible to get a "Veteran's Pack" and just replace all of the veteran rewards with Respec and Costume Tokens. Maybe the odd rename or sever transfer token.

Jay/Devs at large is there any way for the Jacket sleeves to be added to the sleeves for Trenchcoats? Or add the trenchcoat in with the regular jackets (once it's unlocked of course). I ask because it would really be nice to have the Deluxe Tuxedo sleeves with the regular trench coat.

There are issues with recoloring the inside tail of the Tuxedo as in it's not possible to do unless you force the color to copy across the whole toon.

I'm not going to gripe about the price or what you do or don't get with it. I do wish the stuff you do sell seperately not be as glitchy/buggy as this. I love CoH/V but sometimes it has a real "beta test" feel to it.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



Badge! Badge! Badge!
Come on guys! join in!

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No thanks. There's already one can of worms being opened with charging for costumes and emotes. If they threw in a badge with it, it would open up a whole new can of worms with accusations of trying to extort money from badge hunters.

IMHO, given that they're going to charge for something, this is exactly the right way to have done it. Maybe throw in some kind of prestige power, but certainly not a badge. I didn't like the RMT for the VIP badges, and I wouldn't like it if they did it again.

As for the event itself, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be there.

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This is exactly why I didn't put a badge in this pack.

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While I understand and applaud your decision not to extort money from the "badge hunters" you are EXTORTING money from those clothes whores of the game. The GvE add-on for what NCSoft offered in it was reasonable. It offered 2 Temp Powers and cost the same as you are offering this add-on for.

My wife and I have 5 accounts. I have been playing this game for over 42 months. Two of my accounts have the 42 month rewards, One has the 39 month rewards. My wife's accounts have the 33 month and 30 month rewards.

I am very disappointed that NCSoft has decided to devote time to SELL an add-on like this when in past Valentines events costume pieces we're EARNED in missions.

You want to sell an add-on pack? Offer something in it that enhances game play more than just visually. Temp Travel, Attack Power, Temp Defense, Rez Power, Etc.

Perhaps your staff needs to re-channel its efforts into fixing those items which are broken in game and have been for quite some time. Catherdral of Pain, Robo Surgery, Toggles Dropping when leaving missions, Fixing the Eden TF, etc.

My wife and I love this game and we have the past add-ons on each of our 5 accounts. (DVD collectors edition and GvE) but honestly unless the price is lowered on this or something is added to it, it really isn't worth it. In addition, our OSHA Academy SG members on EVERY US Server feel the very same way. Seems to me that looking at this thread NCSoft missed the mark this time.

Better luck next time.



This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Quick clarification... will the Wedding Pack be in the store for the foreseeable future, or is it a limited edition-type thing?

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It was stated somewhere that the wedding pack won't be a limited time expansion. So you should be able to pick it up later on.

After I played around with it, I'm wondering if we'll see a flood of Goths in black wedding gowns.

Shame we can't do 2 color on the top. Could have tried for a more lolita goth look.



A thought occurs: (And I don't feel like reading all 27 pages to this point so my apologies if this has been brought up already...) the 100 person limit... is that per-server or gamewide? The reason I ask is... could this possibly be a veiled (No pun intended) attempt at testing out a cross-server functionality on the sexy new server hardware? Or, will they be going to each server in order and acting out the ceremony or what?

I don't know but it'd be pretty neat if this were a prelude to a "serverless" experience that was alluded to a while back.

PS I'm not really interested in the new emotes / costumes so I won't be spending my cash on it but more power to ya'll that are.

SNAFU Entropy Ripple
MR NotSoFurious
Geen Machine
Geen Evolution
Zero Gia
To Serve Man
Desk Jockey
Doc Geen
Mr Derby
Wings For Marie
Sound Tech



Anyone else have an issue trying to get more then one code? My sisters account is on my master account and I cant get a 2nd code for her.

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I had to use a second card to get a second code. Tried several times with the original. Don't know what that'll mean for my 3rd account which also has a couple of characters that want a couple of the pieces.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Click here to view the Valentine's Day Newsletter

Manticore, Sister Psyche to Wed!

On Thursday, February 14th, 2008 Paragon City™ will rejoice in a celebration of love and union between two of its luminary Heroes. Manticore™ and Sister Psyche™ will celebrate their devotion to each other with a very special live wedding ceremony to be held on the Training Room (test server). The Heroes will be controlled in real life by Sean Dornan-Fish, the man behind the Manticore persona, and his wife Jennifer Dornan-Fish. Matt “Positron™” Miller will be on hand to officiate the ceremony, along with many other signature characters from the City of Heroes® universe.

Beginning at 3:00PM PST (6:00 PM EST) on the Training Room, and repeating for the next 3 hours, we will present the wedding ceremony live. We invite anyone who is interested to come out and partake in the festivities! However, please keep in mind that each presentation of the ceremony will only accommodate approximately one hundred participants. Gaining access to the wedding event will be simply the luck of the draw for those in the zone when it begins. Heroes and Villains, look for the ushers in Atlas Park and Mercy Island™ (there is one usher in each zone).

Spring Fling Begins Feb. 14th!

Valentine’s Day also kicks off this year’s annual Spring Fling event, including DJ Zero’s Pocket D Jubilee. Just head over to Pocket D, the space between Paragon and the Rogue Isles™, where DJ Zero will be playing host again. Ganymede, Emissary of the God Eros, will be back, hoping to harness the primordial force of love, allowing Hero and Villain alike to lay down arms and join together to complete a host of missions.

Outside of the Pocket D, and in conjunction with the live Wedding event, players will find new Hero and Villain contacts in Atlas Park™ and Mercy Island. Sela Vermont, wedding coordinator of Manticore and Sister Psyche, sends Heroes on a special wedding gift reconnaissance mission while Zev Scalamore, under direction of Arachnos, enlists Villains to do his dirty work.

Event Timing:
Start: Thursday, February 14th,
8:59am PST / 11:59am EST

Finish: Thursday, February 28th,
8:59pm PST / 11:59pm EST

New City of Heroes Wedding Pack

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we are excited to introduce the City of Heroes Wedding Pack! Available for $9.99 on the PlayNC® Store, this pack includes two new formal wedding costumes and four celebratory character emotes, offering Heroes and Villains the tools to celebrate in style!

Click here to learn more.

NOTE: The wedding veil on the current live version 16.200801222.5T2 is not displaying correctly. It should appear as mostly see through, like real lace. The current version is mostly filled in. This will be corrected in a coming update.

For those who purchase the Wedding Pack, the list of costume items includes:

2 Tuxedo Jackets with tails For Male, Female, Huge
2 Sleeve options for the tuxedo jacket.

Wedding Dress for Female Models
2 chest options
1 Glove
2 Boot options
Bridal Skirts
1 Hair Style with bridal veil

Extra Female Costume Items
"Excess Plus" for Chest and Hips
"Hearts Plus" for Chest and Hips
"Angelic Plus" for Chest and Hips

[/ QUOTE ]someo ne make a video and put it on you tube i dont mess with test server since the free lvl 40s were taken away

"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."




The costume parts are *gorgeous*. They're not just useful for "wedding" (my god, and you're complaining THEY should come into the 21st century?) - they're viable costumery.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I should be more clear: Wedding bimbos without Wedding himbos. Where's the shirtless open formal vest? The tuxedo shorts? The hearts boxers? The fishnet briefs with banana hammock? The bicep leather band? The set of common arm and torso tattoos? The sleeveless formal cuffs? The tights with a tuxedo pattern? The loincloth? The formal shirt open to the navel?

[/ QUOTE ]

Im sorry I thought we actually agreed on something.


I want a POOFY LONG SKIRT or even Poofy Long to below the Knee.

I REALLY dont want everyone of my characters to look the same.. if is a skirt its the longest one. Why? Because my characters are heroes.



I'm not gonna directly quote from the newsletter, but here are the basics....

1) The actual Wedding event
It is gonna be on the Test Server, on Thursday Starting at 5PM CST. 3 groups, up to 100, are gonna be invited and each event looks to last an hour. The other V-Day stuff is gonna be on the regular Servers...

2) The V-Day events from last year are gonna be active. Those are in Pocket D.

3) New V-Day events are gonna be available from contacts in Atlas and Mercy that tie into the wedding, I think.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for the Time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



A thought occurs: (And I don't feel like reading all 27 pages to this point so my apologies if this has been brought up already...) the 100 person limit... is that per-server or gamewide? The reason I ask is... could this possibly be a veiled (No pun intended) attempt at testing out a cross-server functionality on the sexy new server hardware? Or, will they be going to each server in order and acting out the ceremony or what?

I don't know but it'd be pretty neat if this were a prelude to a "serverless" experience that was alluded to a while back.

PS I'm not really interested in the new emotes / costumes so I won't be spending my cash on it but more power to ya'll that are.

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It's on the test server....

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

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